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Saving the Bear (Bear Kamp Book 4)

Page 5

by Rachel Robins

  He caught her hand and then slid it down her body. Her eyes locked on his, wide but willing. He continued to pump into her. When he got to her core he brought two of her fingers into his mouth and suckled. Then he placed them on the spot he knew would drive her crazy. He didn’t have to show her what to do then. Watching her touch herself while he was deep inside of her drove him crazy with pleasure. Her eyes never left his while she moaned softly in the back of her throat.

  “I’m so close, Rick,” she panted.

  He leaned down and kissed her. He felt her walls tighten around him and her legs begin to shake. She squeezed tight and screamed his name. Rick slammed inside of her one final time, releasing himself deep within the one woman he never thought he’d find: his mate.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Stella blinked. Their mate bond had been solidified physically. She could feel it down in her soul. Tears sprang into her eyes when she realized that not only was Rick still inside of her, but they were back in his house.

  “Rick! You’re home! We’re home! Oh my God!” Stella sobbed as she pulled Rick flat against her.

  Relief like she had never known filled her. They had fulfilled the first hurdle and gotten him home. Rick started to lift himself up and look around. He seemed confused at first, and then he looked down at Stella. Tears continued to flow down her face.

  “Shh, baby. We’re safe. We’re together. That’s all that matters to me,” Rick whispered, pulling himself out of her. He laid down on his back and pulled her onto his chest.

  “I know. I’m just so happy. I’ve never felt as crazy as I have been since you disappeared at the bar,” Stella said as she caressed his chest, savoring the feel of it against her fingertips.

  “I don’t understand. How did she keep me from going feral?”

  “She bought you time by sending you to another place and erasing your memories. With no memory of me, the curse on you couldn’t take place.”


  Stella explained to him all about the curse. He tensed when she told him about Arriell. When she was done, she rolled on top of him and looked down at him. Anger was radiating off of him, but Stella stayed where she was. She laid her head down on his chest and listened to his rhythmic heartbeat.

  “Arriell was in Carolina,” he finally said.

  “If what she wants is you, I wonder why she hasn’t killed me yet?” Stella pondered out loud.

  “Who knows? None of this seems to add up.”

  “Maybe it’s time we go down and talk to Grandma together,” Stella said.

  Rick nodded, and they finally dragged themselves away from each other and got dressed. Stella drove them back over to Jasper’s. Everybody was still there, and Justin and Veronica had arrived as well. When Stella first walked in, they couldn’t tell Rick was behind her. Then she stepped out of the way and everyone jumped up at once.

  Everyone was talking simultaneously, and trying to hug Rick. He seemed a bit overwhelmed, but Stella knew it was good for his bear to feel the connection between him and his pack mates after being separated for so long. When everyone finally calmed down and sat back down she went back to Rick’s side. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her against his side.

  “Stella’s been catching me up on everything,” he finally said.

  “You’ve got one tough mate,” Jasper said.

  Rick nodded and looked down lovingly at Stella. She blushed and leaned into his side. She didn’t feel like she deserved any praise. At least not until Rick was in the clear for good.

  “What do we do now?” Austin said.

  Usually everyone would look to Austin or Grandma when they asked that question. This time everyone looked to Stella. She knew she should probably have some sort of game plan, but past getting Rick home, she hadn’t thought of much else.

  Before she could respond her phone rang in her pocket. Her palms began to sweat and rage built up inside of her when she saw that it was an unknown caller.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  “Well, well, well. I guess you have a backbone in that weak little body after all,” the woman hissed.

  “You don’t take what’s mine without a fight,” Stella responded.

  “What’s yours, huh? He’s been mine much longer.”

  “Arriell? Is that you? If you need me gone, why haven’t you tried to kill me yet?” Stella yelled.

  Then a thought crossed Stella’s mind. If Arriell was able to, she would have killed Stella by now. Something or someone was stopping her.

