House of Intrigue

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House of Intrigue Page 13

by Yvonne Strickland

  'I-I wasn't g-going to say anything,' stammered Rose. Valerie pulled the bathrobe about her and fastened the belt about her waist, leaving the arms hanging empty at her sides.

  'All right,' said Cheryl, 'let's go downstairs.'

  'Come along, deary,' added Valerie, propelling Rose towards the door.

  * * *

  is it all ready?' asked Valerie as Kim appeared from within the bathroom.

  it sure is,' replied Kim, regarding the anxious-looking Rose.

  Cheryl closed the inner door while Valerie unscrewed the cap from a small bottle of methylated spirits and applied some of the contents to a paper tissue. She turned to Rose, who would have backed away had not Cheryl held her firmly by the shoulders.

  'Hold still,' said Valerie, and began to wipe the area of skin about Rose's mouth.

  Rose glimpsed Kim in the big wall mirror above the sinks and work surface. Kim too was attired in the approximation of a nurse's uniform. She stood behind Valerie and was occupied in opening a small packet from which she withdrew a strip of shiny white tape. She pulled the backing paper off the tape and, as Valerie turned to her, handed it over carefully and took away the used tissue.

  'All right, dear,' said Valerie, 'close your mouth nice and tight.'

  'Wait!' objected Rose, looking at the small oblong of tape.

  'Cheryl, the strap!' said Valerie.

  Rose immediately closed her eyes as well as her mouth. Valerie, not waiting to give her chance to express second thoughts, applied the tape promptly over Rose's lips, squeezing it down hard and rubbing it outwards with her thumbs, while Cheryl held the girl's head steady from the rear.

  'Neat job,' observed Kim as Valerie stepped back. Rose opened her eyes and let out an anxious 'mmmmm'.

  Rose was then ushered along the length of the beauty parlour, past the sinks, past the odd-shaped chair with its dark blue cover and past the two hairdryers standing like sentinels a short distance from the bathroom door. When they entered the warmly lit, blue tiled bathroom with its pink rugs, Rose looked about her. She saw the shower and the sink with their luxurious fittings, saw herself in the large, bronzed wall mirror, then saw the low-level bowl with its attached restraints and the pink rubber bottle hanging to one side above it with the clear plastic tubing coiling down from the neck. She let out a long, protesting 'mmmmm!' and attempted to pull back, but all to no avail.

  When, on the previous day, Pauline had taken her to a similar room, she had seen the same equipment. Then, she had not realised what it was intended for until it was too late. Now, she knew only too well what they were about to do with her and there were three people to witness her humiliation. As the straps tightened about her legs and body, holding her straddled over the bowl, she determined that at the first opportunity she would flee the house and take her chance on the run. The coiled pipe spiralled down in Valerie's latex gloved hand as Rose watched it with helpless apprehension. However, the action of the smooth and lubricated nozzle entering her anus and pushing coolly into her rectum gave her a sensation in her loins she had not expected nor experienced the previous day. It was a sensation she found disturbingly pleasant.

  Once the warm liquid had passed into her, Valerie withdrew the instrument. A moment later the water was turned on in the bowl to cascade and bubble around beneath. Rose could feel the insistent pressure churning and building up inside. Cheryl, Valerie and Kim left the room. Whether it was out of consideration for her feelings or whether it was normal practice under such circumstances, Rose did not know. Nor did she care, for she closed her eyes and moaned softly through the tape as she lost control and her body rapidly discharged its contents into the whirlpool below.

  No more than five minutes had passed before Valerie returned, this time alone. Rose was rinsed, soaped intimately by the latex fingers and rinsed again before Valerie released her from the bowl. Cheryl and Kim stood waiting by the bench when Valerie and Rose entered the main room. The bench, some two metres long, and a little under half a metre wide, had been obscured by its pink towelling when they had first arrived, but the towelling was gone now and Rose could see the padded black leather gleaming dully.

  Valerie and Cheryl, with the strap tucked neatly into her belt, took her by the shoulders, pushed her down on to the bench and turned her around until she lay flat upon her back. Kim busied herself at the range of cupboards opposite.

  'Are we nice and comfortable?' asked Valerie, looking down at Rose.

