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Fate and Dreams

Page 18

by Erik Weir

  The crusade was nearly over and thoughts about the end constricted his very being.

  “I won’t give up, but…we will have to talk once it’s over,” Victor whispered to the unfeeling abyss.

  Shadows curled and surged from the darkness. A robe formed, covering a pale, heavenly body. Victor looked up to see Vala gliding toward him, arms out. Limbs moved on automatic as he reached for her. Bodies joined in a loving embrace and Victor’s heart beat a little faster. Vala smiled, shadows covering her eyes. The goddess leaned in and kissed her Champion. A deep connection burned bright enough to outshine most stars. When they parted, Victor gave the goddess a weak smile.

  “I love you,” Victor whispered.

  Vala said nothing as dark lips shifted into a warm smile.

  Victor’s smile faded away as he floated. Logic cut into the wondrous moment, speaking louder, telling him she is a goddess and why would she bind herself to such a small mortal man. The scale of divine power was as wide as ten oceans and he was nothing more than a small ship, caught in her waves.

  Thoughts sank back to his mother. When the crusade was over, maybe he could convince Vala and Anubis to return her back to Earth. Maybe he would follow, living a new life and turning back all the time they lost. It was a warm thought, the pain and weariness fading to the background.

  Vala held out a hand. Victor looked down at it and smiled. Instinctually, he reached out for it, but stopped when a dagger appeared in her palm. Fingers closed around the pommel before the dagger shot forward in a blink, stabbing into his chest and penetrating his heart. Victor’s eyes widened to the size of saucers, pain filling his entire body.

  “Vala?” Victor said softly, confusion and pain painting his expression.

  Vala leaned in closer, full lips pressing against his, a tongue snaking in. The pain filled every cell in his body as the abyss turned black. A moment later, the Champion was gone.

  Victor gasped as he sat up with wide eyes. Portia and Umus looked up from chairs and stood up. Victor gasped again, hand rubbing his chest. The dreamy pain fell away and he slowly felt normal.

  Portia and Umus stepped closer, concern on their brows.

  “Victor?” Portia asked.

  Victor leaned back, hands and arms propping himself up as his breathing returned to normal. “I’m…okay.”

  “You gave us a start, Lad. You have been unconscious for six hours,” Umus said with a warm grin.

  Victor gave a sheepish nod. “Six hours? I guess using all that power drained me.”

  Portia sat on the edge of the bed, her hand resting on the Champion’s covered thigh. “Are you well?”

  Victor looked to the angelic beauty and gave her a small smile. “I’m okay. Just a little nightmare.”

  Umus stepped closer and peered down on the Champion. “I can’t thank you enough for what you did. You’re truly a Champion in my eyes. Vala chose well!”

  Victor nodded, unsure what to say, the nightmare still fresh in his mind.

  Portia spoke next, “Now that the Elder Thing is back on Dark Spire, Xull dropped terraforming equipment on the planet. It may take about three years for the atmosphere to clear up and we can rebuild. We owe you our thanks.”

  Victor shook his head, “No thanks needed. I’m happy to help.”

  Umus cleared his throat as he shuffled slightly by the bed, “You did a brave thing down there, charging in and saving the day. Before Draygon attacked, I had a gift for you. I was going to give it to you after you spent a few days with us, but as it happens, fate was unkind to us at the time.”

  Victor and Portia looked to the barrel-chested god as he held out his hand. A white and golden sword appeared in his palm, fingers closing around the pommel. Tiny runes covered the handle, but aside from that, the sword looked like any other sword except for the supernatural glow.

  Umus continued, “I forged this weapon when Vala whispered to me from beyond the grave. I promised I would complete it and hand it over when the time was right. I can think of no other time than the here and now.”

  The god held the sword sideways with both open hands and bent down to one knee. “Take it. You have earned to wield such a fine weapon. It is a holy sword, some of my finest work. It can slice through almost anything short of divine power. But, don’t let that stop you from using it against any gods or goddesses who threaten you. It won’t kill them but it will sting and maybe make them think twice.”

