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Fate and Dreams

Page 14

by Erik Weir

  Astor put her arm around Beverly’s shoulders. The dead mother leaned into the Slinger, happy sobs filling the throne room.


  A portal appeared in the village, sunlight bathing the mountainside in brilliant light. Cassandra stepped out of her home, a small smirk stabbing into her cheek as newcomers stepped out of the portal, followed by Lily and Dawn. Victor was last to emerge, the portal sealing shut behind him and vanishing.

  The air was crisp as acolytes emerged from their homes. Smiles bloomed as they welcomed the new acolytes. Szura’s lip wrinkled before she tipped her hat forward to cover her expression. Anima and Vissi floated forward, sad smiles on their lips. The gargoyles Avo and Nobo smiled from pointed ear to pointed ear as several slyths greeted them.

  Cassandra stepped off her porch and walked along the cobblestone street. Lily and Dawn stood side by side while Victor approached them, an arm wiping across his eyes. The succubus and elf gave him an understanding gaze while Cassandra walked to their little group.

  “Welcome back,” the Keeper said while never taking her eyes off Victor.

  “It’s good to be back,” the Champion sniffled before taking a breath and relaxing his shoulders.

  “Are you okay?” Cassandra asked with a kind edge.

  Victor nodded. “I’m fine. How’s it going with the preparations?” The Champion asked, quickly changing the subject.

  “Well. The time is drawing close and we are nearly ready for Vala’s return. After you rest, we will need to move on to something that has come to my attention.”

  Victor raised an eyebrow, “What happened?”

  The eight-foot tall Keeper’s eyes darkened as she looked away. “It can wait.”

  “Cassandra, what is it,” Victor asked with a firm edge.

  The Keeper turned her gaze to Victor. “Portia sent me a message through my dreams. She asked for you to go to the Valis Realm and come alone.”

  Victor’s eyes widened a hair, “The Valis realm was almost destroyed. Why does she want me to go there alone?”

  “She needs your help to save what’s left,” Cassandra said with a low tone and a sliver of fear in her eyes.


  Hexnia’s eyes nearly rolled into her head while fingers dug into the damp ground. Dirt caked hands and knees while Baaldir punished her from behind, strong hips slapping against her firm, round ass. The demon goddess gave a wicked leer before her breath came out in heated waves as the God of the Hunt held her firmly in place. Thick inches speared her sensitive inner world while she gasped with each powerful thrust.

  “Fuck me my god! Fuck me until I can’t walk,” Hexnia cooed with a sultry edge.

  Baaldir said nothing, his hips and godhood forcing the demon goddess closer to another climax. The God of the Hunt reached over and grabbed a fist full of hair and shoved Hexnia’s face into the damp ground while his mighty spear continued to send shockwaves along her perfect ass. Hexnia gave a muffled squeal in delight as Baaldir continued with their game.

  The tempo increased as the Baaldir’s godhood thickened. Hexnia could not fight the barrage of pleasure as celestial nerves tightened and released with a cascade of inner explosions. Nirvana lit up her world as she tasted muddy dirt. Baaldir’s grip tightened before he gave a loud grunt. God seed spurted and splashed while a star went supernova somewhere in the universe.

  Hexnia forced her head up, heaving from the torrent of bliss. Baaldir continued to push every drop of his seed into the demon goddess before the two pulled apart.

  “I love when you’re rough,” Hexnia said with a faraway gaze.

  Baaldir said nothing, his demeanor grim.

  Hexnia stayed on all fours, turning around like a feline and moving toward the sitting god. Pressing her horned head to his chest, she purred while her tail snaked back and forth. The night air was cool against their naked skin, but the heat of their union still burned in their chests.

  Hexnia looked to the brooding god and frowned. “You’ve been distant since I arrived.”

  Baaldir continued to look forward as if she wasn’t there.

  The demon goddess bared her fanged teeth and bit the god on the chest. Baaldir didn’t even wince as he continued to stare at nothing, his mind lost to inner thoughts.

  Hexnia sat down and pouted. “Can you stop thinking about Vala for a few moments. I don’t mind if you fuck me while thinking of others, but right now, it’s killing the mood.”