  “You can’t, can you? You’re not powerful enough to come after me. The person who is won’t let you.”

  “I see you’ve been talking to Grandma.”

  With that the woman hung up the phone. Stella pulled her phone back and looked at it. She yelled in frustration then. More than anything she wanted to throw it across the room, but if the woman was making contact, maybe they could get some piece of vital information from her.

  “What just happened?” Emma asked.

  Stella realized everybody was waiting for her to fill them in. She started to explain how the woman had called, but then a flash ripped through the middle of the room. Suddenly a woman surrounded by a purple haze stood there. She didn’t turn to confront Stella or Rick, but instead went to stand directly in front of Grandma. Before anybody could react, the woman zapped Grandma in the chest with magic, and then was gone as fast as she came.

  Grandma crumpled to the ground in the midst of the screams and cries from everyone rushing to her. Stella felt the world get kicked out from under her feet. She fell to the ground and screamed.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Rick watched as chaos surrounded him. Stella hit the ground, distraught with rage and pain. His friends were swarming Grandma. He couldn’t seem to bring himself to do anything but stand there. If everything Stella had told him was true, he was the reason all this was happening. Rick wasn’t sure how, but being with Rachel all those years ago had started a revenge attack on the people he currently cared about.

  He crouched down by Stella and tried to comfort her. His bear was angry, but the man felt responsible. Then a voice filled his mind.

  “Come to me, Rick.” He looked around, but nobody was looking in his direction.

  He shook it off and wrapped Stella up in his arms.

  “Stella, come on. You need to see if you can do something. You can’t have a breakdown now,” said Veronica, Justin’s mate, pulling Stella to her feet. Rick growled at the human female, but Stella patted his hand for him to release her.

  “It’s fine, she’s right. I need to see what I can do,” Stella said, straightening her shoulders and making her way to Grandma.

  As Rick watched her, he felt a pull to go outside. After a quick look around to make sure nobody would notice him slipping out, he inched towards the door. Once he was outside he made his way around to the back of his house. Arriell was standing there, waiting. She hadn’t noticed him coming up behind her yet. Then Rick saw another woman. He recognized her from somewhere. Whatever Arriell had said frightened the woman, and then just as quickly as she had come she was gone.

  Realization dawned on him then. The woman in front of him was Rachel. He hadn’t seen her since he had been young and gullible. He had believed she was his mate. When her eyes caught his he could see the fear and surprise. Had she been in with Arriell from the beginning? Maybe she was as big a pawn in everything as he was.

  “What do you want?” he asked, crossing his arms more to keep himself from shifting than anything.

  “You know what I want, Rick,” she said coyly, taking a step towards him.

  “I have a mate. Cut the act. I know you don’t want this any more than I do.”

  “She’s not your mate, not completely yet. There’s still time for us.”

  “Enough!” he roared, closing the distance between them. He grabbed her shoulders and gave her a shake. “If you tell me what is really going on
, we may be able to help you. Just be honest.”

  For a brief moment, he saw a flash of hope cross Rachel’s face. Then she quickly hooded her emotions again. He released her and turned to walk back in the house.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” she called.

  “I’m going inside to my pack. As long as you continue to cower in fear to whoever is responsible for this, you’re of no use to me.”

  He felt her hesitation. She wanted to confide in him, but she was afraid. Then he heard her footsteps gain on him.

  “Wait. Can your healer cast a protection spell?” she whispered.

  “I’m sure. Come with me,” he said, grabbing her hand to make sure she didn’t change her mind.

  Rick dragged her into the house. Stella was no longer in the living room with everyone. She must have had them take Grandma to a bedroom. Everyone went silent when Rachel came into view. Jasper jumped up then.

  “Rachel, what are you doing here?” he asked.

  “You know her?” Rick asked, finally releasing Rachel’s hand.

  “She’s my secretary,” Jasper said, never taking his glowing eyes off of Rachel.

