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Where We Began (Where We Began Duet Book 1)

Page 14

by Nora Flite

  His jaw clenches, his eyelids joining in. “I've wanted this, too. I really did. I just never thought I deserved it.” His words drive a heel into my heart. I wish I could turn around and hug him, erase whatever pain is written all over his face. Then his eyes open, and the wild heat inside of them scalds me—reminds me of who he is.

  Spreading my legs, he peels my pussy open from behind. “So god damn fantastic,” he whispers. “I could stare at your cunt for hours. Look, your little clit is twitching.” He reaches down, rubbing me there until I groan.

  “Stop teasing me,” I whimper.

  “I want this to hurt as little as possible,” he says. But his hand leaves me, in its place is a warm, solid object: his cock. He nudges me along my seam. Up, down, a gentle pressure as he tests how my pussy receives him.

  I bury my fingers in the dirt. I can't hold still; my head turns, cheek to the leaves, and I taste the rain-sodden earth. My taste buds are alive. Everything is delicious right now.

  An inch of his dick pushes inside of me. The condom might as well not be there, his warmth radiates through the latex and into my skin. My walls clench around him, pulling him deeper, begging him to come inside.

  He kneels on either side of my thighs, squeezing my middle with both hands. He's holding my steady, grunting with the effort of guiding himself into my pussy without going too fast. I appreciate his kindness, but I'm torn between wishing he'd go slower, and desperate for him to slam his cock into me balls deep.

  I've never felt this before—this insane lust. “You make such perfect sounds,” he says, inserting another inch of his cock. I didn't know I was making any sounds, but I hear them now that he points them out. I'm moaning like an animal in heat.

  Bearing down, I shove backwards. He stretches me out even more and I go dizzy with delight. My walls are milking him, greedy for more. Each time my heart beats I feel it in my clitoris. On the fringe there's some pain, but it's mild, numbed by the pleasure.

  “Jesus,” he hisses, his weight settling on my back. He kisses my temple. His balls tickle my buzzing labia where it circles him at the root. He's all the way in. We're as close as we've ever been.

  My whole body shudders; my inner walls flex. “You feel so good, I didn't know... I had no idea it could feel this perfect.”

  Dominic's chest shifts on my spine. “Me either.”

  He slides backwards, giving me the first full thrust of his whole length. The impact dazzles me. He does it again, his pace maintaining a strict rhythm that seems impossible. I can barely think, how can he control his muscles at all?

  Heat flashes through me. My pussy thrums, hugging his rigid cock, crying out for release from the ever-growing pressure in my core. I'm working up to something so intense it frightens me. I've come from his touch before, and that was leagues ahead of what I'd ever done to myself in my own bed.

  Climaxing with him inside of me... I worry I might die.

  My heart could stop.

  But mostly, it's concerning that I think all of that and don't care to stop him. My drive, this growing addiction, is greater than anything else. If I come and my world becomes one big white ball of bliss... what a way to go out.

  “Laiken,” he says against my wet scalp. “I need you to come for me. I have to feel it or I'll break apart. It’s that fucking bad for me. Come for me, come hard on my cock, do it.”

  I inhale until my ribs hurt. I'm tingling down to my toes, ready to burst. He keeps slamming into me, his movement getting erratic. His hard muscles scrape over my smooth skin. I'm naked except for my yoga pants, and they're getting torn apart from how rough we're being.

  Above us, another storm cloud rumbles. It's how I feel—like there's thunder in my veins. I need the lightning. Once it strikes, I'll explode.

  “I—I'm so close,” I whine. “Dominic, I'm almost there. I think... this has to be...” I close my eyes, smelling the rain, the electric atoms in the air, our sweat, our sex. There's a slight burning in my center, like something tore and salt is in the wound. But I don't give a damn if I'm being sawed apart. I won't stop until...

  He fucks me once more, his cock-head so deep I swear he's in my throat. Every muscle in me tightens, balling up as my release hits. “Fuck!” I scream. The lightning crack is deafening, I don't know if it's real or in my head. I just know I'm trembling, squeezing his cock as I twitch and come. Nothing has ever felt so astounding.

