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Last Day of My Life

Page 12

by Lani Lynn Vale

  I went to the living room, grabbed my purse, and searched around for the Tylenol. Finding it, I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and went back to the room to see Jack holding his brother in his arms, telling him something too soft for me to hear.

  Tai’s eyes found mine as I approached his other side. Confusion clouded his eyes for a few moments before recognition dawned. Shaking himself once, he held out his hand when he saw me offering the Tylenol, crunched on them once, and then swallowed them dry.

  Shaking the water at him I said, “I brought this for a reason.”

  “How about some Jack instead?” He rasped.

  His voice was hoarse from his yelling.

  Jack leaned him back against the pillows gently, and then studied his face for a few moments before coming to a conclusion. “You’re coming home with me.”

  “Fuck that. I’m staying.” Tai ground out.

  They’d been like oil and water since the first time I’d met them. Jack was his father’s son, while Tai was most definitely not. Jack said that Tai changed when his sister died, and ever since then he’d been hard and unapproachable.

  They loved each other, it was blatantly obvious. However, they fought as if they hated each other. Jack was hard and unrelenting when it came to his brother. Tai didn’t help matters. He was a partier when I’d first met him. Fucking away his college years with drinking and sex, while his dad paid for college that he couldn’t afford.

  Jack had taken pity on his father and joined the army right out of high school. He knew he couldn’t add anything on his father’s plate. He had hospital bills out the wazoo from those three months that his daughter, Jack and Tai’s sister, was fighting for her life.

  Although Catori had insurance, it wasn’t enough to cover the cost it took to keep her alive. Therefore, Mr. Stoker had taken it upon himself to help, but in the end it hadn’t been enough. She’d died despite the care she was getting and, according to Jack, her death is what started Tai into the downward spiral he’d taken.

  However, that must have changed in the seven years I’d been gone, because now he was a firefighter. He had his own place. His own car. He also seemed to have a somewhat better relationship with his brother as well.

  “I have to get back to work.” Tai gritted out through clenched teeth.

  “You can’t work for another month. Something fucked up happened with that fire. You and I both know it. Adam knew it. The Chief knows it. Hell, even the damn media knows it. I want you safe while you heal.” Jack explained roughly.

  My eyes went from Tai’s troubled ones to Jack’s stubborn ones. My brows wrinkled in confusion. This was the first time in four days that I had even thought about the fire that took Adam’s life. I hadn’t even been aware that it was suspicious in any way, which made me even more confused. Why was this the first time I was hearing about this?

  Opening my mouth to say something, Jack’s sudden harsh frown stopped me in my tracks. Snapping my mouth shut, I gritted my teeth and waited to question him like the Spanish Inquisition.

  “A week.” Tai said reluctantly.

  Knowing that was about all he would get out of Tai, Jack stood and walked to the bedroom door. He held his hand out for me and waited, knowing I would come to him. Which I did. Placing my hand in his, he pulled me along, shutting the door behind him gently.

  “Thank you for waiting.” He said quietly, as I followed in his wake.

  I didn’t say you’re welcome, because honestly, I was still rather pissed that I was just now learning that something was wrong. “Whatever.”

  “Uh, oh. That’s a deadly word in woman speak.” He said lightly as he closed the door behind us.

  Walking to the lamp, I snapped it on and turned back to him. “Tell me.”

  Letting out a slow breath, he sat down on the side of the bed and pulled me down beside him. “It was arson. Explosives were found in the underground parking garage. It was blatantly obvious, which I think was the point. Something Adam was doing was setting off alarm bells to whomever he had his sights set on. I’d called him and asked him to look into your sister and her ex-boyfriend; as well as your disappearance. I’d only had one call from him since then saying he wasn’t getting anything. Then I had the call that he was killed. It was most definitely not an accident, either. It was a call about a hurt child. There was never a child found. The child’s name was said to be Winter.”

  The last of that explanation was dropped like a bomb, and my body went tight as a bow string. “What?”

