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Hidden Witness 6: Marco & Emoni's Story: The Rise of A Donna

Page 23

by Posey Parks

  “I don’t know. She said she’s in pain.”

  “Ok, she’s probably having contractions. Time the contractions from the beginning of one to the beginning of the next. I’ll meet you at the hospital. Emoni, hang in there. I’ll see you soon.”

  “I’m trying,” I whispered.

  I was in and out of consciousness.

  Maceo arrived at the hospital in record time. When did they place me on a gurney?

  “Emoni, stay with me,” Nadine pleaded. She placed an oxygen mask over my nose and mouth.

  My eyes fluttered open and closed.

  What sounded like a stampede, I heard from behind. “Nadine, what’s happening to my wife and child?” Marco asked breathlessly.

  “Marco.” My lips moved, but I didn’t hear his name fall from my lips.

  “I need to get her in for an emergency C-section. Her pressure is dropping. I’ll work hard to save them both.”

  Tears leaked down the sides of my face. Save us? Little Marco has to live. He made it this far.

  “Baby, I love you.” Marco leaned over caressed my hair and kissed my sweaty forehead.

  “Hang in there. I’ll be right here waiting for you.” Panic laced my big strong man’s words. He wasn’t himself. He was a wreck. Marco stepped back.

  Holding the gurney handles tight, Nadine, and her team whisked me down the hall. My eyes focused on the bright ceiling lamps moving at the speed of light.

  “Fuck!” I heard in the distance.

  Marco was breaking down. That was the last thing I remembered.


  “Quite frankly, I don’t give a fuck. My wife needs me.”

  My eyes fluttered open.

  Marco paced back and forth. “Get the fuck back here. I’m fucking done, Luca.”

  He shoved his cell in his pocket and slicked his fingers through his unruly mess of curls.

  “Marco.” My voice was raspy and low.

  His wide, concerned eyes met mine. “Baby, you’re awake.”

  He rushed over and kneeled, clutching my hand. “I was so worried.”

  A single tear slid down his cheek. I’d never seen Marco shed a tear.

  “Emoni, I thought I might lose you.”

  He gripped my hand, smothering it with kisses.

  “I’m a little tired, but I’m ok.”

  My other hand fell on my flat stomach. “Oh, my god.” My eyes grew in size.

  “Where’s our baby?” I cried.

  He slid the back of his hand across his face, wiping away the tears.

  “Every thing is ok now.” He stood, then stalked across the room. His back was to me. Marco leaned over, then rocked back and forth.

  “Someone very important wants to see you.” He turned, cradling a swaddled bundle in his arms.

  I pushed myself up. Searing pain struck my stomach. I remembered Nadine said I’d have an emergency C-section. That would explain the excruciating pain I suffered.

  “Meet your mother, Marco Jr.”

  He placed our son in my arms.

  “Wow, you’re so precious.” I nuzzled his hair and face.

  “You smell so good.”

  I grabbed my husband’s hand. “We have our own little family.”

  He smiled and caressed my cheek.

  Nothing mattered more in that moment then my two favorite men.


  Emoni left hours before I did. I asked her to wait until the next day to leave for Jersey. But she felt the need to return home at that time. Maybe her body told her to come home. I don’t know. Thank goodness she did.

  The moment my meeting was over, I flew home. I called my brother as we drove off the tarmac. He didn’t answer. I glanced at the message, ‘one missed call’ on the cell screen. I returned Maceo’s call. He said Emoni passed out, and they were in route to the hospital. I told Gage to drive to St. Michaels.

  I was beside myself after I spoke to Emoni briefly in the hospital hall. Maceo and Gage paced in the waiting room. Imagining Emoni’s beautiful face kept me holding on.

  Mom sat beside me. “Marco, drink this.”

  “Ma, I can’t.”

  She gripped my neck. “Do it, Marco. You have to stay strong for Emoni. She’ll need you.”

  I was on the verge of shedding tears in front of my men and my mother. But I held on.

  I swallowed the water in one gulp. “There, Ma. You happy?”

