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Fusion (Crimson Romance)

Page 8

by Candace Sams

  He put himself in front of the women, thinking to protect them however he could. The average Condorian warrior outweighed Lyra and Aigean many times over and they had no weapons. But the quick-thinking little fireball-of-an-Earther by his side came to their rescue. She put her body in front of his, faced him, and slapped him as hard as she could. His shock kept him silent as she began a tirade that was awesome in its heat. All of this occurred exactly at the same time a pack of Condorian officers turned a corner.

  Lyra began a ranting, diva-driven tirade that would be sure to cause attention and an immense amount of gossip.

  “I’ll never let you handle our transportation again, you fool! Look at me. I’m forced to enter an elite pleasure craft in clothing the servants wouldn’t be caught dead burning. All because you don’t know how to hire a pilot,” she bellowed. “You overbearing bastard! We ended up walking through a wasteland to get here. If not for Aigean finding us, I’d be out there dying of thirst, facing who knows what kind of vermin.”

  To her credit, Aigean reacted magnificently and put one arm around Lyra’s shoulders in mock consolation.

  “This is the second time some idiot shuttle pilot crash-landed us right in the middle of nowhere,” Lyra bawled. “His crew ruined my costumes. And what’s worse … just look at my hair! How am I supposed to perform after this kind of horrendous experience? I’m an artist.” She stomped her left foot hard and flung one arm up in mock despair. “How can you be so careless, Sol? I was frightened to death!”

  Impressed by her acting, Soldar could do nothing to add to the scene. He simply stared down at her. But Aigean swiftly carried on. Again he found himself mesmerized and impressed by the quick-thinking females in his company.

  “There, there dear,” Aigean gushingly placated. “I’m sure your lover would have done anything to have kept your craft from breaking down. You surely don’t think he’d make you walk miles through the barrens or risk having you injured if he’d had a choice? It wasn’t as if he planned it,” she placated. “Your pilot was able to keep out of the war zone. Be thankful you were nowhere near the fighting when your craft was disabled. And you won’t have to ever see that silly pilot again. His shuttle is repaired now and he’s long gone. Isn’t this true, Soldar?”

  He finally got the idea.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Condorian men watching them carefully. That little part about him being an “overbearing bastard” gave him the impetus to respond. “Let her bitch! It was her idea to take this job. She let our agent sign the contract against my better judgment.” He crossed his arms over his chest in a recalcitrant if infantile gesture. “Let her throw all the tantrums she likes. You’ve said it once, Aigean, but I’ll say it again. We’re in a war zone! But she didn’t listen and never does. Why should I care if she broke a damned nail? She should learn to listen!”

  Lyra rallied to his lead with a little more gusto than necessary.

  “You hear how he treats me, Aigean? Do you see what I have to put up with? This blond asshole thinks he can talk to me like I’m someone he can just order around?” she shouted, then buried her head against the Elderian woman’s shoulder and pretended to cry.

  Aigean patted her back in a motherly fashion. “There now, darling … we’ll get you to your room and you can have a nice, leisurely bubble bath. I’ll send up some wine and you can relax. I’ll have my people get you something to wear from our costumer.”

  “The clothing won’t be miiiiine,” Lyra loudly whined in a pitch that almost had the Condorians wilting.

  Except for that jab about being someone who could “order her around,” Soldar might have actually grinned. But he tamped the urge, shook his hair back, and stared right into the tattooed faces of his Condorian enemies. “Do you see what a man has to put up with?” He began a soft cursing tirade, pacing back and forth as if his patience was at an end.

  The Condorians strode by them, looking him over as if he was something that ought to be scraped from the bottom of a boot. His masculinity took a huge hit. He wanted to bury his fists in those murdering savages’ faces, but the three of them were finally alone in the passageway again. The charade Lyra had started with her ridiculous, spoiled diva act would circulate throughout the ship, giving them a brilliant excuse for why the new sex act didn’t look more presentable.

  When the Condorians were gone, Lyra raised her head from Aigean’s shoulder and let out a long breath. “God … that left a bad taste in my mouth!”

  Aigean was beside herself with glee. She quietly murmured, “My girl … if you keep acting like that, I have no doubt about your success. That pretense was dazzling! Half of what I was at a loss to explain has just been clarified.”

  Lyra turned to Soldar and stared up at him meekly. “Sorry for the slap. If it makes you feel any better, my hand really hurts.” She rubbed it to make her point.

  He likewise rubbed that part of his jaw her hand had contacted. “I’ll let it pass … this time.” He smiled down at her and they continued to walk where Aigean led.

  Ten minutes later, they found themselves ensconced in quarters he could only describe as sinfully luxuriant.

  As he looked it over, guilt washed through him. His exuberance over Lyra’s fine acting didn’t mitigate his sudden, emotional distress. They stood in the middle of the finest extravagance in five sectors of space while others were suffering horrifically.

  He saw Lyra’s torn expression and knew she was thinking the exact same thing. He crossed the room and stood very close to her. “Remember why we’re doing this.”

  His gentle reminder didn’t help and he knew it.

