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Battle Mage Bonds (Tales of Alus Book 13)

Page 22

by Donald Wigboldy

  Shaylene looked introspective at the example and said, "I think that I have heard of her as well. She is only in her first year and already an apprentice. She also fought in the battles on Litsarin, even though she was basically a novice."

  He nodded and glanced ahead of them. Snow covered the rising ground as they walked uphill heading towards the south gate. Ashleen knew the entries to the city well, even if a large part of her life had been spent learning magic in other cities. Her master Deiclonus could have probably taught the girl magic in Interus, but he had a feeling that her family wanted to distance the wilder from their name to a point.

  It probably didn't look good to have a wilder in the family of one of the most prominent men in Kardor.

  "Katya is considered a prodigy. She's also probably too brave for her own good."

  "She is a prodigy like you then, though you started as a battle mage?" the girl questioned exchanging a glance with Xander who could only shrug. It was likely that the cadet barely knew of Katya between his time on the wall and hers away on Litsarin, Sebastian guessed as he caught the exchange.

  Laughing at her assessment, the owl shook his head, "I don't think that I qualify as a prodigy. I didn't start off or take to other magic as early as Katya has. Maybe you could call me a late bloomer?"

  His friends laughed at the idea.

  Elzen clarified for the apprentice, "Bas has always understood mage magic, but didn't push the envelope until later. Now as a swordsman, he might be considered a prodigy. Of course, he spent more time practicing than anyone I know, so maybe that doesn't count either."

  Looking a bit confused, Xander asked, "So if you weren't considered unusual as a cadet, what made you change, or grow maybe is the better word?"

  Sebastian glanced back to the stone wall getting steadily closer, the mage considered his newest student's question. Hard to answer, the owl mused, "I just started seeing wizards using their magic and felt confined by standard mage spells, I guess. A healer and I got along really well on my first trip to Windmeer. Watching her, and her sharing of her magic with me, I started to feel other types of magic as being possible.

  "There were air wizards willing to share also in that group..."

  Shaking his head, Elzen contradicted him saying, "It was before that, Bas. You started using battle mage spells in weird new ways too.

  "You turned one of those fallen gargoyles to stone and pushed Falconi Martina beyond most falcons too using different tactics from anyone before you also."

  It seemed so long ago that Sebastian had forgotten the incident that had probably been the true start on his road to becoming the owl. "Well, whichever part truly started it, I began late in my time as a cadet."

  "Now you are teaching cadets and wizards new magic that makes them look like evolved wizards," Serrena said making Sebastian glance at her questioningly. Trying to explain she added, "All of these new spells: light, darkness magic, rune magic, healing and so on, have been passed on to apprentices and cadets making them more powerful than classes taught only a few years before. Magnus and I learned to cast like battle mages changing how wizards look at magic also.

  "Without your new spells and teaching us to cast differently, I doubt that the Dark One would be dead. We couldn't even get inside that stone mountain before you learned how to cast portals."

  Feeling a bit embarrassed by the praise, Sebastian cleared his throat and reiterated, "Anyway, no matter how you look at it, Katya has started off much quicker than I did."

  Ashleen folded her arms and asked, "Didn't she start learning her spells like a battle mage after watching you in the tournament?"

  Sighing, Sebastian tried to change the subject as he ignored her question, "So what is the plan here? Do we just walk into the city and go straight to your home?"

  A castle rose from the center. Like the king's castle in Hala, it seemed quite distant from the outer wall; but unlike Southwall's capitol, there seemed to be far fewer tall buildings surrounding the center of the city.

  Suddenly realizing that they had never actually discussed it, Ashleen appeared uncertain for a moment. "I suppose that is about it. We should be able to enter the family wings to speak with my mother at least, even if my father is busy running the city.

  "It is winter though, so he might not have as much to do right now, I guess."

  Elzen suddenly laughed. "Are you afraid of meeting her parents, Bas? It isn't bad enough that you have to meet your girlfriend's parents, but they run half of Kardor besides. No pressure there."