  She hugged me and kissed my temple. “Yes.”

  One main thought ran through my head. Why couldn’t Emoni carry our baby to term? Maybe he was ready to enter the world early.

  Nadine appeared in her blue scrubs. I hustled over to the door.

  I couldn’t even form words. Staring was all that I had.

  She grabbed my arm. “Congratulations, you have a beautiful baby boy.” Her smile teetered up and down.

  Cheering erupted behind me and a light smile crossed my lips.

  “My wife. How is Emoni?” My heart thudded my rib cage a mile a minute. I needed to know was my wife ok.

  Her smile withered.

  I swear my heart stopped and all the color drained from my face.

  “She’s sleeping. Emoni lost a lot of blood. I’m keeping a close eye on her. You can see her.”

  “What’s the room number?” I had a one-track mind. My wife. I had to see her. I doubt I could’ve held on much longer. Ripping the waiting room apart was on my mind before Nadine walked in.

  Her eyes widened. “The nurse will take you.”

  I wrapped my arms around her. “Thank you, Nadine.”

  “You’re welcome.” She vacated the room.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I peeked at my mother. “I need to be with, Emoni.”

  She waved her hands toward me. “Go.”

  I could tell she was worried too. “I’ll send the nurse to get you once she’s awake.”

  She nodded. My mother adored Emoni. Dad strolled past me, gripping a cup of coffee. He fell at her side and kissed her temple. “Leana, you’ll be the first to know Emoni is ok.”

  Tears slid down her cheeks.

  I ran over to her.

  “Mom, I promise to let you know when she’s out of the woods.”

  Her hand trembled over her lips. I kissed her forehead.

  “Go, Marco,” she whispered.

  I jogged over to the nurse. “Make sure you inform my mother the moment my wife wakes up.”

  “Of course, Mr. Esposito.”

  We halted outside Emoni’s room.

  “I’ll return soon.” The nurse smirked.

  I nodded.

  One hand on the door, I took a deep breath before entering.

  Another nurse wrapped my son in a blanket in the dimly lit room. To the right, Emoni laid in a peaceful slumber, hooked up to machines.

  The nurse needed to get the fuck out.

  “Would you like to hold him?” The tall nurses nude lips widened across her almond complected face.

  I was torn. Should I hold him or try to wake Emoni?

  “Mr. Esposito, would you like to hold him?” she asked again.

  My eyes darted back to her and my little man.

  “Yes, I’d like to hold him.”

  She placed Marco Jr. in my arms.

  “He’s so little.”

  “Your son is healthy.”

  A smile spread across my lips. “I need time alone with my family.”

  Her eyes widened a little. “Oh, sure. I’ll return soon to check on you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Bouncing around the room, I cradled him in my arms, staring at his pinkish tan skin. His eyes didn’t open.

  “Marco, it’s daddy.” The smallest smile kicked up at the end of his lips.

  The flood gates opened. “You know my voice. Is that why you rushed to get here to see mommy and daddy?” I smiled.

  I strolled toward Emoni.

  Never taking my eyes off my wife, I kissed my son’s forehead.

  “Your mommy is a very str
ong woman. We’ll wait right here until she wakes up.”

  I laid Marco in the bassinet, so he could continue sleeping.

  Sitting in the chair beside her, I stared at my wedding ring as I gripped her hand lightly. “Emoni, I need you. I can’t do this without you. Baby, you’re the center of my universe.”

  My cell vibrated. I released her hand and retrieved the phone. Luca’s name appeared. I shot out of the chair as I answered the phone.

  All the anger brewing inside, I unleashed it on Luca.

  “Marco.” I heard Emoni’s soft voice as I shoved my cell in my pocket.

  I rushed to her side. “Baby, you’re awake.”

  Tears of joy spilled from my eyes.

  All that mattered now was that Marco Jr. was here and my wife was ok. Later I learned, Emoni’s pressure dropped so low, Nadine had to work fast to deliver the baby, so she could save Emoni’s life.

  She’s my world. There’s not another woman who could take her place.

