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Dentelle #3 Guardian series

Page 14

by Bowhay, Heather

I knew the world could break any one at any time, but in a backwards, crazy, implausible sort of way I never thought Madison could be broken. In that moment, I realized just how vulnerable she really was, and I wanted to reach out to her, but it wasn’t my place. Besides that, a dreadful, horrible feeling was eating away at my insides. My mind had inadvertently been putting two and two together, and now I had a sinking feeling I knew what this was all about.

  “Shhhh. It’s gonna be okay, Madison. I promise,” Ash consoled her.

  “No…it’s…not. It’s…never…gonna…be okay…again,” she said in between sobs. “I can’t stay in Bellingham. I mean I can, but I won’t. Jason’s like my best friend. I’m not gonna leave him now. Not when he needs me. Why are they doing this?”

  Blood pounded through my veins so loudly, the vibrations resonated in my ears. I didn’t hear another word between Ash and Madison because Jason closed the door and looked at me pleadingly. “I wanted to tell you. I’ve been trying to find the right words, but I couldn’t.” A tormented expression played his face. Or maybe it was an expression of quiet resignation to his fate. I surely hoped not, because I would never give up on him, and he’d promised never to let me go again.

  “Is the Senior Council forcing you to move? Is that what’s going on?” My voice quivered like a tuning fork. I felt the blood draining from my face.

  He nodded his head ever so slightly, and tears gathered in his eyes – eyes filled with heartache. “Alex, I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to tell you. I’m still in total shock – trying to understand how this happened, what it means for us, and how I can change it. I haven’t figured out what to do yet. But I know I can’t live without you.”

  Tears pooling in my eyes blurred my vision. I wrapped my arms around his solid, warm body and held him. Our bodies quivered and our hearts pounded together, and neither one of us said a word. Eventually, I broke away and pulled him over to the bed where we could sit down. “Tell me exactly what happened,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

  Clinging to him, I listened as he recounted the evening’s events. His voice cracked, and his eyes searched my face desperately as he told of how he and Madison were summoned to an impromptu Council meeting just as they were preparing to go four-wheeling. Once inside the chamber, the Council had asked him point blank if he was in love with me. He’d informed them he didn’t see how that was any of their business, and they’d shot back that it was because former rumors had recently turned into accusations accompanied by proof.

  “That can’t be. Like what?” I cried out.

  “Pictures,” he said softly, pressing his lips together. “Pictures of you and me together.”

  “Pictures where? That doesn’t make any sense. And that wouldn’t prove anything anyways. Someone could have taken my picture when I was walking with Ryan or Trevon or Jessica, for that matter. Doesn’t mean I’m involved with any of them.”

  “I know, Alex. But these were pictures of us up on the cliff with your arm wrapped around me. There were up close images, focused on our faces. I personally think you’d have to be blind not to see the love in our eyes, but still, I agree; that isn’t proof enough. They really needed something more, and I think some of them were hoping to get it through interrogating me.”

  “Was your dad there?” I gripped him tighter.

  “Actually, no. He felt the line of questioning was uncalled for, and he felt he was too personally involved, so he was excused.”

  “Thank goodness for that. But how did they…I mean who?” I couldn’t even form a complete question.

  He sighed. “I passed Dakota in the hallway before I went into the meeting room, so I’m guessing she had something to do with it. But you never know for sure. At this point, the who is irrelevant; it could be anyone. Technology coupled with shapeshifters lurking around any corner make it easy to follow our moves. I just never expected there might be a secret group trying to control your destiny or that they would go to such extremes. Things are worse than I thought. Even me entering Ash’s room tonight was foolish, but I asked Max for a favor and then shifted and came in from the balcony. I couldn’t let you find out about this from someone else tomorrow. And the damage has already been done.”

  I tensed and looked around the room. “Oh no! Do you think there could be cameras hidden in here?”

