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HIS Choice (H.I.S. #2)

Page 34

by Sheila Kell

  Detective Cooper told them to get down on their knees.

  “Kill her first,” the man she once thought she loved said to Victoria. Then he turned to AJ. “I want you to watch her die.”

  Victoria moved to Megan, and Detective Cooper tried to force AJ to his knees.

  AJ swung to her with a wide smile, winked and said, “Playtime.”

  A shot echoed and both Victoria and Detective Cooper fell. Okay, maybe two shots. Then all hell broke loose.

  “Police! Drop your weapons! Get your hands where we can see them!”

  The H.I.S. team, dressed in all white, appeared from the snow and formed a tight circle around Megan, pulling her back. Federal agents filed out of the warehouses on each side of them.

  She moved and leaned down until she found a crack in her white wall.

  Detective Phillips stopped at Detective Cooper’s body, a look of disgust on his face. He turned to her. “I’m sorry, Ms. Rogers. I had no idea.”

  From inside the Hamilton team circle, she sighed before replying, “I trusted him, too.”

  AJ and Marcus still faced each other. Marcus attempted to raise the gun, but AJ launched himself at the man, knocking them to the ground.

  Her wall caught her peeking and closed the opening. She moved around until she found another small spot to watch.

  Marcus and AJ wrestled for control of the weapon. When AJ broke it free from Marcus’s grasp, he tossed it out of reach.

  Now, why would he do that? He should’ve used it. Not to shoot, although it wouldn’t hurt her feelings if he did, but to control the situation.

  Next thing she knew Marcus had rolled them until he was strangling AJ, gripping his neck tightly.

  One of the men shifted in front of her. She pushed him without budging the man. “Move! I can’t see.”

  He ignored her. She continued to shift until she found a sliver of open space.

  Was that AJ on top? Yes. Yes. Her heart leapt. It was him. He’d pinned Marcus down, drove a fist into his jaw, and with the swiftness she’d witnessed before, flipped him, planted a knee in his back and pulled his arms back to cuff his hands.

  He did it! She tried again to get around the men surrounding her to no avail.

  “Where is she?” AJ’s voice carried to her.

  Suddenly the men stepped away but stayed within reach, allowing Megan to see AJ stagger to her, sweat running down his temples, blood on his lips, and running his leg.

  He engulfed her in his arms, his forehead resting on hers. “Are you all right, my little dove?” His body trembled next to hers.

  She pulled back. “Why did you do that? Why did you risk getting shot? And why the hell didn’t you tell me about your brothers? And why did you fight Marcus?”

  Gathering her back against his chest, he tucked her head under his chin and kissed the top of her head. “He raised his gun, but I wouldn’t let him go down with death by cop. He has to face justice. As for my brothers, I’m sorry I worried you.”

  He loosened his grip as she pulled back. Reaching up with a surprisingly, shaky hand, she wiped blood from his mouth. “Are you okay? Your leg is bleeding. Maybe you busted your stitches.”

  Instead of answering, he leaned down and kissed her deeply. A kiss filled with passion that turned into desperation. She leaned back. Something was wrong. There was something he wasn’t telling her.

  She brightened. “You saved me like I knew you would. I love you, AJ Hamilton.”

  He reached up and pushed her hair behind her ear. “Megan,” he said in a tortured voice, “it was almost too late. Victoria wanted to shoot you. I didn’t think Neftali and Jesse would make their shots in time. I’ve never been so terrified.”

  She loved this man. He might not tell her he loved her but he does. Things had changed for the better. They now had a chance.

  “It’s okay. I’m okay. And since Detective Cooper shot Damian, I don’t have to leave.” Elation filled her. She stood on her tiptoes and placed kisses all over his face. Things had been set right. Kevin had justice, and she had AJ.

  Her mom would be glad to see her finally settled down. And in time they’d give her grandchildren. She’d have to keep close with Kate to learn how to deal with the threat of death to AJ on a daily basis. Megan sighed, contented.

