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HIS Choice (H.I.S. #2)

Page 19

by Sheila Kell

  “Kyle’s already covering your story.”

  “No. This is different. I think you’ll like it. But it needs to come from me not through Kyle.” She swallowed and continued, “Kristen, I’ve had help so it’s two people on the run, and we were almost caught today.”

  AJ observed her closely. His scrutiny almost unraveled her. The hard jaw and even harder eyes reminded her of when they’d first run into each other. She turned her back to him to avoid another shiver inching down her spine.

  “You’ve got someone with you? Who?”

  “That’s not important. Trust me on the article.”

  Kristen sighed. “Get it to me, and I’ll consider it.”

  She smiled. This would be the article of articles. “You won’t regret it.”

  “Think about letting me come get you.”

  She had to lie. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Victoria said she’d get in touch with you soon. I gave her this number since I knew you’d want her information as quickly as possible.”

  Megan ended the call.

  Oh, AJ will be pissed when he finds out. Victoria was the only one on the street right now. There had to be some way to tie it all together. Surely the prostitution belonged to the Magician. How had he been able to keep all of this secret for so long?

  Maybe he wouldn’t have kept it all so secret if he didn’t have people disappear so quickly. Had Kevin overheard the boss’s name? Was that what ended his life? She couldn’t let it end hers. She promised Kevin she’d do this.

  “Are you sure it was smart to tell her about me?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. She doesn’t know it’s you.”

  He stood. “Let’s get the grocery shopping out of the way.”

  Again, they stocked up for a few days. She didn’t say anything when he added a box of condoms to their cart. He wanted to finish what they started and so did she.

  They climbed into an SUV instead of the Honda. She shook her head. Of course it was black.

  “Is this your SUV?” she asked.

  He nodded. “It is now.”

  “Won’t they know it’s yours?”

  “Don’t worry, my little dove.”

  The vehicle waiting meant he really had planned their next move. She knew his friend, Devon, provided this for them, and she was thankful.

  The pressure on her chest lightened. They no longer had to worry about the police stopping them for a stolen vehicle.

  AJ opened the back of the SUV and grabbed a laptop bag and another cell phone. Ample weapons and black bags holding who knew what filled the back of the vehicle. Did they really need all of that? Devon was definitely a bad influence on AJ.

  * * * * *

  Back in the hotel room, AJ opened the new phone and dialed.

  “Thanks, man. How’d you find out they were coming after me?” He paced the room. He couldn’t sit still, nervous energy consumed him.

  “I was trying to get your info, and I ended up near your enforcer buds. I figured if you were found, they’d be the ones to go after you. So I stayed a bit.”

  Blade had good instincts. “What happened?”

  “I saw Trey getting’ in the SUV, yelling at Alex that they had you. I called you as soon as I could. I couldn’t just run off. Someone would remember that when you got away.”

  Trey Holt and Alex Childs were the only two enforcers Damian had left in his employ. He’d killed Hank. AJ had killed Joe. And of course, AJ’s employment had been terminated by a bullet in the chest.

  “You’re right. It was tight, but we made it. Have you heard anything else?”

  “Damian’s just getting up and around. He looks like shit. He didn’t even jump in the truck with them. You’d think he’d want to be the one to take you down since you shot him.”

  AJ smiled. He wished he would have killed the bastard. But, making him look foolish would also work in his favor. “Anything else?”

  “They’re focused on the girl, that reporter. They’ve got a hard-on for her. She’s a priority target.”

  Shit! He’d hoped they’d think she was out of state and concentrate on him. “Thanks again.”

  “You owe me.”

  Megan looked at him after he ended the call. “Did you learn anything?”

  He walked to the refrigerator and picked up a bottle of water to give him a minute to think. He couldn’t tell her she was their priority. He needed her fearful of their situation not frightened shitless.

  “He told me how he found out they were coming.” He took a drink of water considering what else he should share. “Damian’s back on the street.”

  “I’m surprised he isn’t dead for letting you get away.”

  AJ shook his head. “He’s too important. He’s also alive because he needs to clean up his mess.” He gestured with his finger between the two of them. “Us. After that, who knows what will happen to him.”

  “I don’t approve of murder. Although, I so wish you’d killed him.” Goose bumps prickled her skin at the thought of AJ engaged with this man again.

  The encrypted cell phone rang. Damn. They were in contact with too many people. He had to put a stop to some of it.


  “I heard you had a close call,” Todd said.

  He took a long drink of water. How the fuck had it spread around so quickly? He glanced at his watch. Yeah, it’d be about time others found out. “We did.”

  “I still can’t believe you’re staying to track down that bastard. I don’t want to go to your funeral.”

  “Don’t worry about me.” Did he really need Todd? Even though he wanted to do this by himself, he might. Arthur had been right in that point.

  “Is the girl okay?”

  “Yeah.” AJ didn’t appreciate Todd’s interest in Megan even knowing it was straight up curiosity. He had no right to allow jealous to grab him. Shit! He pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. He didn’t need this right now.

  “Did you find a good place to hide?”

