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The Hollow: Preacher Brothers, 4

Page 14

by Snow, Jenika

  And I looked forward to doing just that. And that's the thought I had as I produced the box from my pocket, opened it up, and dropped to one knee to propose to the only woman who would ever own my heart and soul.

  Epilogue One


  Six months later

  Every time I looked at Nadja, I felt my heart stop momentarily.

  She was mine in every way imaginable, and there would be no one or nothing that ever took her away from me again.

  After the bullshit with Maximillian, I moved her in with me right away. I knew she was safe now, that even though that motherfucker had gone rogue and we’d done the bratva a favor taking his scum-ass out, no one would ever hurt my girl.

  I’d never allow it.

  The Preacher boys would never fucking stand for it.

  She was my life, had been since the moment I saw her at that cafe, and even the five years she’d been taken for me. No one else would ever own my heart but Nadja.

  I felt that as clearly as I felt the air moving into my lungs with every inhalation I took.

  I felt her breath on my skin, swore I felt the steady beat of her pulse as contentment filled her.

  She is mine.

  I thrust in deep, drilling my cock far into her tight body. “Frankie,” she moaned. “God, yes.”

  I fucking loved the way she said my name, how she moaned in pleasure because of what I did.

  Fuck. “Say it, baby.” She’d know what I meant.

  Nadja moaned. “I’m yours.”

  Yeah, she fucking was.

  I grunted in approval and fucked her deeper, staring into her eyes, loving how she gave me everything just the way I gave myself to her.

  She held me tighter and lifted her hips, grinding herself on me. She was wet and hot, her pussy strangling my length. Nadja was euphoria and ambrosia all rolled into one. Curling my hands in the sheets by her head, I started moving in and out of her fast and hard, steady and powerful. I wanted to imprint myself on her, make her mine in every possible way so she knew without a doubt—so everyone knew—that she was mine irrevocably.

  Sweat trailed down my temples as I claimed the woman I loved again. I hadn't realized how much I’d truly missed her until I’d seen her again, knew it was her without a doubt, and told myself nothing would take her from my life.

  My skin felt too tight, my heart racing like a jackhammer. Her pussy felt so fucking good, and all I wanted to do was bury my face in the sweet spot once more. But my dick was a greedy bastard and pulsed, needing me to continue pulling out and pushing back inside Nadja.

  I pulled back just an inch and let my gaze lower to look between her thighs. Her clit was swollen, begging for attention. With my cock lodged in her body, I watched myself thrust in and out of her, my length slick with her arousal.

  “Frankie,” she gasped.

  I closed my eyes and groaned in pleasure at the way her pussy clenched around my dick. Slowly and with measured movements, I continued to move in and out of her, fucking Nadja in a way that could only be described as owning her.

  “Fuck,” I grunted. “That’s it, baby. That’s so fucking it.” My balls drew up tight with my impending orgasm. I was going to fill her with my cum, make her so full of it she would feel it slip out of her pussy the next day.

  She’d be reminded tomorrow who had fucked her raw, who had owned her sweet pussy.

  Nadja would always know, because I'd never let her forget.

  She slid her hands up my sides, her nails scraping my flesh and causing my pleasure to heighten even more. She gripped my back tightly, pulling me closer. Fuck, I’d never get close enough, but I’d try for the rest of my damn life.

  “More,” she moaned, arching her breasts against my chest.

  Fuck. Yeah.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist, Nadja. Let me go in even deeper.” I lifted up slightly, my chest no longer on hers, my forearms locked straight on either side of her as I looked down at her face… as I looked down the length of her body at her pussy. I waited for her to obey.

  I pulled out of her wet pussy for only a second, watching as my length was revealed, the glossiness on my dick from her arousal so damn hot. I thrust back in deep and hard, loving when she gasped from the intensity of it. Nadja arched her back, her breasts thrusting out even more, her nipples tightening for me.

  I leaned back on my knees, slid my hands down to rest on her knees, then pushed her legs open even more. I felt the air leave me as I got a prime shot of her cunt, how she was stretched around my monstrous cock. And then I started fucking her again, and the sloppy, wet noise of my shaft tunneling into her pussy was a sound that had my control leaving me. I couldn’t stop from going over the edge and coming.

  “Give me more,” I rasped out.

  And she gave it to me, coming right along with me.

  The sound of her pleasure, the way she voiced what she wanted from me, how I made her feel, was such a fucking turn-on that my pleasure heightened even more.