  I sense his hooks going further into my heart.

  I'm doomed to love this man.

  I just know it.

  “Fuck, yes,” he snarls. His hands dig into my shoulders. His beard grinds on my cheek as he pounds me harder, riding out my orgasm, chasing his own. “Perfect, so damn perfect. Laiken, you're mine. Did you know that? All fucking mine. From now until forever.” He's rambling, his words slurring with his heavy breathing. My pussy is flexing madly with aftershocks. I'm sensitive enough to tell that his cock is swelling, just seconds before he groans into the open air, head arching back.

  We stay like that, sheathed together, breathing in tandem. My senses are returning. They bring a sense of uncertainty with them. I wonder if Dominic is experiencing the same thing, the gravity of our actions... of our situation.

  Turning my jaw, I let my opposite cheek settle on the wet dirt. I scan the area, spotting the garbage bag. The reason we came here seems like another lifetime ago. Like who I was when we picked up pinecones was a different person.

  He rolls off of me, but he doesn't pull out. Dominic wraps his arms around my waist. I snuggle against his body, my ribs locking against his, as if we were meant to fit together. The prickle up my spine warns me someone is watching. I look over at the wall of tress.

  There's a deer standing there.

  It's the biggest doe I've ever seen, majestic with its elegant neck stretching high. It blends into the branches. Its round, soulful eyes touch on me.

  I hold my breath. I'm captured by the power of the moment, waiting to see if the animal bolts or not. Dominic's heart beats comfortably alongside mine; I'm not sure he's noticed it.

  The deer's knowing stare goes through my skin and bones and into my soul. It reminds me of the time I chased the fawn through the river with my sister and how the mother had gazed me down. That day, it had found me wanting.

  This time, when it leaves, I don't feel judged.

  - Chapter 24 -


  A cough ruins the rare sweetness of my dream. That noise comes again, making my heart thud. Familiar, sour fear fills my mouth. Halfway between slumber and reality I can't move. I'm paralyzed. Run! Get away! I demand escape but my body doesn't listen.


  Let me go.

  Don't come in here.

  Don't do this again.

  “Dominic?” Laiken whispers. I open my eyes, my ears ringing with the memory of that wet, awful cough. The sky above is sprawling with pinpricks of light that watch us from between the tree branches. The clouds have cleared, the storm gone for the moment. “We fell asleep,” she says, touching my arm.

  I sit up, brushing dirt from my hair. The dream is a hazy memory. It fades entirely when I look at Laiken next to me. She's smiling like a conspirator. Leaning towards me with the kind of sly pride a lion wields after a successful hunt.

  If I was worried at all that she'd regret having sex with me, I'm not now.

  Leaning forward, I put my hand possessively on her knee. My lips graze hers; she sighs happily. “We should go inside.”

  “I like being out here,” she replies, coming in for a second kiss. “The world tastes brighter after what we did. Reminds me of swimming across a big lake, racing a hundred people, and then winning.”

  “Are you sore?” I ask, tracing her cheek.

  She shakes her head. “Yes, and no. It's more than that.” Putting her hand to her chest, she exhales. “I can't explain.”

  I don't need her to. I know exactly what she's talking about, because I feel it. Standing, I help her to her feet. The remn
ants of her yoga pants dangle from her hips, exposing all the places I tore through the fabric. There are scrapes on her knees, old blood drying on her inner thighs from taking her virginity. It fills me with guilt... and a shameful rush of filthy lust.

  “Fuck, I'm sorry,” I say. “I meant to be more careful.”

  She glances down, stretching a leg. She sees the blood and shrugs. “It's nothing.” But now that we're standing, and I can see all the damage clearly, I disagree. Between the ripped clothing, mud stains, and the foliage in her hair, Laiken looks a mess - an oddly sexy mess.

  Her shirt barely hides her naked ass if she stands too straight. She takes a single step, grabbing up the bag of pinecones, and I glimpse her gorgeous pussy. My erection is instant—the rush of blood makes me dizzy.

