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Living The Dream

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by Sean Michael

  Living The Dream


  Sean Michael

  Amber Quill Press, LLC

  Living The Dream

  An Amber Quill Press Book

  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author's imagination, or have been used fictitiously.

  Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

  Amber Quill Press, LLC

  All rights reserved.

  No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

  Copyright © 2014 by Sean Michael

  ISBN 978-1-61124-685-8

  Cover Art © 2014 Trace Edward Zaber

  Published in the United States of America

  Also by Sean Michael

  Art And Snowflakes

  Blue Collar

  Carved In Wood

  Crouching Vegan, Hidden Werewolf

  Digging For Gold

  Dirty Kisses

  Full Disclosure

  The Good Life

  Making Your Own Luck

  Office Hours

  Recipe For Love

  Revving It Up

  Royal Line

  Serving Mr. Right

  Silver Edges

  Spot The Difference


  Welcome Home

  The Wizard And The Thief

  Working It Out

  Working To Win

  Chapter 1

  "Dude, you're working 'til when?"

  Chip grinned, shrugged. "I took a shift 'til five, then I'm hot-tubbing it, man, soaking my bones."

  Bennie snorted. "You and your bone."

  "Hell yeah." He just needed a little cash to play with, then he wouldn't snag another shift for a week or so. Tips were shitty until the snow started falling, anyway.

  "Chip, table nine. He's not going to serve himself." Andrea snapped him on the ass with a towel.

  "Oooh. Do it again!" He wiggled his ass, still laughing happily as he headed out to table nine. "Hey, man! How goes it?"

  The guy at table nine was good-looking, with short blond hair and a square jaw. The steel-blue eyes that looked up at him were stressed to the gills, though, the lines around them pronounced. Maybe it had something to do with the laptop. Who brought work to Lake Tahoe?

  "Can I help you?" Blue Eyes asked.

  "I think that's my line, beautiful. You want a cocktail? A lemonade?" A hand job?

  Blue Eyes blinked. "Oh. Right." One hand rubbed over the handsome face. "Sorry. Um...I should probably just order a coffee."

  "You sure? We make a killer whiskey sour."

  "That's tempting. Probably not the best idea on an empty stomach, though." Blue Eyes looked back at his computer, typing stuff.

  "Do you need a menu? The specials are potato soup and lobster mac and cheese. That's our thing, the mac and cheese." He should know. He owned the restaurant.

  "Oh yeah?" Blue Eyes pulled himself away from the laptop, glance moving up along Chip's body. "Sure, lobster mac and cheese sounds good. I'll have that whiskey sour, too."

  "Rock on, dude." Chip grinned and nodded, then headed in to enter the order. Gary was a whiz in the kitchen, and worked his ass off. Good man.

  It kind of felt like Blue Eyes was watching him leave. He swore he could feel those eyes on his ass. Chip let himself wiggle, rock back and forth. Play.

  When he brought the drink back, he didn't have to wait to get Blue Eyes' attention again. He had the full attention of that hot gaze.

  Oh, yummy.

  "One whiskey sour, just for you." He flirted--not enough to be nasty, but enough for the man to know he was interested.

  Blue Eyes took it from him, fingers sliding against his own. Oh, nummy goodness. He loved that zing that meant there was chemistry. Blue Eyes' nostrils flared.

  "Smells good, doesn't it?" Chip asked, lingering.

  "It does."

  "I'm Chip, by the way."

  "Went." The laptop was pushed to the side. He had Blue Eyes' full attention now.

  Smiling, Chip teased a little. "Went? As in I went away? How cool is that?"

  Went chuckled. "As in Wentworth is a second last name instead of a first name. Thanks, Mom and Dad." The laptop was closed and Went nodded to the seat across from him.

  Chip plopped down, grinning at the offer. "I gotta know this story. Tell."

  One of Went's eyebrows went up. "Story?"

  "About how you got two last names. I love stories." Especially when they were told by handsome studs who'd just offered him a seat at their table.

