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All Grown Up

Page 3

by Tori Carson

  A shy smile crossed her face. “I’d like a puppy.”

  One more problem solved. “You don’t miss the skyscrapers and nightlife?”

  She shook her head. “I always felt out of place. I’m a Southern girl, Steven. Put me in jeans and a tank top and I’m right at home.” She shrugged. “When I need to, I can rock the slinky cocktail dress and stilettoes, but they aren’t my comfort zone.”

  It didn’t matter what Brianna wore, she was a knockout. He remembered all those corporate dinners he’d dragged her to. She’d never once complained, but she hadn’t been excited by them either. He decided to up the ante. “And if I said I wanted children?”

  “I’m not opposed to the idea, but we’d need to wait until we knew we could provide a steady, loving home before we bring a baby into the mix.”

  Steven’s heart was hammering in his chest. Brianna 2.0 had spoken her mind without hesitation. He kissed the top of her head and rocked her back and forth. “Good girl.”

  “Do you have any other stipulations?” She sounded comfortable and relaxed.

  “Who sponsored your visit tonight?” He needed to get his head together. He was rushing into this without fully thinking through any of the consequences. She’d said he’d scened with her best friend…he needed to know just how messy and awkward this was going to get. He wasn’t giving her up, so he needed to go into this with a battle plan.

  He’d watched Sean run into a nightmare when he decided to get serious with Michelle. A few of the subs had taken out their disappointment on his woman. Steven wasn’t having any of that shit. Brianna would be safe no matter what.

  “No one, as an employee I have full rights.”

  “What?” He was the fucking manager of the place. It was his job to hire and fire. The only time Sean had stepped on his toes was with Michelle, and even then he’d met her before she’d officially been given the job.

  “Michelle hired me to handle the social media sites while she’s taking finals. I had the impression Sean was strong-arming her into hiring someone. She really doesn’t want to relinquish control. I had to accept a ridiculous contract before she would hire me and technically, I’m just a contract employee. The only benefit I received was a temporary membership. Other than that, I got completely screwed on the deal.”

  Steven hadn’t realized Michelle had the power to hire anyone. He wasn’t particularly pleased with that bit of information, but he couldn’t fault Michelle’s choice. Brianna had been intuitive and business savvy. He doubted that had changed in the time they’d been apart. “I’m sure you’ll do a great job. Michelle has been increasing our internet presence since she’s come onboard and our membership has steadily picked up.”

  “I had such a hard time finding a decent job, I started my own company. The convenient aspect is I can do it anywhere I have an internet connection. I wish the pay was steadier, but I’m making more than enough to cover the bills and sock some away.”

  “Are you living near here?” He’d never heard her speak of the Carolinas. To think she was only a few miles away, and he hadn’t known it, didn’t sit well.

  “No, I share an apartment with Mitzi in North Carolina. After she came home and told me about your encounter, I decided I had to come down and check it out. Since I came here, I’ve been living out of an extended-stay hotel while I wrangled with Michelle. She said I could sublease her apartment, so I’ll be moving in there.” She was looking at him with trepidation.

  Did she think he would allow that? “No. Stipulation number three is you live with me. You’re not going to live in that shithole Michelle calls an apartment. It’s more like an overgrown closet. Besides, I want you with me.”

  “I want to be with you too, Steven. I’ll tell her I changed my mind.” She snuggled deeper into his chest.

  “Who is Mitzi and do you have anything else keeping you in North Carolina?” He wanted all her ties out of state severed as quickly as possible.

  Brianna pulled away and looked him in the eye. “Mitzi is my friend…you know…the one you scened with.”

  “The name doesn’t ring a bell.” Her facial expressions were a cross between outrage and humor. He’d already admitted to being a skirt chaser so what did she expect of him?