  Smiles from the others didn't help the owl feel any better about the idea. He had tried to keep his nervousness at bay by thinking of this visit as bringing his unifying magic to Kardor. Like his visits to Sileoth's king, he tried to think like an ambassador of his king, but he wasn't sleeping with King Qeyless' daughter either.

  Luckily as they reached the main gate, he had other things to deal with for a time. Ashleen helped get them past the guards. Though the city was considered a defensive one, the war hadn't been near Interus' doors for a hundred years. The guards had their questions, but the city dealt with merchants coming and going through the gates year round.

  With the cold, the streets were relatively quiet though the afternoon had warmed slightly. Even warmer, snow and ice remained unchanging where it clung to the buildings of Interus. The hardy people of Kardor, like those of northern Southwall, did their business outside hurriedly before returning to the warmth of their homes. Being used to the cold didn't mean that anyone wanted to risk prolonged exposure and frostbite.

  Moving through the quiet streets, the group were surprised when a mounted party came hurrying towards them. They moved to the side noticing wizards and soldiers alike making up the score or more riding along intensely.

  The mounted men and women had barely passed their group making Sebastian and the others step back into the street to continue their walk when the cadence of their hooves changed. Uncertain clacking from hooves on the stone pavers made the mage turn to look, even as a chill ran up his spine. He wasn't afraid exactly, but his instincts told him that they hadn't stopped by chance.

  Turning to pass through the center of the riders, an older wizard holding a familiar looking device looked at the group from Southwall with a frown. "Halt! Who are you people? You show residue of those who have passed through a portal. You will submit to us and explain your presence from a cell very quickly trespassers!"

  Ashleen looked at the wizard even as the rest of their group appeared uncertain how to react to this latest threat. Portal magic was considered a menace by Kardor as much as Southwall had once viewed the Dark One's spells. Since humans and elves were in his army also, it wasn't surprising that there would be a low tolerance for anyone who could use the magic.

  "Kelton, is that you?" the girl suddenly asked.

  The man's stern face suddenly looked confused. "How do you...?"

  "Kelton, it's me, Ashleen," she replied placing her hands against her upper chest. "I've come from Southwall, not Ensolus. It's ok."

  Shaking his head, the wizard had to look at the girl in front him a moment longer before realization crossed his face. "Sparky, is that really you?"

  Making a face of distaste, Ashleen answered, "You know how I hated that nickname."

  A sudden laugh from the man nearly broke the tension, but the remainder of his squad looked a lot less relaxed. "I barely recognize you now. You were a gawky little girl completely out of control. Lightning sparked and struck anyone that got too close to you until... what was that wizard's name who took you in?"

  Darkness crossed the girl's eyes and hurt, but she said evenly, "Master Deiclonus helped me control it for the most part." Holding up her right hand, Ashleen let sparks of electricity play between her bared fingers. Her glove held in the left, the girl felt the cold intensely. Her face had told her of the cold for a long time already, but her suddenly exposed fingers only remained warmer as she continued to let the electricity remain around her hand.

  Noting the group around her, he frowned and asked, "Well, your companions are much younger than that wizard. Perhaps you can explain why you read like someone who has passed through a portal, mistress?"

  The man's addressing of Ashleen sounded formal, even if he still seemed to withhold his trust.

  "Southwall has deciphered the Dark One's portal magic, Kelton. We've come to bring it to Kardor to help you defend against whatever the dark cities might bring in the future, even if the Dark One is dead."

  Her words brought confused discussion among those facing the girl and her companions. Kelton shook his head and questioned, "What? What are you saying?"

  "A combined force of Sileoth, Maris, Mar'kal, and Staron led by Southwall fought the Dark One. The army sent into Ensolus through these portals went straight to the heart of his city and fought their emperor and killed him.

