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Crossroads Coven: Sex, Blood, and Rock 'n' Roll (Siren Publising LoveXtreme Special Edition)

Page 6

by Jools Louise

  I enjoyed this place in the house, viewing the burgeoning dawn then feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin. I missed, sometimes, being human. There were some definite disadvantages to being a vampire. Outliving my family had been a big one. I had never aged but had watched—from afar—as they all slowly faded, growing old and gray, their joints riddled with arthritis.

  My thoughts turned to darker memories. Charles, the traitor who had betrayed my coven. I had not seen his treachery, had been so besotted with the man, and that was the crux of my miserable thoughts, which turned over and over themselves, trying to find answers. In essence, there were none. Charles had been working for Theo and had played me perfectly. I had allowed myself to be seduced, had allowed Charles to use me as he would. I was ultimately responsible for my own downfall, and for that, I would never forgive myself. I had betrayed the Crossroads Coven. I had murdered six of my family. I deserved to be stripped of my rank. I was no prince. I was a fool.

  “Sire, why do you distress yourself still?” Connie. I jumped, startled, when I heard her soft voice beside me. She had entered the large, airy living area without my hearing her,

  “Why do you stay with me?” I retorted bitterly, staring out into the wilderness, watching the purpling of the sky beyond the lake turning to lilac as dawn tumbled over the horizon.

  I felt the chaise dip slightly beneath her weight as she perched beside me. I refused to look at her, ashamed that she would see my anguish. Connie was over two thousand years a vampire. She had been a wet nurse to an Egyptian queen, born into slavery, and had born two sons, both who had been killed at birth by her captors. Her babies had been bludgeoned to death while she watched, and she had then had to nurse her queen’s children in a macabre twist of the knife. Her attempt to escape had resulted in her being flogged to within an inch of her life and then slung into the gutter to die. That was where I had found her, a buxom, beautiful woman in her early thirties, her back ripped to shreds by the vicious flaying, her mind almost shattered by the weight of her grief.

  I had taken her to my den, and Mercer, Silas, Sven, and I had nursed her back to health again. It had taken time, and a lot of love, but she had been worth the effort. She was the kindest, warmest of our family. Once we had awoken her inner sex goddess, she had been unstoppable. She had been so passionate, so intensely sexual, that we had welcomed her with open arms. We four men were the core of our coven, having been together for over two millennia. Connie had been our first female conversion, and she was the most loving woman. Right now, though, I did not want love. I was enjoying wallowing in my own miserable thoughts. I snarled at her as she touched my arm, earning me a cuff on my ear.

  Snarling again, I bared my fangs at her, seeing the eye roll in return and the almost bored expression on her beautiful face. She arched a brow at my continued hissing, and I subsided, sulking. Connie was sexy as fuck, and I loved her dearly, but she had a knack for making me, a prince of vampires, feel like a naughty schoolboy.

  “Quit your bitching,” she said sharply then stroked my thigh gently, to soothe the bite of her words.

  “I’m trying to have a moment of solitude,” I replied haughtily, refusing to look at her.

  She laughed at my petulance, her great booming laugh that never failed to get a smile out of me. I kept my mouth in stern lines, refusing to give in to the amusement that threatened.

  “You’re sulking,” she said, snorting.

  “I don’t sulk,” I shot back, pouting.

  I caught the rolling of her eyes in my peripheral vision and gave a huff of irritation, pouting.

  “Julius, you may be a three-thousand-year-old blood-sucking stud, but you’re not like the other monsters we share the earth with,” she said, as soft as butter. “Theo played you because he has no finer feelings. He’s not only ruthless but weak, too.”

  I sent Connie a startled glance at the analogy, frowning.

  “It’s true,” she continued. “Theo is like a little boy, wanting what everyone else has, just because that person seems to be doing better than he is. You’ve earned the respect and love of thousands over the years and yet have only chosen a select few to be part of your coven.” She shifted, grabbing a couple of large cushions and sitting propped on the chaise, facing me, her feet in my lap.

  I arched a brow at her temerity, which she ignored. I huffed again and rolled my eyes. My coven, especially my inner circle, rarely listened to me when I was in one of my “moods.”

  “Theo is jealous because every member of his coven is there because they enjoy killing, not out of loyalty. Should anyone else come along who behaved in a similar way, rewarding them for their brutality with more money or a better lifestyle, they would defect to the other side in an instant. And he knows that.”