  Chuckling, Went nodded. Took a sip of his drink. "Okay."

  Oh, a laugh. Score. This was going to be fun.

  "Legend has it..." Went winked, laughed again and went on. "My father was currying favor with my grandmother, looking to be on her good side for an inheritance, so he gave me her maiden name."

  "Oooh. A baby with a legend. I love it. Did it work?"

  Went gave him a wry smile. "Oh, she left him everything--all her debt. Apparently she lived way larger than she could afford."

  "Ouch." Chip winced, but kept it light, playful. He was in this for the joy.

  Went shrugged. "They were as mean as each other."

  "Let me see your hand."

  Went blinked at him. "I beg your pardon?"

  "Let me see your hand, man."

  Frowning, Went held out his hand. "Why?"

  Chip turned Went's hand open, staring at the palm, tracing one line and then another. "See, your hand says great in bed, no meanness."

  "Does it now?" Went's voice was husky, those blue eyes on his fingers.

  "Totally. This line here?" He dragged his finger down the center. "This line says you know how to make someone scream."

  He felt the electricity between them increase as Went licked his lips. "Do you like to scream, Chip?"

  "God, yes. I love sex." Why deny it?

  "So is your lobster mac and cheese better than sex?" Went asked.

  "It depends on who you're having sex with."

  Went rolled his eyes. "You're the one I'm sitting across from. Are you worth skipping my lunch for?"

  "Oh, honey, you can have the whiskey and the mac and cheese and me." Chip was easy and interested and could totally wait however long it took Went to eat his food and drink his cocktail.

  "Isn't that like eating my cake and having it, too?" Went asked.

  "Yes!" Chip bounced in the booth, tickled deep down.

  Went chuckled again. "You're very energetic."

  "I totally am. I love to play, hike, ski, soak, fuck."

  Went's gaze flicked to Bennie as he brought over Went's bowl of food, not replying to his statement.

  Once Bennie had gone, though, Went's attention turned back to him. "You aren't going to get bitched at for sitting?"

  "Nah. I'm here for a little cash. I found something better than tips."

  "Yeah?" Went held his gaze.

  "Bluest eyes in history."

  "Me?" Went chuckled, but he looked really pleased.

  Chip nodded. Hell, yes.

  "I guess you're dessert then." Grabbing his fork, Went dug in.

  "I totally am."

  Bennie came back, giving him an apologetic look. "Chip, man. Please. Can you grab the dishes from that table, I'm dying."

  "Totes!" He stood, then leaned over to whisper in Went's ear. "Enjoy your lunch and leave room for me."

  Went dropped his fork, and Chip dared to drag his tongue up along th
e edge of Went's ear. The groan he got went straight to his cock.

  "I'll be back, beautiful," he promised. "You have my word."

  "I'll be here."


  Absolutely fucking perfect. Chip had needed fun for the night and now he had it. In spades.

  Chapter 2

  Went ate the best fucking mac and cheese he'd ever had. With lobster in it. Decadent. Delicious. Nearly as delicious as Chip. Stopping to eat lunch, having a whiskey while he still had work on his computer and getting lucky. He really was on vacation.

  When he finished his food, he drank the last of his whiskey sour and debated opening his laptop back up and getting a bit more work in.

  "You enjoy your food, beautiful?" There he was--blond and tanned and fine enough to make Went's breath catch.

  "It was delicious, as advertised." It had been a while since he'd hooked up with anyone, but he had a feeling he'd be turned on by Chip even if he was in a relationship.

  "Excellent. You want dessert? It's better than advertised," Chip promised.

  "We are talking about you, right?"

  The smile that bloomed over Chip's face was pure sunshine, the pierced eyebrows wiggling. "You know it."

  Went laughed, the sound surprising him. Shit, when was the last time he'd done that and meant it?

  "So, your place or mine?"

  He hadn't expected that. He'd expected to take Chip to his rooms, and the guy to disappear right after. "I want to see your place."

  "Yeah? Rock on. You need to put your computer away, or do you want to bring it with?"

