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Destiny In Flames: A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Saga (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 4)

Page 2

by Vella Day

  On the trip home, Chelsea studied the roads. If she could run every day, she’d be in heaven. Back on Earth, she’d become way too sedentary, causing her animal to be discontent.

  They arrived at the car on the other side of the city and drove back to the condo. To her surprise, when they entered his home, Kaleena was speaking with someone on the phone. She smiled and then waved at them. Chelsea didn’t realize Finn’s mate would be home from work already.

  Kaleena disconnected and faced them. “How was your run?” she asked Chelsea.

  “Fabulous but tiring.”

  Finn explained where he’d taken her. For a few seconds, he and Kaleena said nothing, most likely communicating telepathically. Talk about feeling like an outsider.

  Finn finally faced her. “My lovely mate has been organizing a welcome party for you tonight.”

  A shot of joy raced up her spine. “For real? I’d love to meet the rest of the family, especially since I’ve heard so much about them.” She hadn’t confessed anything about her desire for Kaleena’s brother Declan though. She wanted to talk to him again to make sure he was her mate before breaking the news to everyone. Announcing it would be uncool if it weren’t true.

  “Good, because the party starts in three hours!”

  Three hours! That would barely give her time to rest and then dress. “Has everyone accepted?” Chelsea tried to act as casual as possible.

  Kaleena’s eyes widened a bit. “Yup. The whole Sinclair family, as well as a few of the Caspians, will be here. Someone has to stay behind and mind the store—or rather mind the mine.”

  She laughed. “Great!”

  At least she hoped it would be great.

  Chapter Two

  Declan paced the Sinclair office and stabbed a hand through his hair. “What am I going to do?” He spun around to face his cousin Birk.

  “It’s only a party. What’s the problem?”

  “The problem is that when I visited Earth to help heal one of the employees at McKinnon and Associates, I felt this odd attraction to Chelsea.”

  “So? There have been many women I used to feel attracted to, though none are like my Lily. She’s my mate.” Birk grinned.

  The irony wasn’t lost on him. Declan had almost the same conversation with Birk not too long ago, only Birk had been the tormented one that time. “That’s the problem. The attraction I felt is the same as I had with Bess.” There. He’d said it and then had to shake his head to clear the memory of her death.

  “Bess? As in your mate?”

  “Yes. There is no other Bess.” She was the woman Fate had paired him with and the one Fate had taken away.


  “Exactly. Now do you see my dilemma?”

  Birk stretched out his legs, acting as if this discussion would be a lengthy one. “How much time did you spend with Chelsea when you were on Earth?”

  “A few minutes maybe.”

  Birk waved a dismissive hand. “You can’t possibly be sure what you felt. You were probably drained from all the healing, and your dragon was acting up. Subconsciously, you might have been excited that you were back on Earth where you first met Bess.”

  A thrill of relief coursed through him. “You might be right.”

  Birk pointed a finger at him. “Something else to consider—what does Chelsea look like? If she has long black hair like Bess, I can see where the confusion might come in.”

  If only they did look alike. No, Chelsea was delicate and soft-spoken. She also had the prettiest blue eyes with a hint of freckles sprinkled across the bridge of her nose. “They might both be beautiful, but Chelsea is a blonde.” Declan grunted, dropped down onto his chair, and dragged his palms down his face.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drag up that painful topic. I know it sucked when she died. If anything happened to Lily, I don’t know what I would do.”

  Declan sat back up and glanced at the ceiling. “It’s been lonely without Bess, but I’ve managed.” His voice hardened on the last few words.

  “By spending all your time running the mine? That’s not healthy either, you know.”

  Declan gave him the universal Earth symbol of the finger. He refused to accept what his cousin said was true.

  “I still don’t see the problem with the party,” Birk said. “Stop in, say hi to Finn’s sister, and then leave. How hard can that be?”

  Clearly, Birk had a short memory about lust and desire. Declan huffed out a laugh, but it didn’t contain much cheer. “What if I start to glow or my eyes change colors. How do I explain that to my sister?”