  He nodded in confirmation. “Yeah. We’re leaving tomorrow. I don’t feel comfortable having you here anymore.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” I asked.

  “I didn’t want to.” He said simply.


  “I guess you think that’s alright?” I asked with a forced serious tone.

  He probably could have said anything else and I’d have been pissed. However, he told me the God’s honest truth. It was plain and simple. It was Jack. He didn’t pull his punches. He said what he meant. He did what he thought was right and he would protect anyone he loved with his life.


  My God, it was like talking to a wall sometimes.

  Getting up from the bed, I walked to the chair that was holding my bag. Removing the white t-shirt I’d worn to bed every night since I’d gotten out of the hospital, I slipped it over my head and turned to see Jack staring at me with a dark expression on his face.

  “You still have that?” He asked in awe.

  My brows puckered and I looked at him questioningly. Moving to me with purposeful strides, he fisted the t-shirt in his hands and held it away from my body. “This.”

  “Yeah, what’s the problem?”

  “Absolutely nothing. It just makes me happy that you had something of me all those years.” He said simply.

  My throat clogged and I put my arms around his neck. “I’ve worn it every single night for the past seven years. Even when it needed to be washed, I waited for it dry before going to bed. I’m not sure how much longer it’ll hold up, so it’s a good thing I found you so I can steal another one.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Steal anything you like.”

  Chapter 10

  I fall in love with you more and more every day. Except yesterday. Yesterday you were pretty annoying.

  E-card Valentine


  “Don’t you think that you’re over doing it a little?” I asked Winter.

  “Fuck off.” She sneered and turned her back to me in bed.

  I was standing on the side of the bed, completely dressed, waiting for her to get her ass up so I could leave. She had work in less than an hour, and with the way she was going, she’d surely be late. She also couldn’t afford to be late or she’d lose her job.

  “You’re just being stubborn. It’s not the end of the world.” I said with barely restrained patience.

  She turned over in a flurry and was on her knees poking me in the chest in the next heartbeat. Her curly red hair was flying around her in a mass of wild tangles. Her brown eyes were hard and unrelenting. Her nose did that cute little thing when she got pissed, all scrunched up and coming to a point. Hell, even her lip was slightly curled in a snarl.

  “You listen here, Jackopa Shit-Head Stoker, I don’t even freaking understand why I was bumped down. I don’t drive the fucking ambulance; I ride in the back, working on patients. Basics drive. I’m a paramedic. There’s a big difference between the two. They had no freaking reason to be doing it either. I was at a goddamn funeral for fuck’s sake. It was five freaking days. Big freaking deal that I missed a shift.”

  Each sentence was emphasized by a poke in my chest. Her nail was making little half-moon marks and I tried valiantly to withhold the smile that was threatening to break through. Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be, and I lost the battle.

  “What’re you smiling at, Jackopa?” She sneered.

  I held my hands up in a placating gesture, but it
did no good. She was off ranting and raving about how awful men were. How they were put on this planet only to torture poor defenseless women. How she hated her job and wanted something she would love instead. Then she started on how I forgot to pick my boxers up off the bathroom floor.

  Not that I was going to tell her that she was the one who’d worn them the night before. Especially since I didn’t wear boxers.

  “What, are you on your rag or something?” The statement sprung like a tripwire in the middle of the room and she turned around slowly, mouth agape. I winced. What the fuck I’d been thinking, I didn’t know. It’d just popped out.

  “As a matter of fact, yes, I am.” She said sweetly, closing the bathroom door with a soft click.

  Then she ruined the delicate answer when she threw something heavy against the bathroom door, shattering it in, most likely, a million pieces. Walking to the closet, I thought about what was in there that would have broken, and then remembered the roses I’d bought her on the way home.

