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The Best of Roger Frank Selby

Page 3

by Roger Frank Selby

  She understood it all. It had to be true. Instead of shattering her world, it made it real at last. The very basis of the life she had been taught to live was exposed as the sham she’d always suspected it to be.

  She had to escape somehow, and this wonderful man was the key. ‘Why do you tell me all this, Examiner?’

  ‘Don’t call me that. That is just my function. I’d rather you spoke my name.’

  ‘What isyour name?’

  He hesitated. ‘Call me John.’

  ‘John, you are a fine man.’

  He didn’t answer. Perhaps he could tell that she was well on the way to loving him, as many women must have before her.

  ‘What about the Master?’ she asked, looking across to the old man.

  ‘I have sent him into a deep sleep with the probe … he won’t even know that it was used on him.’ The Examiner shook his head. He looked so unhappy.

  She stretched a comforting arm around his broad back. ‘So you will leave me here and return empty-handed to High Lord Sevolian?’ As he nodded she came to a decision. Thoughts of Gareth had long faded from her mind. ‘Examine me as you did the others. You will not need the probe – I want to have the memory of the experience. Let me remember what you did and then take me with you to Sevolian’s castle. I’ll take my chances there – I can’t stay here any longer.’

  A loud peal of thunder broke overhead and rumbled slowly away into the distance. A heavy drumming began. The afternoon rains had arrived early. They sat in silence for a while.

  ‘Very well, Andromeda, we’ll begin your examination…’

  He stood, and she rose to face him.

  ‘At this point I ask if you would like to …’ he felt ludicrously embarrassed.

  A wry smile crossed her face. ‘Take off this robe?’ She opened it and let it slip from her shoulders to the floor. From vast experience he knew how she would look, and yet the actual sight of her body aroused him deeply. Womanly perfection. Her pointing nipples (just a little darker and larger than he had imagined) held out high, breasts swinging slightly as she breathed. He could never allow another man’s hand to touch this piece of heaven.

  ‘I suppose now you feel my breasts?’ She was smiling, aware of her power, swaying her body slightly.

  ‘I measure you next Andromeda, so please stand still,’ he said thickly. He fumbled with the recorder like an inexperienced boy. He gently pressed it over the creamy white flesh of her breasts, over each nipple that firmed with its contact, and into the deep valley between.

  ‘Couldn’t you get my size and form from a holovid of me?’

  ‘How do you know of holovids?’

  ‘Whispers, underground talk … other villages must be the same, surely?’

  ‘The ’vid comes later, but it doesn’t measure …’ He was absurdly embarrassed again.

  ‘Softness,’ she supplied, pushing her left breast deep into his hands. He felt yielding firmness, his long fingers cupping automatically around her flesh, her nipple pushing hard against his palm. He almost lost control with his wish to suck and bite that dark focus of his desire. He felt his body stiffen and rise in anticipation of a service an Examiner was forbidden to perform. The hardness was uncomfortably restrained by his robes.

  As he let go of the squeezed breast, the white finger-marks persisted around the dark central disc. Both breasts seemed to look at him like big brown eyes. Her real, grey eyes held him for a second before their mouths and bodies came together. He gripped her waist. Their tongues met. His hands slipped lower, sliding over the skin of her hips, squeezing the cheeks of her buttocks. He pulled back abruptly.

  ‘Andromeda,’ he said harshly, ‘Have you had lovers?’ The bad question was deliberate. With a lesser woman it would have killed the sex there and then, bringing back memories and past promises.

  ‘Oh, John … Not as you would define it, no. I was betrothed to a boy away on the Crusades …’

  ‘Was? Your file says you arebetrothed.’ His voice was still harsh.

  ‘Not after today.’ Looking up into his eyes she moved against him, pressing her body against the hard outline she could clearly feel through his robe. ‘I knew there would be a file. What else does it say?’

  ‘It says that you are highly intelligent – the brightest person in the village, in fact.’