  Baaldir’s eyes turned to the crimson colored goddess, mood shifting to mild annoyance. “She will rise soon and you don’t seem too concerned.”

  Hexnia gave the god a lazy smile. “Why should I be? Why should you be? Her return will bring balance back to the realms.”

  Baaldir’s eyes narrowed. “Since when did you care about balance?”

  Hexnia’s fingers traced down her stomach until she touched her wet slit, massaging her clit. “Since this obsession with Vala turned the pantheon into a bunch of squabbling children. I’m personally sick of it. Let her return and then you can go back to your feud. Until then, spend time with me and hate fuck me into submission again and again.”

  Baaldir watched as Hexnia grabbed one of her perfect breasts and lifted it up, her pointed tongue swirling against a pert nipple.

  “You have yet to pledge your followers to the cause,” Baaldir said with cold eyes.

  Hexnia bit her nipple before letting it fall with a small bounce. “Redarr is busy with his annoying crusade against love. Speak to him if you want to form an alliance. I don’t care to be involved anymore.”

  The God of the Hunt gazed on the demoness for a few seconds before taking her hand into his and standing up. Pulling her to her feet, Hexnia followed and stood before the taller god.

  “Redarr is not as strong as you nor holds as much influence. All of Night Sun will follow you if you pledge to the cause.”

  Hexnia let out a cackle. “And here I thought you loved me for my body.”

  Baaldir let a small smirk slip, “I do love you for your body and much more.”

  The demon goddess let a frown form. “I’m sick of this. There was a time I thought you would have moved on from Vala after we killed her. I helped tear her to pieces right before your eyes and it still wasn’t enough. You love and hate her so much; it has consumed you. We are divine beings and yet you continue to chase after her because of some fear she will replace us all with her children. It’s pathetic and beneath us.”

  Hexnia pulled away and sauntered a few feet away. “Let Vala return. Speak to her and work out your differences. I will no longer entertain this petty and misguided revenge.”

  Baaldir’s head lowered, shadows covering his eyes. “I’m disappointed.”

  Hexnia turned her head and stuck out her chin. “It’s often disappointing when we don’t get what we desire. You want Vala dead. I want your attention. As of this moment, we are all lost.”

  The god stepped closer to the demon goddess. Hand out, he grabbed her arm and turned her around. Hexnia looked up with lust filled eyes. Baaldir stepped closer, his thick chest pushing against Hexnia’s chest. The demon goddess stepped back while Baaldir gazed down on her with amused eyes. Each barefoot backpedaled until Hexnia’s smooth back touched a tree. Pinned, she curled a leg around the god’s hips and licked her lips in seductive delight.

  “Are you going to punish me?” Hexnia asked with wicked innocence.

  Baaldir’s gaze turned cold, bearing down on the goddess. “I will not allow Vala to return. Merge your power to mine and our armies will become stronger.”

  Hexnia rolled her eyes. “No.”

  “It was not a request.” Baaldir’s gaze remained the same.

  The mood shifted as Hexnia’s amused expression melted away. A sliver of panic filled her heart as she tried to break away from Baaldir. The god remained, his chest and arms keeping the goddess pinned to the tree.

  “You can’t. The pantheon will not…”

  Baaldir cut her off, “The pantheon knows I
can kill gods. They have grown cautious and fractured, taking sides in a war I will win. You have been an amusing distraction, but you will aid me in the cause. Vala’s return will begin the new age and I will not allow any divine being to have an edge over me.”

  Hexnia struggled as Baaldir kept her pinned against the tree. The goddess grunted until tendrils of energy latched onto her energy. Needle like pains sharpened and the goddess let out a painful moan. Claws burst from her fingertips, but before she could slash at the god, strong hands grabbed her wrists and held them in a vice-like grip.

  “When the war is over, I will consider letting you return. Until then, your power will serve mine,” Baaldir said in a low, dark tone.