  She laughed and shook her head. “When you meet her, pretend you remember her. You knocked her socks off and a girl likes to think it’s mutual. She’s tall, blonde, thin…”

  He shrugged his shoulders. A couple of girls he’d scened with lately met that description. Although he sucked at names, he was pretty good at remembering faces. Once he saw her, he’d be able to place her. “Answer my other question. Is there anything tying you to North Carolina?”

  “I signed a lease with Mitzi that I need to uphold. I think there’s about three more months on it. Other than that, I can move down here without much trouble.”

  “Good, then we can drive up Sunday and get the rest of your things. We’ll give Mitzi your portion of the lease, then she’s on her own.”

  Since she’d be moving in with him, he figured he’d better point out a few things. “Don’t expect much from my place. I just moved in and it’s basically empty. We can decorate it together.” And if she leaves…this time just put a bullet in my head because I won’t be able to take it living in “our” home alone again.

  Brianna nodded, but was quiet for a few minutes. Steven decided to enjoy holding her in his arms and wait her out to see if she would tell him what was on her mind.

  “Steven, what exactly is your job here?” She sounded timid and he didn’t like it.

  This wasn’t the casual “so what do you do here?” No, there was a lot more meaning behind it. “What’s your real question, Brianna?” It was going to be a long battle to get her to open up, but at least she was taking baby steps.

  Brianna groaned. “Oh Steven, you’re killing me.” She began tapping her fingers on the couch.

  A small smirk touched his lips as he waited.

  “All right.” She pulled slightly away from him. “Are you going to continue scening with other women? Are you a Dom in Residence here like you were at the club in New York?” Her eyes sparkled with defiance and attitude oozed through her voice.

  Brianna needed to be able to speak to him about anything without working herself up for a fight. “That temper of yours will get you punished, pretty girl. You are capable of speaking your mind respectfully.” He watched her eyes dilate and the tension wash away as she responded to his Dom voice. Once she relaxed back against him, he continued. “That’s better. Now to answer both your questions, I’m the manager of Cat Tails. Except for you and Michelle, all the employees answer to me. And no, I will not be scening with other women. However, I am expected to put on a couple demonstrations a week now that Sean is engaged to Michelle.”

  “Will these demonstrations involve other women?” Her body was relaxed, but the tip of her fingernail was between her teeth telling him just how anxious she was.

  “It’s always been my choice who I partner with for the demonstrations. Are you comfortable scening in public?” When they’d first moved in together, he’d been a volunteer DR. She had given him several long letters hinting that he didn’t have time to pursue a leadership role in the club and he was pushing himself too hard. It had taken him awhile to figure out what the problem really had been. As soon as he had realized she considered his role as DR a threat, he had stepped down. Had she come out and told him immediately, it would have saved them both a lot of heartache.

  “With you, yes, I’m willing to be your model for demos…”

  “Good. If we’re going to give this a shot, we’re playing for keeps. Our relationship will be monogamous, Brianna. I was faithful then and I’ll be faithful now.” There wasn’t any need to push her on this subject. The only woman he’d wanted since the first time they’d scened together had been Brianna and nothing had changed.

  “Thank you, Steven. The idea of you being with another woman while we’re together kills me in

  He understood what she was saying and knew it went beyond fidelity. Brianna had had a terrible self-image and he suspected that hadn’t changed much. She’d been convinced almost every other woman on the planet had been more enticing than she was. He had no idea what happened to her image as it reflected off the mirror when seen by her eyes, but somehow it became completely skewed. She’d always been worried he’d find someone else.

  “It’s only fair. I won’t tolerate you playing with another man.” She had never been the “spread it around” type, but she liked him being possessive of her so he thought he’d make it clear. He knew he’d played it right when he felt her lips curl into a smile against his chest.

  “Steven, thank you for giving us a chance. You have no idea how sorry I am to have caused us both so much pain.”

  He held her a moment, debating how to move forward. They would have to discuss the past in order not to repeat their mistakes, but he didn’t want her to feel like she needed to continue apologizing. “What will it take for you to move past this? Do you need to be spanked or whipped?”