  “I’m so happy you are ok.”

  Tears slid down her beautiful face. “I’m happy to be here with you and our son.”

  “Love you, Emoni. So fucking much.”

  “And I love you, Marco.”

  I leaned in and took her lips.

  That night, Nadine checked on Emoni and Marco Jr.

  The little guy was starving. He latched on to his momma’s breast right away. He was so strong. And little. Six pounds nine ounces. He probably would’ve been eight or nine pounds if he would have remained in her womb until August.

  Mom joined us briefly. She and dad met their first grandchild.

  Mom hugged Emoni for what felt like an eternity. I was convinced mom loved Emoni like she was her own.

  “You rest up, I’ll see you tomorrow,” mom smiled.

  Emoni grinned. “Ok.”

  Mom and Dad hugged me before they left.

  The next day the entire family visited. Marco Jr. was indeed a miracle child.

  The moment I was allowed to check out Emoni and Marco Jr. I pulled a Dominic, and remained locked away with my family. Maceo and Catch walked the premises daily. I woke in the middle of the night when he cried and brought him to my wife.


  I laid Marco Jr. between us. “Emoni, our son is hungry.”

  Her eyes popped open. She grinned at him as she unbuttoned her night gown. Marco Jr. cried so loud I swear he woke the neighbors a few times.

  “Awe, you’re hungry. Mommy will feed you.”

  I watched his little face light up as he drank his meal.

  “You’re a greedy little guy. You eat five to eight times a day, Marco.”

  He raised his hand, and I grabbed his little fist.

  We laughed.

  “Your daddy called you greedy.” She grinned.

  I kissed her forehead. “Baby, I doubt he cares. As long as he keeps getting the goods.”

  Those moments were what I lived for.

  Emoni breastfed Marco for six months. A month later she was pregnant again. The second pregnancy was nothing like the first. I wasn’t sure if her body was stronger the second time around, but our second son Logan was born a week early. No bed rest required Emoni was free to run her charity until the day of her scheduled C-section.

  Aria entered the world at seven pounds five ounces. She was gorgeous. Looked just like her mother and she had my green eyes. All of our kids had my eyes. But the boys looked more like me, with full lips like their mommy.

  I’d kill the first boy who showed up on my door step asking to take Aria on a date. I wasn’t having it.

  Our beautiful family was complete.

  Emoni still enjoyed killing our enemies. And she and the mob wives didn’t tolerate disrespect.

  We were a typical family. Our sons were rambunctious, terrorizing the neighborhood and the kids at school. Marco and Logan were fighters. If a kid was stupid enough to step to one of them, they’d beat that kid’s ass. Emoni and I were called to the principal’s office too many times. Aria was a terrorizer too. She didn’t take shit from boys or girls. And didn’t need her brothers to fight her battles. What could I say? Look who their parents were. We didn’t take shit either. I guess that’s what happens when a Don and a Donna start a family. Those parents pointing their fingers in our faces, calling my family monsters, well, you know, they may have gotten into a little accident here and there. You know, just a warning to shut the fuck up. Keep the Esposito’s name out of their fucking mouths.

  In the end, I was fortunate to have the wife I thought I’d only dream of and children who were the apples of my eye.

  “Hey, Aria don’t hit your brother over the head with a stick.” Emoni yelled, threading our fingers together.

  The spacious backyard was the perfect place for our children. They could work off all of their energy on a beautiful spring day.

  “You don’t think we should’ve bought a smaller dog?”

  “No, baby.”

  Boss, the golden retriever chased Logan around the backyard. Aria turned on the dog, running after him with her stick held high and her dark curls bouncing against her back.

  “See Boss can out run her. A little dog wouldn’t have had a chance.” She shrugged.

  I kissed her lips. “You’re right, Emoni.”

  She wrapped my arms around her. “Marco.”

  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “I think we should have one more baby.”

  A wide smile took my lips. “That’s a great idea. I said you’d have my little army.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “You did. They’re so perfect. Our family’s perfect.”

