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Fate and Dreams

Page 11

by Erik Weir

  The Champion paused in his thinking as pleasure rode him. Lily increased the tempo, head bobbing and wetness covering the length of his manhood. Tongue pressing and snaking along his rigid member, bliss crashed into him like waves on hard rocks. Mustering everything he could, he tried to speak while the demoness continued her pleasurable onslaught.

  “I don’t know…how I feel about gaining abilities from this realm,” Victor managed through clenched teeth.

  Dawn sipped her wine before leaning her head back. “Vala had a reason to allow you to gain from all the realms. From what I know, usually Blades only gained six abilities. I think Champions are only allowed a certain amount so Vala may be breaking the rules with you. I can see why, considering she is dead and trying to return.”

  Dawn turned her gaze to see Lily lovingly sucking on thick inches while Victor looked down at her work.

  “How do you know,” Victor asked while still watching Lily.

  Dawn closed her eyes. “Cassandra and I have talked at times. Since I became a Lover, I wanted to know more and she didn’t hold back on telling me about the realms and Vala’s past.”

  “I don’t feel good about this,” Victor huffed.

  Lily looked up and Victor shook his head slightly.

  “You feel great. I don’t know about gaining abilities from the Abyss Sphere,” Victor clarified.

  Mentally, the Blade tapped on the Abyss Sphere. Things were going to get a lot worse before they became any better. Despite his misgivings, he knew they were going to need every edge they could if gods were going to storm the gates to Vala’s realm.

  Spending the points, powers unlocked and a surge of power filled the Champion.

  You gained Body Control Touch!

  You gained Mind Control Touch!

  You gained Harvest Thoughts Touch!

  You gained Possession!

  You gained Bend Reality!

  The surge of power was overwhelming as Victor fought for control. Lily working her magic and power coursing through him, the very walls to his spirit blasted apart and his control vanished. Cock expanding, Lily moaned loudly. A breath of a moment later, white seed blasted her throat like cannon fire. The succubus moaned louder, drinking it down before a second and third blast followed.

  Victor staggered back, trying to regain his mind when Lily pulled her mouth form his throbbing member, pressed her hands to his chest and pushed. Confusion took root as Victor tried to cut away through the mental chaos. Hands pushed and guided him until he lay on his back, head resting on Dawn’s thigh. The elf smiled through the haze before Lily was on him. Hand taking hold of his still standing member, she impaled herself on him, letting out a sexy cry. Inner walls quickly accommodated to the Champion’s girth as she sunk down, inch after inch. When she reached his base, hips moved like they were possessed, keeping him snug and never fully letting go.

  Dawn ran her hands through Victor’s hair while Lily became unchained, orgasms rising to the top and exploding. Moans turned into needy grunts as she abused the Blade for her own delight. The bed absorbed most of the movement, hot thighs pinning Victor to the bed, play thing to his partner and lover.

  Fighting through the blissful haze, Victor called up his stats again.

  Victor Hobbs

  Acolytes Unlocked- 64/77

  Divine Orbs- 4

  Powers to Unlock-2

  Spheres of Influence

  Str (Gaia)- 20

  Con (Nano)- 15

  Int (Abyss)- 3

  Will (Holy)- 10

  Wis (Mind)- 15

  Cha (Shadow)- 3


  Iron Sword

  Elemental Sword

  Gun Blade

  Bone Sword

  Cursed Blade


  Impulse Control Touch

  Body Control Touch

  Mind Control Touch

  Harvest Thoughts Touch


  Bend Reality

  Victor raised an eyebrow as he looked to the new abilities. They were almost exactly like he thought they would be. The Bend Reality power might be useful but the others seemed a little too evil for his tastes.

  Lily’s eyes rolled into her head as she lost count of the number of orgasms she had. Dawn continued to run her fingers through Victor’s hair, a small smile on her lips.

  Victor exhaled as bliss curled around his heart and cock and he looked to the beautiful elf. “What do we think of Drogoss?”

  Dawn’s expression slid to uncertainty, “What do you mean?”

