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Mountain Man's Bride

Page 61

by Lauren Wood

  “It sounds like you’re going to have some visitors. I don’t think that you’ve talked about anyone all the time that you’ve been here other than your son Timothy and your grandparents. Why is it that I have never heard of this friend of yours?” Leslie was just making small talk and really didn’t care about Lynn’s life. She would use anything that she found out to her advantage. She’d always been conniving and manipulative and was the reason why she didn’t have any close friends to speak of. “That phone call obviously affected you. I’m guessing that there is a story behind her and how you have lost touch over the years.”

  “It’s a part of my past that I would like to keep to myself.” This was the worst thing that Lynn could say. It raised few red flags in Leslie’s eyes. She saw an opportunity to twist the knife and hopefully hurt the woman’s chances of getting the go ahead to leave this ho hum town in her rearview mirror. “There’s a lot of water under the bridge. I’m not sure that I can do her the honor of being her maid of honor. I do think that I owe her the courtesy of speaking about this face to face.”

  Lynn remembered Mandy and most of her memories of her were ones that she’d never want to forget. Mandy had gone on to live her life and now had found the man of her dreams to settle down with. “Why is it that you have to come here of all places to get married. They grew up here, but none of them stayed any longer than was necessary. I’ve been stuck in a rut for as long as I can remember and I only have myself to blame. I think about what could’ve been and I wonder if the best thing in my life was the biggest mistake of my life. I couldn’t love Timothy anymore and my heart is so full with love that it’s hard to look at him and not see his father’s eyes.”

  Lynn’s phone rang and she didn’t recognize the number. She picked it up out of instinct alone. She had the receiver up to her ear and the voice was that same blast from the past, but in an entirely different way.

  “Lynn… It’s me… Bailey.” Lynn had her hand up to her mouth in total shock. The man that had left her after the championship five years ago was right now on the phone speaking to her in person. It was like a nightmare, but was one that she was never going to wake up from. “I’m sure you know that I will be coming home for my sister’s wedding. I’m hoping that we can see one another.” Lynn swallowed hard and then in a knee jerk reaction slammed the phone down. It rang incessantly for the next few minutes, before Bailey decided to give up. This was not what she wanted and now she was going to have to face him. He was famous and she was not. It would never work.

  Chapter 2

  Bailey was lying in the cold sheets with a very warm body next to him. He could feel her hot breath on his neck and see that she was sleeping like an angel. He had heard somebody breathing on the other end of the phone a few minutes ago and tried desperately to call back to reconnect. It was possible that there was a bad connection, but it was also entirely possible that Lynn didn’t want to take his call.

  “Hmmmm…I was hoping that you would be ready for me this morning.”

  The lady in his bed was a groupie that he found milling about outside his locker room. He had no idea how she had gotten there, but he wasn’t going to turn down the chance to sleep with this vivacious redhead.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m just not in the mood.” He wasn’t thrilled about going back to his hometown, but he did want more than anything to see her again. It had been too long. Any time that he picked up the phone to call her, he would chicken out at the last minute. It was a never-ending cycle and after a few times, he thought that it was better to let her live her life without the constant reminder of him holding her back. “I’m leaving today on a jet plane to go back to the one place that I got out of. I never thought that I would go back, but my sister has requested that I return and I can’t deny her anything.” He could feel Emily or maybe it was Erica touching his inner thigh. It didn’t look like this girl was going to take no for an answer.

  “I think that I should give you a proper going away present. You’ve already unwrapped it last night and maybe I can give you something to think about. I would really like to see you again, but I know your reputation for love them and leaving them. I was hoping that I could be the exception to that rule.” Enid was originally from Switzerland and had the high cheekbones and long legs to go with her heritage. She’d always been a big football fan and the one person that had always been on her bucket list was Bailey Welling. Now that she had had him, there was absolutely no way that she didn’t want a repeat performance.

  “I don’t know that even you can change my little soldier’s opinion. I don’t have much time, but you’re more than welcome to give it a try.” Bailey felt her rubbing his member and it wasn’t exactly awake at this early hour. He looked at the clock and noticed that it was 3:30 PM. They had been sequestered in this hotel room for the past 15 hours. They only emerged long enough to call for room service. “I can’t believe that you haven’t had enough. I don’t know how many times you came last night.” He enjoyed the feeling of her flesh and the taste of her lips. The one thing that was missing last night was a bit of oral gratification.

  “I believe that there is something in my sexual arsenal that will change your mind. I’ll let your little soldier decide that for you.” She thought it was a little strange that he called his private parts little soldier, but she had had other lovers call it something different. Big Willie was the one that stood out the most and that guy didn’t even have anything close to what this one did. She was quite happy to see that she wasn’t working with a 4 inch wonder. Even sleeping, it was a presence to marvel at. “I just need to remind your little soldier that it’s time to go into action. Let’s see if I can’t make this thing salute.” She mimicked the very salute and then sealed her lips over his, while working her fingers up and down his depleted state.

