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Better Be True

Page 2

by Andy Gallo

  He was due to leave for Philly in a week, and the only response to his roommate wanted ad had been from a dodgy-as-fuck sugar daddy. Being asked what he was willing to do for financial help turned Luke’s guts inside out.

  This couldn’t be his only option, surely.

  It wouldn’t be.

  If it came to it, he’d get a second job. Realistically, he would manage that. Scrape by.

  Ideally, though, he wouldn’t. There were social events as part of his unpaid internship, and attending them was more important than the work. Or so his father had claimed as he added more money than they’d discussed to Luke’s account.

  “Thousands of people have great GPAs. They want to find out if you fit with everyone else who works there.”

  Fuck. He needed to find a roommate. ‘Acceptable’ might not matter.

  Luke groaned, sat up, and quietly retrieved his phone, not wanting to wake Coury. It was close to one, and both their alarms went off at seven.

  He unlocked his phone, and the screen blinded him. Quickly, he dulled the brightness and checked his messages. Nothing.

  So much for the online bulletin board.

  He rubbed the end of his phone against his forehead. Fuuuck.

  Vibrations racing over his skin had Luke jerking his phone down. A new message had popped into his inbox.

  His heart raced as he caught the forwarding details from the bulletin board. The subject read: Room in Philly still available?

  Okay, Luke didn’t believe in fate and all that bullcrap, but. Great fucking timing.

  He read over the message. A student named Nico from Harrison. A last-minute summer change; he needed a room in Philly. No weird sugar daddy vibes, thank God.

  Luke hurriedly logged in to the bulletin board and replied.

  Hey Nico,

  Yes, still looking for a roommate.

  Apartment is in a good location close to downtown. A cozy place with a nice kitchen, decent bath and shower, too. Really lovely landlord. You saw the link with photos?


  Luke jammed a pillow between his back and the wall and stared at his phone, hoping this Nico guy was still up. That he’d answer—

  Luke grinned at another vibration.

  Hi Luke,

  Saw the pictures. Looks like a decent place. There’s only one picture of the master room though. And just writing this, I suddenly realize why you used the term “cozy.” It’s a one-bedder isn’t it?

  You seem all right. (You’ve got grammar going for you) And you’re a guy, so you’ve hit a major button there. But sharing a bed might be jumping the gun a little. ;-)

  Sorry, will have to pass.

  Good luck,


  Hey Nico,

  Don’t pass, please? That “king” bed is really two twins connected by a bed bridge. I swear it’s two beds, we can push them apart. Please, I need a roommate who doesn’t expect me to pay him back in favors. (Don’t ask. Okay, do: there are some very cocky men out there. Pun intended. I mean, yes, I’m gay, but no, that doesn’t mean I’ll jump anyone. One, I like to know a guy first. And two, I’ve just been royally screwed by my cheating ex).

  What I am trying to say is: you need a place. I have one. I’m sure we can figure out acceptable sleeping arrangements.



  Sorry about your cheating ex. I guess he’s the reason you’re stuck looking for a roommate? What a bastard. I say this with confidence, because I’ve dated a bastard or two or three in my lifetime. (Sixteen, to be precise). So take my word on it, leaving you with all the rent is a sucky move.



  Does that mean you’ll take the place? Or was that a gentle letdown? I can’t tell.

  (Please take the place.)



  Honestly, I wasn’t sure when I sent it either. My sympathetic side says take it, you idiot.

  My logical side says one room? A whole summer? What if we’re not compatible?


  What are you concerned about? Let me assure you, I am not a pervert.


  Truth? Guys don’t often like what they see. I make them uncomfortable. I need to know you are secure in your own masculinity. That you won’t care.

  Okay, so maybe I’m being worried for nothing, but I banged into a guy today who looked at me like filth. I’m sick of it.

  Rooming makes me nervous. But I suppose, like you, I’m kinda desperate for a place.


  Okay, that guy sounds like a dick.

  If you’re anything like your emails, I’m sure we’ll make it through three months. But, if it makes you feel better, you can ask me questions to feel out our compatibility.

  Totally not grinning that you’re desperate for a place,



  I revealed my hand too soon, I see.

  Below is my phone number. This email business is getting tedious. Text me.

  Luke plugged Nico’s number into his phone, grinning in the dark like a hopeful idiot.

  Luke: Ask away.

  Chapter Three


  Luke: Can you really arrange a wedding?

  Nico: My sister thinks so.

  Luke: lol.

  Nico: Seriously, she’s my best friend. My summer plans blew up, so I’ll make it happen for her

  Nico: Or go down swinging.

  Luke: That’s awesome. And what happens if you go down swinging?

  Nico: I bought tickets to Siberia. She hates the cold. She’ll never come looking for me.

  Luke: Winnipeg might be safer. Russia doesn’t like gays.

  Nico: True, hadn’t thought of that.

  Luke: Maybe you need me to be your planner.

  Nico snorted as the door to his dorm opened and his roomie, Isaiah, waltzed in.

  Nico: Only if you flee to Canada with me.