  Victor’s hands took hold of Lily’s waist, holding her up as she continued to impale herself on him. “Isn’t it a little weird that the first god of the pantheon, who exiled himself to search for meaning, happened to be the leader of the Mage Authority and stopped the fighting between the Mages and the Slingers? For someone who said he didn’t want to interfere, he interfered plenty just yesterday.”

  “It could be because of Vala’s coming resurrection,” Dawn said simply.

  Lily’s eye rolled back into place and she looked down, her body not slowing down. “Drogoss was the first. He created everything. He has every right to see Vala return and balance renewed.”

  Victor shook his head slightly, “Am I hearing this right? All I have heard since I arrived is you can’t trust any of the other gods and goddesses from the pantheon. You both seem to be perfectly fine with Drogoss coming back when he didn’t do anything to stop Vala’s death in the first place.”

  Dawn’s expression took a dark edge. Lily slowed down, concern touching her eyes.

  Victor continued, “Is there something I’m missing?”

  Lily stopped moving, hands on Victor’s chest and a serious look in her eyes. “Drogoss is worshipped across all the realms. He is the definition of balance. Since we were children, we were taught he is above the petty actions of the pantheon. It is why he created it and then moved on. He takes no part in…” Lily trailed off.

  Victor watched as logic seemed to war inside the succubus. For the first time ever, she didn’t seem like herself. Where she often showed distrust for any of the gods, she seemed caught in the divine faith of Drogoss.

  Dawn spoke up, “Victor, Drogoss is the one true god among all of them. He has stood for honor and respect. We have grown up hearing of his power and kindness. It’s a little strange to think of him otherwise.”

  Victor sat up. Lily crawled off the Blade and sat on the bed, her eyes looking away as if searching for something. Dawn sat up as well, pressing her glasses up and blinking like Victor said something that didn’t feel right.

  “Maybe because I didn’t grow up here, his influence never affected me. I don’t know, but what I’m seeing and hearing is everyone has drank a little too much of the Kool-Aid. For an all-powerful god, his actions don’t match up. He didn’t interfere in Vala’s death, but because Vala is coming back, he decides to end the conflict at the drop of hat? If he was truly leading the Mage Authority, shouldn’t he have wiped out Dorian when he arrived and hunt the remaining Slingers?”

  Lily and Dawn remained quiet, eyes looking away. The mood shifted to a dark confusion. Victor eyed the two women, not sure what to think. Was it part of their upbringing? Was he really in the wrong here, not understanding their culture? Was he just being paranoid?

  Victor reached out with each hand. Fingers curled around Dawn and Lily’s hands. The succubus and the elf looked up Victor’s kind smile, their hearts warming.

  “Hey, look, I’m sorry. I’m not from here so I didn’t realize how important Drogoss was to your cultures. I should have an open mind…” Victor was cut off by a knock at the door.

  “Dinner is prepared,” Neville said through the thick door. “I will escort you to the private dining chamber.”

  Victor’s smiled broadened. “Let’s go to dinner and we can talk more afterwards,” the Blade smiled.


  The dining chamber was filled with hanging chandeliers, white marble statues
flanking the right and left walls, a thick wooden table covered in various meats, breads, fruits, and wines. Candles covered small shelves above the statues and many more filled the sockets of the hanging chandeliers. Candelabras ran the middle length of the sturdy table while goldware lay next to white porcelain plates. A roaring hearth glowed from behind the two large high-backed chairs as Anubis and Kali motioned for everyone gathered to take a seat.

  Victor, Lily and Dawn sat to the right of King Anubis while the five acolytes sat to the left. The five women bowed their heads, but it was the one with the wide brimmed hat who lifted hers up to meet Victor’s gaze for a moment.

  Skeletal servants rushed in with practiced flair. Boney hands placed several more dishes of food while others picked up napkins and placed them on laps. Victor watched as the skeletons moved like dancers along the table, each placement perfect and every napkin on bare laps. Nearly as soon as it began, it ended with the skeletons disappearing through doors and vanishing from sight.

  “Before we begin, I believe some introductions are in order,” Anubis smiled gently before nodding his head slightly to the five women sitting.

  Victor, Lily, and Dawn looked over as the woman with the wide brimmed hat stood up, her staff still leaning against the edge of her chair.