  Victor sat up, eyes on the glowing sword. Reaching up, he took hold of the pommel and held it up. Energy reached out from the sword and anchored to the Champion’s soul. The connection established; the sword felt like it had always belonged to him. Victor smiled as he let the sword sink into his wrist. An image of the sword lay next to the other six swords, the collection of weapons complete.

  A sword from every realm. Everyone is going to think twice about fucking with you.

  Chill chuckled along Victor’s spirit as he ignored the shadow and turned his attention to Umus.

  “Thank you. I will use it with honor and respect.”

  Umus smirked. “I know you will.”

  Portia smiled as she spoke, “If you’re ready, there is a dropship prepped. We used the Dimensional drive to come back to Xull. The Avatar is stationed high above Hope City. I will bring Umus to Xull so they can speak, but I know a few acolytes who are waiting to see you.”

  Victor smiled. “The city is named Hope?”

  Portia nodded. “We thought it fit for the time being. The Seproh will have to live there for a few years until the terraforming is complete and we can return to the Valis Realm.”

  “It sounds perfect,” Victor grinned.

  Umus clapped his hands and rubbed them together. “Alright, enough of this resting nonsense! Get up so we can be off this ship. Our people await!”


  The ramp to the dropship opened and extended until it reached the floor. Smoke billowed down, disinfecting the three figures as they walked down. Emerging from the smoky mists, Victor, Umus, and Portia stepped out onto the landing pad, several drones, a white furred cat woman in fatigues and two women with ram horns waiting for them about twenty feet away. Beyond them, a tall city of buildings and lights shined against the dark sky, their glow diffusing the heavens and only allowing the brightest of stars to shine.

  Buk and Diz bounced and waved to Victor while Ema held her arms up so they wouldn’t run forward and mob the Champion. The thick ram-women wore tight black and white dresses and Victor wondered if they were dressed up for him. A drone broke away from the others, it’s digital face changing to that of a beautifully pale woman. It stepped up to the trio until they all met.

  “Welcome to Hope,” Xull directed it to Umus.

  The god of light bowed. “The pleasure is all mine. Portia has informed me of your kindness to our people, allowing us to stay here. I have not forgotten your role during the attack on Valis and wish to offer any assistance I can for all of our peoples.”

  The drone bowed slightly before striating up. “No thanks are necessary during these troubling times. I know there is still much to discuss. Shall we sit someplace a little more comfortable to discuss our alliance further in depth?”

  “I’m all yours,” Umus said with a heavy grin.

  Xull turned her attention to Victor, “Thank you for saving Umus. I’m sure the discussion will not be a best use of your time, Blade of Vala. I have been informed there are several acolytes who are looking forward to seeing you. Ema, Buk and Diz will escort you to their location.”

  Victor scratched his head and smiled. “If you think that’s best.”

  “Come with us!” yelled Diz.

  “We missed you!” yelled Buk.

  Ema smiled and fought the urge to roll her eyes at the two rams. A futuristic vehicle stood over to the side, giving the appearance of an armored limousine. A drone stood by the back door, red digital eyes on the group.

  Ema put her arms down as Buk and Diz burst forward. Victor’s eyes widen
ed at how they barreled toward him in those tight dresses. When they reached the Champion, one curled her arm around Victor’s right arm and the other curled her arm around his left. Lovingly, they pressed their bodies to his sides and looked up with adoring eyes.

  Ema stepped forward and stood before the Blade. “It’s good to see you again,” the cat-woman said with a dash of shyness.

  Victor grinned. “It’s good to see all of you again.”

  “Wynn is waiting at the club,” Ema said with warm-slitted eyes.

  “Club?” Victor said as he raised an eyebrow.

  Ema nodded before turning away and walking toward the limousine. Buk and Diz held onto to Victor tighter and pulled him along, their energy infectious.

  “It’s the hottest place in Hope,” Diz squealed.

  “Anyone who is anyone will be there!” Buk squealed as well.

  Portia watched in amusement as the two genetically altered ram-women pulled Victor to the vehicle. The drone opened the door before Ema stepped in. Buk and Diz pulled Victor and nearly stuffed the Champion into the backseat, their giggling and singing escaping into the night air. With the door closed, the vehicle drove off, Umus standing next to Portia and clasping his big hand on her shoulder. God and angel watched silently as the car turned onto a street and drove off.