  Her tongue in his mouth felt good and tickled those nerves on the top of his palate. It was making him wonder if maybe it was possible to have something of a quickie before he had to head for the Airport. “I will say that you are a fantastic kisser. You know exactly what kind of pressure to make and how hot and passionate you need to be to get my attention.” He saw that her breasts were amazing mountains that he had no problem climbing last night. He had shot his load all over her tits and rubbed it in like her own personal skin lotion.

  “I have this feeling that your little soldier is going to be ready to pick up where it left off last night.” She bit one of his nipples and there was a slight jerk of approval by the little soldier. She licked in a circle and once again was rewarded with a steady beat against her fingertips. “I knew last night that I found your Achilles’ heel. Guys can say that they don’t like having their nipples played with, but most of them are lying to themselves.” Her hand moved down the length of him feeling that column of flesh and getting the good idea that it was going to rise to the occasion.

  He could feel her fingers underneath his balls pressing on that spot that had his cock jumping. Her little pinky found the entrance to his ass and circled it. She lifted his legs and applied her tongue to where her finger had just been. It was an odd sensation, but not one that he was unfamiliar with from one particular past lover.

  “I knew… Yes… Oh my god… You were a little bit of a freak when we met last night. Jesus… I don’t know how long your tongue is, but I don’t think that I’ve ever felt anything like this before.” This was a little out of his comfort zone, but he did have to admit that it felt interesting enough that his cock was going along for the ride. “You’ve gotten what you wanted.” His cock had grown from his depleted 5 inches to a fuller and demanding 9 inches.

  “Do you know that there was one thing last night that I didn’t get a chance to do? I say that it’s better late than never.” They’d gotten so caught up in one another that she didn’t get the chance to service him with her mouth. They had fucked like wild bunnies up into the wee hours of the morning. He had done the impossible and made her come with just his mouth and fingers three times in r
apid succession. It felt like she was coming unglued every time that she felt his lips latch onto her clit. “Your cock has been deprived and I believe that it’s time that I make you come in my mouth.”

  He looked down upon her head and the way that her hair fanned out over top of him. It obscured his vision from what she was doing, but he could feel it. Her hand was wrapped around the base and she touched his knob with her lips. She planted a very profound kiss on the top and then moved away to see her handiwork. Her mark was now made on his skin and he wondered if she was trying to tell him something.

  “I don’t know how we didn’t do this last night, baby.” He had forgotten her name and this was not the first time that he had taken a strange piece of ass home and not known what to call her. It was easy just to give them the nickname baby. That way he didn’t have to concern himself with the embarrassment of them running off crying because he didn’t remember their name. “I got a little carried away last night and you have to admit that you weren’t exactly complaining. One taste of you and I couldn’t get enough.” This was a line he used whenever he was in the company of the female persuasion. He had been taught by an older woman back in the day that satisfying a woman’s needs came with conditions. He had learned how to make sweet love with his mouth and to twist the woman into knots by supplying her with the necessary stimulation with his fingers.

  It was a secret that he had kept to himself and didn’t even share with his team members or friends. He found that giving oral sex to any woman was a good way to make them do the freakiest of things. The positions that he had this girl in last night were like they were circus acrobats. He didn’t even know that he was capable of bending that way. He was most likely going to feel it and need to ice it down.

  Her long tongue came out and circled the crown of his manhood. He was not going to miss any of this. He was captured and had no desire to find anybody to break those bonds. Her mouth was like sweet velvet and her hot tongue curled around him and never let go. He saw each inch begin to disappear with drools of her spit converging on his balls. Bailey had never felt this way and there was only one other woman in his life that made him think it was even possible to settle down. This girl did not have that quality, but he was going to get lost in her and then walk away without any phone calls to the contrary.

  Enid had about half of that 9 inch spike in her mouth and she surprised him by taking the entire thing. There was no gag reflex and she had taught herself from an early age to take just about anything down her throat. It was a position that had her becoming a sought after commodity by those that had been privileged to feel what she could do.

  He watched mesmerized, as his cock appeared and disappeared like some kind of magic act. Bailey could feel that moment upon him. I t had taken almost 20 minutes to get there. He needed to be at the Airport in less than half an hour and that meant that he was going to have to finish this quickly. The only way that he had found in the past to do that was to think of a certain young lady named Lynn. The very image of her lips kissing his and her liquid blue eyes looking at him had his balls boiling.

  Enid was very happy with the results and thought that she was the one that was getting him there. Unbeknownst to her, she was nothing more than a receptacle for his hot cum. She worked tirelessly, using every trick in the book and even those that she had just learned recently by old girlfriend that had come to town. She didn’t want to share Bailey, but maybe she could convince him to stay with her longer if she were to be open minded enough to bring another into the bedroom. It was certainly something to think about, but for now she was more concerned with the large invading presence that was now swelling to the touch.