  “My name is Szura, Grandmaster Lich of the Abyss College here in Normir,” the thin pale woman said before bowing her head.

  Anubis leaned forward, a goblet in his hand. “Szura had to give up her teachings when it was discovered she was an acolyte to Vala. With Normir a neutral city, her influence would not sit well with the other masters at the college. It is a shame to lose her, she had taught the dead so much and eased many into moving on to their next life.”

  Szura sat down and the pointy eared woman with black hair and white dress stood up.

  “My name is Vissi, singer and performer for the Dead Writer's Society.”

  Anubis kept his small smile as he spoke, “Vissi is a fantastic performer. Her voice and singing could bring even the most hardened soul to tears. Her performances have moved me many times. Being a banshee, it only aided her already mystical voice.”

  Vissi sat down and a ghostly woman floated up from her seat.

  “Anima,” the sad ghost said simply and sat down.

  “A lost soul,” Anubis said tenderly.

  Two beautiful gargoyles stood up and bowed their collective heads toward Victor, Lily and Dawn.

  “Avo,” the blonde gargoyle said in a low tone.

  “Nobo,” said the dark haired one said, mirroring Avo.

  “Avo and Nobo are among a race of gargoyles that call Normir their home. They are the only living creatures here among the dead. These two served in the royal guard before they were discharged. Again, due to their connection to Vala, we cannot allow them to serve their positions. Unfortunately, they will be missed by many.”

  Victor nodded and was about to stand up to say his name when Anubis raised a hand, stopping him part way.

  “No need to introduce yourselves. Everyone here knows who you are and happy to know you have come with Vala’s light,” Anubis smiled.

  “Please, everyone eat. We had the servants use portals to visit most of the realms and gather such delightful food. Enjoy the feast,” Kali smiled.

  The dinner fell into quiet moments, disrupted by the occasional clink of metal forks and knives against porcelain plates. The five acolytes said nothing as they ate their food. Victor couldn’t resist glancing to each of them as they ate. The ghost woman Anima simply held the food close to her mouth, meat turning gray and falling away to ashes. Tears streaked down Vissi’s eyes as she put small morsels into her mouth. Avo and Nobo didn’t even pick up the goldware as they took hold of large chunks of meat and began chewing on them like hungry animals. The two gargoyles often looked up from their meals, hungry eyes on the Blade.

  Szura ate delicate little bites, her dark eyes looking up from her meal and gaze connecting with Victors’. The Champion noticed she seemed to give off an annoyed look before smoothing it away and looking down at her plate.

  When Anubis and Kali picked up their wine glasses, the rest of the table followed suit. Red liquid spilled down throats for many while Anima simply held the glass, the dark crimson wine turning to dust. Lily and Dawn clinked their glasses before nearly pushing them into Victor’s face. The Blade clinked his glass against theirs, seeing the humor in their eyes. All three drank deeply. When the glasses were nearly empty, skeletons appeared from nowhere with wine bottles, pouring into glasses and vanishing once again.

  Victor looked up to say something a few times, but Szura’s gaze seemed to stop him in his tracks. The Lich’s gaze was unnerving and he wasn’t sure if she was warning him or she simply didn’t like him. The Champion mentally laughed at himself because before today, he thought everyone liked him. At least, everyone who mattered.

  The mood began to lighten as the wine flowed. Anubis’s white cheeks turned a dim pink after a few glasses. Kali’s entire body language eased as she drank down the delicious wine. It wasn’t long before Anubis began talking about adventures he and his Queen had across the universe. It was then when Victor stopped eating and simply listened. The fascination spread to the whole table as Anubis spoke of his death masters and journeys to realms beyond the six. The Dead King seemed to notice Victor’s unwavering eyes and recalled his time in Egypt when the pyramids were built. Victor’s eyes widened and leaned in a little as details spilled out between sips of wine.

  Despite the myriad of tales and adventures, the dinner began to wind down. The five acolytes seemed a little more at ease. Lily leaned her head on Victor’s shoulder, the wine causing her to yawn.

  Kali noticed the relaxed guests and raised a glass, “We don’t have to bore you with so many stories. We understand your time is precious. If we are finished, you may all retire for the evening and we can discuss further when you wake.”