  “No. Ash did a thorough check of your room and his the first day. He was paranoid from the start, and I should have trusted his instinct.” He clutched the blanket like he might rip it to shreds.

  “What did the Council do?”

  “They reminded me that the rules regarding a relationship with an Amethyst, or you, more specifically, prohibited all Guardians, other than Ash, from pursuing a relationship with you. And since it appeared the accusations against me were true, I was in violation and could face consequences. But in all fairness, they said they summoned me because I deserved the opportunity to share my side of the story and defend myself.”

  “That’s not what they wanted,” I said angrily. “If they already had what they thought was proof, then they were just trying to pump you for more information. Probably so they could gauge how far our relationship had advanced and what kind of damage control they were facing.”

  “You’re probably right,” he said, balling his hands into fists. “One thing – since it was an impromptu meeting, there wasn’t a select group of spokespersons, so anyone could speak out. That was advantageous for me, because now I have a pretty good feel for who might be against us. And I’m hoping some of the other members, like my dad, Ahanu, and Miss Palo, among others, will be investigating the allegations you made that a secret alliance exists amongst their ranks.”

  I felt nauseous. Lost. We were being torn apart – our fates fixed by those in positions of power. But I wondered at their true motives. Did they want to punish me for standing my ground in the Council meeting? Or was this about separating me from Jason in order to push me closer to Ash? Or did they just want to punish Jason to set an example – showing that if you broke Guardian code there would be repercussions no matter who you were? He rubbed his neck like he had a sore muscle, so I shot him a little Essence and massaged his shoulders.

  “They asked me again if I was romantically involved with you, and I refused to answer,” he continued. Clenching his jaw, he said, “But then Carlos commented that if you and I were involved, then that meant you and Ash were putting on a very convincing show here at the Ranch. And if that was the case, then he wondered if you were trustworthy at all, or if they needed to reevaluate the decisions they’d already made in regards to you staying in Bellingham.”

  I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. “I knew this charades crap was gonna get us in trouble,” I said, pressing a hand against my forehead.

  “I wasn’t about to let Carlos attack you that way – make it seem like you were some deceitful person not to be trusted. Next, he’d be saying you were dangerous and manipulative too.” He shifted on the bed, turning to face me more directly. “I’ve been thinking about this – all the craze where you’re concerned. They’ve never been this concerned or interested in anyone before. I think some of them are jealous or nervous that you have so much power.”

  I made a face. “No…”

  “Yes, Alex. You are the only living Dentelle – ever. No one knows what other abilities you might possess. And it is possible some people want to keep you close…maybe even control you – if nothing else, be a part of your world.” His brows furrowed and he gave me an imploring look. “You could become the most powerful person in the Network. A leader, even. I think some of the members feel threatened. Afraid of the changes you might bring.” He sighed. “Unfortunately, there are greedy people in every organization, even ours. And those are the ones we have to worry about.”

  “That sounds so crazy. I’m just a girl who wants to love you, save people, go to college, and enjoy life. Normal everyday Guardian-Amethyst-Dentelle things. I don’t want to usurp anyone or lead anybody.”

  “I know, babe.” He touched my cheek briefly and pulled his hand away.

  “So, what did you tell the Council members?”

  He looked at me with new resolve and my heart skipped a beat. “I told the Council that while I might be in love with you, that didn’t mean you felt the same way. At that point, my only goal was to get Carlos off your back.”

  His eyes bored into mine with such intensity, I wondered what he hadn’t told me yet. “What else did you say?” My voice wavered.

  “I lied. I had to,” he said. “They forced me into it. I told them you and Ash were tight and always had been. I admitted that I had feelings for you and wanted to explore a relationship with you, but you’d turned me down. I told them you’d said there might be a spark between us but it didn’t matter because you and Ash had a good thing going.”

  “Oh my.” My eyes widened. “You made it sound like I was innocent in all this. Like you’d been actively pursuing me and I’d rejected you?”

