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House of Intrigue

Page 18

by Yvonne Strickland

  Karen squirmed in the restraints as the whip reappeared in Pauline's hand. She attempted a further protest but because of the bent position in which she was held, the ball gag had become tighter so that no more than a deadened murmur was possible.

  Pauline resumed her earlier position and brought the whip down sharply across Karen's reddened behind, feeling the jerk of her body as the crack of leather against flesh rang about the room.

  'I won't pretend that I find this in the least distasteful.' Another stroke fell. Karen began to sob loudly and uncontrollably. 'In fact, I'm rather enjoying myself.'

  Despite the searing pain of the whip, Karen became aware of an insistent burning between her legs. She had realised at last the purpose of the amber cream and how it was beginning to irritate and inflame her.

  Pauline continued her work with practised efficiency until Karen's behind displayed an abstract pattern of deep pink weals and her face had become a mask of sobbing misery, her hair wet and matted about the sides of her reddened face.

  When Pauline, with a cold expression of satisfaction, laid the whip aside, one source of torment was finished and its place was quickly taken by another. The burning irritation about her sex intensified quickly and soon Karen, flexing her muscles in an ineffectual attempt to quell it, was moaning in piteous anguish with her eyes squeezed shut.

  'Here's your salvation, Miss Prim!' came the voice into her world of despair. Karen half opened her eyes to see Pauline's boots directly in front of her, and the hands once more holding out the vibrator. At first she ignored it, telling herself that soon the torture must end. But it was not ending and she wanted to scream. 'Are we ready yet?' came the voice from above. Karen rocked her head from side to side in despair, i can leave you here and try again in half an hour if you prefer,' said Pauline. Karen opened her eyes wide and shook her head vigorously, sending out a desperate, muffled howl to say what she could not speak. Then I gather you would like a little attention?' Karen nodded her affirmative. There was no choice - the irritation was driving her insane. 'Are you begging me?'

  Karen looked up at her expressionless face for a moment, nodded again and closed her eyes. As she did so, the vibrator began to hum. The touch of the cool, resonating head against the inflamed lips of her sex was like a cool spring in a fearful desert of torment. The instrument of lust was everything and it no longer mattered who held it or why. It murmured consolation about her clitoris and the voice from beyond said, 'I'm going to watch you come, just as I watch that other dirty little slut when she's had a good thrashing!'

  Karen was determined that she would not let Pauline bring her to a climax, despite the overwhelming relief of the vibrator, which now began to enter her more deeply as it moved back and forth. But she wanted it to enter her fully, to assuage not just the irritation but the burning which had spread deeply through her loins from the effects of the whip. She would not admit to herself at first that she was losing control, but the fingers of lust were uncoiling and reaching out through her body, and soon she realised that she could no longer prevent them from taking hold of her completely as she stood invaded and helpless under the eyes of her captor.

  Pauline saw her body stiffen though she could not see Karen's mouth draw back as her teeth bit hard on the rubber gag. But she could not fail to hear the stifled moans as the orgasm seized her in its grasp.

  A few minutes later, she was released from her restraints.

  At first she could not stand properly. The strain upon her limbs had been too great and Pauline eased her into one of the small wooden chairs.

  'A few minutes, and you'll be able to walk,' said Pauline coolly as she placed the handcuffs on the table.

  She took up a plastic bag from another chair and busied herself placing the things into it. Karen, attempting to release the strap which still remained secure about her neck, did not see what she was doing.

  'By the way,' announced Pauline, turning to her with a smile, 'I forgot to bring down the key for the gag. That was silly of me, wasn't it?' Karen stopped her struggles for a moment and looked at her as she began to move away. 'Tell you what, I'll leave it on the carpet just outside your door. As soon as you're dressed you can go and get it. If you use the back stairs, and you're really lucky, nobody will see you wearing that. And, even if they do -' she smiled broadly '- you won't be able to tell them how you came by it, will you? And please don't forget to switch off the cellar lights!'