  "I'll bring it." Not having it with him would be like missing a limb. And what if an emergency popped up and he needed it?

  "Sure. Come on. Let's take a walk."

  "Is there a bill I need to sign or anything?" He assumed he could have his meal charged to his room.

  "Oh. Right. Duh." Chip chuckled softly, pinking the slightest bit. "I'm a little eager."

  "I like that." Eager. For him. That was very cool. His cock sure appreciate it, pushing at the zipper of his slacks.

  Went signed his room charge and they headed out of the restaurant. Best little place in a hotel ever. Following Chip, he admired that little ass again. He wanted to be buried right there. God, when had he last had the urge to do that?

  "I got a condo down the road. Somewhere for my skis and my kayak."

  "You live here full-time?" Went looked around, taking in the beautiful surroundings. It really was a stunning place.

  "God, yes. I love it here. It's magical."

  "Looking at you makes me believe that."

  "Totally true." Chip gave him another wide smile. "How long are you staying?"

  "I think I'm booked for a week." His assistant had set him up. Maybe he owed her a bonus, seeing how well things were going at the moment.

  "It's a great time of year--not too busy, not too warm."

  "You don't like it when it's warm?" Wasn't that supposed to be a plus?

  "Oh, I love it. I mean that when the snows come and the heat comes, that means lots of tourists."

  "Ah, I get it. This time of year is less touristy."

  "Yep. Makes for better hiking, better parties."

  Went's attention was torn between that sexy ass and the view. Chip chattered happily, walking alongside him. It was charming, random. He wanted to touch. Badly. To connect with this bright man. It had been a long time he'd had an urge this strong.

  They ended up in a line of quiet condos that almost blended into the trees. There was an air of sophistication to the building, class. Impressive. Especially for a ski bum waiter. Tips must be good.

  "Come on in. It's basically clean." Chip winked, led him in.

  Chuckling, he followed that ass in, glancing around as the door shut behind him. God, look at this place. It was all windows in the back, looking over a huge deck with a hot tub. The ceramic tile looked like brick, warm and red, and all the furniture was dark. There were dozens and dozens of weird little knickknacks everywhere--tiki heads on the floor, shells and crystals and books on shelves, masks hanging from the wall.

  "You do a lot of traveling?"

  "Sure, when the urge strikes. I love to go and do and see."

  "You're fascinating." All Went ever did was work. Of course, he wasn't working right now, was he? He stepped up into Chip's personal space.

  It didn't intimidate Chip at all. "I'm horny. Touch me."

  "Uh-huh." Reaching out, he wrapped a hand around the back of Chip's head, tilting it as his mouth lowered to meet Chip's. Chip pressed right into him, the little hard body rocking like Chip was riding a horse.

  Went devoured Chip's mouth, taking one kiss, and then another. Fuck, Chip tasted like the outdoors, like fresh air and fucking sunshine.

  Went never did this. Never picked someone up and just took what he needed. Hell, he couldn't remember the last time it had been anything but his own hand. He rubbed against Chip, the need suddenly riding him hard.

  Chip promised that he wasn't going to be jacking off this time. The man stripped his shirt out of his jeans, opened his belt.

  "Oh, fuck." He tugged Chip's white shirt out of his black slacks, fingers finding skin. Smooth, hot, perfect--he slid his fingers up along Chip's belly. "God, you're ripped." The most amazing belly ever.

  "Like to move." That case--because calling it a six-pack would be a lie--rippled.

  "Damn. I could rub against your abs all day long." Skin on skin. He needed it.

  "That sounds fun." Chip stripped his shirt off, then started working on Went's.

  His pants, unbelted, began to slip down his hips. His needy prick was going to need to be extricated, though. Chip ran his fingers up along Went's chest, pinching and stroking and petting along the way. No one had paid him so much attention sexually since Freddie. He'd convinced himself he didn't miss it. He'd been so damn wrong.

  Moaning, he brought their mouths back together again, pushing into the touches as they kissed. Chip grunted softly, tongue-fucking his lips. Opening wide, he enjoyed the kisses while he tried to get his fucking slacks and underwear down past his hard prick. His cock needed pressure, contact. Touch.

