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Fate and Dreams

Page 9

by Erik Weir

  Victor charged his bone sword with another Strength point, aura glowing and determination filling his brow when the mage with the goatish beard held up a single hand. Mystical words stopped as all turned their attention to the council master, confusion filling their eyes. Victor aimed his sword, ready for anything when the master levitated up from his high seat and floated down to the main floor.

  Tapestries of mages covered the walls of the large, circular chamber as tiled runes stretched across the floor. The mage landed with gentle grace before taking a few steps toward Victor, the sword point three feet from his chest.

  “You have finally arrived. What an honor it is to meet Vala’s Champion,” the man said with blissful wonder.

  “Where are the acolytes and this doesn’t have to get messy,” Victor said with conviction.

  Lily and Dawn stepped through the council chamber entrance, the rest following. Dorian eyed the mages, hand hovering close to his pistol.

  Vindrel’s gaze locked on the mage talking to Victor and her eyes widened, “No…it can’t be.”

  The mage ignored the rest, keeping his gaze on Victor. “I’m Damon Royy, Master council member for the Mage Authority. I assure you, Vala’s acolytes are safe and close by. I simply must have this moment to gaze on Vala’s chosen.”

  Lily looked over to Vindrel and raised an eyebrow. The blue-haired dragon woman folded her wings back and knelt down to one knee, darkness covering her eyes.

  “We must kill them all,” a mage said in outrage.

  “They have violated the laws! They must be punished,” a female mage shouted.

  Damon kept his smile, “Don’t listen to them. They dwell in fear.”

  One mage spotted Dorian and slammed his fist down on the armrest of his seat. “The criminal Slinger is here! We must end this once and for all!”

  “ENOUGH!” Damon shouted, power crashing into everyone in the room.

  Victor, as was the rest of his friends, were knocked to the floor while the mages by their seats were forced to sit down. Eyes widened in disbelief before murmured confusion filled the grand chamber. Only Vindrel stayed on her knees.

  Victor couldn’t believe it as he slowly sat and then stood up. The aura shield should have blunted the blow, but it barely held on as he was thrown down. Checking himself, he wasn’t hurt, but the sheer power caused him to hesitate.

  Damon nodded slightly. “The conflict is over. I decree all shall be forgiven. The time of wars has come to an end and a new peace will fill the realms once again.”

  A mage shook their head. “You don’t have the power to make such a decree!”

  Damon’s eyes slowly closed and opened. “I do have such power. It has been so long since I have allowed my true self to come out. So long in fact, I almost forgotten who I was.”

  Victor held his bone sword at the ready, “I just want the acolytes.”

  Damon nodded. “You shall have them and so much more.”

  A side door opened and three women stepped out. One was an orc in pigtails, body muscular but her expression, innocent. Another was a blue skinned woman, petite with webbed hands and feet. The last one was a halfling, eyes wide and head bowed.

  Victor gave Damon a confused look.

  Damon smiled. “A small gift, one of many to help mend the broken realms.”

  “What is this about,” Victor asked, not sure what it all meant.

  Damon chuckled. “Let me show you.”

  Energy swirled around his body, whipping at the very air. Mages raised their arms to block out the wind and light. Victor stared, holding his ground as Damon’s body grew bigger and bigger. Wings burst from his back and flexed out. Silver scales covered his skin as his body shifted and morphed. Talons the size of swords clawed at the thick stone floor. Victor took a step back as the man changed and shifted into a large silver dragon. Four oval eyes stared down and a long neck swiveled to get a better look. A serpent grin formed along the snout as the four slitted eyes blinked in unison.

  “Drogoss,” Vindrel stated simply, not lifting her head.

  Lily and Dawn’s jaws dropped as they looked up to the majestic silver dragon. Mages sat, eyes wide with fear and disbelief. Victor was the only one where his expression didn’t change.

  “Drogoss who?” the Blade questioned.

