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The Hollow: Preacher Brothers, 4

Page 10

by Snow, Jenika

  And I knew she would. She was only still alive because she served a purpose.

  I leaned back in the booth and stared at the stage. The current entertainment was a curvy bitch with big tits and a bigger ass. She ground on the pole sexually. I curled my lip in disgust again.

  I’d been so damn close to tying Nadja to me, but affairs had to be put in order—put to rest on that specific day. It hadn’t been ideal, but it had been necessary. Besides, I didn’t need an official ceremony to tie Nadja to me. I’d chain her to my fucking bed.

  Although I knew she was clever, Nadja was smarter than I gave her credit for. She stayed hidden, so deeply that my feelers hadn’t located her. But I knew she’d find a way to leave the country. She was Petrov’s daughter, fucking smart enough to know staying stationary would only end up killing her.

  She’d go back to America. I had no doubts about that. And although Petrov kept her relationship with the thug thief a secret, nothing stayed hidden. When I knew she’d be mine, I dug deep, found out every little piece of information I could on her… and the one she loved called Frankie.

  Five years may have passed since she lived in the States, but I knew even after all this time, she’d go back to what she knew, what she was comfortable with. If nothing else, she was a creature of habit.

  But now I was in a fucking predicament, with some of my men trying against me for fear from the organization. They betrayed me, and now I had the fucking bratva on my heels. Running was certainly not in my resume. But until I could get things in order once more and take control of things, take out the other high-ranking officials so I could claim the top and rule things the way they needed to be done, I had to wait. I had to bide my time. I had to be smart.

  And if nothing else, I was fucking patient.

  But I needed Nadja by my side, a good, submissive little Russian wife who grew up in the life and knew her place and who owned her. She knew how things ran, how to fall in line.

  She’d fight me, no doubt, but that’s what I was counting on. There wasn’t anything better than when she denied herself to me. There wasn’t anything that felt better than forcing her to bend to my will.

  And I would find her. There was no place on this planet she could hide from me, no one she could align herself with that would protect her from claiming her as mine, especially not some hooligan named Frankie.

  I felt my cell vibrate with an incoming message. I reached in the inside pocket of my jacket and pulled out the burner phone. Opening up the message, I stared down at the image that had been sent to me. It was grainy, poor-quality, but the man I used to find her had done just that.

  Along with the picture was the information I needed to go to her. The address where she was currently at.

  A slow smile spread across my face. If Nadja thought a new name, a haircut, a dye job, and some colored contacts could keep her hidden from me, she didn’t know the lengths I’d go to get what I wanted.

  If she thought running to some motherfucker who didn’t realize what he was up against would protect her, she’d find out the truth sooner rather than later.

  She didn’t know the lengths I’d go to get what I wanted, and what I wanted as much as I wanted to lead the organization… was her.



  I felt her watching me, knew I should have kept my fucking cool, but once my mind was set on something, it was hard for me to derail from the task.

  And the task was getting everything ready to take her as far from here as humanly possible.

  “Frankie?” she called softly, and I felt my body tighten in response. There was hesitance and uncertainty laced in her voice.

  I forced myself to take a step back from the situation, inhaled deeply to try to calm myself, and turned and faced her. She stood in the doorway to my bedroom, her hands wringing at the edge of the shirt she wore.

  Dom’s woman had gone shopping for her, picked Nadja up some jeans and shirts, toiletries, and undergarments. Although I fucking loved seeing her in my clothes, I knew realistically I couldn’t have her wearing my oversized shirts for the rest of her life... even if that sounded hot as hell.

  “You’ve been quiet since we left the cabin. I know something big is going to happen, and I wish you’d talk to me instead of waiting until the last moment to let me in on it all, which I know you’re going to do.” She started worrying her bottom lip. “I know you don’t want to frighten me even more, but... you’re terrifying me.”

  I was in front of her a second later, closing the door, sealing us in. Or maybe I just didn’t want her to escape. Maybe I wanted to keep her trapped with me, so she had no choice but to surrender.

  I pulled her into an embrace, cupping the back of her head with my hand, and just held her.

  “You’re my everything,” I murmured against her hair and then kissed the crown of her head. I didn’t want to let her go, but I had a lot to do before we left. But still, I just held her, inhaling her scent, letting the feeling of Nadja pressed up against me still my frantically beating heart.

  She calmed me instantly.

  “You have to tell me what’s going on,” she said softly against my chest, and involuntarily I tightened my hold on her. “You need to tell me the plan so I can be prepared, Frankie, so I can help.”

  She pulled back and tipped her head to look into my eyes. I slid my hands up her sides, over her arms, and cupped each side of her face. I moved my thumbs under her eyes, her skin smooth, delicate. I was gentle with my touch. I wanted to protect her from everything, from the ugliness of the world… from even me. But I couldn’t shield her from this. I couldn’t keep the evil and darkness out of her life forever.

  She needed to be prepared, to know the plan, so she was on the same page as me.

  But I didn’t say anything right away, just stared into her emerald eyes, the contacts out for the night, getting lost in them. She made me feel whole. God, she made everything right in my world.