  He cleared his throat. “Megan, Damian may be dead, but you witnessed this. You heard his entire confession, so nothing changes for you. If I’d known they’d kill Damian, I’d never have let you come, and you’d have been free. I’m sorry, my little dove, but they are still taking you into protective custody from here. The Department of Justice will want you as a material witness. Without Wit Sec, you won’t survive to testify against Marcus or his men.”

  Her heart plummeted. Chilled fingers twisted through her, freezing everything in its path. This couldn’t be. Things should be right. They should be together.

  “No, AJ. Don’t say that. I want to stay with you.” He couldn’t be saying goodbye. Couldn’t be leaving her. “Can’t the others here testify instead of me?”

  “It won’t matter, Megan. These assholes will have you killed if you don’t leave. I don’t want you to die. We’ve worked too hard to keep you alive.”

  “What about you? Won’t they try to kill you too? Can’t you come with me?” He couldn’t do this to them.

  “Megan, don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.” His hand lightly rubbed her cheek.

  No! No one else would make her tingle with only the briefest of touches. She couldn’t live without it.

  “I don’t want this. I don’t want to leave you.” Her voice cracked. She fought to keep tears at bay. She’d finally found her other half, and he was walking away. A knife sliced through her heart.

  “Megan, you know you have to go. You can’t stay with me.”

  She stepped back and wrapped her arms around herself. Their time together meant everything to her. How could it mean so little to him that he could just walk away?

  He couldn’t do this. She threw her arms around his shoulders and pulled herself tight. “No, AJ. Don’t leave me. I need you.”

  He leaned back and lifted her chin with two fingers and then lowered his head for a soft, slow kiss that she put all of her love into. He loved her. It came through in his kiss.

  Matt interrupted them. “AJ,” he said touching him on the shoulder. “It’s time to go.”

  AJ lifted his lips from hers. Megan no longer attempted to hide the tears now streaming down her face. This could not be goodbye. It just couldn’t. How could he not feel this pain?

  He wiped a tear from her face. “Don’t cry, my little dove. This is for the best. I need you to live.”

  “I love you, AJ. Why can’t you come with me? Why can’t you be with me?” She didn’t care that she begged. They belonged together.

  “Don’t make our time together anything more than it was. Someday, you’ll find someone to love, and you’ll forget about me.”

  She’d never forget about him and the heated awareness when he was around, the tingling paths he burned over her when he touched her. Nothing could be more painful than this. How could he just rip her heart out like it was nothing?

  “No. No. That’s not true. Don’t do this to us, AJ.”

  He dropped his arms. “It’s time, my little dove.” He lifted his hand and with his thumb wiped more tears from her face. “Have a great life, Megan Rogers. I’ll never forget you.” He turned, walked away, not looking back.

  Megan fell to her knees sobbing uncontrollably, thinking she’d died.


  Five months later – Ogden, Utah

  “Ms. Sykes. Ms. Sykes.”

  Megan chuckled. Of all of her students in the summer English class she’d been substituting, Brandon never went a day without seeking attention.

  “Settle down, Brandon. What can I d
o for you?”

  “Do we really have to finish The Adventures of Tom Sawyer before summer school is out?”

  His pitiful frown made her want to laugh. It had almost worked on her the first week she’d filled in. Thankfully, she’d been warned about his antics.

  “Yes, Brandon. You were supposed to have read it this past school year.”

  “But, but, there’s not enough time. Summer school is almost over.”

  “I promise you, Brandon, there is enough time. You just have to make this a priority. If you don’t, you can’t move up to Sophomore English. Is that what you want? To stay back while your friends move up?”

  “Hell no!” His sheepish look faded under her stern, teacher stare. “I’m sorry, Ms. Sykes. No, I don’t want to repeat this class. But I have too much to do to read.”

  She rose from the uncomfortable chair behind her desk, stretched and moved to her student’s desk. “Brandon, this is a decision you have to make. You keep telling me you’re an adult now. Well, it’s time to start acting like one. An adult does what they have to do first not necessarily what they want to do.”