  Rick couldn’t hide the shock on his face. Emma joined them and a low growl rumbled from her chest.

  “Please, I can explain. Rick said you may be able to help me if I explain.” Rachel started to back away from the group of angry shifters.

  Tears brimmed in her eyes. Rick tried to care that she was afraid, but after everything he had been through he wasn’t sure he could. Stella came down the stairs then, sobbing.

  “She’s gone. Grandma’s gone,” she sobbed, seeking out Rick for comfort.

  When Stella’s eyes finally landed on him, he started towards her. A quick glance to his right and Stella instantly changed. Her grief was replaced with a raw hatred. Her body started to shake. Stella raised her hands and her eyes glowed. Rick could feel the magic pulsating in the room. Whatever Stella’s emotions were conjuring up, it wasn’t going to be good. He ran to her, but was too late. With a cry fit for a warrior, she cast out her magic straight at Rachel. The room vibrated with it, and all the shifters shifted immediately. Rachel cried out and threw her hands up to block the attack.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Rage like she had never felt raced through her body. A barrier of some kind blocked Stella’s attack on Rachel. Stella advanced on the woman. Rick’s bear moved in front of her. He was a brave man to try and get in between her and the woman who had dared to take him from Stella. Stella motioned for him to move aside, but he refused.

  His eyes were pools of emotions. Her own emotions were wrecked from having lost Grandma. She was tired of the fight. She dropped to her knees in front of Rick’s bear. Her fingers sunk into his silky fur and she cried. Rick nuzzled against her face. When Stella finally pulled herself back she looked around them. The shifters had changed back into their human forms. The women’s eyes were red and swollen from tears. Stella realized she wasn’t the only one hurt by the loss of Grandma. She also wasn’t the only one angry.

  She stood up and waited for Rick to shift. Rick left the room to shift, and came back in shirtless but with sweat pants on. Stella took a minute to appreciate the perfection of his body. Then she turned back to Rachel who was still cowering in the corner.

  “If you are not helpful to me, to us, I will kill you,” Stella warned.

  Rick lifted her into his arms and sat them down on a chair. His hand stroked her back. Stella could feel some of the pain and anger starting to dissipate with his touch.

  “She’s right. Speak now, and it had better be the truth,” Rick confirmed.

  Rachel walked a bit further into the room and looked around. Emma refused to meet her eyes, but Jasper glared at her. The woman must have thought better of getting any closer. She stopped and turned to Stella.

  “I need a protection spell cast around this room,” she whispered.

  Stella had to think. She had seen Grandma cast one before. Pain ripped through her heart as she thought back to the elderly woman and the words she had spoken to cast the protection spell. Stella lifted her arms just as she pictured Grandma doing in her mind. Then she spoke the words softly. Grandma had told her it was important to speak them softly. Once she was finished she could feel the magic working in the room. She nodded to Rachel.

  “I’m not sure where to start,” the woman said, licking her lips and taking a deep breath. “My name is Rachel. Or at least it has been for so long, I don’t remember my real name. I’m a chameleon. He’s used magic on me for so long that I’m not sure how old I even am.”

  “If you’re looking for sympathy, this probably isn’t the group of people to go to,” Emma sneered.

  “That’s not what I’m after. I’ve done more bad than good. I don’t deserve for any of you to feel sorry for me. If it means anything at all, Emma, I am truly sorry I had to lie to you. You were the first person in a long time that was nice to me.”

  “It means nothing. For the record, I regret it now,” Emma said, finally turning her hateful gaze on Rachel.

  Stella couldn’t say she blamed her daughter.

  Rachel took another deep breath and continued. “The night that I first met Rick was the night I found out I was a chameleon. I remember being out with friends and a woman approaching us. She was beautiful, and nice. We danced and partied with her for a while. The next thing I remember, I woke up in an apartment with her beside the bed. She told me I had done well for my first night, and that our master would be pleased. I started freaking out because I had no idea what she was talking about. The next thing I knew she transported us to a room with a man there. I’ve been stuck with that man ever since. Somedays I remember the person I am, and who I use to be. Other days I’m just Rachel, his chameleon that does his dirty work.”