  Oblivious to my response, she climbs over a log, walking to a small shed by the fence's gate. She's inside briefly, and when she appears again, she's wearing an over-sized gray smock that hides her down to her calves. “This will have to do,” she says. “I don't want the staff seeing me naked.”

  I cover my mouth with a fist, struggling not to laugh.

  Tilting her head, she squints. “Oh, so you think I look funny?”

  I'm about to tell her yes. Then she turns to me, taking long steps over the night-blue grass. I see how precisely she places her heels down; like a great cat on the prowl. I catch a glimpse of her scraped knee when she rocks her hips. She holds my gaze the whole time; serene eyes a glorious shade of blue that makes her swollen lips redder.

  My feet move, I meet her there in front of the exit. “Well?” she asks, dark brows creasing. “Am I funny looking?”

  “No,” I whisper. “Laiken, you're the most beautiful person I've ever met.”

  The flush of pink that blossoms in her cheeks is enough to heat me up again. Her lips part and silently beg me to kiss them. Before I can, a dog barks. “Shit,” she whispers, glancing at the house. “We need to go back, before the security guards can't find me inside and assume I bolted again. They'll lose their minds.”

  She slips away from me. I know she's not gone, but the empty-ache she leaves in my chest is concerning. I dreamed of this moment. Making this woman mine was a craving I was worried to fulfill, then afraid of abandoning. But now that I've slipped around her body, buried myself in all that she has to offer, I expect to feel... happy, relieved, something other than this sensation of foreboding. It's like my heart is trembling behind my ribs, afraid of a thing that hasn't happened yet.

  I don't know how that can be. Laiken is mine, in every sense of the word. I've taken her first kiss, her cherry, broken down every barrier of hers—and some of my own—to reach this moment. Even if our desires are growing inside this walled-in excuse for a home, a place not fit for happiness of any kind, this is all we have. This is all we need. This is our ending.

  It has to be.

  - Chapter 25 -


  Emma stands back, observing me in the mirror. “You look lovely.”

  I stare at my reflection, and I think she's right, but not for the reason she assumes. I do feel lovely. It has nothing to do with the elaborate weaving of silver flowers through my layers of loose waves of hair. Ever since Dominic and I had sex, I've felt... like I was glowing.

  “Do you like it?” she asks, squinting.

  I fondle the long ends where they drape over my naked shoulders. “Yes, but I'm surprised you styled it this way.” I'm remembering how she tried to cut off these brunette strands years ago.

  Emma shifts side to side, her gray apron looking like a silent bell ringing. “I'm not a monster, young lady. I just want to do my job. If Master Silas wants you making conversation on the ball room floor, then, well... I'll make sure everyone fights to talk to you.”

  Startling, I smile up at her. “Thank you,” I say solemnly.

  Bowing her head, she turns and leaves me alone. I gaze back in the mirror, toying with my hair, adjusting the bodice of my gold sequin dress. The party is starting soon. I know I should be downstairs, but once I start pacing, I can't stop.

  Everything is good. Why do I feel uneasy? Traveling the room, I sit on my bed. My hands smooth the blankets, and as I do, a trickle of an epiphany comes. I'm freaking out because of how happy I feel. I shouldn't feel this great. My situation hasn't changed; I'm still a hostage. I'm still trying to keep myself afloat until I can find a way out of this mess.

  Pretending to be a party-planner, letting myself be swept into Dominic's arms, it's all been a distraction. A wonderful one, but still... I can't let my guard down. Emma can act sweet, but she said it herself—her job is to work for Silas. He's going along with my plan now, but what if it fails? What if tonight bombs, and he lets Annie have her way with me?

  I don't have a clue what she'll do when she's angry.

  That's worse than knowing, in a way; the mystery of it.

  Stop this, I warn myself. I glance in the mirror and stand taller. Prouder. You've got this. Save the moping for if the party fails. It could go great! The Bradleys might land a ton of big clients for their banks. Hell, maybe this will go so well, that they'll stop looking for my dad. What an idea that is.

  Motivated by my new point of view, I adjust my dress one final time. On low heels, I trot out the door. And run straight into Dominic.