  Connie sounded disgusted at Theo’s antics, and I remembered the bastard had attacked her several decades ago. If Silas and I had not been there, she would have been brutally assaulted by Theo and ten of his guards.

  “I don’t care about Theo,” I replied after a while, and I really didn’t. Theo was a douche who had small-dick syndrome and wouldn’t change.

  “If it’s any consolation, none of us suspected Charles, either,” she said, sighing. I realized that Connie was far more perceptive than I had thought. “He was the perfect choice to send. He’s the perfect sociopath. Believable, credible, and able to block his thoughts from everyone. He even managed to bypass your enhanced security.”

  “I was a fool,” I retorted bitterly.

  “Yes,” she said and shrugged at my dirty look. “You knew Theo was up to no good because of Eva. You knew what Theo was capable of and let your dick think for you.” I hissed at her angrily, hearing the words that I had said to myself more than once repeated back to me. It hurt that she had pegged me so accurately…because that was exactly what had happened. My cock had been the cause of my demise and my life’s work—Crossroads Coven.

  “You may have been foolish,” Connie added, smiling at me gently. “But don’t forget, you have everyone in the coven to back you up, and we didn’t catch the deceit, either. If you’re a fool, then so are we. We’re family, and we helped to destroy what we’ve all helped you to create.”

  I felt tears prickle against my eyelids as I closed my eyes, feeling a sob catch in my throat.

  “Hey, there,” Connie said, and I felt myself lifted into her strong arms and cradled to her massive bosom. I sighed heavily, inhaling her delicious, sweet scent, and my tears began to fall. Burying my face between her melon-like breasts, I sobbed against her soft flesh, now warm from the burgeoning sunlight flooding through the window. “Let it out, baby,” she murmured, kissing the top of my head.

  She popped open some of the buttons on her deep red dress, and I snuggled against her bare flesh, sighing again. I wore only a robe, made of thick velvet, which had parted when I had been moved. Lying full-length on top of her, between her spread thighs, I allowed her to coddle me, taking comfort from her forgiving body. Her softness enveloped me, cushioning my harder curves, and my cock began to fill. I smelled her arousal and nuzzled her breasts, pushing aside her dress and finding her dark brown nipple with my mouth.

  She let out a low moan as I began to suck at her, pulling hard at the small bud, tugging at it with my lips. I reached for her other nipple, tweaking it between my finger and thumb, pinching it and pulling on it. Shrugging off my robe, I knelt upright, my cock now rigid and slapping against my belly. I stared at her, seeing her desire, seeing the excitement in her dark eyes as I grabbed for her dress and ripped it in two, baring her luscious form to my avid gaze.

  “Love me,” she murmured breathlessly, arching her back as I tugged and teased her nipples, spreading her legs wider. In retaliation, I draped her fleshy thighs across my forearms and slid forward, parking my cock at her moist entrance. I rubbed against her, wetting my cock with her creamy honey, which was now weeping from her dark brown lips. I viewed her labia hungrily, dipping forward for a taste.

  She gas
ped out her pleasure as my tongue swiped confidently along her front crease, lapping at her juices like a hungry cat, over and over. I felt her writhe beneath me, my fingers still playing with her teats as I ate her out, savoring her flavors and the soft moans that flooded from her throat. The tiny nub of her clit brushed against my upper lip and I nibbled at it gently then began to suckle, teasing more juices from her. I buried my face between her thighs, covering my face with her sweet honey before I bit down, sinking my fangs into her puffy labia. She screamed out in ecstasy and came hard, soaking me with the gushing warmth of her orgasm. I drank every drop down then eased my fangs from her, lapping tenderly at the twin wounds.

  Before she had time to recover, I guided my cock to her damp opening then thrust inside, sinking in to the hilt smoothly. She bucked beneath me, arching her back and shoving her hips back at me, driving me even deeper. Roaring out my pleasure, I gripped her breasts firmly, kneading them as I began to fuck her.