  ‘That is hardly a compliment in thisvillage!’ Her hands slipped under his robes and closed around him, feeling his length. The rains were drumming harder on the roof as he let her free him from his cloth. Soon he stood as naked as she. Her touch was delicious. He saw her frightened look as she gently cradled the dangerous weapon in her hands. Despite her great boldness she was inexperienced. She lightly traced a finger around the taut, curving head. Her mouth opened in a soft gasp. ‘John, you are so big; how can you go inside me?’

  ‘I must notgo inside you, Andromeda.’

  It would be the end for both of them if Sevolian ever found out, he explained.

  ‘Unless you took me for wife?’

  ‘You aredesperate to escape this village!’

  ‘No. I want you, and I want to leave this prison.’ She squatted down. Very deliberately, she drew the head of his penis up to her mouth, kissed the glistening tip while laying the shaft along her right breast. As her lips enveloped him he cradled her breast, pushing its projecting nipple under his sac, against the very root of his shaft where it curved up into his body.

  There was a change in the room; the drone of conversation had stopped, leaving only the subdued roar of the rain. Then the Study clock slowly chimed the fourteen strokes of noon – or midnight. He was so tired, but this was the signal he must obey. He opened his eyes. He saw the woman. He remembered how the Examiner had let him handle her delicious body.

  He saw her long bare back with the cascading hair dark upon it, her slim waist and broad heart-shaped bottom as she knelt before the naked man. Her left breast was pushed out sideways by his thigh … the man’s hanging fingers were stroking the standing nipple … she was sucking on him.

  The sex began and there was no turning back. She’d experimented a little with Gareth, so this was not quite her first time.

  She drank the early fluid that oozed deep into her mouth as he gently explored her breasts, her thighs, her buttocks and the folds between. She began to moan. Eventually, she pulled her lips away, sucking and licking the tip as another drop welled out. She ran it along her lips with her tongue as she fixed her grey eyes on his. ‘Now fuck me, John,’ she whispered.

  She had released him. By the Disciple! He caught a fantastic glimpse of her as she turned, dropping onto her hands and knees, hair cascading forward, now hiding the tips of her magnificent tits as they brushed the carpet. The Examiner had seized her offered up buttocks and was lining up his long cock to take her from behind.

  He spread her bottom wide and engaged the head against her inner lips. He held still for a moment as she squirmed and rolled to sit back on the tip of him.

  Then he moved. She cried out as he began to penetrate her. The cry faded to a long moan of pleasure. She was tight but smoothly yielding as his shaft slid slowly in. He could feel the muscle mass of each buttock separating as he pushed in deeper.

  He shimmied her bottom with his hands and she began rolling it around his shaft, allowing him to slip in even further. He felt gently under her lips and caressed the flesh that rose to his fingertips. She was moaning again as she finally filled to her limit.

  Then he began his long deep strokes, grasping her buttocks, her waist, her big swinging breasts as they came to hand. Her head was way down as he rode her hard; she seemed to be watching his hanging sac slapping against her. On and on he went, until her moans became more urgent cries.

  As she began her climax, she reached back and held him. He tried to hold back, but the howling, bucking woman milking him would not be denied. The first full ejaculation leapt from him. Her squirming, rolling buttocks began a faster motion, and every few seconds another spurt shot into her.
She cried out as he kept thrusting deep, the semen finally overflowing, running down the inside of her legs.

  They were still locked together when the Master joined them. In disbelief John saw him grasp and knead the glistening globes of Andromeda’s hanging breasts, slap and smack her buttocks.

  ‘Myturn now Brother! Let meride the bitch!’

  Andromeda felt the extra hands on her body and began to scream. The Master recoiled; probably amazed he was no longer invisible to the woman.

  John’s first impulse was to kill. Instead he grabbed the jewelled crown and planted it hard on the Master’s head.

  * * *

  The trees dropped away below, churning from the gale of lift-off.

  ‘John, I still don’t understand.’

  ‘What don’t you understand?’ Their voices were raised against the roar of the rotors. The roaring diminished somewhat as he transitioned to forward flight. He briefly glanced sideways to see her expression. ‘Why I gave him those jewels from the probe? It cannot erase the memory of something he saw when not wearing it – I had to buy his silence.’