  The armored limousine stopped. Victor tried to look out the shaded window as Buk and Diz were all over him, kissing and touching him. Ema sat opposite of the trio, shaking her head at the two rams.

  “Can’t the driver make a few loops around the block,” Buk whined.

  “The night’s just starting!” Diz whined as well.

  “Wynn wants to see him,” Ema hissed.

  The two ram-women pouted, but didn’t take their hands off of Victor.

  Victor turned his gaze to the cat-woman, a small smile appearing. “Why here?”

  Ema leaned her head forward and closed her eyes, “Wynn felt it would be nice to meet in an informal place. Altered Humans have been helping the Seproh adjust to living on Xull, but it seems both sides like to party. Club Angel Light is one of a few places where both meet to unwind. Buk and Diz will take you in to see Wynn.”

  “What about you?”

  Ema opened her eyes, “I’m on duty. Wynn and Xull still feel the Xull Realm is not completely safe. Not everyone who was part of the Resistance trusts the ceasefire. Some cells have gone into hiding while others have shown their disdain toward the new peace. Hope is a fragile place, even with Xull drones and soldiers guarding it.”

  “I wish you could come in with us,” Victor smiled.

  Ema let a small smile slip. “Me too. When you come out, maybe we can sit and talk for a little bit. These two heifers aren’t the only ones who miss you.”

  Buk and Diz laughed and started mooing like cows. Victor couldn’t fight the energy in the vehicle, his laughter joining the mooing rams.

  Ema opened the door, but stayed inside. Buk and Diz pulled at the Champion, dragging him out into the street. The cool night air was chased away as the two rams stayed on either side of Victor. A gentle thumping of music radiated from a nearby building. It had no windows and a single door at street level. A tall, imposing minotaur stood at the entrance, thick arms folded and curved white horns shining in the street light.

  The walk across the street to the front door was quick, Victor smiling as his ass was continuously grabbed and squeezed by the ladies to each side of him. The minotaur at the door looked down his short, squarish snout to the trio walking toward him. When they stopped before the bouncer, the bull huffed, eyes as cold as stone.

  “Private party,” the minotaur said in a deep voice.

  Buk looked up with amused eyes. “Cebelius, you know it’s us and Wynn is waiting.”

  The minotaur closed his eyes and shook his head, “I know you and Diz. I do not know him.”

  Victor broke away from Diz’s grip and held out his hand to the bouncer. “Victor Hobbs, pleased to meet you.”

  Cebelius looked down at the outstretched hand and then back to Victor, arms still folded.

  Victor let his hand drop to his side. “Tough crowd.”

  Buk’s amused expression turned hostile as she stepped up to the minotaur and rammed her curved horns into his chest. The move was so quick and blunt, Cebelius took a step back, nostrils flaring. Diz moved to Buk’s side, eyes narrowing. The two women glared.

  “Don’t make this a fight you can’t win,” Buk and Diz said in perfect unison.

  The bull huffed before taking hold of the door handle and pulling it open. The two ram-women went from ready to brawl to sweet as pie as they stepped to Victor and entwined their arms around his. Giggling, they pulled the Champion along to the doorway.

  Victor looked up to Celebius’s hard expression. “If I don’t make it out, send help,” Victor winked.

  Celebius’s hard brow raised and a small smirk slipped. Buk and Diz laughed as they pulled Victor along, the smirking minotaur closing the heavy metal door behind them.

  Smoke and flashing lights filled the short hallway. Music vibrated loudly as the trio made their way down the short corridor to the larger room beyond. Once they stepped into the main room, Victor’s senses were assaulted with pulsating rhythms and gyrating bodies. Fog billowed as colored lights stabbed through the smoke. Arms, legs and bodies moved to the beat. Altered humans with animal traits danced with each other and angelic humans. Tails whipped as golden wings flexed. Air swirled in the beautiful chaos as patrons danced to demanding music.