  "Now we are here to include Kardor in this new magic, since our countries are allies. This is Sebastian, an... ambassador for King Alain. He is one of those capable of using portal magic. He and I were there when the Dark One was killed also."

  "Kelton, can we trust her?" one of the other wizards asked. The man didn't seem to know Ashleen and his apparent leader had yet to explain.

  "This is Duke Cerrus' youngest daughter, Blake. I am not sure how she is here, but it appears that she has brought her father gifts," the elder wizard answered though he still looked and sounded confused.

  "Do you want to continue to the new tear, sir? Maybe there are others that came through as well?" the wizard known as Blake followed up his question.

  Consulting the magic compass in his hands, the lead wizard shook his head. "The compass shows quite clearly the fading gate and the rest of the resonating magic is right here. I guess that you should follow up. Take Tasley with you and two soldiers as guards. Seal the gate...," he looked at Ashleen and asked, "unless that would be a problem for you, mistress."

  The question was a loaded one, Sebastian thought. The wizard was certain of her identity, though he was still uncertain if she had brought friends or foes. Since magic wasn't the only way that could cloud a mind and even turn a friend into a foe, it was a logical worry to be had, he supposed.

  Lifting a lodestone into view, Sebastian tossed it to Kelton when he was certain that the wizard was ready. "We used this to lock onto to open the gate. Seal it if you want. We don't need it to get back and deleting one doorway won't stop us from leaving, when we're ready."

  Though he tried to say it without appearing to threaten the other wizards' control, the mage noticed a few frowns. Kelton's eyes glowed for a moment as he read the young man standing beside Ashleen. A small frown touched his lips and eyes before he replied, "You act like you can create a tear at will, yet I can see that your power is... insignificant. Shouldn't Lady Ashleen be the one to decide what is possible with these gates? Maybe one of the other women could state the same with their power, but you... you don't seem like you could possibly use such obviously draining magic."

  "Door," the mage ordered making a small window in easy reach. The exit opened near the wizard who didn't have a chance to react before Sebastian reached through the golden glow to strike the man in the arm. While the blow wasn't overly hard, it was forceful enough to make the wizard shift in his saddle. A yelp of surprise escaped his lips causing him to turn even redder than the cold touching his skin could explain.

  Ashleen gave the mage a stern look before she said to the offended wizard, "Sebastian's power is deceptive. You know that some wizards hide their true power. It keeps others from realizing it until it is too late and then they suffer for underestimating their foe.

  "Of course, I am not saying that he is your foe, but I am just reminding you that not everyone reveals their true power."

  Recovering quickly, since the blow had been more of a show than a true attack, Kelton worried less over Ashleen's words than the one Sebastian had used. "He used a single word of common? That would make me believe that this is one of their battle mages. I have heard that they have many and use a crude version of magic."

  "Is there a question for me?" the owl asked listening to the man's comments. While the wizard seemed to have worked out his origins, Kelton was more respectful after his display and Ashleen's warning.

  "What are you?" the wizard asked simply though the question was open to a broad interpretation.

  Noting the cold, even though Sebastian maintained an air shield expanded enough that even the Kardorian wizards must have noticed the shift, though maybe they didn't realize the spell came from him; the mage suggested, "Maybe we should continue this as we walk. The cold isn't going away and we're likely heading where you planned to lead us anyway. It would be better if we could talk somewhere warmer than the street."

  Realizing the fact already spoken, the wizard eventually nodded. The four from his squad determined to confirm that there were no other visitors turned to the south and the already closed gate; while Sebastian and his team walked in front of the mounted force as they worked their way to the castle of Ashleen's father.

  Chapter 17- Homecoming

  As they entered the castle, the tension in the air never lessened. In fact, the number of soldiers increased as Kelton and his team walked them through a corridor lined with armored guards. When they passed by each pair standing across from each other, they joined a quickly building column of men unwilling to trust the seven wizards and mages.