  “What’s his name?” Austin asked.

  “He says he loves me, and that I’m his chosen one. Some days he’s loving and kind. Most days he’s not,” Rachel sobbed.

  Stella watched Rachel. If Rachel had been with the man as long as she said she had been, then she knew the power of a name. Anyone messing with dark magic would know the danger of speaking a name. Rachel chewed on her lip, confirming Stella’s thoughts.

  Stella stood and walked over to Rachel. Rachel took a nervous step back, but Stella grabbed her hand.

  “It’s okay, Rachel. I don’t know if we can actually help you, but if we’re going to find out, I need his name. If you allow me to connect with you, I can find it in your memories, then that way you won’t be the one to speak it.”

  “You know then?” Rachel asked.

  “Yes, I know the power of speaking a name. He would know it was you, even with my protection spell. This man, he and I have unfinished business anyways. I will speak it, after you have left.”

  “I’m going to leave?” Tears welled in the young woman’s eyes. Now that her chameleon cloak was set aside, Stella just saw a young woman who was scared and lost. Her heart went out to Rachel, and she was determined to help her if possible.

  “Yes, you’ll have to go back to him. If you stay, he’ll kill you. If we’re going to free you from him for good, we will need to be smarter than him.”

  Rachel nodded, and then Stella felt Rachel free her thoughts. Stella picked through Rachel’s memories and tried not to cringe at some of the more horrific ones. The woman hadn’t been exaggerating when she said she had done terrible things. Stella could feel Rachel’s true self still alive and well, even though she was hidden under the chameleon Rachel. Then the man came into view, and his name rang clear in Stella’s mind. She pulled back from Rachel’s hands and looked at her with horror.

  “You know now,” Rachel said as the tears that had brimmed in her eyes finally started to fall.

  “Is it all a lie?” Stella questioned.

  “I don’t know,” Rachel said, shaking her head.

  Stella looked over at Rick and his pack, her pack now, too. The name wou
ld change more than she thought they were prepared for. She squeezed Rachel’s hand.

  “Go now,” Stella said, releasing the protection spell.

  Rachel was gone instantly. Stella turned and saw all eyes on her. She took a deep breath and tried to think of the best way to avoid their question.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Rick held Stella in his arms as they laid in bed. All hell had broken loose when she had refused to speak the man’s name. Rick had wanted to know the name more than anyone else, but he knew Stella had a reason for withholding the information. He also knew she needed time to grieve for Grandma. They all did.

  Stella had performed a beautiful passing over ceremony, and Emma had spoken beautifully about her grandmother. Anger had taken a back seat throughout the ceremony, but Rick could still feel the tension as everyone said their goodbyes. Tomorrow they would come in search of the name.

  “Stop worrying,” Stella said as she stroked his chest.

  “How do you know I’m worrying?”

  “You’re thinking awful loud.”

  He chuckled and she smiled against his chest. He wished they could just be in peace. Laughing as they lay together in bed. Waking up just to make love to each other. The way Rick had imagined his life when he found his mate. Instead there was turmoil and unknown. So many unknowns.

  “Are you going to the casino tomorrow?” Stella asked, bringing his thoughts back to the present.

  “I hadn’t thought of it. I’m sure things are going smoothly there.”

  “Dave does great, but he needs a lot of encouragement.”

  Rick glanced down at her in surprise. “How do you know that?”

  “Well, the guys were all busy with their own businesses. They tried to keep up with the casino while you were gone, but it was too much. So I stepped in and helped Dave keep things afloat.”

  “You?” he asked in surprise.

  “Yes, me. There wasn’t much to it. Just approving invoices, and putting out small fires like housekeeping problems and new member welcomes.”


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