  Aigean moved toward them and spoke softly. “You must think me a monster to have all this while so many go hungry and bed on blood-stained dust.” She took one of their hands in each of her own. “My dears, you must understand … if it weren’t for the Condorians, I’d send this enemy-plundered splendor to any world who asked for it. All my food, all my medical supplies, and everything else I’ve ever earned. But it would only last a few days when distributed. And what I intend to do is to stop a great many Condorians once and for all. One time long ago … I tried to convince myself that I could remain neutral. That I could go to some peaceful part of the universe and ignore what’s happening,” she bitterly mused as tears filled her eyes. “But it took the deaths of my own loved ones to make me see the light. I was blinded by greed and the need to survive at all costs. But no more!” She tightened her grip on their hands. “I paid for my lack of care. I have only two granddaughters to love now. And I thank the great Creator that those children are on your home world, Soldar. I realize their safety will be short-lived but we have a chance to make a difference. And I’ve also come to know that I have it within my power to right some wrongs. I will do this if it costs my life.” She let their hands go. “Now, do not dwell on guilt. You are not to blame for having survived. You’re here for a reason.”

  Soldar leaned forward and gently kissed Aigean on her cheek. “Your words are filled with wisdom. We’ll do our best.”

  Aigean nodded. “I’ll come to you later with a schedule. Rest while you can. My people will arrive shortly with more clothing and food.”

  “Thank you,” Lyra offered.

  “Keep up the act you displayed in the passageway,” Aigean encouraged. “Make yourselves above being abused. The Condorians are nothing but cowards. With your battle experience, you should know this,” she affirmed then fell silent for a moment as if in thought. Then she turned to Lyra. “You may escape their sexual demands if you act as though there’ll be severe repercussions for molesting you. Ingratiate yourselves to the admiral. He’s arrogantly possessive of my ship and crew. He’s taken ownership by right of superior rank. Indeed … I think he’d actually kill one of his own underlings than lose the only luxury in many sectors.”

  “And you’re sure he doesn’t suspect anyt
hing?” Soldar asked.

  “If he did you’d most certainly be dead by now.” She lifted one hand carelessly and let it drop. “He believes I’m nothing more than a stupid woman. That greed and hope of survival rule my actions. To keep the worst of their repugnant ranks out, I charge exorbitantly. Their vile leader would suspect my motives were I not so insistent about my compensation. He revels in his superior exclusivity. So I let the swine think what he wants. His complacency serves our purpose.”

  They watched Aigean march out of their quarters.

  Soldar locked the electric hatch mechanism behind her. He turned to scan his surroundings, as any good soldier would. Lyra did the same.

  Their quarters were decorated for the express purpose of sexual arousal. Tasteful nude statues were displayed on small columns that reminded him of otherworldly, amorous deities. The entire area was roughly the size of most small homes on most allied worlds. Rooms in homes on most planets were divided by curtains which could be pulled to more or less block the view of others sharing the space. But curtains for that same purpose here were gauzy, sparkling, and ineffective for any real privacy. Indeed, they invited others sharing the space to watch sexual liaisons.

  In each curtained area within their quarters, he saw a table where beverage bottles were artfully displayed. Beds were no more than huge pillows with jewel-toned, small cushions piled upon them. The entire color scheme reflected the deep and sparkling hues of rare gems of many worlds. Blue, gold, silver, green, and red were placed to excite or conversely sooth any occupants’ demeanor. It looked exactly like some ancient harem he’d seen in historical references. Even the floors and walls were covered by more warm tapestries to keep one from being reminded that the bulkhead of a vessel stood on the other side.

  He shook his head, unable to imagine the expense of such design or where the goods had originated. Even the royal rooms on his home world couldn’t compare with this magnificence.

  Raiding Condorians may have provided these luxuries if only to accommodate their taste. The bastards were driven by having the best while showing the rest of the universe they deserved nothing but death.

  The one real jewel to covet in this room was the brave woman who’d accompanied him from the wastelands. He kept wishing he’d left her there. It was likely the last bad mistake he’d ever make.

  • • •

  Lyra slowly turned to see her superior’s reaction, but he wasn’t looking at the sinfully opulent décor. He was staring at her. His silvery gaze was more poignant than before. It suddenly occurred to her that she was seeing him — really seeing what he looked like — for the very first time. And he wasn’t as pale as she’d assumed. He wasn’t pale at all. What the half-light and sepia tones hid, the lights of the Venus now revealed.

  His skin was bronzed like the room’s Grecian-like effigies. And his hair was a pure, spun gold color. In truth, staring at him was like looking at a sun god. Muscle bulged from the open vee of his pale-colored tunic. She saw massive curves of defined body strain within his tight clothing.

  Such an inspection was only occurring now, when she was at least a bit easier as to safety. Before, when they’d first entered the docking bay, she’d had her full attention on her location, where her room was positioned, and how to get to the nearest exit. Then there’d been that roll-playing scenario in the passageway, enacted for the benefit of their suspicious enemies. Now that was over she was faced with the actual appearance of the man whose ultimate mission was hers. The same huge man she’d be making love to in front of total strangers.

  • • •

  Soldar couldn’t take his eyes off her. In regular light, she was so much lovelier. He realized she was seeing him in a new way too. That was why she stared as intently as he.