  Tyler was notorious for their ‘Tyler Roses’ and I bought them for her because she’d said she loved roses. Seeing the next vendor on the side of the exit, I’d stopped and grabbed a dozen before getting back on the road. Tai had given me shit for being such a sap, but I’d do just about anything to put that smile on her face. Which is why I planned to buy her some every chance I got.

  Grabbing her flip-flops from the bottom of the closet, I opened the door carefully to see her in the shower. Tossing the foam flip-flops over the top, they landed with a slap in the tub, and I turned around to leave the room. Glass crunched underneath my feet, and I sighed as I headed for the vacuum.

  Clean up took ten minutes and not once did she say a word to me. Not that I could really blame her. I knew better than to comment on a woman’s time of the month. Next time, I would try not to lose my composure.

  It clearly wasn’t worth it. I’d be lucky to have her speak to me for the next three days.

  I made her a cup of coffee and placed it on the bathroom counter before I left. I’d just made it to the front of the shop when a black Ford truck pulled into the opened gate of Free. Sam started to stand before I waved him off and went to the open bay door to wait.

  It didn’t take long before an older man in his late forties or early fifties stepped out and ambled his way up to me. He looked good for his age. Extremely fit. His eyes were ancient though. As if he’d seen everything and more in his life. Walking up to me, he stopped short and held out his hand for me to shake.

  “Allen Shepherd.” He said.

  I pumped his hand two times before letting go. “Jack Stoker.”

  Allen’s smile turned brighter as he heard my name. “You’re Winter Stoker’s…”

  I smiled at the gently veiled question. It was also most assuredly a demand. “Husband.”

  His eyebrows raised in question. “Kinda young to be married, aren’t you?”

  My mouth quirked up at the side. “I’m twenty eight. Winter’s twenty-six. Although, we have been married for seven years now.”

  “Young love. That’s how I met my Linnie. You know who I am, I’m guessing?” He asked while surveying the garage.

  “Yeah. She told me about you. You feeling better?” I asked in concern.

  He looked to be in better shape than most twenty year olds. Consequently, it was a surprise to me that a heart attack could bring someone of his caliber down so low.

  He grinned. “They have me on some heart medicine now that I can’t even spell. I’ve been told that I need to be on a better diet. My wife threw away all my potato chips and bought me this baked shit. She even shows up at the firehouse and steals all the contraband. Not that I need to tell you how women can be. Seven years is more than enough time to see their controlling side.”

  I smiled, but something pinched in my chest. I’d missed a lot with her; I’d give my left arm to be able to have those years back. “You need a mechanic?” I asked, eyeing his old Ford.

  “No. The thing runs like a top. I’m looking for your wife.”

  The snort escaped me before I could hold it back. “She’s probably still in bed sulking like a spoiled rotten brat.”

  The high pitch squeal from behind me had me hunching my shoulders and planting my feet. Seconds later, one hundred and forty pounds of crazy red-headed woman hit my back and tried her best to tickle me. Although it was useless, I let her think she was winning, and then took her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  “Take it back, butthead!” She babbled, while trying to shove her hands down the front of my pants.

  Restraining her hands, I turned her so she could see the visitor she’d obviously missed, otherwise she wouldn’t be jacking around right now. “You have a guest, Winter!” I said brightly.

  All squirming stopped, and she hung limply for a few moments before springing up off my shoulder and smoothing her uniform shirt down. “Mr. Allen! How are you?”

  His smile was already in place, but at her greeting, it got brighter. “I’m doing great. In fact, I just wanted to come see you. Although, I see you’re heading for work and I came at a bad time.”

  Her smile was nearly a sneer when she replied. “Actually, I’m pretty sure today will be the day I get fired.”

  Rolling my eyes, I turned and made my way back into the garage. Walking over to the 1969 Ford Mustang Fastback I was doing a tune up on, I ignored Winter’s whining and got to work, testing the spark plug wire resistance.

  Reaching down, I fit my fat fingers into the small hole that allowed me to reach the first spark plug. Saying some power words, which consisted of ‘fuck,’ ‘damn,’ and ‘piss,’ I finally got the first one out. The next ones followed shortly after, also with some power words.