  The girl made no sound but looked from Valerie to Cheryl, who moved around and stooped either side of her. From under the bench they pulled two long straps, one of which was passed over Rose's enclosed upper arms and chest, the other about her slim waist. Rose felt the straps tighten and pulled up her knees as the buckles were fastened. A moment later, both her ankles were grasped and pulled wide apart. Her lower legs were forced over the sides and underneath the bench. Hidden straps were quickly passed around her ankles, securing them firmly to the underside of the bench and keeping her thighs held well apart by its width.

  i sometimes wish this thing was higher,' said Valerie, as she and Cheryl pulled themselves up.

  'Yes,' replied Cheryl, 'it's a bit undignified in these uniforms.'

  Apart from the limited movement of her head, Rose was totally immobile and exposed before the three of them. What they were about to do to her she did not know and could not ask. She only knew that whatever it was, there was nothing she would be able to do to prevent it. She watched Valerie easing on a new pair of skin-tight, translucent rubber gloves.

  Valerie pulled over a small chrome and black leather stool and sat down next to Rose. Kim passed something to her as Cheryl looked on. Rose could not make out what the object was until it began to emit an electric whine.

  'She doesn't have much anyway,' remarked Valerie, running her rubber gloved finger through the fine down of straw-coloured hair over Rose's vulva. Rose stiffened and lifted her head. She at last realised they were going to shave her, and tensed against the restraints once more as the cool head and metal cutters made contact with the firm but tender flesh directly about her most intimate place. The cutter moved back and forth, its fine toned vibration penetrating and warming her loins. If dignity had ever been high on Rose's list of priorities, her present situation would have precluded any feelings of pleasure to be gained from what was taking place. But dignity and decorum had never intruded unduly upon anything in which she had been involved and were not about to do so now. She relaxed and closed her eyes.

  Once the hair was gone, the foil head of the shaver began its work to remove the fine stubble and leave the skin silk-smooth. Rose sighed inaudibly through the tape.

  'Are we removing it permanently?' asked Valerie.

  i don't know,' replied Cheryl. 'Did Auntie Pauline not say?'

  'Not to us she didn't, no.'

  'Well then, I think I'll make an executive decision on the matter,' continued Cheryl. 'Let's do it anyway.'

  'All right,' answered Valerie, turning to Kim. 'Plug it in will you, deary.'

  Rose opened her eyes for a moment and looked about her. She saw the ultrasonic depilator as Kim handed it to Valerie, and though she suspected what its function was, did not feel that the effort of attempting a protest would have altered their intentions.

  The high-pitched whine of the depilator passed into Rose even more than the vibration of the shaver had as Valerie continued her work. She wondered if they knew what it was doing to her; if it was deliberate or if it was through her own susceptibility.

  After a few minutes, as the instrument was pressed in electric ecstasy immediately above Rose's clitoris, Valerie half-smiled and said, 'You know, I think she's going to come!'

  'God,' answered Cheryl, 'don't tell me she's as bad as the other one. Are you going to let her?'

  'Yes, why not,' said Valerie, smiling. 'We don't want her to think life is all trial and tribulation.'

  The depilator continued to feed and fuel Rose's lust. She began to moan, softl
y at first, as she felt the glow within her body begin to intensify. Soon, she no longer cared who was watching and began to twist her head about and tense against the restraints. Cheryl, Valerie and Kim watched her as her muffled moans passed through the tape, louder by the second, until her body stiffened like a rock and shuddered repeatedly as the fires of orgasm overwhelmed her.

  A few minutes later, Rose stood before them again, this time unsteady after her restraint on the bench, still wearing the straitjacket, still unable to speak.

  'Now then, madam,' said Cheryl, 'Val and Kim are going to make you look presentable. After that, we have a nice little outfit for you to put on and then you can begin to earn your keep in a modest way.'

  Valerie and Kim guided her across the room to the range of sinks and the panoramic mirror. There, they eased her into one of the small swivel chairs with her reflected image before her. She relaxed and watched as Valerie began to brush her hair in long, slow strokes. To Rose it felt good and she did not wish Valerie to stop.