  Dark, long-haired Isaiah plopped onto Nico’s bed, smelling like he’d had an extended yoga session. Or indulged in marathon sex. “Go shower, pretty.”

  “Who are you texting, smiling like you put Icy Hot in Tomas’s underwear?” Isaiah lunged for Nico’s phone.

  Nico snatched it away, shielding the screen. “Child, didn’t your nonna teach you it’s not polite to read your friend’s phone when he’s flirtexting?”

  “Flirtexting?” Isaiah’s eyebrows rocketed. “Is that foreplay before sexting?”

  “Pfft.” Nico flicked his hand in front of his face. “Is that what you and Darren do when he’s away?”

  “Oh no, you’re not turning this on me.” Isaiah pulled out his hair tie, and thick locks fell to his shoulders. “You said you were flirtexting, not me.”

  “Yes, well, that isn’t real flirting. Just being silly.” Nico peeled off his T-shirt and shrugged into a black satin button-down.

  “Not flirting, but you’re wearing that to meet the guy?”

  “I need to make a good impression. He’s interning at the accounting firm of Stuffy & Staid, which means he’s smart and cultured.”

  “Of course. No one at Stuffy & Staid would be anything else.”

  “Your Mr. Downer Pants attitude is noted.” Nico refused to let it spoil his mood. “Luke sounds like a nice guy. He’s funny—”

  “In his texts.”

  “—smart, and plays baseball for Harrison. What could be more yummy?”

  “You’re thinking of rooming with a jock? You? Mr. Go Hard or Buy Viagra?”

  “That would be a problem if we were living on campus and he was playing.” He checked his outfit in the mirror. “It’s half-season now. None of his friends will be dropping in.”

  Isaiah rolled off Nico’s bed. “First, it’s off-season, not half-season.”

  “Look at you, dating Harrison’s star soccer player and up on all the lingo.” He stuck out his tongue at Isaiah before fixing his belt.

  “I’d take offense at that, but Darren is the star of the tea
m. I can’t embarrass him by being ignorant.”

  “As if. That boy worships you.” Why couldn’t Nico find someone like that? Who looked at him like he was everything? Who looked at him and didn’t want to change a single thing?

  “I’m just saying, you answered an ad for a roommate, not a boyfriend.”

  “I get it. But a) it doesn’t hurt to look nice and b) there’s nothing wrong with having a hot roommate. Being with me seems to have done you some good, no?”

  Isaiah snorted and shook his head. “So wrong.”

  “Seriously, ’Saiah. You know me. I won’t jump the guy or ask if I can put my tongue down his throat to see if we’re a match.”

  “Fair enough. But maybe be a bit nicer to him. The first time we met, you told me I needed a haircut.”

  “Yes, I did.” He winked as he opened the door. “And you still do.”


  Landlord: Yes, I can do a second lease once you find a roommate. Good luck with it. And sorry your original roommate didn’t work out.

  Luke: Thanks so much. This is really a big help.

  Hopefully Nico in person was as cool as virtual Nico.

  “That the lady you’re renting from?” Coury never looked up from his video game.

  “Yeah, she’s pretty cool. She’ll do a second contract if I find someone.”

  “When you find someone. Think positive.”

  “I’m trying, but people aren’t beating down the door to spend the summer in Philadelphia.” How big a fool was he, turning down spots in Boston, Chicago, and D.C. so he could spend the summer with Kent?

  “Hey now, don’t be dissin’ on the City of Boy-on-Boy Love.”

  Luke smiled until he remembered Coury first used that when he learned Luke and Kent were sharing a one-bedroom this summer. “There will be none of that this summer for me. I’m only looking for a roommate. And, I may have found one. Maybe.”

  “Maybe? What’s wrong with this Nero guy?”

  “Nico. At least that’s what he says his name is.”

  “You don’t believe him?”

  Luke shut the laptop screen. “I searched social media for him and came up empty.”

  “Lots of people don’t use their name for social media.” Coury shrugged. “Future employers don’t need to see me drunk in a toga or flipping off the camera.”

  “There is that, but what if this is Kent or one of his stupid friends trying to catfish me?”

  Luke didn’t think that was the case. At least, he certainly hoped not.

  “That’s always possible.” Coury set the laptop down. “What’s also possible is this guy who has you smiling at your phone as you text and laughing when you read his, who’s helping out his sister because his boyfriend dumped him too, is legit. In which case, you’re going to spend the summer with another funny, smart, normal guy from Harrison. The only differences are he won’t be as incredibly good-looking as your current roommate, and he’ll be gay.”

  “You’re practically gay, so not much change there.”

  “Don’t be hating on the bi guy just because he’s dating a girl and off the gay-boy menu.”

  Luke laughed. “No hate here. I get the best of both worlds. We can talk about hot guys and you get it, but I don’t have to worry that you’ll try to steal them away.”

  “Hmm. Maybe I should dump Hailey. Then we could do a ‘let’s pick a hot guy and see which one of us gets him’ experiment.” He got off the bed and spread his arms. “I’m sure I’d win. Not many can resist all this.”