  “I love you,” I said sincerely, closing my eyes in bliss at the feel of her snug depths clutching at my cock, trying to keep me inside her as I pummeled her channel relentlessly. I slowed my pace, undulating my hips in slow, circular motions, adding a quick, hard snap for variety. Her soft flesh jiggled with each slow stroke into her, and I eased myself down until I lay atop her, moving just my hips as I took her lips in a deep, loving kiss. She returned my passion with equal hunger, opening wide for me as her legs wrapped tightly around my waist, attaching herself to me like a limpet.

  “Well, well, well,” Milly said from behind us, her tone husky and filled with lust. I looked sideways at her and watched her strip, reaching my arm out to invite her to join Connie and me.

  “Hmmm, you taste so good,” Milly said with a grin, lapping at my cheek and cleaning some of Connie’s cream from my skin. We enjoyed a sloppy three-way kiss, and I felt Milly’s hands stroke my back, cupping my ass, her finger teasing my rosebud. I groaned, turning my face to the side, rewarding her with a kiss.

  Milly and I changed positions, with me kneeling again as she straddled Connie’s face and sank her pussy down, covering Connie’s mouth. Connie hummed with pleasure, and as I stroked in and out of her sweet cunt, I heard the slurping sounds of her eating at Milly’s pussy with evident relish.

  Over Connie’s lush body, Milly and I kissed tenderly. Her body was slim and lithe as she rode Connie’s tongue skillfully. She clutched at my shoulders, claws extended, and then cried out into my mouth as she came, shuddering as she was brought to her pleasure. I dragged her forward and lay her down on top of Connie, her legs splayed wide to reveal her swollen nether lips surrounded by a light smattering of fiery-colored pubes. Leaving Connie’s warm depths, I sank into Milly, and began to make love to them both, alternating by tag-teaming them, two strokes into Milly and then two into Connie, gaining speed. Milly arched her back, her head resting against Connie’s shoulder, her face turned for Connie’s succulent kisses. The two women’s contrasting skin tones were beautiful, the pale and fire of Milly’s almost translucent skin and her gingery gold locks of hair a perfect foil for Connie’s darker hues. Connie’s lush figure surrounded Milly, her hands kneading Milly’s small breasts tenderly as they kissed.

  I picked up the pace, soon pile driving into both chutes in turn, using my vampire speed and strength on them. They cried out in bliss, fangs dropping and claws raking at each other desperately.

  “Beautiful,” Silas suddenly said from behind me, and I turned my sweaty face to him, accepting his hungry kisses as he probed my anus with two long fingers. I paused in my thrusts, letting him prepare me, before he hopped up on the chaise behind me and sank his big cock deep into my ass. I felt the hot slide of his flesh inside me, felt the burn, and threw myself back into a new rhythm, fucking Milly and Connie as Silas drove deep and hard into my ass.

  Silas had been with me for nearly as long as Mercer. A former slave, as well, Silas had been sentenced to death in the Coliseum of Rome, coming from the lands of Germania. I had rescued both him and Mercer at approximately the same time. Silas had fought off five tigers and then been left to rot in a tunnel beneath the large structure, his injuries severe and life-threatening. He had been alive, but scarcely, and I had taken him back to my den where Mercer had been recuperating, barely healed himself. The three of us had soon discovered an affection for each other, and I had offered Silas the same choice I had given to Mercer. Silas had chosen to be converted, and soon after he’d awoken, ravenous for blood, he’d returned to slay his brutal captors, getting payback for his months of torture.

  Silas’s six-foot-five-inch frame towered above me as he pummeled my ass with his big dick. He fondled Milly and Connie, finger fucking them at the same time as I ploughed the vampire wenches with my avid cock. I felt Silas’s long, mid-brown ponytail slap against my shoulder as he fucked me with long, powerful thrusts. Then I heard him let out a yelp and glanced back to see Mercer piling onto the train, shoving his fat cock into Silas’s tight chute.

  “Warn a guy before you skewer him with your spike,” Silas said, then groaned when Mercer simply kissed him, pulling my face back so we could enjoy a sexy three-way smooch.

  “Woo-hoo! The sex train is at the station,” Aaron suddenly yelled and leapt up to straddle Connie, who lay prone on the chaise. He then lifted Millie upright, turning her so she faced forward, and shoved her lower, lifting her ass higher before sinking into her tight depths. Both of the women groaned, and I had the feeling that Connie’s avid tongue was treating them to a tongue bath as Aaron fucked Milly’s ass, the pair of them poised over Connie’s face.