  “Yeah, well. I needed to smooth things over – find a gray area. Because eventually, when we figure this all out – and we will – we are going to want to be together publicly. But for right now, I just couldn’t have them messing with you any more than they already are. I also didn’t want them judging our love. Not when they are the ones who have forced us to keep it hidden. But by setting the stage this way, they don’t know your true feelings or that we’ve outright lied to them. They just know there is the potential for a relationship between you and me but only if something comes between you and Ash. Does that make sense?”

  “Yes, I guess so.” I tugged gently on the silver chain around his neck and stared tearfully into his pained eyes. “What I understand is that you love me too much – so much so – you’re sacrificing yourself.” Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I tasted salty pain as my tongue brushed against my lips.

  Tears fell down his face as well, and I leaned over and kissed his wet cheeks. This time I tasted love. “Love is supposed to conquer all – right all the wrongs,” I whimpered. “But by admitting your love for me, you’re being sent away.” I held his face in my hands, but I was shaking so fiercely I could hardly hold on.

  “Shhh,” Jason whispered. He drummed his hands against his legs. “I wish I could pull you tight. Hold you. Comfort you like you always comfort me. I’m sorry I can’t be everything you need me to be.”

  I gasped and blinked rapidly. Staring at him, I said, “Jason Walker, you are everything to me. You are my heart and my soul. As long as I have your love, I will never be alone.”

  “No matter the distance or the obstacles, I will always love you, Alex.”

  “Where are they sending you?” I swiped at my tears.


  My jaw dropped. “Guess they couldn’t get us much further apart than that. At least you’ll be with your brother.” Shaking my head, I bit my lip. “How long do you have?”

  “Two months.”

  I traced the scar in his eyebrow. “Okay, we’ve got two months to figure out how we’re gonna either change their minds or outsmart them,” I said stubbornly.

  He finally cracked a smile. “I’m counting on it.”

  “They think they can control this situation – dictate our feelings. Well, they’re just a little too late for that,” I said.

  “No, they’re a lot too late.”

  I nodded. “Our souls are bound together forever.”

  For a few minutes we just sat there, reminiscing about the times we’d spent together – up at the waterfall, on Towhead, and out in the San Juan Islands. I rested my head against his shoulder and listened as he described all the places we still had yet to explore. At some point he stopped talking and we rested peacefully next to each other until I remembered Madison.

  “Hey, what’s the deal with Madison? She doesn’t have to move, does she?”

  He swallowed and nodded. “Since we are linked, Madison has a choice. She can either move to Maine and stay linked with me or she can stay in Bellingham and they’ll find another Guardian for her to link with.”

  “She won’t leave you.”

  He shook his head. “No, she won’t. And not because she thinks there’s a chance for a relationship between us, either. Madison might be arrogant at times, but she is one of the most loyal people I’ve ever known. She will not abandon a friend in need, and she believes I need her right now.”

  “You do,” I said.

  “Yeah, I guess I do. I certainly don’t want to link with someone else unless it’s you. But this is tearing her apart. She loves her family more than anything and won’t want to leave them. Also…” he stopped and glanced at the bedroom door, “I think maybe she’s realizing her heart has another reason to stay.”

  I squeezed his thigh and shook my head. “I know, right? How weird was that?” The image of Ash and Madison kissing popped back into my mind.

  “Does it bother you?” Jason asked.

  I lifted my head and smiled. “No. Of course not. It was just unexpected. I knew she’d sparked a flame in Ash, but she treats him so horribly, I never thought she might feel the same way.”

  “Love works in mysterious ways.” We looked at each other and laughed for the first time in hours. Then his face turned serious. “Alex, we’ve got to figure something out. There is no way they are separating us.”

  “I know. Even if we have to leave the Network – go out on our own…” I started to say.

  His face looked grim. “That’s a possibility. But let’s not cross that bridge until we have to.”

  “Let’s hope we don’t have to,” I said. “But let me just say, I have every intention of launching the next blindside. I will not be victim to one set off by this Senior Council again.”