  When they walked into a large meeting hall the soldiers spread out along the walls. The viewing areas above the main floor were populated with more men with crossbows watching their advance until a man dressed fancily stood before them to greet the group.

  Ashleen spoke first, however, as she shook her head at him saying disappointedly, "Welfern, isn't this a bit much? There are only seven of us and you know me besides."

  Smiling a weak smile, the graying man nodded to the girl. "I am sorry, mistress, but when you come under such circumstances we have to be careful. It wouldn't be unlike the Dark One to use deception to weaken one of our cities or forts. It has happened before where we welcomed a friend or never even questioned someone's return only to discover that they were sent as spies or saboteurs."

  Folding her arms in annoyance, Ashleen began to tap her foot impatiently. "And are we going to see my father anytime soon then? We can explain why we used a portal to get here. It is quite simple. Well, it's a short story at least or can be."

  Elzen mumbled sarcastically, "I am beginning to think that they don't trust us."

  An elbow from Serrena beside him made the younger mage remain quiet beyond that one comment.

  The older man before them appeared genuinely regretful as he replied, "I am not certain when, or if, the duke will arrive. Wizard Kelton gave warning to a tear or gate opening between Interus and Tetellus. Then the soldier he sent back said that you were with the intruders from the gate."

  "These are wizards and mages from Southwall," Ashleen said gesturing with her hands to the friends around her. "Yes, we used portal magic to get here, but it would be hard to get here otherwise or in as short of time as we managed it."

  Footsteps could be heard after a door had opened while the girl was speaking. A younger man than the chamberlain in front of them entered the room and he spoke apparently overhearing her final statement, "You sent word over nine months ago that you were sailing on a mission before coming home. Then just before winter, we received another message that said you would be detained for awhile in Southwall.

  "For this quick trip, it certainly took long enough, Sparky."

  Her foot stopped tapping and a frown crossed her face. "I sent word from Hala, not Ensolus, Ferland. I also told you that Deiclonus was killed on that mission, but I had found someone else to learn from in Southwall for a time at least."

  Mimicking her displeasure, the young man with light brown hair and green eyes, but with similar features to Ashleen beyond coloring, retorted, "A messenger can be sent from anywhere. This... 'portal magic' as K
elton calls it, isn't magic that our allies use. It is the magic of the Dark One's warlocks."

  "It was," she refuted immediately. "Sebastian and High Wizard Darius stole it from them. We've used it to fight them even in their capitol city!"

  "Ah now, see that would be another warning flag for us, Sparky. Who in their right mind would risk going to the Dark One's city voluntarily? Warlocks have magic that can warp a mind. It is hard to trust even a sister when she says that she had been to the evil lord's city, Sparky."

  "Stop calling me Sparky!" the girl snapped and set her hands before her. Lightning formed between the fingers on her opposing hands crackling with power. "I can do a lot worse than give you a little shock, Ferland. Keep pushing me and..."

  Sebastian reached over and placed his left hand on her right forearm forcing it down. His runes glowed as her lightning didn't cease immediately and struck the mage. She released her magic and stared at him looking confused.

  "You're not helping, Ashleen," he said quietly before turning his attention on the man in front of him. "We are here from Southwall as representatives from King Alain, as well as friends of Ashleen. She wanted to see her father again since it has been over a year since she returned home.

  "What would convince you that we are from where we say we are?"

  Ashleen suggested, "Maybe we could take him to Hala and then to a bank to verify father's mark there. I have used enough of his money that they know me well."

  The last was said as if the girl wanted to annoy her brother again.

  Elzen spoke up before anyone else as he shook his head. "Has he even been to Hala? Would he know the city or maybe Raven Hurst? Even then, he might just say that you could have planted the marker. You had one with you when you left to access the account after all."

  Frowning at the mage a moment, Ashleen realized that he was likely correct.

  Ferland chuckled. "Even your companions don't seem to believe you. How do you expect me to believe, Spar..., I mean Ashleen?" he amended remembering his sister's display and threat.


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