  The silver dragon laughed, his voice vibrating along every soul gathered. “I can understand your confusion, Vala’s Blade. It has been a very long time since I have revealed myself. I spent much of my time trying to live as a normal mortal, experiencing lives at an intimate level. It has been so long; I assumed most think of me as nothing more than a legend.”

  Lily stepped to Victor’s side, her gaze still on the magnificent dragon. “Drogoss is the first god of the pantheon. He created the realms and allowed others to ascend to become higher beings.”

  “The beautiful succubus is correct,” Drogoss nodded his serpentine head.

  Victor’s eyes narrowed as he looked up and stuck out his chin, “You allowed what happened to Vala. You let the pantheon kill her!”

  Sorrow touched the dragon’s four eyes, but it was Lily who touched Victor’s hand.

  “He didn’t allow it. Drogoss has been gone for tens of thousands of years.”

  Vindrel stood up and stepped closer, a solemn expression on her pointed features. “Drogoss set the realms in motion. Once he finished, he stayed to ensure others would care for the realms. When the pantheon was established, he left to explore the universe. He is the one, true god.”

  Drogoss settled down, an arm crossing over another like a cat would. “I have explored much, but my heart missed the six realms. I often found myself coming back, living a simple life one moment or a greater one the next. The stories and experiences fulfilled me like a fine wine and I could not break away for long.

  “I sometimes glanced into the higher levels, watching my adopted children as they played and schemed. But like any proud parent, I let them continue and I returned to living lifetimes among the many.”

  Drogoss peered down at Victor and kept his smile. “It pained me to witness Vala’s death. For such a horrific event to take place, I found myself unable to interfere for I would undo everything I had set into motion. But Vala was always a clever goddess. Despite her death, she hid parts of herself among the realms and she chose a Champion from a distant world so they would not be tainted by legends and myths. She orchestrated her return like a true symphony, but she hasn’t come back yet.”

  The dragon god lowered his pointed snout until all four eyes were on the same level as Victor’s gaze. “I cannot stop those who wish her ill will, but I can help her resurrection along. The acolytes here are free to go and the Mage Authority will do everything it can to assist in her return.”

  A mage stood up with his chest out. “We cannot allow this! Vala worship is outlawed! The Slingers are criminals! Everything we have built will…”

  Drogoss turned his snout to the mage, eyes containing a hint of menace. “Everything will be just as it was except for a new peace. Your petty desires to hold onto the illusion of power have corrupted what I taught eons ago. I have been a council member for years and none here ever discovered my true power. You call yourselves master mages, but none had the presence of mind to unlock hidden mysteries, even one among your ranks.

  “No, Master Wick, you and the rest will aid Vala’s chosen and reinstate her worship or by my word, the people of Eddor will burn down your cities and slaughter all those who dwell in petty hatred and fear. Do we have an accord?”

  The mage fixed his robe, hands trembling as he kept his chest out. “I don’t see why we cannot enter a new enlightened age of peace and love. Do we all agree?”

  The other members of the council raised their hands as did Drogoss.

  Victor couldn’t hold back his smile. Lily wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her smiling lips to his cheek. Dawn crossed her arms and grinned, with Night at her side. Vindrel smiled. Dorian gave a quick nod of his hat. Be
hind them, Izy, Mildra, Nerin, and Ida appeared, smiles blooming as they helped Izy along.

  A pleasant haze took root, as if a great burden was lifted from many shoulders. Victor was about to kiss Lily when an envelope appeared over his shoulder. The Blade took hold and saw that it was addressed to Drogoss himself.

  “It would seem you are invited to the resurrection,” Victor said and he lifted it up to the immense dragon.

  Drogoss lifted a clawed hand and the invite flew up into his scaled palm. “It would be an honor to witness such a grand moment. Thank you, Vala’s Champion.”

  “Please, call me Victor.”

  Drogoss closed all four eyes, “Thank you, Victor.”

  The mage who was standing opened his arms to the entire chamber, “We must celebrate the new age! The city of Loress welcomes all who worship Vala’s ways!”

  “Here here!” the mages shouted.