  “Yeah.” No one except his brothers would know where they were this time. He doubted Arthur told anyone but one could never be too careful that someone hadn’t overheard him.

  “Are you going to tell me? It’d be good if someone knew where you were in case something happens and the girl needs protecting.”

  “No,” AJ said flatly.

  “All right. You know I’m here if you need me. Megan’s fiancé, Marcus, is making a ruckus about the FBI finding her. He does have some pull with them. He’s golfing buddies with a couple of high ranking people. He wants her found and brought in.”

  “Ex-fiancé,” AJ said through clenched teeth.

  Todd laughed. “That’s not what he’s supposedly saying.”

  “I’m getting off the phone.”

  “Okay. Keep yourself alive.”

  “Yeah,” he said ending the call.

  Before he put the secure phone in his pocket, the old burner phone rang. What the fuck? He had to get rid of it. He’d held onto it for long enough.

  He hesitated at the blocked number. It went against his rules to answer a call when he didn’t know the caller, but Megan had provided her sources this number.

  “Hello,” he snarled.

  “Can I talk to Megan?” the male caller asked nervously.

  He walked over to the couch and handed her the cell phone. She sat with her legs folded underneath her. She looked calm and relaxed. His little dove. His heart warmed. He wanted to keep her this way. Keep the enthusiasm he’d witnessed in her alive.

  He’d always been protective of women but something with Megan made him dig deeper into that role. Deeper than when his partner’s life had been threatened, and he hadn’t thought that possible. Keeping her with him could be the most colossal mistake of his life. He needed he
r for his new plan, but if she wasn’t with him, he wouldn’t need a new plan. He’d have already pushed things to the limit.

  Letting his dick lead him could only cause problems. Put their lives at a greater risk. Yet he couldn’t ignore the sexual awareness between them. He needed to feel alive before he slinked back to his world. Remembering their time together would keep him warm in his lonely bed for a long time.

  He continued to question himself. Was he doing the right thing? He purposely put them far enough away so they wouldn’t have to worry about another close call.

  She wanted him as much as he wanted her. He’d heard her breath hitch when they accidentally touched hands. He’d seen the change in her eyes when they neared each other. Would she get the wrong idea? Think it meant more than it did? He couldn’t give her more than the here and now. Would it be enough for her?

  * * * * *

  Megan gave him a questioning look before accepting the phone. “Hello.”

  “It’s Raven.”

  Her pulse spiked in excitement. He had information. “What’s up?” She straightened out her legs and leapt from the couch.

  “They know that you’re with that enforcer dude, the one who’s supposed to be dead. They also know you colored your hair and have passed the word around to everyone to keep an eye out for you.”

  She closed her eyes. They’d left the box of color in the trash. This was bad. AJ said not to worry, but how could she not?

  She cleared her throat in an attempt to strengthen her voice. “Thanks. Anything else?”

  “Nothing that would help you. The streets are quiet. Everyone is scared of what’s gonna happen since there’ve been so many fuck-ups.”

  “That’s good to know.”

  “That’s all I got.”

  “I appreciate it, Raven. Thanks for calling.”

  “Anything for you, sweetheart.”

  She smiled and gave him the new burner phone number. “Bye.”

  He ended the call without responding.

  She took a deep breath and then walked to AJ. She returned the phone and sat beside him on the couch she’d earlier vacated.

  From his usual position of a remote in hand and his focus on the TV, he asked, “What’s good to know?”

  “They know I’m with you and that I colored my hair.”

  He shrugged. “We kind of figured that.”

  Dang his nonchalance. Didn’t they have the advantage when they thought the two were traveling separately? Wouldn’t it be harder to hide now? She swallowed. She had to trust him. She had no other choice.

  “Raven says everyone is scared of what’s expected to happen since they didn’t kill us.”

  AJ finally looked at her. “It’ll pass after a few days.”

  “Good. I hate that my sources have to worry. I don’t want them found out.”

  “Care to share your sources?” he asked as one eyebrow rose.

  Maybe now was the time. Her spirits lifted. “Not unless you share yours.” Her lips curved into a smile.

  “Not a chance, my little dove.” A sexy grin spread across his face.

  She shrugged, rose, and walked toward the kitchen. She cooked chicken, broccoli and wild rice for dinner. Cooking helped keep her mind off of what would happen later. She had no doubts. She wanted this. Wanted how his touch sent goose bumps over her flesh. Wanted how his touch set her core on fire. Wanted how his kiss made the rest of the world fade away to only the two of them.

  No, she wouldn’t pass up the opportunity.

  She ignored the little pull at her brain reminding her of two main reasons for not sleeping with him. They’d be together for a while, and they’d inevitably get close. Could she keep her heart from getting involved? Well, she had to. He was someone who lived in a different world than she did. Someone who might be arrested at the end of this or worse yet, die. A chill gripped her spine in its frozen descent.

  No matter what happened, he’d leave her. They didn’t fit together except in bed. Her cheeks warmed thinking about it. She wasn’t embarrassed about any of their sexual activity. She did regret they had been interrupted. She’d been ready for him to slide inside her. Ready for him to give her the pleasure his touch promised. The pleasure he’d already delivered.