  “What are you saying? That would happen only if—”

  He didn’t need Birk to finish the sentence. “I know, I know. Bess was my mate and can be my only mate. Then how come I feel the same strong sexual pull with Chelsea?”

  “Are you sure? Really sure?”

  “More than sure. It’s actually worse! Fuck.”

  Birk said nothing for a moment. “Then you do have a real problem.” He held up a hand. “Remember, this is Finn’s twin sister we’re talking about, not some woman you met at a bar.”

  “I rarely go to bars.”

  “That’s beside the point. You need to be extra cautious around her.”

  Birk was the master of the obvious. “Don’t you think I know that? I’m hoping like hell what you said is true—that I was exhausted from treating her friend. Couple that with the fact I was on Earth where I met Bess, and hopefully, that desire pulsating through my veins was a figment of my imagination.”

  His cousin nodded. “I bet you’re right.” He patted his thighs and stood. “See? Problem solved.”

  “It better be.” If it wasn’t, he didn’t know what he was going to do.

  “Chelsea?” Kaleena knocked on the bedroom door.

  “Yes?” She slipped off the magenta colored shirt and grabbed the emerald green one, wondering which one brought out her eye color more.

  The door opened. “You’re not ready? The guests will be here soon.”

  Chelsea flopped on the bed. “I can’t decide what to wear.”

  Kaleena’s brows pinched. “This is a casual get together. It isn’t like your Oscar Awards where what you wear will be photographed and shown to the world.”

  “I know.” She sat up and grabbed the navy blue low-cut top. It would go well with the light-colored jeans—and hopefully emphasize her eyes. “I’m just being silly. I want your parents to like me.”

  Kaleena laughed. “Trust me, they will. They are very accepting people. Even if you wore a burlap sack, they would like you.”

  Chelsea smiled. The big question was what would Declan think of her? “Good to know.”

  Chelsea slipped on the top, stood, and then dragged on her jeans.

  “What’s really going on?” Kaleena asked with sudden seriousness.

  “What do you mean?”

  Kaleena sat down on the bed. “This isn’t about my parents, is it?”

  Her heart dropped. Was she that transparent? She wanted to confide in Kaleena, but she didn’t want her brother’s mate to think she was crazy. Keeping her desires to herself however, was making her worry more. “No.”

  “Then what? You can tell me.”

  “You know when Declan came to Earth a while back?”


  Chelsea sat down on the bed next to Kaleena. “There was something about him that really drew me in—and I mean really drew me in.”

  Kaleena smiled. “Yes. Declan is a healer, and his gentle yet strong side appeals to everyone.”

  But Chelsea wasn’t everyone. “I only saw him for a few minutes, but ever since he returned to Tarradon, I can’t keep my mind off him.”

  Kaleena’s eyes darkened. “Chelsea, what are you saying?”

  She’d have to tell Kaleena and Finn eventually—or rather Declan might. “I’m sure that Declan is my mate.”

  She squeezed Chelsea’s thigh. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

  That wasn’t what sh
e expected her to say. “Why are you sorry?”

  “Because Declan had a mate. Her name was Bess.”

  Her heart nearly shattered. There had to be a mistake. “Was?”

  “She died in battle.”

  Poor man. “On Earth, a shifter is paired with only one person. Ever. There are no second chances. Is it the same on Tarradon?” Please say no.

  Kaleena glanced away. “Yes. Perhaps what you felt was lust. I know Declan is my brother, but even I can tell he’s hot.”

  Chelsea tried not to let her disappointment show. “I guess that was it. I mean, for most of the time he was there, we were in different rooms. I really only saw him for a minute when he walked in with Ophelia—our resident witch—and again when he left.”

  “I’m sure you’re right.” Kaleena stood. “Finish getting dressed, and then come out and help me put out the snacks.”


  As soon as Kaleena stepped out of the bedroom, Chelsea’s hands shook. She’d been so sure that she and Declan were mates. How had she been so wrong? Tonight at the party, she would reassess her attraction. Most likely his large size—and the fact he was a dragon—had thrown off her libido.