  I couldn’t stop myself from leaning in and kissing her softly. It was slow and steady at first, easy, and I was just savoring how she felt against me. I relished the fact that she was actually here with me.

  The longer I kissed her, the more my passion heightened. All my emotions started waging war with each other. I needed her, my desire, the bone-deep feeling that I had to protect her washing over me powerfully.

  I was afraid, terrified of the out of control feelings I had for Nadja, how with each passing second, they grew exponentially. Before she came into my life, I’d never experienced them before. I was afraid of her getting hurt, of someone taking her away from me again. It was a feeling so strong that I felt myself start to lose control.

  Something in me snapped then, as if a volcano had erupted inside me. All that power started deep in my gut before spewing forth, so I had no option but to let it take me under. My fingers tightened against her face as I deepened the kiss, tilting my head and opening my mouth, pushing my tongue inside the sweet, warm depths that made her up.

  And I swear I felt her resistance crumble, sensed her control slip as mine had just done. She wasn’t holding back anymore, and instead gave me a soft, desperate moan that matched my own deep-rooted one.

  We kissed for long moments, moving our heads back and forth, tilting them to the sides, deepening the kiss. She stroked her tongue along mine, gave me everything I ever wanted and more. I found myself moving her so she was forced to retreat, her back against the bedroom door. The sound of her body connecting with the wood heightened my pleasure, and I groaned, letting my passion escape for her.

  I couldn’t stop even if this was reckless, even if getting her out of here was my priority.

  I slid my hands down her face, over her shoulders and arms, and gripped her waist, digging my fingers into her soft body before slowly pushing her shirt up. I ran the pads of my fingers over her bare flesh. She was smooth, soft… so fucking warm.

  She was mine.

  “Don’t stop,” she moaned against my lips
as if reading my mind, knowing I would have tried in vain to pull away, because it was the smart move.

  But after hearing her whisper that, beg me, there was no fucking way I could end this.



  “I’ll never stop,” he grunted against my lips, and I swore I felt like this wild animal had been unleashed inside him.

  And I wanted it to devour me.

  He pressed his lower half against me, and I felt his rock-hard erection digging against my belly. An involuntary moan left me at the feel of him. Frankie was so big, and memories of our first time together flooded my brain. Adrenaline and euphoria filled me.

  He moved his hands off my waist and slammed them on the door, framing my head. I heard his nails digging into the wood, and I found the sound erotic.

  But before I could press against him, grind myself against all his hardness, Frankie took a step back. I felt bereft as I stared at him, looking down the length of his masculine body. My throat tightened and my mouth dried as I saw the way his cock was all but punching through his jeans, the length massive and thick. It was like he was smuggling a paint roller behind the denim.

  A fresh gush of desire pooled between my thighs, and I clenched my legs together.

  “Don’t stop,” I whispered again, staring into his eyes now, pleading with him in that moment. “I need this. We need this.” It had been so long, so damn long that I just wanted to feel Frankie and forget about all the ugliness in the world for a short time. “Don’t you want me?”

  He erased the space separating us and pressed his chest right up against mine. The air left me in a rush. God, he was just so big, and feeling him against me made me feel so small and feminine.

  Frankie leaned in close so our lips were only an inch apart. He pressed his erection against my belly again, and my lips parted in a silent gasp. “Does this feel like I don’t want you, baby?”

  It felt like he was hiding a steel pipe between his legs. I shifted, which only had the throb between my thighs increasing.

  “Does it, Nadja?”

  I slowly shook my head.

  A deep rumble spilled from him. He kept his eyes trained right on mine, but instead of kissing me like I desperately wanted, he moved his mouth to my cheek and dragged his lips along my flesh. I couldn't keep my eyes open and let my head fall back against the door, just absorbing how he made me feel.

  “Do I make you feel good?”

  I nodded.

  “How good, Nadja? Tell me,” he said that last part as if on a plea. He ground his dick into me again, over and over until I found myself reaching up and holding onto his biceps for support. He was rock-hard and tense beneath my palms, his muscles flexing as if he were trying to control himself. I slid my hands over the bulging definition of his arms and up to his shoulders.

  I felt his lips move along the shell of my ear, and a shiver worked through my whole body. There was no place on my body that Frankie wasn’t touching.

  “No one will ever compare to you.” He pulled away only enough that he had his mouth close to mine once more. He inhaled deeply, and then his lips were on mine. I let him take control, loved that he was the dominant one, that I could just enjoy this moment.

  He ran his tongue along my bottom lip and then did the same to my top. I could feel the vibrations from his groan spill from his chest and move into me.

  “I should be sweet, soft. I should be gentle.” I could hear he didn’t mean that. And I didn't want him to either.

  I opened my mouth, took his tongue between my lips, and sucked on it. He tasted spicy, yet sweet.

  He wanted this rough and raw.

  I wanted it without any boundaries.



  My cock throbbed, and all I wanted to do was lose control fully. I wanted to be ruthless in the best of ways with Nadja. But I kept reminding myself she needed me to go slow and be gentle, that I’d been the only man she’d ever been with, that her life had been a nightmare and it was my job to make her get lost in reality so it blurred.