  With that, she was gone and Karen was alone. She had not yet come to terms with what had happened, even as she pulled on her skirt. Her mind was in a state of turmoil, her behind a pulsing furnace, her body trembling uncontrollably. Her one thought was of getting to her room as quickly as possible and avoiding the further indignity of being seen wearing the ball gag. She reached up again and felt behind her head with her fingers in case Pauline had tricked her. But no, the padlock was there and quite secure. She looked at the table. The whip, the small tube and the vibrator were gone. And so was the video cassette.

  She glanced under the table, then at the four wooden chairs around the room. Anger fought with shame and humiliation as she hurried through the two rooms and up the cellar steps, ignoring the light switch.

  For a few long minutes, Karen stood shaking at the top of the steps with the door slightly ajar. From time to time there were voices but none of them came close. At last, with her heart beating hard, she made for the stairs.

  She reached the second floor corridor with immense relief, a relief which was further reinforced by the sight of the small silver key lying inconspicuously by the skirting board next to her door. She opened the door, stooped to pick up the key, then disappeared inside the room.

  She did not attempt to remove the gag immediately, but walked to the bathroom and stood before the wall cabinet mirror, thinking that, perhaps the lock might be easier to undo if she could see it in the reflection. She regarded herself for a time, her face tear stained, her hair bedraggled and matted, the rubber ball fixed in her mouth and keeping her speechless. Even dressed, with her limbs free and in her own room, it remained locked in place and represented her domination by another. She lifted her fingers and stroked them over the red ball. What if Pauline had tricked her again? What if the key did not fit the small padlock? What if she had to go to Pauline's office and there was nobody in? Who could she turn to for help? There was only Valerie, and she might be anywhere, though most probably in the bar for it was now not far off nine o'clock.

  The key did fit. She removed this last restraint and placed it, glistening with her own saliva, on the sink. Now she could close her mouth and her jaw ached. Furthermore, the mark of the strap impressed on her cheeks did nothing to improve her appearance. She returned to her bedroom and began, for the first time, to realise how much she had been compromised by what had happened. She could never face Pauline without shame and indignity, never conduct herself normally with the others if Pauline was present. And there was the tape. In spite of all that had been done to her, the fierce burning which still beset her flesh and the enforced degradation, she had gained nothing. Pauline held her as a sparrow in a net. She could be summoned at any time and would have to obey. Her relationship with Sonia would be finished if, or more likely, when, any of this was revealed. The more she considered the matter, the more fully she realised that there could no longer be any future for her at the house.

  She threw herself down upon the bed and began to cry. She wept not just out of shame and humiliation, but with subdued anger at the stupidity which had handed over her happiness to Pauline on a plate.

  There was a knock at the door. Karen remained still.

  The knock was repeated and a voice outside called, 'Are you in?'

  Karen got up and walked out of the bedroom, through the small lounge and up to the door. She placed her hand against it and asked, 'Who is it?'

  'It's Val! Can I come in?'

  'Oh Val, yes,' she sighed, pulling open the door and standing aside as the figure entered.

>   'I've been looking everywhere for -' Valerie stopped speaking for a moment and stood wide-eyed. She placed her hands upon Karen's arms. 'Lovey, what's happened? Just look at you - and your hair. What's been going on?'

  'Val,' she answered tearfully, 'it's difficult to explain, but I'm going to leave. You might as well be the first to know.'

  Valerie stared at her in silence for a few moments, then guided her over to an armchair. She sat down close by and said, 'Right, let's have it and then I'll get us a drink.'

  When Karen had finished speaking, Valerie looked at her for a long time. Then she said, 'Just you stay here, I'll be back shortly!'

  'Val, wait. Where are you going? Please don't say anything to her!'

  Valerie turned before leaving the room. 'I'm going down to check on something - you can put the coffee on.'

  'But Val -'

  The door closed and she was alone again. But something had changed. She no longer felt tearful and dejected although she had no idea what Valerie was about to do. By the time Valerie returned, the light on the coffee percolator had blinked on red.