  When he looked at her with a blank stare, she continued, “That means you make the time to read this book. Nothing else is more important. Do you understand?”

  The class bell rang, saving him from attempting a feeble response.

  Loudly, she called out, “Class, take advantage of the rain expected this weekend to complete your reading assignment. One more week. I’ll see you on Monday.”

  The teenagers almost fought to be the first out of the door. She didn’t take it personally. Not everyone enjoyed this course, or summer school. Becoming an English substitute teacher hadn’t been what she’d imagined she’d be doing, but she enjoyed it. She hoped a full time position opened this coming school year. Rumor was the teacher she filled in for might not return. She kept her fingers crossed. This is what the marshals had trained her to do since she couldn’t return to journalism.

  She’d been angry when she’d first been set up in Ogden, Utah. Even with the agents who attempted to help her acclimate, loneliness had consumed her. The only other time she’d made a big move, Kevin had been there to help her settle in. She didn’t have anyone this time. She didn’t have anyone anymore.

  AJ’s handsome face flashed in front of her. She quickly pushed it away. She’d worked hard to force the memories they’d made down as far as possible. They flooded back up more than she’d like. Sometimes she let them stay for a while, remembering the joy and love they’d shared.

  Before they’d forced her on to her new life, she’d been allowed to submit one final article naming Marcus, and detailing the meeting she’d witnessed. Well, as much as the police would allow her to report. At first, she’d read Kelly’s follow up articles online. Now, she didn’t search them out. The agents kept her informed enough.

  In the beginning, she’d prayed AJ would come to her with the agents and tell her he loved her. Her prayers had gone unanswered. If he’d really wanted to know where she was, he could have found out. It had been five months. He was back to his old life, without her.

  She had been settled in a cute little three bedroom, two bathroom cookie-cutter house in a friendly neighborhood. When she’d moved in, most of her neighbors came by to introduce themselves, bringing cakes and pies. They’d made her feel welcome. She’d slowly begun making new friends. However, many of them weren’t sure what to think of her.

  After a short drive home, she parked in her driveway. She waved to her neighbor, Carla, as she strode to her mailbox. Tonight was a Chinese food night. She’d finally found a place with great Cashew Chicken. She’d called in her order as she’d left the school so it would be delivered right after she arrived home.

  She greeted Bob. He’d made a few feline and human friends in the neighborhood. One little girl two houses over came by to play with him several times a week.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  Good. The food had arrived. She’d missed lunch, and her stomach let her know about it. She picked up her cash, went to the door and opened it. Her breath caught in her throat.

  “Hello Ms. Sykes, Ms. Laura Sykes.”

  She couldn’t find her voice. She stood rooted to the spot, her heart pounding. He was here. What to do?

  She inhaled much needed air into her oxygen deprived lungs. “How…how did you find me?” A tremor raced through her.

  “Tsk, tsk, Megan. Aren’t you going to invite me in to sit down or offer me a beverage?” he asked with a killer smile spreading over his face.

  That simple statement made her heart skip a beat. She could do this. She was a strong woman who could take care of herself.

  “May I come in?”

  Before she could respond, the delivery boy rushed to her door. “Hello, Ms. Sykes. Here’s your order.”

  The boy looked back and forth between her and the man standing on her doorstep.

  “Is everything okay, Ms. Sykes?” His usually chipper voice now serious.

  She forced herself to smile. “It is Derrick. Thanks for asking. Here. Keep the change.”

  “Thanks, Ms. Sykes,” he said over his shoulder as he hurried back to his car.

  “Now may I come in?”

  She’d replayed this scene in her mind hundreds of time. But she couldn’t remember a single one of them.

  “Sure, AJ.” She moved to allow him into her home. She wanted to rush into his arms but held back. Why was he here? Why now after so long? Had her prayers finally been answered? Or was he here to break her heart again?