  Before too long, Daniel and Sven had also joined the orgy, and we moved to the floor since the chaise just wasn’t big enough. Silas finished up inside me, coming with a loud roar of satisfaction, then fell to the side as Mercer continued to pound his chute. Then I had Daniel move into place, fucking with long, loving strokes inside my sodden tunnel. I brought Connie to orgasm, and then Sven lay down on his back on the floor, inviting me to straddle him. Daniel and Sven’s cocks, added together, combined to make a wrist-wide skewer. Daniel withdrew briefly as I hopped off Connie, allowing me to impale myself on Sven before carefully inserting himself inside me, alongside Sven. I shuddered, throwing my head back at the delicious pleasure-pain as their two lengths filled me, stretching me impossibly wide. My cock bounced, wet with Connie’s and Milly’s sweet cream, and before I could catch my breath, I felt a warm, female channel sinking down onto me.

  Eva smiled at me as I opened my eyes dazedly. She kissed me softly, cupping my face between two hands, and we were soon writhing in ecstasy as we made love. Eva moved up and down as I drove back and forth. Behind me, Daniel fucked me tenderly, kissing my shoulder and cheek and sharing in three-way smooches with me and Eva as her breasts caressed my chest. Beneath us, Sven remained still, except for his forays inside Eva’s lush ass with his fingers. She cried out, her back arched as she was pleasured. As our tempo increased, our cries and moans echoed through the room, blending with the sounds of a larger orgy surrounding us as our coven all joined us, fucking and sucking in earnest to re-ignite our bond.

  My lovers all came, spurting deep inside each other, and then the formation changed again, and I went to play with the rest of my coven. Originally twenty-six members had made up our number, but with six dead, and Eva being a new addition, we were now only twenty-one deep. I needed to reconnect with each one, needed to apologize and offer my love and loyalty once again. It said much for my coven that nobody had thought to stay behind and had all made the long, treacherous trek to Canada to follow me.

  Thirteen of my remaining coven sprawled in various positions of copulation, welcoming me into their midst with open arms and legs. Nine were male and four were female, and I loved them all. My inner circle had been around for longer, and therefore their position meant I could trust their loyalty implicitly. The thirteen who were left had been converted between five hundred to a thousand years ago and had earned my love and respect, but mo
st had been in their own relationships when converted, and therefore, I left them to live their lives as couples. Despite the sexual aspect to the conversion, there were two confirmed lesbians who shunned male sexual contact. Faye and Amelia were feisty and sassy and didn’t mind sharing females, but give them a cock attached to a man? Julius grinned at the pair who were fucking each other with large plastic dildos.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Faye warned me, and I slapped her ass affectionately.

  “I wouldn’t dream of interrupting your fun,” I replied, moving in behind a young man called Xander, who was busy fucking his beloved, Zeke, with abandon. Xander smiled up at me, panting heavily as I gripped Zeke’s slim hips in my claws. I sank my fangs into Zeke’s neck, hearing his gasp of pleasure before sinking my cock into his tight ass. He shuddered, stroking my hair as his arm bent backward, cupping my head to his neck as I sucked at him greedily.

  Eduardo, Miguel, and Assan were engaged in their own mini orgy, with the Mexican twins, Eduardo and Miguel, both fucking Arabian Assan’s ass and mouth. Howard, a former Scottish laird, was enjoying his own orgy with his wife, Mary, plus Naomi, the sweetheart of Callum, an ex-Irish fisherman, along with Thomas, a widower, and Michael, a former French cavalier of Louis XIV’s court. Howard and Thomas were currently double-fucking Mary’s ass, with Callum fucking Naomi as Mary sucked on Naomi’s tits, who swayed atop Callum as he straddled Howard’s chest, and Mary, impaled, riding Howard’s cock as Thomas fucked her on his knees from behind.

  I brought my two lovers to their pleasure and moved in behind Thomas, who accepted my fingers into his anus with evident relish, shoving his hips back to drive my fingers deeper. Stretching Thomas, I kissed him hungrily, lovingly, and then inserted my cock in one smooth thrust, snapping my hips as I began to thrust back and forth. Within seconds Thomas was spurting hard into Mary, bucking against me as I drove deep, fucking him hard before claiming him with my fangs in his neck and spewing hot cum into his clenching channel.


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