  Chapter Two

  Brianna knew the answer to that question, but wasn’t sure how to phrase it. If he was going to demand she speak her mind, she at least needed to get this issue out of the way. “I have a problem. I’m not comfortable calling you Steven in this setting and you mean too much to me to call you Sir. Daddy is out. So, how may I address you?”

  “As long as you understand you are my submissive and not my slave, you may call me Master.” He kissed her forehead and looked at her with love in his eyes.

  Tears were threatening to pour down her cheeks again. She tried in vain to keep them in check. “Thank you. I have dreamed of calling you my Master for so long I might need a pinch to make sure I’m not asleep.”

  “Once you answer my question, I don’t think you’ll need a pinch to tell the difference.” His voice was smooth and low, just the way she’d remembered.

  “Both please, Master.” She’d felt envious of the woman he’d whipped on stage and she needed to feel the kiss of his leather, but his hand on her ass was a pleasure she’d been denied too long. “Uhm, Master, if I may make a request… I would like an over-your-lap spanking.”

  Steven raised an eyebrow and she wasn’t sure if he was upset or pleased with her for making the suggestion. Telling him how she wanted to be punished was naughty and she was already getting wet.

  “I’ll be happy to honor your request this time and thank you for making your desires clear. Strip for me.” He dropped his arms, releasing her.

  Feeling adrift, she moved off his lap and stood in front of him. “This isn’t an easy outfit to get in or out of, Master. Would you help me?”

  “Of course.” He stood beside her and began pulling the skintight material up over her head.

  It fit as if it were suction wrapped around her and she feared she had a sheen of sweat covering her body. She’d never worn it and cuddled with a man. Steven had always been hot blooded. Even in the dead of winter, snow covering the ground, icicles hanging from the eves, he’d be toasty warm. She had no idea how he managed it.

  As the air hit her exposed nipples, they hardened into tight peaks. She stood before him, hoping he liked what he saw. Since they’d been apart, she’d put on a few pounds, but he’d always complained that she needed to eat more…

  “You’re luscious, Brianna. Lose the pants. I want to see all of you.”

  His voice melted over her. God, she had missed him. As gracefully as possible, she slid the pants off and tossed them over the far arm of the couch. Trembling with anticipation, she stood, waiting for his command.

  Steven took a long, slow perusal of her body. A wicked grin touched his lips and set her pussy on fire.

  “You look fucking amazing, Brianna. Turn around,” he ordered as he dug out his cellphone.

  From the sounds, Brianna suspected he’d texted someone. After he’d laid his phone on the cushion, he stood and walked to the other side of his desk. Though she was curious, she stood quietly and waited, exactly where he’d left her.

  “You look so beautiful, Brianna, but there’s something missing.”

  “Well, nothing else was going to fit in that outfit, I can tell you that.” She heard him rummaging through a box and struggled to stand patiently. She’d forgotten the sweet feel of anticipation, of not knowing what he had planned for her. With anyone else, Brianna would have been consumed by fear, but not with Steven. She knew, with utmost certainty, her best interests were the foundation for his actions.

  “Lift your hair,” he whispered along her neck, causing chills to tickle down her spine.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “You left this behind. If it has bad memories for you we’ll replace it, but I want to see a collar around your neck at all times.”

  Without looking, she knew exactly what he’d placed around her neck. For months after she’d left, she’d continued to reach up and try to touch his collar. He’d spent a small fortune on the gold serpentine piece. Steven had it custom fit to her neck and had the jeweler add a locket with a clip for a leash.

  Brianna started to shake and the ever-present tears were again threatening to fall. He had kept it all this time. “No, Master. I have only good memories from wearing your collar. Thank you for taking care of it for me. Luckily, my neck didn’t plump up like the rest of me.” She giggled nervously.

  “You are not plump, you are gorgeous. However, you did just earn an extra five swats.”