  He's wearing a different jacket and shirt than the pair he ruined in the storm. The pale vest, though, is the one Mellie tailored for him. It's strapped tight over a new outfit that's ironed sharply, the lines uniform. He looks stunning. “There you are,” he says, his smile going sideways. He takes me in with clear appreciation. “You look amazing.”

  “Thanks,” I say, playing with the draped, A-line hem. “You, too.” My eyes go past him, down the hall. “Are people showing up already?”

  “Some, yes.”

  “I'm sorry, I should have hurried there sooner.”

  He shrugs, running a hand down his silver tie. I watch, completely hooked on his tiny movements. They make me think of how precisely he can touch my body. “My parents have it under control. Don't forget, this is their house. They're not going to pretend this event was your idea.”

  I'm taken aback. “Oh.”

  He offers his elbow. “Walk with me. We'll make a grand entrance.”

  Lighting up with a grin, I wrap my arm around his thick bicep. It thrills me to be this close to him. He smells divine, and the walk to the ballroom goes too quickly. I could stroll down an endless hallway with this man.

  We approach the double doors. Security is dotted around, and I realize that, for once, they're not watching out for me. They're checking their lists as people arrive, marking off names, and sometimes even peering into bags or coats. The Bradleys are rich and powerful, and I forgot they could have enemies. I'm not the only one who hates them.

  When we get to the entrance, the security man—Miles, I recognize him—glances at us. He eyeballs our woven arms, but says nothing. He nods as we pass.

  The room inside is breathtaking. Mellie took all of my input, and the result is a ballroom that is straight out of a winter wonderland. The tables around the perimeter are draped in white satin. Tall high tops circling closer to the middle are studded with trays of drinks. Every surface is decorated tastefully with silver-glittered pinecone arrangements.

  Seeing the pinecones make my heart jump. They remind me of Dominic and me in the forest... of his strong hands on my hips, his cock buried in me to my limit as we both orgasm. We haven't had a moment alone to repeat that encounter.

  “I know what you're thinking about,” he says softly beside me. I snap my eyes to him in shock; he's smirking. “I'm thinking about it, too. Maybe we can reenact our fun in here later, when everyone has gone.”

  I want to scream yes please! I bite my bottom lip because Silas and Annie are approaching us. He's dressed similar to Dominic, a red triangle sticking from his jacket pocket. The green fabric that clings to Annie shows off her small waist and streamlined hips.

ominic,” Silas says, not offering a hand to either of us. Annie's openly staring at our arm-link the way Miles was. On impulse, I slide my hand away, hanging it at my side. She doesn't appear any less sour.

  Silas clears his throat. “This event is starting well. There are a few prospects who want to chat with me, and the night is very young.”

  I manage a smile. “I'm happy to hear that.”

  He gives me a curious look. “It's good to see you taking your situation so seriously.” His eyes narrow further, and I feel Dominic tensing. His protective aura is fierce. “It should go without saying, but I hope you weren't planning to cause any trouble tonight?”

  “What kind of trouble?” I ask slowly.

  Annie speaks up first, her voice a conspiratorial whisper. “Don't go begging anyone for help. None of the people attending would risk their own livelihoods by getting involved in yours.”

  My mouth opens. I work my jaw, searching for a response. “I wasn't planning on trying anything like that.”

  She nods curtly. With a final glance at us both, she sways off into the crowd. Silas lingers a second before he follows her. I shake my head, crossing my arms. “Amazing, aren't they?” I ask.

  Dominic makes a gritty, sharp sound. I stare up at him and catch the anger leaving his face. He's calm as a stone, and just as welcoming. “She hates seeing us together.”

  I blink twice. “Annie? Why does she care what we do?”

  His lips twitch at the corners, becoming a bitter smile. “Seeing me happy makes her miserable.”

  I place my hand gently on his shoulder. “Well. Then she'll have to get used to being miserable, I guess.”

  Dominic fixates on my hand. Then, he gazes into my eyes, taking in my sympathetic smile. My heart beats quicker when he smiles back. “I guess so.” He nods towards the group. “You attended smaller gatherings here before, right?”


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