  Her inner muscles milked my dick so strongly that I couldn't hold back my primal groan or from letting my head fall back on my neck as the ecstasy washed through me. It claimed me.

  Nadja claimed every fucking part of me.

  “Fuck,” the obscene word spilled from me over and over again as I filled her body with my seed, made her take all of it. “So. Fucking. Perfect.”

  I’d never loved a woman before her. I’d never love anyone else for the rest of my fucking life. This was real, the realest fucking thing I’d ever experienced.

  And I wouldn’t let her go.

  I wouldn’t let this go.

  Nadja was the one light in all those shadows that circled my life, the one person who could bring me joy and happiness amongst the grisly world.

  When both of us were sated, I finally forced myself to pull out of her tight heat. Although I’d love being buried deep inside her all night. I collapsed on the bed beside her, immediately pulling her close to me, needing her body right up against mine.

  “You’re the very best thing in my life, baby.”

  She tucked her head right under my chin, placed her hand right over my heart, and I closed my eyes as everything felt right. “No, that’s where you’re wrong, Frankie. It’s you who is the very best thing in my life.”

  I might never feel like I was a good man, might never be able to change who and what I was. But for Nadja, I’d always try to be better, because she made me want to be the best I could.

  But I’d only try for her.

  Everything was for her.

  Epilogue Two


  One year later

  I never saw myself in this life, having Frankie by my side, knowing I was finally safe, finally able to make my life my own in the way I saw fit.

  Finally able to be happy and love who I want.

  I didn’t know if I was truly safe from the bratva, but we hadn’t had any contact with them, and with so much time passing, I knew we were safe. The bratva weren’t known for letting things linger, and with a year and a half passing since Maximillian’s death, knowing they probably knew where I was, who I was with, and still they left me in peace… I knew things would be okay.

  Here I was, married to the man I loved, anticipating really starting our life together, having a family together, and finally getting that happily ever after I always dreamed of.

  I looked down at my wedding ring for what felt like the millionth time since Frankie had proposed then slipped it on my finger at the altar. Frankie shifted on the bed beside me, and I looked at him, feeling this contentment fill me, my love for him reaching so high I could never grab it.

  I watched the rise and fall of his chest as he slept and placed my hand softly on his heart. The beat of it was steady, strong, and the even breaths that came from him told me he was deep in sleep.

  Being with him never had me looking back. I was only looking forward with him from this point on.

  I lifted my hand and ran a finger
over his cheek, feeling the scruff under my touch, drawing comfort that he was here with me. For so long after he was ripped from my life, I always saw myself trapped in a nightmare. So touching him, inhaling his scent, knowing he was here with me for real, forever, almost seemed… unreal.

  I moved my hand and watched as Frankie opened his eyes, looking into my face. I was lost in his stare. He lifted his hand and placed it over mine, keeping my hand on his cheek.

  “I love you touching me,” he murmured sleepily. “I just love you.”

  My heart fluttered in my chest. “I love you too.” I sighed. “So much.”

  He pulled me toward him so I was now straddling his waist, the sheet and blanket around us falling away.

  “How convenient we’re still naked.”

  I chuckled. “Good thing we didn’t get dressed after you devoured me,” I moaned, because that's exactly what he’d done… devoured me like he’d been starving. Yet here I was, still wanting more.

  The man I loved wasn’t the “good guy” to society, but to me, he was perfect. To me, he was a knight in shining armor, saving me from that fire-breathing dragon.

  And I loved him so much it hurt.

  I loved him more every day.

  And I knew he loved me so fiercely it clenched at his heart like a vice, squeezing until it sucked the oxygen from his body. He told me that every day. He made me know I’d never be alone, and no matter what obstacle was in our lives, no matter how dangerous the world was, I’d never feel safer than when I was with Frankie.

  And as I rose up so he could position himself at my entrance, it was him moaning how much he loved me, how I was his life. I let that surround me as I took him into my body, and we became one.

  Epilogue Three


  Five years later

  Who knew the fucking bad guys could get their very own happily ever afters?

  “You’re burning the fucking burgers, man,” Dom snapped at Cullen, who in turn gave our eldest brother a scathing look.

  “They are cooked to perfection, and besides, if you wanted them done to your liking, you should have got your ass out here and fired up the grill instead of standing beside me bitching about them. You volunteered my ass, when I was good with some takeout from Vincenzo’s.”