  I wanted us naked, our bodies pressed together, both of us sweaty as we got lost and consumed in the pleasure. A groan left me at the images those thoughts conjured up.

  So many things mattered in this situation, the befores and afters, the dangers and uncertainties, but in this moment… the only thing that mattered was that I made Nadja feel good.

  I didn’t break the kiss as I reached between our bodies with one hand, all but tore the button from her pants, ripped the zipper down, and tried to push the material down her legs. I needed her bare for me like I needed to fucking breathe.

  She gripped me, pulled me closer like her life depended on it. I knew mine did.

  Nadja was hot and pliant, and the fact that she surrendered herself to me made it all the sweeter. But when she put her hands on my chest and pushed me away, it took all my willpower to retreat. It seemed abhorrent to do such a thing, to move from her when it felt so good to be beside her.

  I took a step back, but one look in her eyes told me she wasn’t stopping this. Nothing was said as I watched her finish undressing. She kicked off her jeans, slipped her thumbs under the lacy edge of her panties, and pushed those fuckers down too. And when she was about to toss the panties aside, I reached out and took them from her hold. Her eyes widened slightly as she watched me bring the soaked material to my nose. I kept eye contact the entire time as I inhaled, her scent so fucking intoxicating I actually closed my eyes and moaned because of it.

  My cock jerked violently behind my fly when she licked her lips, when I saw her pupils dilate farther… when I knew she was primed for me. I could have come from looking at her alone, and when she gripped the hem of her shirt and slowly started to lift the cotton material up, everything in me stilled.

  I still held onto her panties as I watched the bottom of her breasts come into view. Shoving the material in the back pocket of my jeans, I slid my hand down to palm my straining dick as it pressed incessantly against my zipper.

  “Jesus Christ.” The air left me powerfully when she had the shirt off. She stood in front of me completely bared, her form womanly. “I could get off just standing here looking at you.” Her nipples seemed to tighten after I spoke, as if my words triggered the pleasure in her. She lowered her eyes to my crotch, watching as I continued to rub my hand up and down my erection. She made this soft, erotic noise.

  Nadja was mine. That repeated in my head over and over again.

  I let myself appreciate her body, the way her breasts were a nice handful, how her nipples were a dusky-rose color. They were tight, so hard my mouth watered. Her hips flared out slightly, her belly flat. And her pussy… fuck her pussy was gorgeous. She had a trimmed thatch of dark hair covering that sweet spot, and I felt pre-cum continuously line the tip of my cock, soaking the front of my jeans.

  I parted my lips and breathed in deeply when she reached out and placed a hand flat on my chest. And when she slid that hand down so she could work the button of my jeans free, then pull the zipper down, a deep groan left me. I was frantic as I got rid of those fucking pants, my cock springing forth like a damn sea monster ready to conquer.

  “I want to touch you,” she whispered.

  “My body is yours,” I said instantly.

  A strangled noise left me when she wrapped her hand around the base of my shaft. She stroked me from root to tip, her palm gentle over my length, her eyes trained on mine. She seemed hesitant, unsure. God, did she know how perfect she was, how perfect she felt?

  I reached out and tangled my hand in her hair, pulling her to me so I could slant my mouth on hers, so I could fuck her there.

  “I want to taste you.”

  Holy. Fuck. Christ.

  I couldn't speak after hearing her say that. And when she sank to her knees and tipped her head back to look at me, all sane thoughts left my head.

  “You don’t have to. I don’t want you doing anything you’re not comfortable with.” I should have won
a damn medal for the fact that I could even utter a damn word, most of all trying to talk her out of sucking my dick.

  She licked her lips and moved in just an inch, the feeling of her warm breath moving over the tip of my erection having my body go solid. “I want to,” she moaned. And then she took the crown into the hot, wet confines of her suctioning mouth.

  My hand involuntarily tightened in the strands of her hair as I kept her head right there. I closed my eyes, letting my head fall back on my neck as euphoria slammed into me. She took as much as she could, and I forced my eyes open so I could watch as she gave me head.

  Nadja hollowed out her cheeks, relaxed her throat, and I felt the tip of my dick hit the back. “Fuck,” I gasped.

  She made a humming noise around my length, and I gritted my teeth and told myself not to come yet.

  The head of my cock nudged the back of her throat again, but she didn’t let up, even though I heard myself pleading with her to go slow or this would be over before it really started.

  Over and over, she brought me to the brink of coming, but it was when Nadja reached down and took my balls in one hand, giving them a squeeze, that I knew we had to stop or I’d fill that pretty mouth of hers with my seed. And although the thought was tempting as fuck and turned me the hell on, when I did get off, I’d be buried between her thighs.

  I gently pushed her away and stared down at her as she sat on her knees and stared up at me with sexy, closed eyes. She looked like sucking my cock had been so fucking good to her… as much as it had been for me.

  For a moment, I just stood there looking down at her as she gazed up at me. God, I loved this woman more than anything else on this planet. I helped her to her feet and immediately pulled her in close. I just held her, my cock growing impossibly harder by the second, especially when I could feel every bare inch of her nude body pressed against me.


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