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Crossroads Coven: Sex, Blood, and Rock 'n' Roll (Siren Publising LoveXtreme Special Edition)

Page 14

by Jools Louise

  Access into the mansion was quick. An unguarded door led to the attics, and we moved with military precision in perfect sync. Less experienced coven mates were paired with warriors, male or female, and we dispatched our foe easily. None were particularly motivated to fight but would be dangerous if left. They had to be taken out. No prisoners in this deadly war. It was a lesson we had to learn the hard way since a lot of the guards and coven members had been known to us but defected to Theo’s side and had been at our tavern when the slaughter had occurred. For that alone, they deserved to be exterminated like the vermin they so obviously were. They had no loyalty, no respect for friendships. I suffered no guilt at what my family and I were doing. This was war, not a Disney movie.

  Keeping my bond link open, I kept track of where Julius was and continued through the massive house. We were attacked again and again, Theo’s coven surprised to see us alive and in their midst. Thinking of those poor children below, I smiled grimly, glad that we could mete out our own form of justice for their sakes. I saw no sign of Theo.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I arrived at the nearest hospital, using my powers to continue to cloak my entourage as I made my way into the bowels of the building, scenting out the bags of blood that were kept sealed away for emergency transfusions. I found a couple of nurses, after donning a doctor’s lab coat I found in a storage closet. I coerced my new assistants into helping set up an impromptu ward, and we quickly hooked up our charges to IVs. I stayed to guard them, dismissing the nurses for now, not wanting any unwanted visitors to disturb us. Blood banks were a magnet for my kind—a fast food joint and I didn’t want any innocents to be harmed if anyone showed up.

  A slight sound behind me had me whipping around, and I smiled as I saw my nemesis, the cowardly little runt known as Theo.

  “Aah, you finally decided to do your own dirty work,” I drawled, smirking at him.

  “Julius,” he snarled, glancing at the beds in the room and the patients hooked up to life-giving fluid. “You’ve taken from me for the last time.”

  I arched one brow haughtily, fixing the bastard with a stare that held all the contempt I could muster. “I have taken from you?” I asked, incredulous at his audacity. “You have quite the imagination, Theo.” I raked my glance over him insultingly and watched with glee as his eyes darkened to a deep crimson, his fangs extending as he hissed at me angrily. “Did you really think that your puny little gang could best me forever? Even your most experienced converts have failed. Is there anything that you can do without fucking up completely?”

  He hissed again and advanced, his claws curled menacingly. I stood my ground, turning slightly so that my back was to a connecting door that led into another room.

  “I took out your coven, didn’t I?” he said, teeth bared.

  “No, you murdered six of my coven,” I corrected mockingly, curling my lip into a sneer. “Those I have replaced with six from your coven, a fair trade, don’t you think?” I stepped closer to him, looking down my nose into his angry face. “Your problem is that you think a coven is housed within the walls of a building. It isn’t. A coven goes where they need to and can settle anywhere. We are nomads by nature, traveling across continents to survive. You have forgotten from whence we came.”

  “I forget nothing,” Theo snarled back, lashing out at me.

  I stepped aside, avoiding the blow, and laughed at his pathetic attempt. He had caught me off guard twice before. He would not do so again. As I moved, I raked his neck with my claws, triggering the ring that I wore containing liquid mercury. He would not feel the scratch from the barb, and before he realized what was happening, it would be far too late for him.

  “You have stolen from me again and again,” I said, avoiding a second attack and delivering a second shot of mercury for good measure. “You think I was weak because I left?” I snorted derisively. “You are weak because you understand nothing of who I am.” The third time Theo came at me, I stood my ground, turning as he rushed forward and grabbing his arm then shoving him at the connecting door and head first right through it. His screams of rage were music to me. I knew I could win against him this time. His weakness was in using minions to do his bidding, and his emotional instability added to his inability to think clearly when in battle. Without his army, he was too hotheaded and made mistakes. Two of those had just cost him his existence, and he was too stupid to realize it.