  She tried to wear a solemn expression, but it was useless. A naughty smile crept across her face. “Thank you, Master. I will remember that in the future.” He never allowed her to make negative comments about her body.

  “See that you do.” He grabbed his toy bag from his desk and sat back down on the couch. “Present for me.”

  As she assumed the position, he began wiping down his four-foot whip. She couldn’t be sure, but it looked like the same one he’d had before. Steven was a traditionalist. He preferred the natural leather tones, instead of the bright mix of colors she’d often seen used at the clubs.

  Brianna watched as his hand stroked the whip with a cleaning cloth. She knew he kept his toys in perfect condition and this was only a tool he used to build the tension within her. And boy was it working. It had been so long since she’d been touched punitively or for pleasure that she hoped he wouldn’t keep her waiting much longer.

  “How many swats do you need, Brianna?” His voice was growing thick and gravelly.

  “My Master knows best.” She hated answering questions concerning a punishment.

  “A number, Brianna. I want you to tell me the number of swats you think you’ve earned.”

  Though his voice was stern, she knew he wasn’t really angry. Steven would never play if he wasn’t in complete control of his emotions. Still, it bothered her to have displeased him.

  “Twenty, Master, plus the five I earned for making a disparaging comment about your submissive.” She was surprised how easily they fell back into the roles, how right it felt.

  But the punishment had her a little worried. She hadn’t been spanked in six years and she wasn’t sure if she could take twenty-five, yet she didn’t want to minimize the pain she’d caused him either.

  “Thank you for answering me. However, I believe you need thirty, plus the extra five. I consider that to be extremely lenient. It’s only five swats per year you’ve been away. What is your safeword?”

  Brianna swallowed hard. Damn, thirty-five swats? Steven wasn’t playing around. “My safeword is 404, as always.” She made her living using the computer so it made sense that the error message she hated most was her safeword.

  Steven smiled. He coiled his whip and laid it in his bag. Spreading his legs and holding out his arms, he gave her a silent signal to come to him.

  She knew what he wanted and though she was worried, she immediately lay across his left leg. Steven placed a hand under her chest and helped ease h
er facedown on the couch then locked his leg over hers to hold her securely.

  Her heart was hammering in her chest. She’d never safeworded before and she was afraid she couldn’t take that many swats. The fear of disappointing him had always kept her quiet. A small part of her worried if she stopped him, he’d find someone else. Someone who was better suited to his kinky appetite.

  Not that she didn’t love it, she did, but sometimes his play was a little more intense than she was comfortable with. There was no doubt in her mind, not even a small one, that he would stop immediately if she safeworded, but she still couldn’t bring herself to do it.

  She moaned as he caressed her. She’d missed his touch so much. What a fool she’d been. It didn’t matter if it hurt like hell, she’d take the thirty-five swats. Every last one of them.

  “Put your hands behind your back, one on top of the other. Are you okay with me binding them? It’ll make it easier for you to hold this position.” His Dom voice was back in place.

  “I have no problem with you restraining me in any way, Master.” Apparently, he meant it when he said he wanted a new interest inventory completed. In the past, he’d restrained her many different ways and she’d loved them all. Though she understood why he was taking nothing for granted, she just hoped they could move past these issues quickly. More than anything, she wanted to feel safe and secure in their relationship again.

  Steven’s warm hands wrapped a silky piece of material around her wrists several times before tying it. He was right. It was much easier to hold with the bindings. “Thank you, Master.”

  “You’re welcome, pretty girl. I won’t have you count this time, but I do ask that you release a bit of the guilt you’ve got locked inside you with each swat. Once the punishment is over, you’ll have no reason to apologize again. Do you understand?”

  His softer tone helped her relax and prepare for the swats. “Yes, Master, and thank you.” It was odd, but she accepted the fact that she needed a spanking. When her mind was in chaos mode, a spanking, flogging, or whipping was about the only thing that would rein it in. It made no sense, but it was true.


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