  Cabinet doors opened in the kitchen, indicating she needed to hurry.

  As soon as Kaleena’s parents arrived, both Jamison and Moira Sinclair greeted her but then stepped away to speak with everyone else. Mr. Sinclair in particular seemed excellent at working a room. One by one, she met most of Kaleena’s family and some of her cousins. Chelsea enjoyed every one of them.

  The party had been going on for a good hour, and while Chelsea was enjoying herself, part of her was ill at ease waiting for Declan to arrive.

  She must have looked a little lost because Mr. Sinclair returned to her side. “I forgot to ask, how was your first dragon flight? Did you enjoy it?”

  “It was fantastic. Finn is an excellent flyer.” Chelsea grinned, loving how easy it was to talk to him.

  “He’s a fast learner and an excellent fighter. The Guardians are lucky to have him.”

  “That’s nice to hear.” Because Finn and Kaleena never expected her to visit Tarradon, they had told her all about the Guardians and how amazing they were.

  While Kaleena’s dad was interesting to talk to, she would have enjoyed herself a lot more if Declan had shown up. As much as she wanted to ask Kaleena if her brother was actually going to come, she didn’t want to look desperate. It was stupid for her to even think about him, because obviously he wasn’t her mate, nor could he ever be. Still…

  Chelsea sighed. Lust sure had a way of making her rationalize things. The facts of life aside, Declan was single, and she was single. What harm could a little romp in the hay do? She wanted him, so why not scratch that itch?

  “How long do you plan to stay on our wonderful realm?” Jamison Sinclair asked, interrupting her musings.

  “I’m not sure. A few weeks maybe? Due to a downsizing at the veterinarian office where I had worked, I was recently laid off, so now I’m footloose and fancy free.”

  Jamison grimaced. “I’m sorry. That is tough, but I’m happy you took the time to visit. Finn often talks about you.”

  “We do have a special twin link. The goal for my stay is to make the most of my time off.” She smiled, not needing him to feel sorry for her.

  Finn eased away from his mate and came over to her. Jamison nodded. “I should make sure my mate isn’t stirring up too much trouble. Nice talking to you and welcome to Tarradon.”

  “Thank you.”

  Finn placed a hand on her arm. “How’s it going?”

  “You were right. Kaleena’s parents are wonderful, and Tory is a hoot. I think she and I will get along quite famously.”

  Finn nodded. “I agree. She’ll be good for you.”

  “Good for me, how?”

  “I just meant that Tory is the adventurous type. She’s fun. Given the loss of your job and all, Tory could brighten your day, so to speak. Not only that, since Tory and Kaleena are twins, you two could talk about the strength of twin links.”

  “I’d like that.” Though what could really brighten her day would be a hot, sweaty affair with Declan Sinclair. Just as that thought crossed her mind, the door behind her creaked and popped open, causing Chelsea’s wolf to go wild. Oh, shit. Those vibes. That heat. The pulsing between her legs.

  Stay calm, she commanded her wolf.

  He is your mate! her wolf said with total confidence—or was it defiance?

  No, he’s not. He’s already had a mate.

  “I see Declan finally showed up,” Finn said with a grin. Shit, had Kaleena told her brother that she lusted after the man? “Let me introduce you.”

  Damn. “Great, but let me freshen my drink first.” Before he could accuse her of making an excuse, she rushed over to the dining room table where the snacks and drinks were spread out.

  While her hearing was sharp enough to listen in on their conversation, she focused her attention elsewhere, not wanting Declan to know how much she wanted him. Already, her nails had sharpened, and when she ran her tongue along her teeth, her canines nearly cut the skin.

  Stop it, will you!

  I can’t help it, her wolf shot back, not sounding sorry in the least.

  Her back was to Declan and Finn, but she could feel the strong pull of desire grow by the second.

  “Chelsea?” Finn tapped her shoulder.