  I lifted my foot, booting him through the door and into the next room, a smallish closet that contained medical supplies. Theo crashed into some shelves, dislodging their contents onto the floor with a loud clatter. I roared, my demon taking over, my size increasing as I shifted. Theo looked terrified for the first time, apparently realizing something that had not occurred to him before. I had reached my zenith in vampire terms. I had an inner circle that I had bonded with—nine including Luc, who I had already begun to induct. The ninth member was the lynch pin, giving me a burst of new powers. Enough to finish Theo for good.

  “You are…” Theo began, scrambling to get up, blood oozing from his wounds. His eyes were turning striated with pewter strands, evidence that the toxins invading his system were working.

  “I have completed my circle,” I said softly, my voice a low growl, deep and gravelly, reverberating through the room. “Luc is my ninth.” He flinched at my reply, paling, his complexion a sickly gray. “You’ll remember, I think, what that means?”

  “You’re no longer a prince,” Theo said faintly, desperately. “You were disempowered. I destroyed your tavern. I destroyed you!” He shouted this last bit, and I smiled my most pleasant smile, my enlarged fangs brushing my lower lip as my lips curled back.

  I noted the darkening of my skin, which became almost reptilian in texture. I peered down at my enemy from a greater height, my frame growing another three feet until I topped nine feet. Horns sprouted from the top of my head, curving backward to the shape of my skull. My hair remained, flowing down my back in a cascade of silver. I took a step forward and roared again, inhaling the fear from my most troublesome companion.

  “I’m no prince. I’m a demon,” I replied, advancing again. “I am a vampire and have never asked for what was bestowed upon me—that was the Council’s decision. You have never really understood who or what has driven me. You never will.” Power flowed through my veins, a drug that could prove addictive, except I was no addict. I used the power as it was intended to be used—to defeat my enemy. It was about time Theo was taken care of for good. “My coven is tired of having to watch their backs in case one of your kind attacks them. They are weary of your constant abuses of power. They are sick to death of watching their loved ones die because you have no control over your own coven or your jealousy. For centuries you have tried to kill me. You failed on every single count.” I snarled viciously then reached down and gripped him by the throat, lifting him high with little effort so that his legs dangled helplessly.

  “You cannot kill me,” he blustered, hissing at me. I almost admired his tenacity. The man was either truly brave or incredibly stupid. I tended to think the latter where he was concerned.

  “Are you absolutely sure about that?” I whispered, snarling softly. “What is it about me that you despise so much?” I asked, curious despite myself. “What is it about my coven that you cannot abide?” I shook him vigorously.

  “You’re scum!” he shot back. “You simper and pose and preen like some damned cockerel, and your coven follows you as though you were some kind of a god. It’s pathetic. You act as though you’re still human.”

  I laughed in his face, enjoying his rant. “I love my coven,” I replied simply. “I don’t force anyone to stay with me. It’s their choice if they do. Your idea that love is a weakness is absurd.” I leaned closer and wiped the smile from my face. “Your idea that it’s okay to use little children as blood slaves is even more absurd. For that, you will die—murderer!” A second later I punched my clawed fist right through his chest and ext
racted his heart, squeezing tightly. Before he had time to realize what was happening, I decided that I was too impatient to wait for the toxins to work and sliced my claws across his neck, decapitating him in an instant. He turned to dust a second later, and I roared my triumph, sending out a primal call to every single vampire through an open link—something only a vampire in its zenith could do. A warning to any who would try to destroy me again. A promise to the council what I would do should they try to punish my retaliation. I railed against their enabling this monster for so many years.

  “You killed him?” A small voice trembled behind me, and I tensed, turning slowly to face the speaker. The little boy, Ethan, looked much better after receiving his much-needed transfusion. I was surprised at how quickly he had recovered, and then he wobbled on his feet, clutching the IV unit that he wheeled behind him.

  I leapt forward as he began to collapse, his legs still too weak to hold him, and gathered him close. In my primal form, I must look scary, but he didn’t appear to be intimidated. Instead he curled in closer, resting his head wearily against my massive chest.