  Buk and Diz broke away from the Champion, entering the main dance floor and beckoning the Blade to join them. Victor smirked as he stepped into the fray. Buk was first, thrusting her body against his and grinding against him. Diz laughed as she joined, the two women trapping him between them.

  Victor laughed, but it was lost to the loud music and billowing smoke. A shadow emerged from the crowd, furry hands reaching out and tapping Buk and Diz on the shoulders. Victor, Buk, and Diz turned their attention to the fox-woman standing before them, a wicked smirk along her small snout. Even in the foggy darkness, Wynn’s foxlike features were unmistakable. Orange and white fur covered what was exposed beyond her tight black dress. The length of the dress stopped just above the knees and a fluffy tail peeked over her shoulder.

  Buk and Diz saw their cue and separated from the Champion, bodies joining the large crowd. Wynn stepped closer, eyes shining in the flashing lights before she raised her arms and encircled them around Victor’s neck. Hips touched and the rhythm took root, their bodies moving as one.

  “I missed you,” Wynn said with cool eyes.

  Victor immediately noticed that he could hear Wynn perfectly, despite the thumping music.

  The fox-woman noticed and gave a sly grin. “I wirelessly connected to your nano-shell. We can talk without shouting over the music.”

  Victor smiled. “I missed you too.”

  Wynn nodded before her foot missed a step and she slid. Quickly, she corrected herself and followed the rhythm. Victor’s hands were on her waist, holding her steady as he noticed the somewhat blank gaze she was now giving. Wynn held onto the Champion and when her face was close to his, he could smell the subtle hints of alcohol.

  “I think about you…so much,” Wynn said with a slight slur.

  Victor held her, eyes shifting to slight concern. “Has it been difficult with helping the Seproh adjusting to life here?”

  Wynn gave a sheepish shake of her head. “No, it’s been a breeze. They are good people. I almost wish they came here sooner.”

  The party vibe fell into the background. Victor looked to Wynn, holding her close as she looked away. It was obvious something was bothering her. Remaining silent, he simply listened.

  “Vala is coming,” Wynn said as she closed her eyes and snuggled her face into Victor’s neck. “I wish we had more time.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Wynn gave Victor’s neck a light lick before speaking. “S
he is going to take you away from all of us…from me. With her return, I will no longer be useful.”

  Victor didn’t let the concern he felt bleed into his expression. Arms holding the fox-woman close, their bodies moved slower, a gentle swaying taking over. They no longer moved to the party atmosphere, lost to closeness. Warmth and intimate scents swirled from their union.

  “I don’t believe Vala would take anyone away from anyone.”

  Wynn was silent for a long moment before speaking. “The war here on Xull is over. I…no longer have purpose.”

  “Yes, you do. You’re a diplomat for the Seproh and Xull. You’re needed here and with us. When Vala returns, we will have to bring balance back to the realms. You’re more important than ever.”

  Wynn sighed. “I’m a traitor to the cause. There are many from the Resistance that will no longer speak to me. Without the fight, they are losing their way…and so am I.”

  Victor took hold of Wynn’s arms and pulled her from his neck and chest. The Champion looked into her addled eyes, a fire lighting in his mind.

  “Wynn, you can’t be serious? The fight is going only going to get bigger and we are all needed, every one of us.”

  Wynn’s blank expression turned hard as she shrugged Victor’s grip off. “I have spent my life fighting Xull’s control. Family and friends have spent their entire lives fighting against that kind of control. Many have died, trying to free everyone. Xull played us, letting the game continue until she needed something else. Now we have peace because bigger threats are on the horizon. What happens when those threats are gone? Will she engineer a new conflict to keep us all busy?”

  Eyes glistened for a brief second before Wynn blinked them away and continued, “I get messages from former resistance members, telling me this is the perfect time to strike and destroy Xull once and for all. My instincts agree with them…but I do nothing.

  “Instead, I play babysitter to people who don’t need a babysitter. They don’t need diplomats. Xull is still controlling our lives, giving us meaningless jobs so we can remain useful. I was…never meant for this. I was meant to fight. All my life, I was meant to fight against tyrants.”


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