  “You are a strong and resilient woman. I love that about you.”

  “Good. Because I’m only gonna get stronger and crazier.”

  He laughed. “I’m counting on it.”

  Despite our heavy hearts, we found comfort in each other, talking and trying to figure out a plan of attack. The hard part was going to be acting normal the next day, pretending I hadn’t just learned the man I loved was about to be moved across the country.

  I rubbed my eyes, certain they were swollen and red. I must have looked horrendous, but Jason didn’t seem to care, so neither did I. Glancing at the clock, I realized the morning ceremonies were only five hours away. Dang, I couldn’t wait for us to be off this Ranch and back in Bellingham, where we had the support of our friends. It was going to take a lot of collective thinking to stop this move from happening. I still held out hope my link with Ash might break.

  Eventually, we said tearful good-nights, and Jason snuck back out through Ash’s room. I didn’t get a good look, but from what I could see, the furniture had been righted and Madison was no longer around.

  As I crawled into bed, Ash said, “You okay, Lexi?”

  “Not really. You?”

  “Not so great.”

  “That was some fight you had over there.”

  “Yeah, well, Madison needed to blow off some steam.”

  Or blow up some furniture, I thought to myself. “At least the make-up session appeared to be going well,” I said, because I wanted him to know I’d seen them. There were enough secrets, and I didn’t want to have any between me and Ash.

  There was a pause. “They do say the ability to make up after a fight is essential for a successful relationship.”

  “You got it bad,” I teased.

  “Maybe,” he admitted.

  “We’ll figure something out. We have to.”

  “That’s for damn sure.”


  After an early morning breakfast, I met Ahanu in one of my favorite places – the library. Even more magnificent than the rest of the house, the library boasted floor to ceiling arched bookcases with rolling ladders and thousands of books. As Ahanu showed me around, it became apparent the library, with its ornate crown moldin
g, quaint wall sconces, and brilliant river rock fireplace, was his favorite place. The scent of lemon lingered in the air, and the woodwork gleamed – both indicators someone had recently polished with care. A large white and ruby-colored rug, with a Native American motif, covered the wood floor in the reading area.

  Sitting comfortably on a plush leather couch, we admired his impressive coin collection, many of which had been his grandfather’s. And while it was obvious several of the coins were valuable, I was under the impression he collected more for the enjoyment. His dark eyes twinkled as he showed me a $10 Indian-Head-type gold coin from 1918. Weaving facts while painting a brilliant picture, he was a masterful storyteller who easily captured my imagination. For a while, I even forgot I was at the Ranch. I figured the walls were soundproof because all I could hear besides Ahanu’s deep voice, was a lyrical Mozart melody playing in the background. Between the two, I felt like I was on a magical journey, winding down a river – not sure exactly where I’d end up – but knowing I’d be exhilarated by the end.

  When he finally rose and indicated it was time to head to the award ceremonies, I sighed. The library was peaceful with no stage from which I had to stand upon and perform. And after last night’s horrible news, I wasn’t in the mood for seeing people and pretending I was happy. Giving him a hug, I thanked him for sharing his stories and his coin collection. Deep down, I’d also appreciated the short reprieve from watchful eyes.

  “Lexi, I want you to know I will get some answers,” he said, extra wrinkles forming around his eyes and mouth as he took on a solemn expression. “I suspect you are right that there are a few members on the Senior Council who are overstepping their bounds in an attempt to control you.” I nodded and bit my tongue. But I didn’t say anything out of fear I might reveal too much about my feelings or my heartbreak over Jason. Standing tall, with his hands clasped in front of him, he said, “Please know that is not what the Senior Council is all about. The Guardian Code exists so we are a strong, unified Network. Along with our abilities and individual gifts comes great responsibility – that of protecting the Innocents, and more recently, each other. With new threats posed by the Ray-pacs targeting our Amethysts, it is important we are united.”


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