  “I’m glad he’s dead,” Ethan whispered and closed his eyes, falling asleep again. I gazed at him tenderly and took him through into the temporary ward, placing him back in his cot and gathering the covers around his small frame.

  I focused and returned to my more usual form then dragged a chair closer, preparing to wait until my charges were recovered. A quick call to my coven to tell them my news had me smiling at their enthusiastic response. Then I grabbed a spare blood bag, pierced the plastic with my fangs, and drank greedily, replenishing my energy before settling down to wait.

  * * * *


  I stood watching from the corner as my demon prince carried a young boy and placed him in a wheeled bed then covered him gently. I had followed, thinking that I may need to assist Julius and had been in awe of his power, the way he had dispatched Theo with barely a tremor. For some, such an act was a way of life, killing for the simple pleasure of seeing the light fade from a person’s eyes. I had seen the same pleasure in Theo’s eyes when he had ordered one of his monsters to kill or maim or brutalize one of his coven for a minor transgression, just to prove his dominance. Except, unlike Julius, he’d never really had that much power, only the appearance of it. Smoke and mirrors to disguise his true cowardice. He was no warrior but a snake in the grass, hiding behind those larger and stronger, ruling by fear.

  “You intend to stay there for the entire night?” Julius said softly, a slight smile on his perfect lips. His dark gaze searched me out in the shadows, and I stepped forward hesitantly.

  “I apologize, sire,” I replied, ducking my head. “I meant no disrespect.”

  “You meant to protect me,” he said, his smile widening, his eyes soft with gratitude. “You, our newest circle member, came to defend me.” He beckoned me closer, and I obeyed willingly.

  “I thought you might need help,” I said ruefully, glancing at the broken door, and then laughed. “I feel a little silly now.”

  He grasped my hand, tugging me closer, onto his lap. I sighed and cuddled closer without thinking. He stroked my hair, kissing me softly as he embraced me.

  “Never feel silly for wanting to protect your family,” he murmured, tilting my face up to his. Our lips met again, and I sighed into his mouth, enjoying the taste of him as our tongues collided. His fingers gripped my hair more firmly, his kiss deepening until we were both gasping in need. His cock hardened beneath me, pushing against my ass, and I had to remind myself of where we were, and who was in the room, before things got out of hand.

  “Remind me to thank you later,” he said, nipping at my lower lip before sucking at the tiny wound.

  I moaned at the erotic sensation, and cupped his cheek, wanting to feel him inside me, wanting to be loved by him again. I needed it more than I needed anything else.

  Our kiss ended, and we sat contentedly, the quietness after the vicious battle soothing me. Then I remembered something that had caught my attention earlier. “Did you really make me your ninth circle member?” I asked, not really believing it.

  He chuckled and kissed my forehead. “Yes, my love,” he replied and cuddled me closer still.

  “Why me?” I asked, astounded that he had bestowed such an honor. There were members of his coven who had been with him for centuries I had been there for only a matter of a few weeks.

  He tilted my head again, staring into my eyes, his dark gaze hypnotic, swirling with all sorts of emotions. I saw love and thanks and respect among other things.

  “Your soul spoke to me,” he said, stroking his thumb over my lips. “My other members are happy to be where they are in my outer circle. I knew when I met you, when I searched your thoughts and read your history, that you were the one who would complete my inner circle.”

  “I still don’t understand,” I said, frowning. “I was with Theo’s coven. I followed your coven to report back to him. I was the enemy until very recently.”

  “You were forced into his coven,” Julius corrected. “You have been through so much in such a short time, and yet you were the only one of the new members that we rescued who refused to attack me when I ordered it. The others thought about it, with Chloe beating them to it. I know they were being coerced, but still, I had done nothing to warrant their continued mistrust. Obeying blindly is one thing, but it takes courage and a strength of spirit to defy your leader…to know your own mind. You refused to attack me, and for that, you proved your worth. I already bonded with you when I accepted you into the coven. We will seal the deal later…just you and me. And then the rest of the inner circle will help to welcome you to our midst.”