  “Here here!” Victor’s group shouted.

  The three acolytes rushed across the room, eyes and arms wide. Victor turned his attention to them just as all three crashed into him, the Champion falling on his back as the three women held him close.

  “Praise Vala,” Victor grinned.


  The green chamber was filled with plants, steamy ponds and naked bodies. Victor sat in a misty pool, eyes filled with amused bliss as a halfling moved up and down on his steel hard member. The halfling woman tried to speak, her small breasts bouncing along as she clutched to Victor.

  “My name is…my name is…my name is…” she tried to say, but the intimate moment seemed to keep her in a blissful spiral.

  “Take your time,” Victor smiled as she rode his member, squeezing each time she sank down to the hilt.

  Around the couple, a water nymph swam lazily through the water. Many naked mages walked around, talking, kissing or engaged in sensual acts. Lily and Dawn sat not far away in the same pool, running wet hands down the female orc’s strong curves. The orc in pigtails was caught in the sensual touches, breathing hard while dark green nipples pointed just above the water. Lily gave the orc a wicked smile before her hand snaked between thick green thighs and caressed her sensitive flesh. Dawn was close, touching a pert nipple and squeezing it, causing the orc to gasp in pleasure.

  Victor had one hand on the halfling’s hip while he let his other arm lay on the pond edge. It was just an hour before when they were fighting to save the acolytes and met Drogoss. Now, the entire city was celebrating in the streets, their cheers heard just beyond large, arched windows. Victor and his friends had become celebrities, the mages quick to make them happy. The ascent was a whirlwind to the top floor. Clothes were removed and naked bodies stepping into the peaceful garden.

  The three dragons played in another small pond, splashing water at each other. Night sat on the edge of the pond Victor was in, only her legs in the water and a small smile on her lips. Nerin and Ida wrestled on green grass before their lips locked in a seductive touch.

  “My name is…Oh goddess…I’m coming,” the halfling gasped before her body shuddered.

  Victor helped her along, her eyes squeezed shut and moving like she wanted to milk every drop of her own orgasm. Energy bloomed between them and something separated from the halfling and entered Victor.

  Lazy eyes partially opened as the halfling gave Victor a warm smile. “My name is Hani.”

  “Pleased to meet you Hani,” Victor said as she continued to slide up and down on his rigid member.

  Hani cooed as she stayed impaled on Vala’s Champion when his cock thickened. Eyes widening, she let out a long moan as her inner world had to accommodate his size. The moan grew louder and she threw her head back and another orgasm blasted her frayed nerves. Victor’s eyes half closed before he grunted, white seed surging into the tight space between them. Urges cooled until Victor spent another Constitution point, his manhood remaining hard.

  Webbed hands grabbed Hani from behind and lifted her up. The halfling gasped before she was thrown a few feet and into the warm waters. The blue-skinned nymph swam closer until she was between Victor’s legs, fingers taking hold of his member.

  “My name is Lula. Vala had shown you to us in our dreams. We fantasized about this moment for too long.”

  Before Victor could say anything, the nymph’s head dove under water and her lips wrapped around his manhood. The Blade leaned his head back, smiling to himself as the nymph’s head bobbed on his cock, suckling and licking at it like a hungry beast.

  Lily looked over without taking her hand away from rubbing the orc’s engorged clit. “I know we earned a little rest, but we have to continue.”

  “Priestess, don’t stop,” the female orc cried out, lost to tendrils of paradise.

  “I know,” Victor sighed as tight lips pressed up and down against his veiny member.

  Hani emerged and swam over until she was sitting next to Victor. Hand between her small thighs, she massaged her clit as Lula continued her masterful work.

  “I think the three of us should continue, together,” Dawn said in a sultry tone as she licked at the orc’s nipple.

  “We do work better, together,” Lily said as her finger controlled the orc’s pleasure.

  Victor lifted his head and looked to the beautiful women. “I didn’t like us apart. I agree, let’s stay together.”