  Dom grunted and started bitching back at Cullen. They did this for a solid minute before Cullen’s woman came out with two beers, handed one to each of the guys, then rose on her toes and kissed him on the cheek. And just like that, the situation was averted as Cullen got lost in Kimber.

  I chuckled at how easily my brothers were controlled in the best of ways.

  Speaking of being controlled, I searched the backyard for Nadja. I spotted Wilder and his wife over by the playground we’d built for the kids a couple years ago. They stood side by side, Wilder had his arm over her shoulder, keeping her close. Kimber was beside Cullen at the grill, and Dom had moved over to the patio table to sit with Amelia.

  Over the last several years, so much had changed, and it had all been for the best. I’d never in my wildest dreams imagined any of us would be where we were today. All four of us had the loves of our lives, had married the women who made us stronger, and created families with them.

  Dom and Amelia just had their second baby, a little boy who looked so much like Dom he was a mirror image of the eldest Preacher brother.

  Cullen and Kimber only had the one kid, a little girl who looked like his wife but had Cullen’s personality. She was a handful, but I knew Cullen fucking loved that when Dahlia got older she’d cut off any asshole’s balls who disrespected her or anyone she loved.

  Then there was my twin, Wilder, and his wife, Zoey. They had three little ones, two boys and a girl. To say they ran circles around Wilder was an understatement, but I saw the happiness and pure joy on my brother’s face when he looked at those kids.

  And then there was me, and when I spotted Nadja coming out of the kitchen, a bowl of fresh-cut fruit in her hand, I felt my heart skip a beat at just the sight of her. I didn’t stop myself from standing and walking over to her. She was slightly bent over the table, adjusting the dishes for dinner, and I didn’t even try to hide my pleasure at seeing her in that position, her round, perfect ass right there for the taking.

  Of course I was mindful of my brothers and the kids around, but I also took note all of them were otherwise preoccupied and not looking in our direction.

  I pressed my body against hers and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her back flush with my front so she let out a surprised gasp, and then she rested against me. I leaned down and brushed her hair out of the way to place my lips on the side of her throat, giving her a kiss. I felt her pulse jump. I couldn't help but feel pleasure at the fact that my woman was so receptive to my touches.

  I slid my hands over her hips and along her rounded belly. She was four months pregnant, but already showing significantly because she was pregnant with twins. A baby boy and a little girl. They were our first, and although I would’ve loved to have her pregnant with my babies right off the bat, I wanted to give her experiences that she’d missed out on when she’d been taken from me.

  So after we’d gotten married, we traveled. I’d taken her all over the world, hell, even all over the United States. We experienced so many firsts together. We went to foreign and exotic places. We’d taken a road trip across the country.

  We just spent as much time as we could together.

  And it had been fucking incredible, and not just because we explored the world and made so many memories, but because I had my girl by my side the entire time.

  That was the greatest gift of all for me—well, up until we found out she was pregnant. Then it all changed again for the better.

  “How are you feeling today, baby?” I murmured those words against the side of her neck, and she sighed in contentment.

  “Well, knock on wood, no nausea so far. So maybe I’ll actually get to enjoy the almost burnt burgers that are being grilled.”

  I chuckled softly. “Good, because I hate when you’re not feeling well.”

  She turned her head toward me, and we stared into each other’s eyes. I didn’t stop myself from kissing her.

  “You better stop that, or we’ll make a scene.”

  I snorted. “Let there be a scene. Like none of those other assholes have subjected us to their PDA.”

  She laughed softly and placed her hands over mine, which still rested on her rounded belly.

  I was insanely protective of Nadja on any given day, but now that she was pregnant with my babies... I was a fucking caveman. If anyone even looked in her direction, I became some kind of fierce guard dog.

  Well, even more so than I normally was.

  She turned in my arms and rose on her toes at the same time I leaned down, and our mouths met. We watched my brothers and their wives watch as the children played, faux fought, really fought, and both of us laughed.

  “You sure you’re ready for this?” she asked softly, and I put my hand back on her belly.

  “I’ve been ready for this with you since the moment I saw you in that cafe, baby.” And I meant that with every fiber of my being. “There isn’t anything in this world that I’m not ready for as long as you’re by my side.”

  She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my chest. And then I just held her. I’d keep holding her for the rest of my fucking life, because with Nadja by my side, I could conquer the fucking world.

  The End

  About the Author

  Find Jenika at:



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