House of Intrigue

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House of Intrigue Page 12

by Yvonne Strickland

  Sonia placed the scissors next to the whip and began to unfasten the white belt at the girl's waist. As the belt loosened, Pauline tugged down the skirt so that Rose stood

  before them wearing only the sheer, black suspender tights and silver, high-heel sandals.

  'Over the back of the chair with her!' ordered Sonia, and both of them pulled Rose across to the seat, earlier occupied by Pauline, and stood her behind it.

  'All right, I'll take that - you lift up her arms,' said Sonia.

  Pauline handed her the three-tailed strap then, seizing Rose's leather-sheathed arms, pulled them up and away from her body, forcing her to bend forward over the padded back of the seat.

  'Now, next time you want to be abusive,' pronounced Sonia, 'just remember this!'

  The strap descended with a sharp crack against the girl's flesh, making her whole body jerk and prompting a loud 'Aaah!'

  It descended again and again in rhythmic strokes, each crack followed by an even louder shriek of protest to accompany the weeping and kicking back of her feet.

  'And that makes six!' announced Sonia with the final stroke.

  The diffused red weals on Rose's behind glowed an angry pink.

  'I think you've been very lenient,' commented Pauline coldly.

  'All right, let go of her,' ordered Sonia.

  The girl stood up slowly, an intermittent moan coming through the ball gag, her face streaked with tears.

  'Do we have any tissues?' asked Sonia.

  Pauline strode to her desk and returned, holding out the box. Sonia pulled one out and, placing it under Rose's mouth, released the strap at the back of her head and eased the wet rubber ball from her. She looked at neither of her captors but stood with her head bowed, shivering and crying quietly.

  'Right, so there will be no more swearing or you'll know what to expect,' said Sonia. 'Agreed?' The girl silently nodded her agreement. 'Now, as I was going to say before you so rudely interrupted, there is an opportunity here for you to leave behind the totally pointless existence you have been leading, to keep out of trouble and get to know the sort of people who have a little more to offer than the average lager lout! Are you even remotely interested?'

  Rose looked up at Sonia, her eyes still wet with tears.

  i don't have much choice, do I?'

  'You have the same choice as you had before we found you, plus the extra one. So you're actually a lot better off than you were last night.'

  if I opted for staying, what would I have to do?'

  'Well,' replied Sonia, 'you will certainly have to become more ladylike in both speech and presentation. It will take a period of time for you to adapt - you will have to get used to certain disciplines.'

  'Literally,' added Pauline, with studied nonchalance.

  'We'll return you to your room now,' continued Sonia, 'then Pauline and I will discuss a few things and talk to you later on in the morning.'

  They moved to either side of Rose and guided her towards the door.

  'Hey, wait!' she protested. 'What about taking this thing off my arms?'

  'You mean the bondage glove? No, you'll keep it on until we're ready to remove it. I'm sure it's quite comfortable. And bear in mind that if you stay with us you will certainly become more familiar with that, as well as other items.'

  'Her language is dreadful,' said Sonia, now back in the two-seater by the window. 'I suppose it can only get better!'

  'With the right kind of encouragement,' remarked Pauline.

  if she's going to stay, we'll need to formulate a regime and a timetable for her to keep to. Have you any suggestions?'

  'Well,' answered Pauline, 'she will need constant supervision at first. I think we should consider splitting that between myself, Cheryl when she's here, and, I suppose, Valerie.'

  'You don't quite hit it off with Valerie, do you?'

  'We've had our disagreements, but she's got her job to do and I've got mine.'

  'She could help Valerie in the parlour a bit, especially when Kim's not around,' suggested Sonia. 'And helping in the bar might suit her temperamentally.'

  'Yes, that would keep her occupied some of the day, and I could teach her some manners, and get her used to a few other things!'

  'Yes, I can imagine.' Sonia smiled. 'But don't be too harsh with her, she may not be another Jackie.'

  'No, perhaps not, though it seems to me they're not too dissimilar.'

