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Crossroads Coven: Sex, Blood, and Rock 'n' Roll (Siren Publising LoveXtreme Special Edition)

Page 11

by Jools Louise

  I sighed again, and prepared myself for the chase to come—and the ensuing battle.

  * * * *


  I opened my eyes, scenting someone nearby. The essence of strawberries and something earthier hit my nostrils. I felt a twitch in my groin and moved restlessly on the bed. I turned my head and fixed my gaze on the gorgeous countenance of my visitor, who eyed me curiously through eyes as black as soot, his long lashes caressing his smooth cheeks when he blinked. My gaze swept over the man, and I licked my lips, unable to prevent a gasp from leaving me as I remembered where I had seen him before. It was Prince Julius himself. Someone that I was supposed to fear, an enemy. But I had been rescued by the prince’s coven. Azziz and Reinhart would have killed me without a qualm because, in their eyes, I had failed.

  “You took a heavy beating, youngling,” the prince said, his eyes dark pools of sadness.

  I nodded hesitantly, not knowing what to expect. I had followed the prince’s coven mates, had led Reinhardt and Azziz in my eagerness to please my masters, or at least because of my very real fear of what they would do to me should I not do their bidding. The prince would surely not forgive me for my transgression. In Theo’s court, at the very least, I would be ripped to pieces and fed to the cockroaches that infested Theo’s filthy mansion.

  “I am informed that you and the other six rescued from the parking lot a few days ago may have some use.” The prince eyed me with an unreadable expression in his eyes.

  “I…I’m not sure what…” I stammered, frowning. I flinched as he stepped closer, his fangs descending as he snarled.

  “Do not mistake your continued existence as a weakness,” Prince Julian said in a dangerously soft voice. “My coven is precious to me. They follow me, without any guarantees, because they are my family. You are an entity. One I should not trust, not for an instant.”

  I shuddered and gulped at the raw power emanating from the prince. This was no puny creature, cowed by Theo’s despicable actions. This was a supreme being, a vampire in full control, and right now I was in a decidedly vulnerable position, lying naked on a bed, deep within the prince’s stronghold. I knew I would be no match for him, should he choose to attack me.

  “I m-meant n-no d-disrespect, sir,” I stuttered.

  “Did you not?” Julius asked, arching one black brow quizzically. Then he shrugged. “No matter. You have the stench of Theo on you,” he added, wrinkling his nose in a manner I thought quite charming. He flipped a swath of silver hair over one shoulder and sighed.

  “Er…how do you think I could be of use, sir?” I asked hesitantly, bracing myself for another angry reaction. Theo had responded to questions with brutal force. After what I had heard about Prince Julius, I could not expect much difference. One prince was much the same as another in my opinion.

  “I lost six of my coven in Theo’s murderous attack,” the prince said, his gaze running intently over my naked body, and I felt it almost tangibly. He wore a robe of deep red silk and shrugged his shoulders so that it fell to the floor, a pool of color on the rather bland carpet.

  I studied the prince’s physique intently, seeing the defined musculature and thick, long cock that jutted from his groin, semi-hard. He hopped up onto the bed, straddling my ankles, and ran a cool hand up my thigh, as light as a feather. I let out a whimper and watched as his cock rose at the same time as mine did, as though they were reaching for one another. I saw the desire in his eyes and smelled his arousal on the air.

  “I could use a little help from you,” Julius whispered seductively, cupping my balls and rolling them gently in his hand. I parted my legs, loving the gentleness of his touch, wanting more. “I wish you to join our little coven.”

  I gasped as he dipped his head, kissing the moist tip of my dick and then licked along the tiny slit, teasing out more pre-cum. “I…I can’t think right now, sir,” I mumbled, my head lolling back on the pillows as I rose up on my elbows, wanting to watch what he did next. “I thought….that you…didn’t trust me.” I groaned deeply as he smiled at me and then swallowed my cock, sucking it tightly, his head bobbing up and down as he pleasured me. I couldn’t quite believe it. A prince, pleasuring me. I was no prize. I was a former prostitute nothing special. Certainly, I did not warrant such attention from this man. I realized, belatedly, that despite Julius’s demotion, I still considered him a prince. I had never really considered Theo that. Theo was a monster, a braggart and a bully.