  ‘No, I understand bribery and blackmail, but how are you going to explain the loss to Lord Sevolian?’

  ‘Those stones are there for many contingencies. I’m not just examining women, I find out a lot about the Master and his village.’

  ‘I see. So the Master has failed a test?’

  ‘No, not at all. I can see that he runs the village reasonably well. He’s not cruel, just greedy. The realtest will be when I see how he spends his new-found wealth.’

  She thought for a moment as the craft settled into cruising flight. ‘Will I be able to see you at the Castle?’

  ‘From time to time we should glimpse one another, but I have a heavy schedule of work. This may be the last time we are together in total privacy.’ He switched the autopilot to Command Mode, and after a quick glance around the panel he turned his full attention to her. ‘You can unbuckle now.’

  He led her to the luxurious padded area behind the flight seats. It was much quieter back here. They could look out on the endless forest passing far below.

  She kissed him as he opened her clothes and released her breasts into his hands. Soon the lovers were naked and he was slipping deep inside her body again.

  When he was totally her master and she fully his mistress, she asked him, ‘Who are you, John?’

  ‘I am the Examiner.’

  ‘Yes I know, but you’re more than that.’

  She will never disappoint me, he thought. ‘You aresmart, Andromeda.’

  ‘By the Disciple! You! You’re Sevolian, aren’t you?’

  He smiled.

  Three’s A Cloud

  ‘Come in Andy,’ said Bill. ‘Take a seat and don’t look so worried!’

  The Production Engineer of Swallow Fitness UK Limited, was lanky and quite handsome in the eyes of Olga but she pretended to study her clipboard as he folded into the armchair opposite her, facing the boss. ‘I’ll come straight to the point, sales are still crap and I have to let more people go.’

  Andy jerked upright.

  ‘But not you! I’d sooner close this factory down and start up again with just you, me and Olga. But keep that under your hat.’

  Andy appeared to relax again, but gave Olga a dark look. Maybe he was jealous at her inclusion – after all, she’d only been here a couple of weeks. The boss was probably just being polite in her company.

  ‘There’s a chance of that then, Bill?’

  ‘There is. More than a chance, it’s a near certainty, unless we can come up with something really special. I’ve made the classic mistake of not diversifying my business enough.’

  ‘But we make four completely different types of exercise bike.’

  ‘Exactly, Andy. All exercise bikes! I should have branched out into other types of machine – or maybe equipment in a different market that uses similar production methods.

  ‘Olga has come up with an, er, idea.’ Bill began to look embarrassed. ‘It’s a pretty wild one, Andy, but it might just be our salvation …’ He glanced sideways at Olga and blushed deeply. She had an impulse to cuddle him like a little boy.

  Andy seemed annoyed. ‘With respect, Olga hasn’t been here five minutes. She’s just a temporary worker … I mean she hasn’t accumulated the in-house experience to know which way we should go, product-wise …’ He didn’t look in her direction.

  What a scheisse!but she let Bill do her talking for her.

  ‘A naturally cautious reaction, Andy, but we must throw caution to the wind! We have to come up with something radical – and this could be it. Olga used to work in Hamburg. Something she once saw over there gave her this idea … Hamburg can be a pretty wild town, you know …’ Bill’s embarrassment at her idea began to exceed his enthusiasm. ‘Anyway; Olga can show you … Give you all the “ins and outs” – in the production office.’

  Ins and outs? she thought – With Andy’s hostile attitude? But she smiled for Bill’s sake.

  Here was Olga in his production office, with its shiny row of exercise bikes.

  Sitting on the corner of his own desk, away from his respected boss, Andy adopted his normal cocky style. ‘So what’s with this Hamburg connection, Olga? Why was the boss so coy? Not about sex, is it?’ Her enigmatic smile faded a little. He pressed on. ‘Are we about to make sex equipment?’