  Bailey was going through the motions for the sake of the pleasure of unloading into this sweet girl’s mouth. He knew that it wasn’t going to be long. He forced her to keep it down there. He fucked her throat and came with a scream that echoed off the walls. He enjoyed taking what he wanted and this was not the first time or the last time that he would do something like this. He was always a big believer that you should never ask permission. It was better to ask for forgiveness after the fact. He could see the panic in her eyes and that only fueled him into a greater need to satisfy his own desire.

  Enid swallowed quickly, as she had no choice with him holding her completely still, so that he could give her shot after shot of the protein between his legs. Amazingly, she found that he was quite good at shooting quite the load even after he had already done it three times already.

  She pulled away slowly, while sucking on the top like a lollipop. She knew that he was extra sensitive and decided to play on that angle to ingratiate herself further into his life. She had her fair share of athletes in the past, but this one was the one that made her feel like there could be something more than just this one night stand.

  Unfortunately for her, Bailey didn’t feel that same way. He jumped out of bed with the last bit of his stuff clinging to the tip. “I really do need to get going. I’m sure that you can find your way out. Take a shower and lock up when you leave.” He was gathering up his clothes and went out into the hallway to get dressed. He got some dirty looks from an elderly couple most likely here for an afternoon delight. There was nothing they could see other than something that you would probably see on any mens calendar. He smiled coyly as they passed. He finished getting dressed, grabbing the bag that he had down by his feet and then racing for the elevator.

  The one place that he had run from and never had any intention of going back was exactly what he was doing. Seeing her in the moonlight on prom night was amazing and sitting there with her in the car at lookout point was something that he would always remember. Lynn was the one that had gotten away and he was kicking himself for letting her go. He had never found anybody that came close to making his heart flutter like she did. She had that rare quality of innocence and victim in one nicely packed package. He could still see her face and the way it looked with no makeup.

  Chapter 3

  He hailed a taxi with his shirt half open. The taxi driver gave him a knowing glance like he had known exactly what he had been up to. It wasn’t long before he arrived at the Airport going through customs and stopping for those that wanted to take a picture. Most were very cordial and friendly, but there were a few that weren’t exactly happy with the way their team was playing lately. They weren’t adverse to getting in his face and telling him that the pride of the town was on him shoulders.

  “I don’t need this. I know that you fans think that you own me, but you don’t. I know that this sport is very important to all of you, but you have to realize that we’re doing our best. We only need a few more wins and then we can get back on track towards the championship. Be patient and be vocal at the games and maybe you will receive that miracle that you’ve been looking for.” He realized that he had made a huge mistake. He back pedaled the best that he could, but he was afraid that the damage had already been done.

  He got on the airplane and was escorted to first class with champagne and caviar waiting for his approval. The light jazz over his headphones lulled him into a relaxed state of being. He opened his wallet and found a worn picture of himself and Lynn when they were happy together. He touched his finger to his lips and then brought it down to the lips of the woman that had never been too far away from his thoughts.

  He had gotten away from his small town, but it was only an hour away by plane. He liked big city living, but the quaint country upbringing of his youth really did make him feel like his mother and father had done their best. With that in mind, he had bought them the biggest house that could be found in such a small town. Apparently, his sister had gotten permission from those that owned his old house to have the wedding right there in the backyard underneath the huge apple tree. He had no idea why he was so afraid of seeing Lynn again.

  Looking at this photo he knew that nothing could stay forever. Things changed at the drop of a dime. He caught himself looking at old photos from time to time during these las
t five years. He lived through those photos, because he had never found a woman quite like Lynn. She was that rare jewel that shone untarnished. He wanted to keep in touch, but he knew it would be painful to be that close and yet so far away.

  “I know that look. It’s always about a woman. I was going to try to seduce you, Bailey, but maybe talking would be better. I’m not big on small talk, but for you I will make the exception.” Marcia Crosby was a very successful ad executive who had the world on a string. There were at least five employees underneath her at all times and sometimes even more when she required a bigger workforce than what she currently had. Nobody would know looking at her that she was a big football fanatic. “I’m a pretty good listener and I really don’t mind hearing about what’s on your mind.” She was blonde bodacious with the kind of hourglass figure that had a lot of men vying for her attention.

  “I’m returning to my past. I thought that I would never step forth into that town again. It’s not like I have bad memories, but I knew that I had to get out. I’m sure that a lot of people go through that kind of thing in their lives. My only regret is that I left behind the woman that captured my heart. I couldn’t tell her and I thought that it made me weak to feel anything at such a young and impressionable age. I’m only 24 years old, but I already feel like I’ve lived a lifetime without her.” Bailey couldn’t help, but to look at this woman’s long legs projecting from a short black leather skirt. It left very little to the imagination.


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