  Sex. She had no problem with just sex. Have fun and then return home. Easy.

  He studied her. “Let’s sit down and play cards or watch a movie.”

  She relaxed at the suggestion. No matter how much bravado she had about rolling around in bed with him, no matter how much her body ached for him, for some reason, she was nervous. “I’ll pop the popcorn for a movie.”

  She leaned against the kitchen counter while the popcorn popped, her thoughts returning to their lovemaking. Not lovemaking, sex. She wanted to fan herself from the heat rising within her by thinking of it. She’d cherish that table.

  Then in the hotel room, he’d been gentle, taking his time. How many other sides existed in this sexual being? She looked forward to finding out. Somehow she doubted her experiences would keep up with his. But she was willing to try.

  He broke into her thoughts. “Are you planning to sit down and watch the movie?”

  She jumped. Did he realize what she’d been thinking? Calm down. Slow the breathing and he’ll never know. “I’m coming.” She pulled the popcorn from the microwave and hesitated.

  * * * * *

  AJ wanted to laugh as she stood, staring at the couch. He smiled and touched the space beside him. “Here you go.”

  His pulse spiked when she sat so close. He risked it and put an arm behind her. Tension eased in his shoulders when she didn’t push away or sit forward. She hadn’t snuggled into him, but he’d take one thing at a time.

  Sexual tension crackled between them. If she hadn’t appeared skittish, they’d be testing out the bed right now. But he noticed the slight tremble in her hands. It could be from desire but more than likely it was nerves.

  She had nothing to be nervous about. She’d been so sensual and responsive with him earlier. Anticipation rolled through him, driving his lust and determination. She’d have to get ready because he would fuck her tonight.


  AJ had made a wise choice choosing a scary movie for them to watch. Megan had jumped closer to him and finally relaxed and then snuggled close.

  After clicking the TV, he rose and offered her his hand, the obvious question in his eyes. She looked up at him, took his hand and stood.

  He pulled her to him. “My little dove, we’re finishing what we started earlier. Are you okay with that?”

  She whispered, “Yes.”

  Her eyes slowly darkened, her body quivered.

  Slipping his hand behind her head, wrapping it in her silky strands, he leaned over and took her mouth with his in a deep, slow kiss, his tongue claiming her mouth. He drank in her sweet taste. Her heavenly sweetness rocketed heat through his gut straight to his groin.

  He tightened his hold on her, pulling her closer, needing to feel every inch of her against him. The resulting whimper encouraged him. He deepened the kiss, hungry for her, and her body melted against his.

  Pulling back, he looked at her lips, swollen and wet. God, she was sexy.

  He shot her a reassuring smile and led the way to the bedroom, hoping she didn’t change her mind. They stopped beside the bed, locked in a smoldering gaze that should have set the room on fire.

  AJ reached forward and slowly slid her sweater over her head. He swallowed a burning lump in his throat. She hadn’t put her bra back on.

  His trembling hands reached up to grasp her breasts, lightly massaging, his thumbs circling her nipples that were already puckered, ready for him to suckle. She tossed her head back and released a soft, feminine sigh when he pinched them between his thumbs and forefingers.

  Sliding his hands down he
r soft belly to the tops of her jeans, he hadn’t expected to find resistance.

  She stayed his hand. “No. You’re hurt. I saw the pain in your eyes the last time you were over me. Let me do this.”

  He’d never sat back and let the woman lead. Her pleading eyes couldn’t be denied. He dropped his arms to his sides, a tremor slid through his body.

  She smiled. “You need to get rid of your weapons first.”

  After removing them, he ripped his sweatshirt over his head.

  Her feather-light, lust-arousing exploration of his naked chest sent ripples of excitement through his tense body. She set him on fire with just her touch. No woman had ever done that.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  He looked down, watchingher hand make circles around his nipple. “Not a chance.”


  She glided her hand down his abdomen, softly smirking at his indrawn breath when she reached the bulge in his jeans. She reached for his zipper, sliding it down slowly, drawing out the anticipated pleasure, driving him close to insane. The same thing he’d done to her earlier. The minx.

  He snagged her hand. “I’ll take off mine, and you take off yours.”

  He jerked his zipper down, easing his cock from the tight grasp of his jeans. He wrapped his hand around it, moving his hand slowly up and down the shaft as he watched her undress.

  His gaze raked over her naked body. His breath quickened. He had to take some control back from this tease. He stilled his hand. “On the bed.”

  She shook her head. “After you.”

  He ached too much for an argument. As long as they were flesh to flesh, he didn’t care how it happened. He moved to the bed, stretching out, waiting for whatever she had planned for him.

  She crawled and leveled herself over him, remaining on her hands and knees. His cock throbbed at the thought of taking her from behind in that position.

  Unable to resist the temptation, his hands reached up and covered her silky breasts, his thumbs playing with her nipples. She murmured his name as she leaned down and covered his mouth with hers in a smoldering kiss that heated with each passing second, threatening to rip his self-control to shreds.


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