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The Wrong Brother (a perfect for you novel Book 1)

Page 14

by Amanda Siegrist

  “Cracked open, a little bit open, wide open. What’s the damn difference, Champ? You didn’t have the brains to close the damn door. Hell, you didn’t have the brains to respect the woman you were dating. Life isn’t one big joke. You can’t make a mistake and expect it to keep going your way. That’s the real problem, isn’t it? You can’t get Mia back with a flick of your wrist. Not like you can with everything else in your life. As I said, she deserves better than you.”

  Champ softened his features, rubbing his chin with a sheepish grin. “You’re right. I screwed up big time with her. I didn’t realize how special she was until I lost her. I miss her, Dane. I truly miss her. You could tell her how sorry I am. I didn’t mean to do it. It was a one-time mistake.”

  Dane stared at him, his brows pinched high. “You’re serious right now? Do you really think by sounding sincere and using pretty little words that’s going to persuade me to put in a good word for you with Mia? You’re nuts. I would never do that for you.”

  Dane walked back toward his desk before he gave in to the urge to hit his brother. The audacity he had. “I’ve gotten to know Mia since I started dating Gabriella. She’s a very nice, compassionate woman. She deserves respect. Not to be treated like garbage. I saw you look at my secretary, Ms. Wallace. You couldn’t resist glancing at her chest, or her ass as she walked out. You can’t keep it in your pants. And I doubt it was a one-time mistake. Leave Mia alone. And you better leave my secretary alone as well. She’s not someone you can toy with. She’s my secretary.”

  Champ lifted a brow as a sly smirk appeared. “Yeah, okay, she’s your secretary. So, you wanna toy with her a little? Do you want to sleep with your secretary, Dane? What about Gabby…or what do you call her…Gabriella? You would never stoop so low, would you?”

  “You have two seconds to get the hell out of my office before I do something we’ll both regret. I would never do that to Gabriella. And Ms. Wallace deserves respect as well. Get the hell out!”

  Dane pointed to his door, losing his patience with each breath he took. For once in his life, Champ didn’t continue to argue. Shuffling his feet with a quick turn, he left the office without another word.

  For added measure, he slammed the door.

  Dane sank into his chair, resting his head back. The aching tremor to see Gabriella pulsed like he needed his next breath. He swiped his phone from the desk, almost dreading to read her entire text. Suddenly, he didn’t feel like it would be a good thing.

  “So, how did it go with the boss man? Did he take it as horribly as you thought he would?” Jaxson asked, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, while still keeping a good look at the road.

  “Eyes on the road, mister. Full concentration.” Gabby snapped her fingers for him to focus. “Would it kill you once to call him by his name? You know, his real name. Dane. Try it out. It’s a great name.”

  “You’re in a snippy mood. Is it that bad you’re stuck with me working a case late into the evening instead of hanging with Dane?”

  Gabby turned her head, searing a glare his way. “The fact you used his name this time, but with a disgusting tone, does not make it better, Jaxson. What is your problem with him?”

  He shrugged, flipping the turn signal to head left at the next intersection. “What’s his problem with me? He doesn’t like me. He hasn’t since the moment he met me. You don’t see it.”

  “What I see is my best friend and boyfriend, not trying to get along. You always have an attitude when you’re around him.”

  He turned his head, his eyes bulging. “And he doesn’t? You don’t hear his attitude? What are you, blinded by love?”

  Boy, what would Jaxson say if she responded with yes?

  The word “love” flittered through her mind—and heart—constantly. It never left her mouth, though. Her relationship was going smoothly so far. She didn’t want to do anything to upset the delicate balance it was on.

  She pushed on his cheek to turn his head forward. “Eyes ahead. You know I hate it when you don’t keep your eyes on the road. That’s why I wanted to drive. Sure, I hear it in his voice, too, but I hear it from your voice first.”