  Luke picked up a hand towel from the floor and threw it at Coury. Perfect strike to the face. “Of course. Just like you were sure you’d win the ‘who can get the better grades this year’ bet.”

  “Which, my incredibly good-looking, super smart, amazingly nice roommate, is why you are also socially awkward. That was sarcasm. I’ve never beaten you at anything . . . yet.”

  Clearly, Luke wasn’t any of those things to Kent. “Sorry. You might want to add ginormous dumb-ass to the list.”

  “Nah, I’d never kick my best friend when he’s down.” He handed Luke the towel. “Nice throw.”

  “It’s one of my few good qualities. Right up there with striking out when it comes to men.”

  “Stop.” He grabbed Luke by the shoulders and stared until he looked up. “Kent was a fucking twat-waffle. First time I met him, he struck me as a total poser. I probably should have said something, but figured if I did, it would drive a wedge between us.”

  “Probably. Then I’d come slinking back asking you to forgive me.”

  “Which would never be an issue.” He smiled and pulled Luke into a headlock. The hold turned into a hug before they moved apart. “My point is, you’re way too good for him. Yep, that is totally a line you tell folks when they’re hurting from a break-up, but seriously? It’s true. Forget looks or money or even . . . shudder . . . baseball, you are a super nice guy. The best. This really, truly is Kent’s loss.”

  “You didn’t see the super-rich, hot guy he’s dating now.”

  “I bet you anything they don’t last the summer.”

  “Anything?” Luke leered at his friend.

  “Well, I ain’t gonna sleep with you.”

  “Ewww. Brain bleach.”

  Coury barked out a laugh. “Whatever. Don’t be so literal. I’m just saying, you’re not the loser here, he is. And karma is gonna kick him in the nuts.”


  “Exactly, square in the nuts.”

  Luke’s phone buzzed. “I have to go meet Nico. Wish me luck.”

  Lots of luck.


  Luke: Here. Got a table to the right of the door.

  Luke: Your right that is.

  Nico: Wow! Someone’s eager.

  Luke: Would it bruise your ego if I said I’m usually early?

  Nico: Yes. Totally.

  Luke: You were right, I’m eager.

  Nico laughed as he pushed his phone into his pocket. An anxious chuckle leaked out of him, and he slowed his step toward the café. God, he hoped they hit it off in real life as much as they did virtually.

  He paused a few paces from the door and swept a hand through his hair. He tugged his shirt and smoothed his hands over his ass. Yep, he was looking good.

  Powered by nervous energy, he yanked open the door.

  More than a few heads jerked in his direction. He slicked on a flirty grin and scanned the tables to his right—

  His stomach dropped.

  Oh, hell no. Please, please don’t be Luke.

  Sitting to the right, in shorts, T-shirt, baseball cap, and flip-flops, looking expectantly at the door, was the guy he’d accidentally face-punched.

  Nico frantically looked at the tables behind him, next to him. All had two or more people, chatting away. No one else looked like they were waiting for someone.

  He glanced at Luke again, to find Luke’s equally shocked gaze rooted to him.

  Well, fuck his life.

  Luke’s eyes raked over him from head to foot, and Nico’s stomach dropped heavily to his feet. It took him more energy than usual to plaster on a fake smile.

  The disappointment cut.

  He searched Luke’s unfairly hot face, hoping at least for a bruise from where Nico had struck him. Nothing. Just a well-defined jaw, sharp nose, and a cap over brown hair. Obviously a jock. Obviously not going to work out.

  The vibration on his wrist wrenched his gaze from Luke. Incoming.

  Elisa: How’d the meet and greet go? You set?

  Yeah, things were set—set up to be a train wreck in slow motion. Still, he couldn’t just walk out—Luke had clearly seen him, and while Luke might be a judgmental asshole, Nico wasn’t a dick.

  His feet felt like concrete as he moved.

  Luke blew out a breath. Yeah, he got how fucked-up this was too.

  Another buzz.

  Elisa: I need details. Papà’s driving me nuts.

  “Girl.” The word hissed from between hi
s teeth.


  Nico tore his eyes off the message. He’d made it to the table, and Luke was frowning at him. Fuck.

  “Sorry. That was for my sister.” He held up the phone and winced. “She’s asking for minute-by-minute updates.”

  Luke sank back in his seat. “Thought you were . . .”

  “Calling you a girl?” Nico snorted. “Yeah, no. At least not on the first date.”

  His joke landed like an anvil, and Luke stiffened.

  “That’s a joke.” Nico swallowed a sigh. “The more nervous I am, the worse they get.”

  Awkward tension tugged at Nico’s stomach. They’d chatted so easily online; he’d expected—hoped for—smooth sailing.

  Luke rubbed his nape, looking like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t for the life of him find words.

  Nico tapped his fingers over the tabletop and addressed the elephant in the room. “About the other day. I’d been freshly dumped. It was a shitty day. Sorry about the face punching.”

  A smile smoothed the lines on Luke’s brow. The first smile Nico had ever seen on the guy. The corners of Luke’s lips twitched, and his brown eyes sparkled warmly. The intensity of it was enough to make Nico shiver.


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