  'She has nice hair,' remarked Kim.

  it's not been properly looked after,' responded Valerie, it would be lovely if she bothered to keep it in good condition. I suppose being on the run didn't help.'

  When the brushing had finished, they took the long swathe of hair and wound it tightly about and over her head, keeping it in place with pins and finishing it with a large black clasp at the side.

  it's made her look like Angela,' remarked Cheryl.

  'Yes,' replied Valerie, 'she's much more like Angie than Jackie, though you wouldn't have thought so before, would you?'

  Valerie reached for the bottle of methylated spirits and unscrewed the cap. She poured some of the liquid on to a tissue and pressed it against the edge of the tape which still sealed Rose's mouth.

  'You'll be able to speak in a minute, dear,' said Valerie.

  'And make sure you think before you do!' added Cheryl.

  The tape at last came away from Rose's lips and Valerie dabbed about her mouth to ensure that no adhesive remained on the skin. Kim had meanwhile arranged a small number of jars and tubes in front of the chair. Some of these, at least, Rose recognised and saw nothing to prompt further misgiving.

  First they applied moisturising cream and massaged it soothingly about her face and neck, then foundation cream. Rose said nothing but continued, with an expression of almost amused interest, to watch them in the mirror. After the sparing application of face powder and eye makeup came the lipstick, which Kim put on to her so expertly.

  'Rose pink,' said Valerie.

  'Very appropriate with a name like hers,' added Kim, who then turned and walked towards the large cupboards.

  'She's very quick today,' muttered Valerie.

  'From street urchin to glamour model in one easy step,' put in Cheryl.

  'What's it all in aid of?' asked Rose at last.

  'It's the first stages of you becoming more of a lady and less of a slut,' answered Cheryl coolly.

  'All right, get up,' ordered Valerie, putting her arm around Rose's shoulder. Rose obeyed, with Valerie's help. 'Is that outfit ready?' asked Valerie, turning to Kim.

  'All powdered and ready,' answered Kim, gesturing towards the bench.

  The bench was again covered with its pink towelling and over this was draped an as yet unidentifiable garment in black. Valerie began to undo the straps down Rose's back, loosening the straitjacket until Cheryl, standing in front of her, was able to pull it away and drape it over the chair.

  'Thank God, my arms are -'

  'Take these to the bathroom,' said Valerie, handing Rose a flat, clear plastic packet. 'Use the toilet if you wish and don't forget the bidet, then put them on and come back here.'

  'And if you do anything to that make-up,' added Cheryl, patting the strap, 'you won't sit down again today, I promise!'

  When Rose reappeared, she had on a pair of sheer, seamed, black open crotch tights. That was all. She approached them cautiously, looking from one to the other. Valerie lifted the garment from the bench and held it out to Rose.

  'You're having this on, but be very careful with it.' Rose took it in her hands and examined it. The odour of latex, like the soft, cool feel of the material, was unfamiliar to her but the garment was obviously a dress of most unusual style, i'll help you into it,' said Valerie, taking hold of the top of the dress. 'Step into the skirt. We'll ease it up, then I'll do up the zip at the back.'

  It took some time to get the dress on for Rose found it difficult. And then there were the black sandals in patent leather, with their criss-cross ankle straps and stiletto heels of unaccustomed height. Kim had to fit these on to Rose's feet as she stood supported by Valerie, for standing was what she was obliged to do.

  The dress fitted Rose's slim figure like a tight black skin with a subtle sheen. It was short - at least as short as anything she had ever worn.

  'You won't be sitting down in this,' Valerie had said. Now Rose knew why.

  The short, flounced sleeves and the low scooped neck were trimmed with white lace, as was the small, white cotton semi-circular apron fitted high on her waist.

  'That will be yours from now on,' said Cheryl. 'You'll wear it whenever you're on duty.'

  'But... but ...'

  'But what?' asked Cheryl.

  'But,' continued Rose, 'I haven't anything on under it.'

  'No,' replied Cheryl, 'you haven't and you won't. You are not allowed to sit when on duty and if you reveal part of yourself that you shouldn't, you will be punished. I'll punish you if I see anything and if Auntie Pauline is there, you'll really know about it!'