  Her body burned as his gaze roamed over her. The power behind those gorgeous eyes touched her all over. When his eyes returned to hers, he cocked one brow in question.

  * * * * *

  AJ’s pulse raced. He’d missed Megan as soon as he’d walked away from her. That had been the stupidest thing he’d done in his life. But, he’d thought the longer they were separated, the less he would think about her. He’d been wrong.

  With everything he did, he wondered if Megan would like it. No woman had ever remained with him like she had. He’d been miserable without her.

  After a swift kick in the ass from his sister-in-law, he finally decided he couldn’t live his life without Megan. He only hoped he wouldn’t be too late. That she hadn’t fallen out of love with him.

  As she walked by he grabbed her and pulled her close to him. He looked in her eyes. “I love you, Megan Rogers, a.k.a. Laura Sykes.” He took her mouth in a slow, sensual kiss. A fiery storm drove itself to his groin.

  Her arms made their way around his neck, and he tightened his hold on her. He lifted his head. “I missed you,” he whispered, brushing butterfly kisses on her face. “I missed you, my little dove.”

  “AJ. Why are you here?”

  “Later,” he rasped and then claimed her mouth again in a deep, hard, demanding kiss. He lifted his head, attempting to catch his breath. He had to have her.

  “Where’s the bedroom?”

  She pushed him away. “Are you kidding me? You let me go, AJ. Let me go! How can you walk in here like nothing happened?”

  Kate warned him he would need to grovel. “I love you. I never should have let you go.”

  Megan raised her eyebrows at him, her eyes brightened. “You love me?”

  “Yes. I was stupid. I thought you’d be better off without me. I didn’t realize the mistake I made. I can’t live without you, my little dove.”

  “Upstairs.” Her breathless voice notched up his desire.

  He led her up the stairs. In her bedroom, he pulled her tight against him. He needed her now. He struggled with the zipper at the back of her green sundress. Of course, her pulling his shirt over his head and running her hands on his chest didn’t help. Plus, his hands shook. She was back in his arms.

  He finally pulled the zipper down, and her dres
s fell.

  He caught the flicker of amusement in her eyes after he’d looked up from her stomach, his eyes wide.

  “You can’t hurt the baby.”

  He gulped. A father. He will be a father. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. We’re fine.”

  “You’re so beautiful.” He dropped to his knees and kissed her stomach. “Thank you.”

  Her hands played in his hair. “I should be thanking you. You left me something to always remember you.”

  He hugged her and laid his head on her belly, chuckling.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I guess we won’t need the box of condoms I bought on the way here.”

  * * * * *

  Megan’s head lie on his chest, her hand playing with the sprinkling of curls. The woman knew she set goose bumps on him and tortured him with it. He’d take that any day over not having her.

  He ran his fingers through her silky hair. “Megan. Paul is dead. Word is Wilkes had him killed for failing on his escape.”


  “In fact, all of the Magic Shop bosses are dead one way or another.” AJ wouldn’t go into the details of their deaths. How dealers they’d let rot in jail turned on them. How Carl had committed suicide. How gruesome Marcus’s death had been. Both convicts and people he’d blackmailed had a hand in it. Or so the rumor goes.

  She looked up at him and drew her brows together. “What does that mean?”

  “It means you are no longer needed to testify. You won’t have to face them again.”

  Pushing herself to a sitting position, she turned to him. “Does that mean I can go back to my old life?”

  “Don’t you like your new life?”

  She frowned. “It doesn’t have you.”

  That was the answer he’d hoped to hear since he’d decided to chase after her. “If it had me, would you want to stay?”

  She bit on her lower lip. “What are you saying?”

  He sat up beside her. “I thought living with my wife might be the right thing to do.”

  “Your wife?” She looked down. “Are you doing this because of the baby?”

  “Megan, I decided I wanted to marry you before I knew about the baby. I gave up everything to be with you, if you’ll have me.” He slid off the bed on one knee. He hadn’t expected to propose to her naked or with her pregnant.


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