  Hexnia’s moans turned into tortured screams. Wisps of energy struck out in different directions as Baaldir pushed against the goddess. Skin merged, blending together in a kaleidoscope of furies. Hexnia’s screams grew louder as she tried to fight him off but the God of the Hunt was determined, pushing harder against her form.

  “No! Stop! We…can’t…we…” Hexnia screamed before her mouth melded into Baaldir’s chest.

  The god eyed the goddess as her body sunk deeper into his. The struggling lessened and the goddess melted deeper into Baaldir’s flesh. After a few long moments. Hexnia’s limbs slipped into the god and she was gone from sight.

  Baaldir’s body grew slightly bigger, darkness filling his eyes. The white antlers on his head turned black while dark streaks filled his moss green goatee. The god took in a deep breath while power surged under his skin. The air around him vibrated with new power and for a moment, he was lost to it. When the power ebbed, the god fell to his knees, a sardonic grin forming.

  “Vala, your end is truly at hand,” Baaldir laughed into the starry night.


  “Okay, can we talk about this again, but a little slower,” Victor said as he scratched at his head.

  Cassandra poured a second helping of tea into each cup while Lily and Dawn sat with attentive eyes. Shafts of light poured in from a nearby window, giving Cassandra’s home a warm, homey feeling.

  The Keeper put down the tea kettle and picked up a larger than average teacup. “As I said, Portia requires your assistance in the Valis Realm before they can begin setting up the Xull technology so they can terraform the planet.”

  Victor lifted up his teacup and took a sip, grimacing as he burned the tip of his tongue and setting the cup back down. “I understand that. It’s the part where you said I have to go alone and it is extremely dangerous. I thought we were focusing on the last seven acolytes. There’s nothing on Valis but a ruined planet. Also, I thought they already started terraforming? What stopped it?”

  Cassandra sat down in her large seat, taking another sip before holding the teacup before her. “Portia didn’t give me too many details but it was urgent you meet with her. You won’t be doing this alone as she will personally be there on the Xull ship Avatar. Meet with her and help where she needs it before returning to the crusade.”

  Lily spoke up, “If it’s dangerous, shouldn’t the three of us go together?”

  Cassandra put down her teacup and let out a sigh. “With the resurrection so close, I will need you and Dawn to find the remaining acolytes while Victor helps Portia. I have vague notions on where they are on Night Sun and Tempest, but I cannot trust anyone else to scout for them. Unlike on Eddor, you both are simply locating and reporting back to me so we can prepare how to rescue them.”

  “We shouldn’t be splitting up the group again,” Victor said with an annoyed edge.

  Lily’s red eyes slid over to gaze on Victor. The Champion’s fingers were crisscrossed and tight, shoulders holding an obvious tension. Reaching over, she placed a lilac colored hand on his thigh and gave him a gentle squeeze.

  Victor looked to the beautiful demoness, the tension bleeding away a little and a sigh falling from his lips.

  “The pressure isn’t only on you,” Lily said with an understanding tone.

  Victor tried to smile but it came of as a wry smirk. “We are so close. We can’t risk any mistakes. Vala is depending on us and I couldn’t…”

  “Forgive yourself,” Cassandra said with warmth. “Neither could we. That is why it is important that we remain vigilant. With seven acolytes left, Vala’s enemies will look for every opportunity to hinder the crusade. They will be looking for Vala’s Blade, but they may not notice a pair of Shields scouting their realms.”

  Victor nodded. “So, right now, I’m just a big target, that’s what your trying to say?”

  Cassandra gave a slight nod. “Many of the pantheon will not be able to watch or hunt for you if you’re in the Valis Realm. You will have some degree of safety in the Xull realm as well. From what I could gleam of your adventures on Eddor, many different gods and Champions were able to find you. We have to slow down their efforts at this time, so close to the resurrection.”

  “I’m being benched,” Victor said with a sarcastic edge.

  “Misdirection would be a better choice,” Cassandra smiled.

  Lily nodded, “Besides the seven acolytes, you still have to spend time with Portia to release her divine orb.”

  Victor sat back, an amused grin forming. “You’re sending me out to sleep with someone else. Do you know how many guys would kill for a girlfriend like you?”