  I bucked involuntarily as I came in record time, the warmth of Julius’s lips around my cock bringing me to my pleasure so easily it left me reeling. Dazed, I viewed him through glazed vision, panting hard. He popped off my dick and then crawled between my legs, hooking his arms under my knees and lifting my legs over his forearms.

  “Prepare yourself,” he said softly, his lips swollen and red, his eyes showing his intention.

  I reached between my legs, fingering my hole willingly as he watched. With a flash of fangs, he grinned and produced a bottle of lube and flipped it open. His slim fingers, soon slick and moist, tapped my rosebud, tangling with mine as they played at my rear entrance before he slid one inside me, just an inch, and wiggled it around a little, teasing me. He leaned forward, and his cock brushed mine as he pressed deeper inside me, his face close to mine.

  “I read you earlier before you were fully awake,” he said, his tongue darting out and swiping along my lower lip.

  I licked at the moist trail, tasting myself as well as his unique flavor. I felt his fingers scissor inside me, stretching me wider but so gently it didn’t hurt at all. He was caressing me, seducing me, and I lapped it up, wanting more and more and more. All I had known was abuse or rough treatment. I had never been with anyone who was so concerned with my comfort and pleasure.

  “Do we have to talk right now?” I asked, moaning as he probed deeper, finding a sensitive spot inside me that had me shuddering wildly, my pleasure increasing tenfold.

  Julius laughed and then pressed his mouth to mine, his tongue probing for entry. I opened for him, and he pounced, sweeping inside and claiming me just as he removed his fingers from my ass, his cock sliding into place, smooth as butter.

  He was thick, filling me completely, his mouth taking mine with a skill I had never known before. He was masterful, his taste exquisite, his hips undulating as he began to make love to my ass, his fingers gliding over my body as I wrapped my legs around his slim waist, lost in him. We rolled together, and I writhed atop him, arching my back as I rode him, his cock wedged within me. He pinched my nipples, his smile wide as I took my pleasure before he took control again, and within seconds, I was beneath him, my body his playground.

  I felt his fangs nip at my lower lip, and then he sucked on the small wound. He stroked slowly in and out of me, his cock gliding easily, no hurry. I wanted to cry at the beauty of it all. He made me feel treasured, valued, rather than a vessel to fuck into. I gripped his hips, my claws digging into his flanks as I writhed with him, meeting his every thrust, grinding against his lower body, trying to drive him deeper still.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered, staring into my eyes. “You respond delightfully, youngling.” Then he kissed me again, and I was lost completely again, my cock firing between us as I came apart, crying as I climaxed. He lapped at my tears, murmuring sweetly, soothing me…and I think maybe I fell a little in love with him, right then.

  “Your Highness,” I sighed, holding him close, not wanting to let him go. I felt him move a little faster, his cock spearing me again and again before he cried out softly, spurting warm cream inside me, marking me as his as his fangs bit deep into my neck. I came again, hard, the sexual ecstasy of his claiming erupting in me, a shock of pure carnal energy that ruptured my senses, sending me into overload.

  “Not that,” he said, easing back a little. “I am Julius. No ‘Your Highness,’ please.”

  “I’ve never…” I began, feeling a little embarrassed to admit that I’d never made love before. I was even more embarra
ssed that I had, only a few days before, been trailing after Julius’s people, trying to find him so that I could lead Theo straight here. That would have resulted in carnage. Why was Julius being so forgiving? Why had he been so gentle?

  “Luc, I told you. I read you,” Julius soothed, stroking my brow with a gentle touch. “You are not evil. You still have some remnants of the soul you used to have.” He kissed the tip of my nose, rolling to the side, before cuddling me close, still buried deep within me. I rested my head upon his chest, sighing tremulously. I felt a connection to him, a loyalty that I had the feeling would remain forever.