  'Right, now just you listen,' said Valerie as Karen passed her a cup and saucer. 'I've called James from the beauty parlour ... you're not supposed to know about my direct line either!' Valerie leaned towards her. 'He doesn't have a bloody image intensifier and he hasn't made any tapes outside since the party last year! She's told you a pack of lies!' Karen closed her eyes and leaned back in the chair. 'You're a silly girl for not checking it out,' continued Valerie, 'but that peroxide rinsed slag has nothing over you at all, you hear? Nothing!'

  'Oh Val, I don't know what to say. Honest, you're a good friend.'

  'So we won't have any more talk about leaving,' continued Valerie, 'or I'll put you into handcuffs myself!'

  Karen smiled at her. 'God! I feel so stupid.'

  'Well, never mind,' said Valerie, rising from her chair. 'I'm going to pay Auntie bloody Pauline a visit!'

  'Val, no! You've done more than enough, really. It's my affair and I'll deal with her when the time comes.'

  'There's something you ought to understand, deary,' said Valerie as she pulled open the door and swung around to face Karen with her gypsy eyes flashing. 'You're in a more vulnerable position than I am. That's number one. And number two -' Valerie pulled aside a strand of Karen's hair '- I did a good job on this earlier today and she's buggered it up completely! That is right out of order. You get yourself sorted out. I'll be back to collect you later and we'll have a snack at the bar. And I'll guarantee Pauline won't be there!'

  'You look like you mean business,' remarked Jackie as Valerie closed the door of the beauty parlour behind her and stepped into the corridor clutching a black polythene bag.

  'Oh I do, deary. Well, it's been one of those days, hasn't it?'

  'Where are you -'

  But Valerie carried on past her without further comment and continued purposefully up the main stairs. Jackie watched her, in her sleek black lycra catsuit with its long sleeves, wide red belt, and her soft, black, leather ankle boots.

  'She into karate then?' came the voice from behind.

  Jackie swung around to face Rose. 'Oh hi! You been down at the pool?'

  'Yeah, been chatting to Angie and Kim. How about you?'

  'I've been with a couple of the others in the bar. Are you going up now?'

  Rose looked into her eyes for a moment, if you are Jackie, yeah. I wouldn't mind an early night.'

  'No, me neither, Rosie,' she said, taking Rose's arm. 'But let's have a quickie in the bar first.'

  There were three sharp taps at the door. Pauline, freshly showered and dressed in a black and gold kimono, lowered the magazine and looked up.

  'Well!'she called. 'What is it?'

  There was no reply. Pauline placed the magazine down upon the low table. Again, there were three taps, this time noticeably louder. Pauline arose from the green leather two-seater and walked over to the door. Pulling it open sharply, she found herself facing the hard, unblinking gaze of Valerie.

  is this important?' she demanded.

  'Very!' came the reply, and Valerie, pushing past, strode into the middle of the room and swung around to face her. Pauline regarded her with open-mouthed disbelief.

  'And just what do you think this is all about? I did not invite you in here!'

  'Close the door!' snapped Valerie.

  'What? Get out of here now!'

  Valerie lowered the bag to the floor then walked over to her. Pauline stepped back, hands on hips, expecting her to continue on by and out the way she had arrived, but Valerie did not. Instead, she stood before Pauline and each fixed their eyes hard upon the other.

  'All right!' said Valerie, if you want everyone else in the house to hear this, it's OK by me!' She quickly lifted her hand and brought it with a sharp slap across Pauline's mouth. With an expression of startled rage, Pauline at once lashed back at her, but Valerie blocked the swing and pushed her hard, sending her reeling backwards towards her desk. Pauline recovered her balance and jerked the belt tightly about the kimono.

  it's that snotty nosed bitch that's latched on to Sonia -that's what this is all about, isn't it? Well, you might as well pack your belongings together with hers, because you're both through! Do you hear? Bloody well through!' She surged back towards Valerie and flung her arm out towards the open door. 'Now get out!' she shouted. 'Out of my room and play fairy bloody godmother somewhere else!'

  'Not really the best analogy, Pauline!' sneered Valerie. 'How about avenging angel?'

  'Oh!' responded Pauline sarcastically. 'She's too weak-kneed to stand up for herself, is she? Like a little mouse behind that office desk!'