  He slammed his hand on the steering wheel. “Damn it, Gabby, that’s not fair. You’re making me into the bad guy here. It’s like he’s a damn saint and can’t do anything wrong. But, oh, no, one little wrong tone coming from my mouth, and you gotta lay into me.”

  He turned left, then rubbed his hand on his thigh from hitting the steering wheel so hard. “You’re my best friend, and I feel like I’m losing you to him. You’ve never spent so much time with a guy before. I hate it. And I—”

  “Please, Jaxson, don’t say you hate him,” she said with a firm voice.

  “You hate when people interrupt you. You shouldn’t do it to others.”

  “I’m sorry.” She glanced out her window, afraid that he would see the swirling emotions embroidered on her face. “I don’t think I can hear you say you hate him. He’s become an important part of my life. I see the tension between you two and don’t know how to fix it. I see the stress on his face from work, or perhaps me wanting him not to work. That’s what he’s used to, and I’m making him stay with me. Sometimes I think I’m demanding too much of his attention, but I don’t know how to back off. I enjoy spending time with him. I’m not blinded by love.”

  Wow. When had she become such a liar?

  He sighed. “Come on, Gabs. You’re not acting like you normally do with a guy. Maybe you’re afraid to say it—hell, even think it—but you’re starting to feel the L-word.”

  When did she ever think she could get anything by Jaxson? He knew her too well. Still, she wasn’t ready to admit it out loud.

  “It’s only been a month. We’re still in the early stages of dating.” She pulled her attention away from the window to look at him. “I know you two don’t get along. And yes, I hear the attitude from Dane as well. But if you started trying harder, he would, too. You’re an important part of my life. You always will be, Jax. He knows this, and it makes him feel threatened. But I think if you tried harder, then he would, too. Is that so much to ask of my best friend?”

  He slowed down to a stop at a red light, turning his full attention to her. “A little bit, yes. I don’t want to see him hurt you. I have a feeling he could do a lot of damage. I don’t want that to happen.”

  “So, you won’t be nicer to him? You won’t try to be the bigger person in the situation?”

  He rubbed a hand down his face, groaning in despair. “I hate being the bigger person.”

  “Pouting does not become you.” She laughed to lighten the serious tension starting to fill the car. She hated the tension. When those two were together, it came in spades.

  Jaxson thankfully laughed with her, reducing the tension some more. “For you, Gabs, I’ll be nicer. I’ll drop the attitude.” He smiled sheepishly. “Or at least try.”

  She placed a tender hand on his shoulder, smiling in return. “Thank you, Jaxson. I know I can always count on you. You’ll always be my best friend.”

  Gabby dropped her hand when he smiled wider and turned his attention back to the road. She didn’t miss the frown that replaced his smile. Perhaps he didn’t believe her that he would always be her best friend. Nobody could take him out of her life. Not even Dane. She also knew Dane would never ask her to do that. But his attitude could use some adjusting as well. Jaxson was right. Dane wasn’t any better when it came to conversing with Jaxson. Put two raging dogs in a pit and sit back and watch them duke it out. That’s what it was like when those two were in a room together. The testosterone filled the room, just waiting to be unleashed in a meltdown of great proportions.

  Four hours later, after finding no new leads in the death of a real estate agent murdered while showing an apartment, Gabby unlocked her apartment door. The moment she stepped inside, a wonderful aroma wafted around her senses.

  She flipped the lock on the door, then walked into the kitchen where Dane stood i
n front of her pantry.

  “You cooked?”

  Dane jumped, turning his attention her way. “You’re home. I missed you.” He shut the pantry doors and, with quick steps, had her in his arms, kissing her like he truly had missed her. “I hope it’s okay I let myself in. I decided after you called to tell me you had to work late that I still wanted to see you. I thought you might be hungry when you got home.”

  She rested her head against his chest. She took in the small mess littering the counter. It was the first time Dane had cooked for her. What a wonderful sight to see. “It’s more than okay. I’m so happy you’re here. I missed you, too. And I gave you a key, it’s okay you use it.”