  Rose, as if in anticipation of possible infringement, pulled down on the tight hem of the dress. Rose had noticed the two pairs of steel cuffs by the nearest sink and had wondered briefly if their presence concerned her. It did. Cheryl picked up the smaller pair.

  'Hands out!' she ordered. Rose hesitated. 'Now!' said Cheryl sternly. Valerie pushed one of Rose's arms forward. Rose complied with the other. 'Good girl,' said Cheryl, fitting the steel cuffs on to Rose's wrists and snapping them shut.

  Rose looked hard at the cuffs and pulled her hands as far apart as the ten centimetres of steel chain would allow. Cheryl picked up the second pair of cuffs and placed them into the pocket of her tunic.

  'Those can wait until we're upstairs,' she said.

  Valerie and Kim pulled a long white cotton gown around Rose and fastened it with tapes down the back.

  'What's this for?' asked Rose.

  it's just until you are up on the first floor,' answered Valerie. 'Outfits like yours aren't supposed to be worn down here. It's against the rules.'

  'Come on,' said Cheryl, taking Rose's arm, 'we'll use the back stairs.'

  They had barely turned the corner from the stairway on to the first floor corridor when Cheryl brought Rose to a halt. She tugged away the tapes at the rear of the gown and, moments later, it was gone from Rose's body, leaving her standing in the bizarre outfit.

  'All right,' said Cheryl, 'now let's see how you get on with these on, shall we?'

  She reached into her tunic pocket, brought out the bright steel cuffs, knelt down in front of Rose and ordered, 'Bring your feet closer together.'

  Rose obeyed, felt the cool grip of metal around each ankle in turn, and heard the soft click as each was secured in place by its internal lock.

  'How can I walk in these?' asked Rose nervously, looking down at the twenty centimetres of chain which joined the cuffs.

  'Other people seem to manage well enough,' answered Cheryl. 'You just have to be careful and take short steps. Once you are used to wearing them you'll do it automatically.'

  Rose looked into Cheryl's eyes with an expression of mild trepidation, then down to her manacled wrists.

  'Get used to them?' she asked weakly.

  'I'm going to bring Angela down now,' said Cheryl. 'Don't move from here and remember to stand up straight. If Pauline catches you slouching, she'll have just the excuse she's looking for.'
br />   Cheryl turned and disappeared up the stairs leading to the second floor, leaving Rose to stand alone at the end of the deserted corridor. Rose wondered what she would do if someone came out of one of the rooms and approached her; someone she had not met before. Would she look at them? Would she speak or simply turn away? Without the distraction of another person, her thoughts and feelings turned inwards. She became more aware of the tight rubber dress about her body and of how it enclosed her with warm intimacy. Where it stretched about her thighs it gave her an odd sensation, particularly when she moved her weight from one leg to the other and the latex slid across her shaven sex.

  There were voices on the stairs. Moments later two figures appeared. One was Cheryl, the other looked at first to be a slightly older version of Rose herself, for their complexion and eyes were not dissimilar though the other's hair was lighter and the eyes greyer than Rose's. The way the hair was styled and fixed by its clasp at the side was identical to her own.

  'Rose, this is Angela,' announced Cheryl. 'Angie - Rose, our new maid.'

  Angela smiled warmly and held out her hand. 'Hello Rose.'

  Rose swallowed hard and her face flushed brightly with embarrassment. 'Oh ... er, I can't properly ... I'm, I'm

  She lifted her manacled hands to touch Angela's. Angela lifted her other hand to take both of Rose's.

  'Don't be shy, dear,' said Angela, her smile broadening. 'We all wear what you're wearing from time to time on domestic duties, if we've been bad girls, that is.'

  Rose looked at Angela's outfit and was not reassured, for she wore a plain, white, satin, long-sleeved blouse and close-fitting turquoise blue trousers of the same material, with a wide, black vinyl belt. The contrast between this and her own outfit was not calculated to make Rose feel any easier.

  Angela saw her looking and smiled. 'Never mind, you look very glamorous.'

  'I'll let you get on with it,' said Cheryl. 'And watch her language, won't you?'

  'We're not still recording I take it?' asked Angela.


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