  'No!' responded Valerie coldly. 'She's not weak, she's just innocent and trusting! She's not a nasty, scheming, petty-minded slag like you at all. That's her trouble - she's too honest! She thinks everyone else is as well! But in your case she's been wrong, and you've preyed on her like the vampire you are!' Valerie reached down and pulled up the end of the plastic bag, spilling its contents out on to the carpet. 'Now you're going to learn a bit of humility for once!'

  Pauline stared in alarm at the gleaming metallic cluster on the floor and hurried immediately around to her desk. Valerie followed her warily as she pulled open a drawer and glared back.

  'I'm going to whip the arse off you, you fucking upstart!'

  The braided black whip uncoiled menacingly in Pauline's hands as she moved away from the desk. At once she raised her arm and swung the whip like a deadly snake at Valerie. It struck Valerie across the shoulder but she seized it and held it fast, yelling, 'That's all I need!' She lunged forward, knocking Pauline off balance against the desk and wrenching the whip from her grasp. Pauline screamed abuse at her but backed away, seeing now that Valerie was about to use the whip against her. But Valerie did not strike out. Instead she backed away and ordered, 'Out here - now!'

  Pauline, trapped between the desk and the corner of the room, saw her chance. She made as if to obey, but once clear of the confines of the desk, threw herself upon Valerie, who cast the whip back towards the window where it smacked against the green leather two-seater. For a few seconds, they pushed and pulled at each other, each trying to swing the other off balance, Pauline attempting without success to take hold of Valerie's hair. Then, seeing the opportunity, Valerie swung her leg behind Pauline's and heaved her to one side, causing her to lose her balance and sprawl headlong on to the floor. Valerie did not hesitate and in a split second was astride her, holding Pauline face downwards and unable to rise.

  Ignoring the oaths of abuse, she wrenched away the kimono, pulling it part way down her body and trapping her arms in the sleeves. This brief respite gave Valerie the opportunity to reach over and take up that which lay nearby with the plastic bag. Pauline began to heave and struggle in desperation but Valerie remained cool and methodical. She wrenched the kimono down further until one of Pauline's arms was free of it. But the arm was not to be free for long, for the smooth
steel cuff closed upon it and snapped shut in a cool, final embrace. The other wrist soon joined it in enforced and close proximity.

  Valerie stood up and dragged the kimono from the writhing but now subdued Pauline.

  'You'll not get away with this!' Pauline hissed. 'I swear you won't!'

  'I don't give a bugger,' breathed Valerie.

  The cuffs were joined only by a short, rigid link, making them more restrictive than they might have been. From that link ran a short steel chain of some twenty centimetres which ended in a pair of slightly larger cuffs, joined like the others. With Valerie sitting astride her, for Pauline continued to resist the inevitable, these were soon snapped about her ankles. When Valerie moved away, Pauline lay on the carpet of her own office - hog-tied, naked and helpless. The verbal abuse had stopped.

  it'll give you a chance to ponder for a while, won't it, deary?' mocked Valerie, bending close to her ear. But Pauline's restraint was not yet complete, for one other item remained close by, still awaiting use. Valerie picked the harness up and again stood astride Pauline. 'This could be easy or it could be difficult. Either way,' she breathed, 'it's going on.'

  The buckles rasped and the leather straps tightened about Pauline's head, forcing the black latex ball into her mouth and the soft rubber pads over her eyes. With the harness firmly secured, Valerie moved aside and regarded the helpless form. Her eyes turned to the whip, lying across the leather seat as if about to slither along the green cushions of his own accord. She took it up and stepped back over to Pauline, placing a foot on either side of her and grasping with her other hand the short length of chain connecting the wrists and ankles. A murmur of protest ensued as Valerie braced herself.

  'Are you ready for this, deary? Your little friend is about to turn on its nasty old mistress.'

  Pauline jerked as the first stroke fell across her flesh with a resounding crack. There followed many more, hard and in rapid succession, each interspersed by a groan of muffled outrage, growing ever louder from the squirming figure beneath. At length Valerie released her hold and stood back to admire the criss-cross assemblage of blurred and angry pink weals covering much of Pauline's backside.


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