  Lily nodded as the orc let out shrill gasp, her thighs trembling underwater. “We will bring the acolytes to Vala’s realm before we go to Dark Spire. Cassandra told me we should visit the dead city of Normir. She had received information from the Dead King that he has located several acolytes and wants to assist with the crusade.”

  “Dead King? Sounds ominous,” Victor sighed as his cock thickened in the nymph’s mouth.

  “Not so much,” Lily said as the orc grabbed her wrist and kept the succubus’s finger right where they were. “The Dead King is a respected member among the cities of Dark Spire. Normir is his kingdom and he keeps the dead from infecting all the cities in the realm.”

  “I hope it's less exciting than the last few days,” Victor said before he grunted.

  Lula pressed her lips to the base of Victor’s cock, hot seed painting the back of her throat before she lovingly sucked it down.

  The Champion looked around, “Where’s Dorian?”

  “He’s speaking with some of the mages to ensure a peaceful transition between the Slingers and Mages. He told me he wanted to ensure all slingers are exonerated and can return without any further trouble,” Night spoke up.

  “We need to get him back to Vala’s realm,” Victor said as he spent another Constitution point.

  Night leaned back, her legs kicking in the water, “I can stay and make sure to portal him back to the realm.”

  Dawn looked over to her sister, seeing the confidence return to her once damaged sibling. The elves exchanged a warm glance before the orc’s moans grew louder and louder.

  Lula emerged from the water, licking her lips and energy passing from her and into Victor. The Champion was ready to go again when the orc stood up, water running down her muscled body and large breasts. Lily and Dawn smiled as the orc in pigtails stalked over to Victor and glared down at him. The Blade looked up and saw the wet hunger in her eyes. Gulping in some air, he wondered if she was going to be gentle.

  “I’m Zetah,” the orc woman stated before she sat in Victor’s lap.

  Giggles rose up as Victors manhood was grabbed and pressed to her tight line. Despite the number of orgasms, she received from Lily and Dawn, it seemed she needed more. Powerful thighs nearly engulfed Victor’s legs as she forced herself down, thick inches opening her tight valley. Large breasts bounced in Victor’s face while the orc moved like a machine on him. Large hands grabbed his head and forced it between her large, full breasts while strong hips kept him in place.

  Dawn leaned her head on Lily’s shoulder while the succubus held her close. The pair watched in amusement as Victor struggled in the orc’s grip. The sounds of moans filled the
air as Zetah nearly crushed Vala’s Champion in the throes of heat and lust.


  The place between realms writhed as mist coiled. Victor opened his eyes to see many bodies floating in the dark void, their eyes slowly opening. Arms and legs kicked as the Champion swam to the floating, slowly spinning bodies of Lula, Hani, and Zetah. Lily and Dawn emerged from the darkness and behind them, three dragon women and two muscled ladies appeared.

  Bodies moved and hands clamped to one another in pairs. Victor pulled Lula along while the others followed. Soon, everyone was standing on a misty floor and walking. Victor mulled over the recent experience on Eddor. Before everyone fell to slumber’s embrace, they discussed their next course of actions in finer detail. The dragons, with Ida and Nerin, were to take the new acolytes back to Vala’s realm. When they were safely gone, Victor, Lily, and Dawn would proceed to Dark Spire for the next leg of their quest. Night agreed to stay behind to help portal Dorian to Vala’s realm when he finished working out the details for peace between the Slinger's and the Mage Authority.

  Victor stepped along the misty path his thoughts floating back to Drogoss. During the celebration, the all-powerful god vanished. At first, Victor figured this was because he was an all-powerful god that he could do whatever he wanted, but something about the encounter didn’t sit right with him. A god that chose to not interfere for such a long time and then appears during a fight to interfere and declare peace? It bordered from welcomed to something bat-shit crazy. Was the resurrection so important that even the strongest god of the pantheon wanted to be a part of it or was there something else going on?

  The realms are all bat-shit crazy. Why would this be any different?

  “That’s funny coming from you,” Victor whispered under his breath.


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