  Funny how she was afraid to say the L-word yet she had given him a key to her apartment. Although he had also given her a key to his apartment, so it seemed right. Yet, they did find themselves at her apartment more often than his.

  He kissed the top of her head. “Is everything all right? Was it a bad day?”

  “A tiring day. Sometimes it’s not easy doing this job. I had to tell a husband and a four-year-old little girl that her mommy wouldn’t be coming home tonight. And the worst part for us, we have no leads yet. It breaks my heart sometimes.”

  He leaned back, cupping her cheeks with tender hands. “You have a heart of gold. I can imagine how difficult that job is for you. You want to help people so much. Sometimes more than you should.”

  He kissed her again, then walked over to the small wine rack hanging on the wall. “How about a nice glass of wine to unwind from the hectic day?”

  She nodded and leaned against the counter, watching as he prepared their glasses. “What do you mean that I sometimes help more than I should?”

  He stopped short of pulling the cork out. “That floral shop you worked at. The owner’s son was murdered in a botched robbery. He was falling apart emotionally and neglecting his shop. You swooped in to help him back on his feet and regain a little life in him—while still working as a detective, I might add. Or the bakery shop you worked at. Again, helping out when the owners lost two of their best employees in a hit and run accident.”

  She watched as his face lit up with a magnificent glow. As if in awe of her. Yet, his eyes held concern she didn’t understand.

  “You worked all those jobs, not because you needed to for the money, but because you wanted to. You say I work too much, but I don’t think I work as much as you do. Or for the same reasons. And my favorite of all? Recommending a wonderful, talented, hard-working, oriented individual for a secretary position even though she had no background as a secretary. Ms. Wallace has been great since the moment I hired her. I would have never given someone like her a chance if it hadn’t been for your recommendation.”

  Gabby swiped a lock of hair behind her ear as she thought about everything he said. “You wouldn’t have given someone a chance who lives in a rundown neighborhood, a prior arrest for possession when she was eighteen and had a husband who was so abusive he could’ve killed her?”

  Dane finally removed the cork and poured them both a glass of the sweet red wine. “The prior arrest would have been enough for me to pass, and the fact she has no experience with what I needed her to do. But I can see how great of an employee she is. She works hard, doesn’t complain when I do get snappy at her, because let’s be honest, I can’t help myself.”

  She smirked as he laughed and then continued. “It would never occur to me to give someone like her a chance. You’ve opened my eyes to see the world differently. I’m glad I’m able to help her out. She’s a very nice woman, and she loves her son. It’s good she got herself out of that relationship before something tragic happened.”

  She grabbed the offered glass of wine and took a sip. “It wasn’t easy. Her husband isn’t someone who’s going to go away politely. He hasn’t been around the office, has he? He will be in violation of the restraining order if he has been.”

  He leaned into her body, pressing her against the counter in an intimate embrace. “Nope. I’ve notified security, who has a picture of his face and a copy of the order. He’ll be arrested immediately if he takes one step inside the building. I also made it known that Ms. Wallace is to be escorted to the bus stop and safely inside the bus before they leave her. She’s safe while at work. It’s the going home part that worries me.”

  “You’re getting the hang of this helping people out just fine. She’s a tough woman. Plus, she’s taking defense classes, like I suggested to her. Everything is starting to look up for her.”

  He set his glass of wine on the counter, brushing a hand across her cheek. “You still look like you’re a million miles away from me. I didn’t mean what I said in a bad way. You like to help people, and that’s great. I worry it puts too much on your shoulders. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  She pressed a kiss to his palm, smiling. “I had a small argument with Jaxson. I hate when that happens.”

  A muscle ticked in his cheek. “What was the argument about?”

  “Do you really want to know?”

  “No lies, remember?” He sighed as he frowned. “But by that question, I can take a good guess.”

  “You two don’t seem to like each other. I don’t understand why.”

  “I feel like I have to share you with him. I feel like sometimes I misjudged him. Maybe he likes you and not Mia. That’s what worries me.”