  'And I think she would do well to spend a bit of time with Karen. She needs elocution lessons and encouragement to read.'

  'If you say so,' responded Pauline. 'It will give them both something to do.'

  'Now, now! I know you've never liked her but she's taken a burden off my back and I was more than glad when she decided to return. We all have our parts to play. You should know that as well as anyone.' Pauline stared across the room and did not reply. 'She can't keep that room,' continued Sonia. 'I suggest she moves in with Jackie or Kim. They're all about the same age and she'll have a friend to turn to.'

  'Better if it's Jackie,' said Pauline. 'That way I can keep an eye on both of them and Jackie can let me know if she gets up to anything. Jackie's got a double bed too, so they can share that except when she's entertaining a guest. Unless the guest wants the two of them, that is.'

  'She may, of course, not wish to stay after an hour or so in the bondage glove. Though I have a feeling that the alternative still won't hold much appeal.'

  After they left her, Rose had stood for a minute or so in the middle of the room, waiting in silence for something to happen. Nothing had. She had walked over to the long mirror on the door of the wardrobe and seen herself, almost a stranger, looking back. She had turned partly around and twisted her head to look at the restraint which enclosed her arms and held them straight down her back. For a time she had watched herself struggle and twist her arms about in the leather sheath until it became even more obvious than before that no amount of effort was going to release her from it.

  Apart from the persistent itch just to the right of her nose, an itch that grew in magnitude because she was unable to attend to it, Rose did not find the restraint as disagreeable as she might have thought before her unwilling acquaintance with it. She began to wonder if security in one sense could not mean security in another, though she had come to realise that the house, at least the parts of it she had seen, was not a prison for there was no indication that people could not come and go as they wished.

  'What the hell do they get up to here?' she muttered to herself as she gazed out through the Venetian blind. The room she occupied was at the rear of the house and so her window did not overlook the pool or the tennis court, but gave a view of the rolling countryside and the vineyards beyond the distant road.

  She was still aware of the attention her behind had received from the strap. The soreness had given way to a pleasant burning, a burning which reached within her body and deep into her most intimate places. Did they know, she wondered, that it would have that effect on her?

  A key turned in the lock. She moved aside from the window and looked over her shoulder as the door opened and the two figures entered.

  'Oh, you're still with us,' said Pauline.

  'Yes, I'm still here. What did you expect?'

  'Please come over here,' ordered Sonia in a low voice. Rose obeyed and stood before them. 'You now have to decide what you are going to do. Do you wish to go on the run again?'

  'No, can't say I do.'

  'Well, I will say again that if you remain here you will have a number of benefits but you will have to do as you are told. By that I mean that you are going to learn to speak properly, present yourself as a lady and behave with good manners. I am making myself clear, I take it?'

  'Like I already said, I haven't no choice, have I?'

  Sonia nodded to Pauline, who stood just behind Rose. Pauline swung the strap down with a rapid stroke across her already tender buttocks. Rose, her mouth springing wide open in startled surprise, let out a high-pitched yel
l and lurched forward, almost colliding with Sonia.

  'We're starting from this very moment,' said Sonia. 'Would you care to try again?'

  Rose, her lips quivering, gazed at Sonia and took a deep breath.

  'I-I have not ... not got any choice ... have I?'

  'Well, that's an improvement anyway,' remarked Sonia, 'but "I don't have any choice, do I?" would have a more natural flow even though some might regard it as less than perfect English.'

  'Please,' entreated Rose, glancing at Pauline and back to Sonia. Til try my best, honest I will.'

  'But you understand the path we have to take at least, and there will be plenty of incentives to aid your progress.'

  'There certainly will!' added Pauline.

  'All right,' continued Sonia, 'you will be under Pauline's jurisdiction but you'll spend time with some of the other girls and you'll help with domestic duties. Believe it or not, we will actually pay you to be here. It won't be much, but then you won't need to spend much either. When you do not come up to scratch, you will be punished and you can expect to have your freedom curtailed - literally - as it is now. You will soon come to understand what this is all about and what it can mean to you. You will have plenty of opportunity to run away. If you do, you will forfeit the money we put into your account, and when you get caught, we'll just say we didn't realise who you were. It might sound implausible, but I think the police will accept our version.'