  Every muscle locked, but after a second, she managed to spin around and will her heart to slow. It was Declan. Oh. Holy. Hotness. His short brown hair gave him an air of total confidence, but it was the trimmed scruff on his face that added a look of danger—as in: come here, and you’ll lose your heart to me kind of danger. If that wasn’t enough to heat her body to boiling, his whiskey colored eyes seemed to see straight through her.

  “You remember Declan,” Finn said, sounding way too amused.

  Like she could ever forget that face, that voice, and that body. “Hi.”

  It was all she could do to say that one word. Chelsea held out her hand, and when he shook it, a bolt of electricity raced up her spine. What she wouldn’t give to be able to block his allure.

  Inside, she was seething that Fate was laughing at her, putting this yummy, off limits man in front of her. Her sole purpose in coming to Tarradon was to find her mate. Boy, had she been a fool.

  “Nice to see you again,” Declan said. His words came out as smooth as water flowing over a damn. Clearly, he was used to having women ogle him.

  Finn stepped back. “I’ll let you two talk.”

  What? Talk? She wanted to kill her brother. Chelsea wasn’t capable of much other than drooling. To defuse some of her nervousness, she curled the bottom of her shirt and shifted her weight.

  “How’s Ronan?” Declan asked, his brows pinched in concern.

  The breath she’d been holding released. Talking about someone else would help. “His wolf healed him very quickly after you left. He has you to thank for his life.”

  Declan smiled, and Chelsea was sure she’d never seen anything more inviting, forcing her to inhale to calm her stupid libido.

  “I merely added a touch of magic to the healing process. Ophelia did most of the work. Ronan’s wolf finished the job.” While his tone was upbeat and quite self-deprecating, sadness seemed to fill him.

  “I know my cousin Blair was very thankful that you helped him.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Declan kept studying her. Was it the blue of her eyes that drew him in? Or was he wondering why a grown woman seemed ill at ease around him?

  She could do this. “What do you do here?”

  He cocked a brow, probably assuming that either Kaleena or Finn had given her a rundown on every family member. “I oversee the running of the Sinclair and Caspian mines. I have a lot of support, so the job isn’t too demanding. And you?”

  Interesting. He wasn’t the type to yammer on and on about his very important job. “I’m an unemployed vet tech who’s a
victim of downsizing.”

  “I’m sorry. Hence the time off to come here?”


  “How long do you plan on staying?” His chest expanded as if he was holding his breath.

  She couldn’t tell if he wanted her to say she’d be gone soon or if she planned to stay indefinitely. Chelsea certainly couldn’t say it depended on him. “I’m not sure. I want to learn a bit more about Tarradon. I’ve only been here one day, but so far it holds a lot of appeal.”

  “Crap.” He patted his pocket. “If you’ll excuse me. I just received a text.” He pulled out his cell, scanned it, and returned the message. “I’m sorry, but something came up that I have to attend to.”

  “At seven at night?” she blurted.

  He gave her that dazzling smile again. “The mines run twenty-four hours a day.”


  Chelsea wanted to ask why someone else couldn’t handle the emergency, but if Declan stayed, she might make a bigger fool of herself. The man did something to her insides, and she couldn’t afford to fall for him. Heartbreak—especially on a different realm—was the last thing she needed.

  Chapter Three

  Declan pressed his back against the wall of the hallway outside his sister’s condo. What the hell was wrong with him? He’d stepped one foot inside the room, and his dragon built an inferno inside him. It didn’t matter he told his animal that Chelsea was not his mate—Bess had been—but his horny dragon refused to listen.

  He chalked it up to the fact that he had been working non-stop since Bess died three years ago. Women had always interested him, but the moment he met the young college student from Colorado, he never looked at anyone else again—until Chelsea.

  Even his dragon had agreed that Bess was his mate. When he’d bitten the human, she’d turned into a dragon shifter—proof they were fated for each other. So why was it happening again?

  Birk had to be right. Declan had been so consumed with working the Guardian cases and making sure both mines were run well, that he’d neglected the needs of his inner animal.

  Declan pushed off from the wall and headed straight to the staircase. Taking the steps would provide a bit of energy release, so he ran the three flights to the rooftop where he took off for the mine.


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