  She set her glass to the side, running her hands through his silky hair. “Well, forget those worries because I want you. He’s my best friend, but that’s it. It will never be anything more than that. I only want you.”

  He gave her an adorable pout before kissing her. “I want to be your best friend as well.”

  She chuckled. “You really don’t like sharing, do you?”


  “Well, try. Because he’s not going anywhere, Dane. Please try to be nicer to him.”

  Like he was born to do it, he scooped her into his arms with one fell swoop. “For you, I will.”

  “Where are you taking me? I thought you cooked me food,” she asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck as he headed down the hallway.

  “To the bedroom. The food can wait. I was trying to think of a nice dessert to make you when you walked in. I need time to think about that before we eat.”

  “So we’re going to think about dessert, is that it?”

  “Yep. I like dessert. Don’t you?” he asked as he kicked the bedroom door closed.

  Her response was muffled as he claimed her lips and laid her on the bed.


  He couldn’t get out of work fast enough. The week had been long and tiring, and it was finally over. He had to work late last night, as did Gabriella. Something he hated to think about because that meant she was with Jaxson instead of him.

  But he promised he’d be nicer, give the guy a chance.

  When he said he didn’t like to share, he really didn’t. His brother always took things from him, even now in adulthood. He despised the word “share.” Because of the way his father always labeled it, “Share with your brother.” Always turned into Champ taking and never returning it. That wasn’t sharing. That was stealing.

  He wouldn’t have Jaxson stealing Gabriella from him.

  “Hey, Dane, wait up.”

  He pushed the button for the elevator, praying it would open and close before his brother got near him—no such luck. Champ stopped right next to him before the elevator even opened.

  “Leaving already? I’m shocked. This woman must have you under a spell.”

  “Is there something you needed, Champ?”

  The elevator doors swished open. He walked in without waiting for an answer, hoping his brother took the hint to leave him the hell alone.

  He didn’t.

  Champ entered the elevator as well.

  “I thought I’d say hi to my brother.”

  His brow rose. “Give me a break.”

  “I can’t say hi to my brother? I need a reason to speak to y

  “Since when do you visit me without a reason?”

  “Mom’s birthday is coming up. Did you want to go in on a present?”

  He chuckled, anger sifting through his veins like a volcano intent on erupting. “So, we get to the heart of it. You don’t know what to get her and want to pawn off of my gift. The last time I fell for that, you wrapped it up and said it was only from you, and I looked like I forgot to buy her something. Go to hell.”

  Could this elevator go any slower?

  “It won’t happen this time. That was an accident.”

  “Nothing is an accident when it comes to you.”

  The door finally opened. He stepped out and walked away. Thankfully, his brother didn’t follow him.

  He knew Champ hadn’t gotten the clue. He would nag him up until their mother’s birthday finally got here. Well, news flash. He wasn’t caving this time.

  It had crossed his mind to have Gabriella help him pick out a present for his mother. Of course, first, he had to work up the nerve to ask her to join him this weekend at his parents’ house to celebrate his mother’s birthday. It wouldn’t be a big affair—supper with his parents—and unfortunately, Champ.

  He was also pushing his luck since the party was on Sunday. Two days from now.

  He had never brought a woman to meet his parents. This was huge. His mother would probably find that as her birthday present. She was dying for one of her sons—him, specifically, since Champ was nowhere near settling down—to meet a nice woman and get married. Have grandchildren.

  He wasn’t sure what Gabriella would say. Or think. Meeting one’s parents was a huge step in a relationship. Were they ready for that step?

  Although they had taken a huge step when they exchanged keys. Maybe she wouldn’t find this request odd either. He should feel bad; they rarely went to his apartment. But he liked her place. She made it feel homey, and he felt more content than in his own home. Probably because he was rarely there anyway. Before Gabriella, he spent most of his time in the office. He had only used his apartment to sleep and shower. He didn’t even eat supper there.


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