  ‘Maybe I should not be talking to you with your rudeness today.’ But the smile remained. ‘Perhaps I should take my idea elsewhere – I am only the temporaryworker.’

  Andy was in no mood to play games. Sure, she was a very attractive girl, with all the curves very much in all the right places, but she was really pushing her power. ‘What did you do in Deutschland, Olga; did you work in the sex industry?’ That wiped the smile off her face. She swung her arm to slap him. He stood and caught the arm easily; but only just blocked the groin-seeking knee-lift that followed.

  Her attack brought him to his senses – he was harassing this beautiful woman! ‘OK, Olga I’m sorry; that was out of order.’

  ‘Insulting bastard! Let goof me – this moment!’

  ‘OK, but no more violence, promise? I haveapologised.’ He released her wrist and they separated, eyeing each other like a couple of sparring partners. ‘Suppose you show me this great idea?’

  ‘I can take you out, Mr Production Manager! I can take care of myself.’

  ‘I believe you, Olga! You nearly took care of me just then … Look, we really have got off to a bad start. Call me Andy, please? And, for Christ’s sake just show me this idea!’

  She took a deep breath and his eyes couldn’t help lifting to the rise of her breasts. They were pretty big without being too big. Probably a D-cup …

  ‘My idea starts with a two-seater machine …’

  ‘Is that it?’ he interrupted. ‘An exercise tandem? Olga, that’s old hat; it’s been tried before.’ He sat down wearily and raised his arms in dismissal. ‘They just don’t sell.’

  ‘Nein! That is not it, Mr Production Engineer!’ She strode over to the office door and seemed about to make a slam-door exit.

  She locked the door instead. Before he knew what was going on, she was pulling her blouse up over her head. Underneath was a semi-transparent white brassiere, pink nipples showing quite clearly through the material. She threw the blouse to one side, unhitched her skirt and let it drop to the floor.

  Andy’s jaw followed it.

  ‘I’m just going to show you something. Do not be frightened; nothing will happen to you.’

  She walked with long legs over to the bikes. Olga in motion was a gorgeous sight, her bra just controlling the jiggling of her well-formed breasts. She mounted the nearest bike and began pedalling. Andy watched fascinated.

  The pedalling rhythm moved her entire body in a wonderful way. Tiny, high-cut panties nicely displayed the rolling motion of her bottom, and linked by their brassiere cups, her lovely boobs bobbed around with a side-to-side oscillation.
br />   ‘Now get behind me and imagine you were sat close behind, as on a tandem,’ she ordered.

  He jumped up and did just that.

  ‘No, get closer. Imagine another set of handlebars just below my saddle, and that you’re sitting on another saddle close behind. That’s it; that’s the first stage – what I call “Normal Tandem” You would pedal too, of course.

  ‘For the second stage, those handle bars under my saddle are quickly removable. You have nothing to hold onto except me – so you hold my waist.’ He held her slim waist while the orbs of her bottom rolled below – with panty material beginning to twist up into the valley between them. He felt his body becoming embarrassingly interested.

  ‘Your hands go no higher, Andy – but imagine we were both without the clothes. What could you touch and hold from that position during second stage?’

  She was way ahead of him. He mentally got a grip on himself. He so wanted to get a grip on her, those luscious tits wobbling around, just inches above his hands ‘Every part of you Olga! And the thirdstage?’

  ‘My saddle is removed completely, like this.’ Her bottom lifted from the saddle and moved rearwards, swaying as she rode just above his lap. His discomfort was becoming painful as his growing cock tried to drill through his jeans to get between those mobile cheeks. ‘Now there is nothing at all to stop the man behind from entering the bare, pedalling woman! So what do you think of that,Mr Production Engineer?’

  ‘I have to admit it Bill, it’s a killer idea. The tandem is not an obvious sex machine until you see a woman like Olga riding – then wow, you can see the concept straight away! The best approach to fabrication would be as an add-on kit … Bill?’ Bill had a strange, hypnotised look.

  ‘Sorry, Andy. I was just visualising Olga riding that bike. She must have looked … How far did she go?’


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