  'I'm sure they will,' said Pauline knowingly.

  'Do you wish to ask me anything before I go?' queried Sonia.

  'Y-yes,' answered Rose, clearing her throat, i need to ... I mean, with

  'With what!' demanded Pauline.

  'With my arms fastened behind me, I can't go to ... I mean I want to go -'

  'We're trying to say we want to use the toilet,' said Pauline sarcastically.

  'I'll leave you to it, if you don't mind,' said Sonia. 'Everything is more or less ready, isn't it?'

  'Just the rubber bottle to be filled,' answered Pauline, taking Rose by the shoulder. Rose glanced anxiously at the bathroom as she was pushed towards the door to the outside corridor. 'Not that one madam,' said Pauline, 'there's a special one prepared just for you!'

  'And the things they've done to me,' said Rose, 'you wouldn't believe!'

  'I would,' answered Jackie, lying next to her in the dark.

  'You mean it's happened to you as well?'

  'I wouldn't worry about it,' answered Jackie, 'and I wouldn't mention it to rnyone else either or you'll really be for it, I can tell you.'

  'Yeah, right. But apart from all that, it's really posh here, isn't it? I mean, the old girl, that Sonia, must be loaded.'

  'We don't do too badly.'

  'Yeah, you've got everything - nice house, swimming pool, food and wine. Just one thing missing.'

  'Don't tell me,' said Jackie.

  'Well, I have to say it, don't I? It's all women here - except for that bloke who grabbed me by the pool. Who's he?'

  'That's Mike. He's a nice guy.'

  'He looked all right - a bit old for us though.'

  Jackie did not reply for a few moments. Then she said, 'Rose?'

  'Yeah, what?'

  'Maybe you'd like to ... maybe there's something you need to help you sleep.'

  Jackie's hand slid across Rose's stomach under the bedclothes.

  'What do you mean?' she asked, but did not push the hand away.

  Jackie moved closer and whispered in her ear, 'Just a little something.'

  Rose turned towards her and touched the side of her face, at the same time feeling the fingers move down with electric deliberation to the base of her stomach and stroke through her pubic hair.

  'Here, what are you doing?' giggled Rose, squeezing Jackie's arm.

  Jackie did not reply, but continued on until her fingers touched the heat of Rose's sex, found her unresisting, and gently entered it. Rose sighed, pressing her lips suddenly against Jackie's and reaching down with her own arm to find that which she knew must be found.

  'It's awkward like this,' whispered Jackie. 'Let's get up.'

  They pushed back the light covering from the bed and struggled up on to their knees so that they faced each other in dark intimacy. With arms entwined they began again to kiss. Soon, they were engaged in the dialogue of lust, each finding the sex of the other moist and welcoming its invasion. Jackie and Rose swayed gently back and forth, biting and kissing, both breathing loudly as each stroked the rising flames within the willing body of the other. Any doubts Rose may have held about entering into this world of sensuality had vanished like a snowflake over a furnace. And a furnace was what each of them was becoming, ready to erupt molten fire as each entered deeper and harder into the other. At last the fires broke free. They grasped each other and both cried out loudly as the flames of lust engulfed them completely.

  They remained locked together in the darkness for some time afterwards, each listening to the beating of the other's heart.

  After a while, Jackie stirred and said, 'You could have a good time here Rosie, you know that?'

  Enforced Servitude

  'What's going to happen? What are they going to make me do?'

  'Look Rosie, don't worry about it. Go back to sleep.' Jackie peered through the darkness at the radio alarm. 'It's not even four o'clock, you know.'

  'Well, just tell me something, Jackie. I don't want to be treated like a bleeding servant just to keep me from the hands of the fuzz!'

  'Rosie, you have to wait and see. Just remember, you've been all this time out in a sea of troubles. Why not give yourself a break? I don't want to say anything, but you'll be all right, believe me. There's one thing though, and you really will have to take notice or you'll end up on the run again.'