  “But I…”

  “I know that you were recruited by Theo, turned against your will, and then given to Reinhardt. I also know that my commander, Mercer, saw something in you, as did Daniel and my other coven mates.” Julius stroked my back, and I closed my eyes, ashamed of what I had done, ashamed that I had thought any of them weak. “I have seen the depths of your mind, and the memories of what you have suffered. In my coven, we love each other. We do not use brute force against one another. Anyone not meeting our requirements is dealt with, swiftly, by expelling them from our coven. I have seen inside your soul, Luc. There is something worth saving.”

  I held my breath as he paused and then hooked his fingers beneath my chin, lifting my face up so that I could look into his eyes.

  “I’m giving you a chance, Luc. There is no guarantee that this will be permanent. That depends on you and how you behave. If you even think to try and betray any of us, I’ll send you back to Theo stuffed inside a jiffy bag—still breathing.”

  I viewed the promise in Julius’s gaze and nodded, gulping. He meant what he said. But I had no intention of betraying anyone. I had been told a pack of lies about Prince Julius and my instincts were to trust him. He had made me feel more in the last hour or so than I ever had in my extended existence. That was worth my loyalty. Sex was one thing, but Julius had showed me tenderness and had given me self-worth. I would be forever grateful to him for that one small kindness.

  “Your Highness,” I said, stroking his cheek gently. “I have only ever known the sharp edge of life. I was an easy target for Theo’s monsters because I was ready to give up on finding any happiness in life. He just confirmed that I was not worthy of any compassion. I was born a catamite, and my own parents threw me to the gutter because of my sinful desires.” I felt tears well up and sniffed miserably. I tried to lower my head, but Julius held on firmly, making me look at him.

  “You are not worthless, and your desires are healthy and shared by us all. We enjoy our sexuality, in all kinds of ways, and if that is considered a sin, then so be it.” He grinned wickedly. “You have the choice whether to stay with us or not,” the prince said softly, brushing at my face as a tear escaped. “If you decide to go your own way, I will let you leave, with no questions asked. If your decision is to remain with us, as part of my extended family, then I ask only that you are loyal. The members of my coven are outlaws because of someone’s betrayal. I will tolerate no treason. But for your loyalty, I will reward you with a life of warmth and relative comfort, surrounded by trusted friends and bedmates.”

  I nodded and was suddenly wrapped in his arms again, sobbing out decades of misery. He held me close, offering me comfort from my pain. I felt as though I had found home at last, in his embrace.

  Chapter Twelve


  I trudged wearily overland, wondering if it were possible that my feet would drop off from overuse. The miles I had traveled, trying to evade Theo’s onslaught, were taking their toll. My entire body ached, worse than an eight-round battle at the Coliseum. I had fought off dozens of minions, rendering them into dust, one after the other. The Appalachians had provided sustenance and a way to destroy many of Theo’s coven. None had been worthy of saving. They were all past the point where their humanity was still intact. I had no regrets, other than my poor feet.

  My destination came into view, and the sight nearly brought me to my knees as relief catapulted through me. I needed a bath and some hot sex and the warmth of my family…in that order. I caught a whiff of my unwashed body and winced. Perhaps my prince would not recognize me in my current state and banish for being a stinky, scruffy mess. Christ, even my hair hurt right now!

  “Mercer.” I heard the greeting and glanced up, staring at a most beautiful sight. My family, with Julius in the lead, had come to meet me. I whimpered, staring hungrily at everyone. Sven and Daniel and Silas jogged forward, grabbing me in their hard embraces, hugging me close. I held on, inhaling their familiar scent, savoring the feel of them against me. Milly and Connie came next, followed by Aaron and Eva. Julius held back, smiling slightly, his eyes warm with affection.

  “Old friend,” Julius said, wrinkling his nose delicately. “I do believe I’ll let you bathe before I welcome you back properly.”

  I laughed loudly and grabbed him, kissing him hungrily. I cupped his pert little ass, grinding my cock against him until we were both panting.

  “Julius, I am more than happy to bathe weeks of battle off my poor, abused body,” I said as we parted at last, clinging to each other limply. “I would only ask that my coven assist me in ensuring every last bit of me is cleansed.”

  Julius laughed, cupping my cock teasingly. “Mercer, I’m sure they will gladly oblige.”