  "Please." He was all caught up.

  "Sure, beautiful" One hand slid over his trapped prick, then pushed against it, giving him pressure.

  Eyes closing, he groaned, humping.

  "Yeah... Just like that."

  "Skin," Went begged. He didn't want to come in his skivvies.

  "Uh-huh. Skin. Cocks. Mouths. Now."

  "Fuck yes." He could get with that program.

  They finally got his cock untangled from his boxers and they and his slacks were soon down around his ankles, his prick eagerly pushing toward Chip. Chip grabbed him, fist tight as his cockhead appeared and disappeared in the grip. He swallowed hard, his balls drawing up against his body. Oh God.

  He managed to bark out a warning. "Gonna. Soon."

  "Round one. Two is better."

  Okay, yeah, he could go with that. Hell, he wasn't going to have much choice. Holding onto Chip, he felt things build quickly enough to steal his breath. Chip dragged one thumb over the tip of his cock, pressing it hard, giving him the tiniest sting.

  "Fuck!" Shouting out, he jerked hard into Chip's hand, come shooting out of him.

  "Mmm. Very nice." The words were pleased, warm, teasing, but without a hint of meanness.

  "Been a while," he admitted, doing everything he could to keep his knees locked. Coming like that made him feel a little like a teenager, collapsing from post-orgasmic jelly legs would just be embarrassing.

  "Uh-huh. Bed? I want to explore."

  Chip's straightforward questions made him feel fucking old. Chip had to be what? Eighteen? Nineteen?

  Still, Chip had given him his first non-self-induced orgasm in years. He wasn't going to deny the kid action that he was sure he was going to enjoy as much as Chip did, if not more.

  Nodding, he cleared his throat. "Yeah. Yeah, ditto."
r />   "Cool. In the back. Windows. Light."

  Maybe he wasn't the only one who was a little incoherent.

  He went to take a step and nearly killed himself. He'd forgotten his pants and underwear were in a heap around his ankles. Chip grabbed him, solid as a rock for all he was smaller.

  "Thanks, that was a close one." His cheeks were hot as he toed off his damn shoes and stepped out of his clothes.

  "You just shot, dude. It's a thing." Chip stripped off, too, letting him look at ink and piercings and tan and muscles.

  Damn, he was going to be the one exploring.

  He nodded his head toward the back of the house and managed to get out a few words. "Bed. Now. Touch."

  "Fuck yeah." That tiny hiney started wiggling, tempting him toward the back.

  Following eagerly, he wound up rubbing the tip of his cock on Chip's ass. Damn. How had he attracted this hot young stud's attention?

  Chip's back bowed, nudging him harder. Groaning, he grabbed Chip's hips, but pushed Chip forward, toward the bed. The bed was huge, unmade, and had a view of the mountains. Damn.

  "Stunning," he managed before turning his attention back to the equally stunning Chip.

  "Yeah." Chip was on hands and knees, a dragon tattooed on his back, jaws open on his lower back, claws seeming to hold his ass open.

  "Oh, Jesus." He climbed onto the bed, hands immediately moving to touch that dragon. "This is... Wow."

  "Yeah. He's making an offer, huh?"

  The skin looked like it ought to feel different.

  "He sure as fuck is." He touched Chip's hole groaning at the heat. "You got stuff?" He didn't even carry a condom in his wallet anymore.

  "Lube. Rubbers. Lube that heats up. Toys. I got stuff."

  Went swallowed and tried not to whimper like some untried kid. "Need the first two." Because he was taking that dragon up on its offer of Chip's ass.

  Chip stretched and opened up a door in the huge headboard. The thing was like a treasure trove of porn.

  "That's almost as impressive as you are."

  "Nowhere near." The kid wasn't shy.

  Laughing, he leaned past Chip to grab the first lube he saw and a bright pink condom from a pile of rainbow colored packages. "Pink?" he teased.


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