  Her eyes weren’t blue as he’d thought. They were really an unusual shade of blue-green. They were so brilliant that the difference from what he’d seen outside the ship was stunning. He couldn’t have stopped his next words if his life and hers depended on it.

  “I looked but didn’t see,” he softly told her. “You really are the loveliest thing I’ve ever beheld.” He slowly walked forward, put his hand on her left cheek and drew her closer. He folded her into his embrace even as he lowered his head over her upturned, goddess-like face. He allowed himself the luxury of gliding his lips against hers. They weren’t a Master Sergeant and a Colonel. For this moment, they were just a man and a woman. They were lonely, frightened, and close to death. He’d seen the desire in her gaze and meant to answer that unspoken call.

  His body burned.

  It seared and drove into him in a way he could never forget. The kiss deepened. It went on and on until time and their present circumstances were lost. Nothing mattered but the moment. Nothing mattered but holding her close, caressing her slender body, and sharing that blazing, rapturous instant.

  He finally broke the contact though the blood in his veins cried out to continue. He dropped his hands, aching to continue his caresses. “Under normal circumstances I’d be thrown in the brig for two months for touching any subordinate like that.”

  “Breaking the rules is our mission now,” she responded. “We’re only buying a little time for our people even if this works.”

  He shook his head to clear it and get his mind back on matters at hand, then backed off and turned to gaze at the room. For a long moment neither of them spoke. He finally found a subject that would keep his mind off sex. “How many poor bastards lost their lives when the Condorians stole these luxuries? I’ve no doubt half of what we’ve seen was due to their killing. It’s been a long war. Aigean couldn’t have maintained this level of quality without their thievery.”

  “I-I was just wondering the same thing,” she admitted. “I’m not sure I can sleep on one of these beds. I’m used to transport cots friends and I shared in shifts.”

  “Indeed,” he responded while trying to breathe normally. Even as he’d made another attempt to capture his professional bearing, he knew there’d come a time very soon when they’d have to engage in sex. It was their cover. Still, he found himself unbelievably elated at the prospect. He should exhibit a blasé attitude to fool the enemy. But how did one do that when he so desperately wanted her?

  His need was driven by going so long without a woman. He’d had men — friends who’d shared each other for the sake of dimming the lonely hours. But he simply preferred women, their warmth and femininity. And this one was all the things he craved, right down to the long, lean-looking, and shapely legs and the soft — so ultra-soft — fully kissable lips.

  “I-I need a cold shower,” he blurted. “Maybe you could scrounge up something to eat. We have to keep focused,” he suggested, more to remind himself of duty. “See what you can do.”

  • • •

  Lyra watched him walk away.

  It was obvious he was as shaken as she. She ran her hands through her hair and prowled the room and the scrumptious delights there. It wasn’t long before she had two plates filled with appetizers that more than made a decent meal.

  There was no shortage of fruit, cheeses, wine, and other beverages. What must the actual main courses be like aboard the Venus? How many were starving for want of one piece of molding bread, never mind the crispy crackers and snack rolls? With all this, Aigean needn’t have ordered them a full meal.

  But where the food would sate hunger and the luxury would repair parts of her tired body, nothing but his touch would stop the burning he’d started. And touching, simply caressing and kissing, wouldn’t be good enough. She was aware of his mutual desire. It had been evident in his unwavering gaze.

  She couldn’t guess what he really thought about her, other than he believed her to be physically attractive. In this situation, any woman would probably have driven him insane with desire. As for her feelings on the matter, Soldar Nar was the embodiment of every hero she’d ever
wanted. And if they were going to die, she’d have him and not give a damn who watched or whether those voyeurs were entertained or not. If these were her last days, and they got caught getting information back to Allied Command, then she was going into the hereafter with the taste of him on her lips and the feel of him deep within her body.

  Chapter 4

  It only took Soldar a few moments to find the luxurious shower space and quickly unclothe. He stood within a vault-like compartment two sizes larger than the entire sleeping area on any transport ship.

  Within the black marble stall, water sluiced over his tired, dirty body from every conceivable direction. It was hot and there were even colored lights emanating from the same water jets that directed the spray. Scented soap provided an aromatic experience that was both pleasing and soothing. He hadn’t such a luxurious experience in years.

  Once more, he tasted the bitterness of guilt. How could he stand there soaping himself and relishing the feel hot, fresh water and the smell of cleanliness? His comrades were fighting and dying.

  He quickly put a bar of hand-milled, herbal soap back in its holder and was determined to end the shower and the remorse it caused. He’d only stay long enough to wash off the rest of the suds and return to the main area or their quarters. But thoughts of the woman in the other room kept taking precedence. He was glad she’d run down that dead-end canyon, toward him. He was thankful to have her company while conversely wishing her safely back in that cave. But the truth was simple: there simply wasn’t any safe place any longer. His world and hers would be attacked eventually. Whatever remained of their cultures would be destroyed by the Condorians. And realizing that, he let his guard down and simply gave way to emotions a leader shouldn’t harbor. Not in these circumstances. He should keep his mind on business, and his penis in check until it was time to use it.


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