  'My language?'

  'And more Rosie - the way you express yourself.'

  'They said I had to talk posh.'

  'No, it's not simply a matter of talking posh, it's ... oh, you'll find out. I just hope it's the easy way and not the hard, though sometimes I -'

  'Sometimes what?'

  'Oh, nothing,' sighed Jackie, 'it's just me.'

  They said no more, but moved closer together, and in each other's arms drifted like two soft white feathers into the abyss of sleep.

  'She's just drying herself,' said Jackie, as Cheryl and Valerie entered the room.

  'She was supposed to be ready by now,' remarked Cheryl, lowering the plastic bag to the floor.

  'I know but she's not used to -'

  'Never mind,' cut in Valerie, 'we're not in any rush.'

  Jackie eyed the plastic bag, knowing from past experience of her own what its contents were intended for. She stood slightly back from the two and regarded them for a few moments. The dark haired Valerie, with her gypsy eyes, and the Nordic Cheryl, with her short, waved blonde hair. Both were beautiful in their own way: Valerie warm and vivacious, Cheryl a siren from arctic climes. Jackie saw that they had on identical outfits, outfits suggesting the nursing profession but shorter and styled in blue vinyl, with black seamed stockings and high stiletto heel shoes to complete their attire.

  it's being recorded then,' remarked Jackie.

  'Yes,' answered Valerie, 'Auntie Pauline's orders.'

  'It's a good job she's not here now,' remarked Cheryl. 'She's very keen on punctuality!'

  As if in response to Cheryl's comment, Rose appeared at the bathroom door, swathed in a white bathrobe. At the sight of Cheryl and Valerie she stopped dead and regarded them with an anxious stare.

  'Well, come along!' ordered Cheryl, picking up the bag and walking over to the small dining table.

  Rose approached cautiously, clutching defensively at the bathrobe and looking at all three in turn.

  Jackie smiled at her and said, 'Rose, they're not going to eat you.'

  'Oh ... er, yeah, right, I've had my shower.'

  Valerie pulled Rose's hands away from her front. 'Now, let's have this off.'

  Rose looked at her with
apprehension as Valerie pulled away the belt and Cheryl upended the plastic bag.

  'Look, I haven't got anything -'

  'No,' replied Cheryl, pulling the contents of the bag out on to the table, 'but you will have in a minute!'

  Rose was hardly aware of the bathrobe slipping away from her body as the sinister black garment with its array of straps and brass buckles settled down with a sigh on to the table, exuding the rich and unmistakable aroma of leather.

  'Sit on here,' ordered Valerie, indicating a nearby stool. Rose obeyed.

  Cheryl picked up the garment and moved around behind her. She offered one side of it to Valerie, who pulled it around the front of Rose, at the same time taking hold of Rose's right arm and pushing it into the horizontal sleeve which ran across the inside. Cheryl gripped the upper part of the arm while Valerie took Rose's left and guided it into the other end of the waiting sleeve.

  'That's it,' said Valerie, 'right inside and cross them over.'

  Rose hesitated, glancing from Valerie to Jackie, but at once the garment was pulled tightly around her shoulders and upper body, forcing her arms completely into the internal sleeve and holding them folded across her middle. Two pairs of hands worked quickly at the back, to the rasping and clicking of buckles, and the straitjacket pulled and tightened about her body. A few moments later saw Rose encapsulated from neck to waist in shining black leather, her arms held immobile inside with her fingers pressed around her elbows.

  'Well, that wasn't too difficult,' remarked Cheryl. 'Come on, get up!'

  Rose, her face a mask of bewilderment, struggled to her feet, while Cheryl reached over to the table and collected the other items which had occupied the plastic bag.

  'Hey! What are you doing?'

  Rose backed away from Cheryl, but Valerie held her from behind.

  'Just think of this each time you open your mouth,' said Cheryl, dangling the three-tailed strap in front of Rose's face. 'Now, what were you going to say?'


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