  Heads nodded in agreement.

  Anubis stood up and nearly stumbled, chuckling to himself. Kali took hold of his arm and helped steady the King of the Dead. Without another word, the King and Queen crossed the chamber to a door and silently left.

  Lily looked up at Victor with drunken and adoring eyes. “I think I drank a little too much. You may have to carry me.”

  Victor grinned, feeling a little tipsy, but in control, “I’m never going to let you live this down, my drunken Shield.”

  “Just take me to bed…and do what you want,” Lily said and burped.

  The Blade found it enduring that his once angry lover and partner had become so comfortable that she could be so relaxed around him. Taking hold of the inebriated succubus, Victor lifted her up and cradled her to his chest. Spending a Strength point made it easier as she now weighed nothing to him.

  The Champion started walking, Dawn at his side and the rest of the acolytes following. Once they exited the dining chamber, Neville was waiting to lead them down corridors until they reached the guest wing.

  Lily snuggled to his chest as the main doors closed behind the group. Dawn stepped closer to Victor and Lily, her hand out to squeeze Victor’s shoulder. The acolytes stood all around, looking to the sleeping succubus with light amusement.

  “I’ll take her to our room,” the elf smiled warmly.

  “I can…” Dawn stopped Victor mid-sentence.

  “You have work tonight. I’m not feeling it tonight myself,” Dawn said and glanced over to the three dead women and two gargoyles.”

  Victor nodded. “Keep her on her stomach in case she gets sick. I don’t want her drowning in her own puke.”

  The elf nodded as Victor put Lily down. The succubus stood on shaky legs before Dawn was next to her, arm round her waist. With a small smile, Dawn shuffled along with Lily until they entered the guestroom. A moment later, the door closed behind them.

  Victor looked to the door with a warm edge when hands gently took hold and marched him down the corridor. Attention turning to the acolytes, they mo
ved as one, surrounding the Blade. Szura’s fingers entwined with Victor’s as they walked down the corridor. When they reached another set of doors, they seemed to magically open to their presence. The group stepped in, Victor feeling the wine edge take further root in his senses.

  The room was majestic with a very large bed and cushioned seating in every nook and corner. Two fireplaces, each on opposite walls glowed with warm light. Colored lanterns hung from thin pillars, casting shades of reds and yellows. The warm air relaxed the Blade further as he was pulled in before hands let go.

  Szura gave the room the once over before turning to Victor, her eyes sharp. “I think we can talk now.”

  “I was wondering why all of you were so quiet during dinner?” Victor scratched at his head.

  “Despite their generosity, Queen Kali is particular when it comes to certain discussions,” Anima said in a sad tone as she floated.

  Szura nodded. “Anima is right. The Queen does have volatile moods.”

  The lich woman gave Victor the once over, “We’ve had the dreams. Vala calls to us and we wish to go to her. The sooner, the better.”

  “Sounds like all of you weren’t too happy here,” Victor said as the room began to spin slightly.

  Vissi moved closer with sad eyes. “We have felt Vala’s light. It makes this place dull and gray compared to the light of love.”

  “It was almost like we woke,” Avo began.

  “From a bad dream,” Nobo finished.

  “You are Vala’s Blade and we wish to leave,” Szura said matter of fact. “I know about the Realm Walking ability Champions have. We should leave tonight after the ritual.”

  “What’s the rush? It seems okay here,” Victor said as he tried to get a handle on his senses.

  Szura shook her head, “We can talk about it when we are far away from this city. For now, the ritual begs to be completed.”

  Victor parted his lips to speak and soon closed them. The haze grew thicker and his gaze drifted to the five women. In unison, they all began to disrobe. Anima floated, her clothes melting away to reveal a ghostly nude body. A translucent form hovered as she looked away shyly. Vissi pulled at her white dress, letting it fall to the floor as alabaster white breasts bounced with a heavy edge. Pink-white nipples pointed and long, luscious legs stepped from the dress pooled at her feet. Avo and Nobo nearly ripped off their small amount of clothes, revealing smooth pale gray skin. Wings flexed as clothes fell away like leaves in autumn. Hairless slits budded between thick gray thighs and tails trembled in subdued excitement.


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