  I held her tight. “That’s right. They’re perfect. And you are perfect…Emoni Esposito…for me.”


  Read on…


  The day I stitched up my brother, mom mentioned a woman from my past. One I’d tried to forget for three fucking years. She walked out of my life without as much as a goodbye. I questioned her father Dr. John Mavis.

  He said, “I don’t know where she ran off to, but it was for the best.”

  I gripped his neck, slamming him against the wall.

  “You think you can keep her away from me?” A loud, sinister chuckle rolled out of my throat, then my smile disappeared.

  “You can’t.” I dropped him to the floor like a bag of bricks and stepped over his body.

  I didn’t look for her right away. What could I say I was bitter as shit? I fucked every woman in my path, trying to forget her. Didn’t work. Commitment wasn’t on the table. Hell, names weren’t even on the table.

  After fucking at least thirty chicks, I felt hollow, distant, like a fucking shell. Yeah, I shoved the memory of Lexis away in a tiny box in my memory. All the good times we shared. Watching the food channel together almost every Sunday morning since we were kids. Tasting her experimental dishes. I was her personal guinea pig. Frequenting local farmers markets. Yeah, all those perfect memories that make your heart leap out of your chest.

  I gotta say sitting in the bustling restaurant, sipping a cup of coffee, staring at the head chef prepare dish after fabulous fucking dish, my heart felt like it exploded all over the restaurant floor.

  In that instant, I realized I still loved her. Hated her, but still loved her. Her hair was pulled up under a white chef hat. She laughed at another cook’s joke. Her fucking laughs belonged to me. Her long black eyelashes slapped her chocolate face. She was a goddess. She turned and peeked out into the dining room. I tugged my cap lower, hiding my eyes, bringing the spoon to my lips. The tantalizing spicy soup danced on my tongue. Shit. Her food was five-star quality.

  I’d only been in Chicago, Illinois for a few days. She traveled far to get a way from me. She couldn’t escape me.

  Her laughter filled the air again and rocked my heart at the same time. Her smile was still bright as the sun.

  I think she lives with her boyfriend. If she does, he’s dead. She was ne
ver supposed to be with another man. She told me her heart belonged to me. So technically I had grounds to kill him. Well, in my mind anyway.

  After seeing her, I knew I couldn’t leave. My brother had a shit storm, happening at home and here I was, chasing after a ghost from my past. Maybe it was time to step out of the shadows and remind her how good we were together. Or I could drag her back to New Jersey kicking and screaming. Either way, I wasn’t leaving without my woman.

  Be the first to be notified when Luca’s book releases…

  Read on…



  “Excuse me, sir, can I place an order?”

  Abe glanced over his shoulder at the chocolate woman who slipped into a seat at my left.

  “Sure thing. One moment.”

  The woman's dark eyes were fixated on the TV. I was trying not to stare, but it was next to impossible. Her black coily hair fell below her shoulders. She stood momentarily, removing her pink three-quarter-length pea coat. I should probably say something instead of staring.

  “Hi, what are you drinking tonight?”

  Blankly, she glared at me. “Hello, I plan to drink a Cosmo. But I can order my own drink. Thanks anyway.” She offered a weak smile.

  “You’re welcome.”

  The cleavage of her purple blouse was begging my eyes for attention. Once her eyes fell back on the TV screen, I peeked at her sexy cleavage, then I lowered my eyes, glaring at her black pencil skirt.

  “Are you done?” she asked, not tearing her eyes away from the TV.

  My heart skipped a beat. I gawked at my reflection in the mirror, I turned a light shade of red.

  “I apologize. I didn’t mean to stare. I’m sure you’re aware of how beautiful you are. Men probably stare often.”

  The ends of her lips turned up a bit then dropped. Her dark eyes met my blue eyes. “It’s rude to stare.”

  “It is.” I extended my hand toward her. “Ethan Daniels.”

  Her soft hand palmed mine. “Malaysia Newton.”

  I flashed a wide smile, showing all my pearly whites.

  “Nice to meet you, Malaysia. Pretty name.”

  “Thank you.”


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