  “I think you forgot ‘goddamn.’” James said as he leaned against the side of the car.

  “No, I got that one. You just didn’t hear it.” I muttered.

  My eyes flicked up to take him in, then flicked back down to the spark plugs.

  James’ jaw was tense and I knew immediately that something was bothering him. The man didn’t have a single bone in his body that stayed pissed off for long. That is unless his ‘baby momma’ was in the picture.

  “You need any help? My job’s finished.” James said, sounding slightly lost.

  Now knowing something was really wrong to put that sound in his voice, I put the socket down and regarded him closely. His face was lined with fatigue, and dark purple rimmed the underside of his eyes. His clothes were dirty, and for that to happen this early in the morning meant he’d been up and working for quite some time.

  “What’s going on?” I asked finally.

  His eyes caught mine, and I finally saw the haunted look that was buried deep in them. “Anna decided to ramp up the heat. Now she’s claiming that I’ve raped Janie.”

  The breath left my body with a whoosh. “You’re fucking joking!” I boomed.

  The yell reverberated along the tin walls of the garage. Tools clanged as they were set down, and all eyes turned their attention to us. Sam was the first one over, followed shortly by Elliott, and then Max. When Winter started to head over, I gave her a warning look to stay back. No offense to Allen, but I didn’t know him, and I sure didn’t want him hearing any of this shit and spouting it off.

  Max reacted like he’d been shot when James told them the newest development. “That fucking cunt!”

  “Maximillian Tremaine!” Ember scolded from the open doorway of the garage.

  “Fuck off. I’m allowed to say cunt when I’m mad.” Max growled.

  Ember turned her nose up at him. “And what exactly is bad enough to make you think that it is ever okay to call a woman a fucking cunt?”

  “Apparently, Anna filed a suit against James to get temporary custody because she claims that he’s raped Janie.” Max said gruffly.

  “That…that…that…” Ember kept saying over and over again.

  “Cunt?” Elliott supplied helpfully, smiling wide.
r />   “Cunt!” Ember seethed.

  “That’s a nasty word. The woman may be one, but that doesn’t mean you should use the word. You all have kids, it’s time to clean up y’all’s mouths.” Winter called from the other side of the Mustang.

  She’d crept up on all of us. Which was hard to do with four Army Rangers who were trained to know better. “Allen leave?”

  “Yes. I’ll talk to you all later. I have to get to work.” She grumbled.

  Kissing me softly on the lips, we all watched her go to her car before turning back and resuming the conversation. “So, what are you going to do?” Sam asked.

  “Child Protective Services will be here at an undisclosed time to check in on the situation. Since this is the fourth time they’ve been called, they aren’t rushing out here like they did the first few times.” James sighed.

  The first time they came out was because they’d gotten reports that Janie was being abused. The second time they were called out, they got an anonymous tip that Janie was being starved. The third time was another anonymous tip saying that James took Janie to biker bars and left her alone for hours on end.

  Although each claim had been proven false, they still had to investigate the complaints. How they were going to investigate this one, I don’t know. “Well, you have plenty of-”

  Gunfire exploded through the quiet morning, followed closely by squealing tires and a resounding crunch of a vehicle striking another vehicle. We all sprang into action, each of us going into a different direction. Ember ducked behind the wall of the down room, and, hopefully, called 911.

  Each of us arrived in time to see a non-descript black Ford Taurus speeding down the street away from Free. Winter’s car was smashed like an accordion across the street against a light pole. The back glass had three bullet holes in it, making the glass crack in a spider web pattern.

  Heart pounding so hard it was making it hard to concentrate, I bounded up to the car in time to see Winter move her hand and unhook the seatbelt.

  I yelled at her and tried to restrain her hands as she continued to freak out. “Sit still, Winnie. Don’t move. I said stop moving. Stop. Winnie!”


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