  I shuddered, my cock hardening again at the sultry promise in his voice. I raised my lips, and he covered them again, drinking from me avidly as we kissed tenderly.

  “I love you, sire,” I whispered, sinking against him helplessly. My toes curled as the kiss deepened, and I heard his deep groan, felt his hands caress my thigh and then trail down to my butt, squeezing my ass firmly.

  “I love you, too, my beautiful Luc,” he replied huskily. “Dawn will soon be upon us, and we must leave here and take our charges home.” He lifted his head, kissing the tip of my nose teasingly. “I may need some help with that.”

  I chuckled at that and flushed a little, still slightly embarrassed at rushing to the aid of one of the most powerful vampires. A vampire who had defeated a monstrous creature of pure evil.

  “Please do not be embarrassed,” he murmured, his eyes soft with love. “I am proud that you rushed to my aid. I acted on instinct when Theo followed me here. I had no conscious idea that I would be able to call my demon so effectively. I could only half-shift before that. Without you, without being bonded to you, I would never have had the power or strength of spirit to beat him.”

  “You would have beaten him,” I said staunchly, refusing to believe that Julius was anything less than perfect. He smiled again, his eyes twinkling with laughter. “It’s true,” I insisted and huffed irritably, pouting. “Theo was a fool.”

  “But a dangerous fool,” Julius said starkly. His gaze went to the storeroom, and I saw the grief and regret on his face. “He will not be the only enemy we will face,” he added, sighing heavily. “Perhaps, now that I have my full powers, others will not be quite so eager to defeat me. We still have those on the Council who have political agendas and will want to control me. I have never cared for politicians.” He wrinkled his nose charmingly, and I grinned at his distaste.

  “Sire, you have the coolest coven,” I retorted, laughing. “Sex, blood, and rock ‘n’ roll, that’s us…and all those cool Harleys. You don’t need the Council, you never have, but they need you. Maybe it’s time for a new order, one that will protect its covens instead of allowing monsters like Theo to destroy our kind.”

  Julius sighed again and shook his head. “Youngling, you have much to learn about the Council.” His expression was wistful, his lips cur
ved into a wry smile. “Many are older than I and remember the old ways. They would like nothing more than to terrorize this land again. We are supernatural, but even we have no defense if we were ever discovered. Humans have moved on. They have weapons to incinerate and devices that could seek us out in the darkness. Our best defense is to remain in the shadows and keep a low profile, blending in as much as we can. If we did what the Council wanted, we would be eliminated within months.” He laughed mockingly. “The Council has outgrown its usefulness,” he said. “They do not understand that we must stick together. Instead they pit us against each other in petty games of power, sitting back in their ivory towers while children are tortured.” He scowled, staring over at the children who lay sleeping, blood seeping slowly back into their veins. The two nurses who had been bespelled checked intermittently, tending the youngsters, without realizing we were even there.

  “What will we do with the children?” I asked.

  “Mercer is going to find out who they all are, and then we can return them to their parents, if that’s what they want. If they don’t want to go, if they were being abused, then they will stay at our coven. Some may be orphans. We will have a meeting, the entire coven, and decide where our future lies.” As he finished, Mercer appeared in the doorway, smiling.

  “Dawn is fast approaching,” he said. “I brought some back up so we can get these little ones to safety.” He frowned, his dark eyes sad. “They are all orphans, except little Ethan. Theo murdered their parents…all of them, just before he sent out his coven to attack us.”

  I gasped at this, feeling sick. I almost regretted that Theo had died so quickly. I wanted to rip him apart all over again.

  “Let us take them to a suitable home,” Julius said, lifting me in his arms and cradling me as though I was a youngster, rather than a fully-grown man. I arched my brow at him, which he ignored, rolling his eyes at Mercer’s chuckle. “The converted kids will live with us, under strict supervision. The human children don’t need to be raised among vampires that would be wrong. I have some friends who would be happy to help out, human friends who know about our kind, but are loyal to me. The children would be safe there. Then we can go home.”


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