  Eva leaned close, her hands caressing my ass gently. “We have a beautiful underground pool which will suit you, I’m sure,” she murmured. I cupped her face and kissed her tenderly, the feel of her soft lips against mine doing more to ease my aches and pains than anything else. “Come,” she urged, curling her fingers into mine and tugging me along the rough trail that led up to barely visible structure, built deep into the side of a mountainside.

  Our original plan had been to stay at a friend’s tavern, but that had been weeks ago before Luc had discovered our trail. It had been too dangerous to stay in that area, and so we were now in a completely new area, in a remote part of Alaska. This had been an impulse purchase, the property bought through legal means from a human—a successful writer who had decided he was more inspired living in the city than the wilds of the Alaskan wilderness. The alimony he was paying to two ex-wives probably helped him to decide to sell. Julius had bought it, via a shell company set up for just such an occasion, and I had cheered when I found out we were to move in.

  I had walked for most of the way, after defeating Theo’s last bunch of cretins in a bloody battle that had lasted for six hours. I was back to low-tech travel now…being bait sucked. I had taken a flying boat, a kayak, and finally back to walking to get here. The scenery was stunning, with mountains towering all around, spring flowers providing a colorful blanket on the ground, and a glacier-fed stream, shallow but fast flowing, tumbling toward the ocean some eight miles away.

  Surrounded by my circle, I headed inside our new home, smiling as I saw the rest of the coven, mid-orgy, and called out greetings. Luc was there and looked quite different now, his hair longer and his eyes showing a contentment that hadn’t been there before. He was sixty-nining with Michael while Callum and Naomi were fucking beside them. The others who had recently joined us seemed to be settling in well, and I viewed one of them, a female, sucking at Mary’s pussy as Mary’s husband, Howard, fucked Mary’s mouth. I felt my cock twitch as the sexual energy reached me. I smiled. This was home.

  Eva led me down a short hallway and down some stairs into a large communal bathing area, reminiscent of one of the bathhouses of Rome. A square had been cut into the rocky floor and tiled. Taps spewed a constant stream of warm water into the pool, and from somewhere, rose petals had been acquired and floated on top, their heady scent permeating the room.

  My companions helped me remove my clothes, amping up my passion as their hands wandered and stroked and fondled. I had found heaven again.

  * * * *


  My pussy wept for joy at seeing Mercer again. I hadn’t seen him for ages, and despite the coven�
�s assurances, I had worried that he would never return. I watched eagerly as his big body was bared, his thick muscles rippling beneath his ebony skin. He smelled sweaty and earthy, his natural scent coming through strongly, not unpleasant really, but he was covered in bruises and scratches. He looked weary, and his dark eyes reflected a bone-deep tiredness that was not just because he had been traveling for so many weeks. I knew the solution. He needed our loving. We had all missed him. His big, booming laugh and the sinfully beautiful smile that he shared frequently had been noticeably absent, and I was so glad he was back.

  “Here, my love,” I urged, guiding him to the shallow steps that led into the pool. He gasped in pleasure as his toes touched the warm water and eagerly waded deeper before submerging completely. He swam underwater for two lengths then surfaced, water sluicing from him in a sexy waterfall that drew attention to every lickable inch of him. I licked my lips and exchanged a glance with my coven mates, and Julius, before we all joined Mercer.

  I needed his thick cock inside me, urgently, but was held back by Connie and Milly, as Julius took the lead, reaching Mercer first.

  “Let us leave them to bond for a little while,” Connie murmured in my ear, her hands cupping my breasts, kneading them gently.

  I leaned back against her, feeling her slick body, naked and wet, cradling me. Her massive bosoms were soft, and her nipples prodded at me insistently. I turned in her arms, standing waist deep and kissed her lush lips tenderly. Milly moved in behind me, fingering my pussy, her slim hands parting my legs. I groaned as I felt her exploring the folds of my labia, finding the tiny nub of my sex and rubbing it firmly.

  My breasts pressed against Connie’s as I held her closer, and I lifted one leg, grinding myself against her thigh, enjoying the friction. Milly slid two fingers up inside me, fucking me hard, kissing my back, her fangs grazing my skin. I shuddered as she nipped at me, parting my butt cheeks and probing there with her other hand, teasing my rosebud.


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