  “Many, I know,” Lily returned Victor’s grin.

  Cassandra stood up and looked to Victor, Lily and Dawn. “I know the last few days have been trying. We can have a small break before we continue. I recommend we go to my bedroom so we can relieve some of the tension.”

  Victor looked up to the full-figured Keeper, his smile remaining. Lily and Dawn stood up. The three women gazed down on Victor, a heat and hunger filling their eyes. Lustful energy filled the large room and the Champion found it harder and harder to think.

  “Praise Vala,” he managed before Dawn and Lily pulled him to his feet while Cassandra walked to the hallway and towards the large bedroom.


  Victor stepped out of Cassandra’s home, the suns setting against the horizon. Vitality filled his spirit even if his muscles felt a little sore. Spending a Constitution, nano-drones healed his body by pulling acidic pain from his muscles and healing him in the process.

  The last number of hours played out in his mind, Cassandra, Lily, and Dawn taking turns with him and soon, he taking turns with them. The heat of the moments brought them together, each flash of ecstasy coiling their souls into a web of friendship and love. The thought of going off on his own needled at him amid the pleasant memories. The Champion wanted nothing more than to travel with his friends, but there was something foreboding, a thought that if he failed, he might not see them again.

  Lily stepped from the front door, walked across the small porch and draped an arm around Victor’s neck. The Champion slid his hand along her waist, holding her close. The two stared at the horizon, the last rays of sunlight slipping below the mountains and evening filling the sky. Stars appeared, blending with the dying light.

  “Feel any better?” Lily asked.

  “A little,” Victor smiled.

  “It will be lonely without you at my side.”

  Victor nodded. “Same here.”

  Lily reached up and caressed the Champion’s chin. “When it is all over and Vala returns…will there be time for us?”

  Victor looked to the succubus with a confused expression. “There will always be time for us. Why do you ask?”

  Lily’s brow eased, “Everything will change with Vala’s return. I just want to know we will always be there for each other.”

  Victor turned and faced the succubus. Lifting up her other hand, he kissed the back of it before holding it to his chest.

  “You’re my partner. There will always be time for us,” Victor said in a low, reassuring voice.

  Lily pressed her forehead to the champion’s forehead, closed her eyes and sighed. “Promise me you’ll return in one piece.”

  “I promise,” Victor said as he closed his eyes.

  Lily bit her lip before parting them. “I promise to always fight by your side, my Blade.”

  The couple held each other, lost to each other’s touch. Victor felt the succubus’s concern and he couldn’t bring himself to be cavalier about it. Splitting up and taking on dangerous missions felt like a bad idea, but he remained quiet, not wanting to ruin the moment. Lily and Dawn were strong. The acolytes here and across the realms were strong too. Despite the foreboding gloom around his heart, Victor felt the small hopeful glow keeping it at bay.

  Victor pulled away, holding Lily’s hand for one last second before letting go. “I’m going to go. Tell Dawn and Cassandra I said bye.”

  Lily watched, a sadness touching her eyes as Victor stepped down the porch steps and onto the stone pathway. The succubus watched as the Blade began walking, glancing back and giving her a reassuring smile before turning his head. The night air was warm as Lily’s heart pumped in her chest and her tail hung low. A hand reached up and when fingers trembled, she let it fall to her side.

  Victor walked on, heart heavy and a sliver of fear cutting at his thoughts. The path continued along the mountain side village. The homes lining one side stood, some with lantern light glowing and others dark. After a while, Victor spotted Szura. The lich leaned against the stone wall overlooking the town at the bottom of the mountain, staff leaning against her shoulder and wide witch hat tilted forward, the brim covering her eyes.

  Victor was about to say something when the lich raised her head, her pale features blank.

  “I never thanked you,” Szura said without a hint of emotion.

  “Thank me?”

  The lich nodded. “Kali can be controlling and direct, but she does care for the dead…and the living. You didn’t behave like most would, standing up to her with respect and not resorting to violence. I thought Vala’s Blade would be some angry man, bent on conquest, but you showed that you are beyond such things. For that, I thank you for not hurting my mistress and showing even the dead can love.”


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