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Battle Mage Bonds (Tales of Alus Book 13)

Page 24

by Donald Wigboldy

  "That was the first time Sebastian saved us actually."

  The girl shook her head and smiled as she added, "We went to Hala and participated in the Winter's Edge tournament. I entered as a full wizard and did quite well. Out of hundreds of wizards, I finished in the top eight and was the highest ranked wizard from Kardor."

  "We heard of the silly competition put on by King Alain," the duke said waving off the matter in disdain. "With our enemy still at the door, the man had to try and show off to the world."

  "It wasn't a silly competition, father," Ashleen stated coldly. The duke noted the more familiar term as much as the rest of the room. "King Vardal sent other wizards to participate as well. Would you tell him that bringing together hundreds of wizards from around the world was a waste of time? Countries from Taltan and Ch'thal as well as across North came in a union of representatives that I don't think Kardor could hope to gather together. That is a powerful thing and I don't think King Alain did it just to show off Southwall's power. Likely he met with as many of the countries visiting as he could and made an opening for more allies as well."

  Waving off his daughter's anger, the duke replied, "Fine, it was a poor choice of words. Now, though I am glad to see you, what exactly brings you and these people here? I doubt that it was just to bring you home. It isn't like you brought your luggage along after all."

  "Ashleen has seemed homesick for awhile," Sebastian answered quickly, "and it was in my power to get her here, even in winter. Being able to share portal magic with Kardor is important also, and perhaps bringing the message that we have fought and killed the Dark One might make King Vardal more pleased."

  Ferland spoke up shaking his head at the last part. "You are serious? You believe that the Dark One, of anyone you could choose, is dead?"

  "I was there when it happened as was Ashleen," the mage stated calmly. "While he was killed thanks to help from our allies, I doubt that we have heard the last from those serving him. Removing the head of the snake might serve to confuse them, but eventually someone or more than one leader will rise up to lead his empire. Without him, his cities might break apart from one another making it easier to deal with each one individually. Some might even choose to work with us peacefully, though few believe that is likely."

  Duke Cerrus still look perplexed by the idea and he questioned, "How could anyone get close enough to try and kill the Dark One let alone find a way to do so?"

  "You know that we have portal magic," Sebastian replied with a shrug. "They made enough mistakes that we were able to use their magic against them and slip into their capitol to strike them even though it was winter."

  "Sebastian is being humble, daddy," Ashleen said letting her less formal word for her father slip into her speech. "While it is a long story, it was Sebastian who found a way into Ensolus and from there into the Dark One's castle. He has discovered other magic and figured out how to use our enemy's magic against them to the point that it was possible to finally kill their emperor."

  The duke looked at Sebastian in appraisal and confessed, "Though I know very little about magic; if you are a battle mage, aren't you supposed to be weak in power? How is it that a mere mage is supposedly the undoing of the most legendary fiend in our history?"

  "He is called the owl," Ashleen said as if the title would make sense to her family listening to the story. "He is the first battle mage to adapt so many spells for their corps since Hurst. Some say that he is greater than the raven because he has discovered spells and magic that other wizards didn't even know."

  The duchess spoke up, "You seem rather impressed with the young man that is for sure, Ashleen. What kind of relationship do you two have that this unique mage would choose to just bring you home in a way that you say is unique to him as well?"

  "Aren't wizards supposed to remain chaste?" the young woman who remained seated injected with a smirk. "If I didn't know better, I would think that Ashleen took him for a boyfriend, though even ladies aren't supposed to let themselves get tied down to someone who isn't betrothed to them. I also wouldn't think her bold enough to defy the wizards by doing something like that," Tremara said inferring that her younger sister was anything but pure.

  Sebastian glanced to the wilder, who was red with embarrassment. He didn't see those behind him suddenly looking uncertain of what should be said of their relationship. Serrena and Elzen obviously knew the depths of it, even more than those newer to their group.

  He and Ashleen stood close enough that the hairs on his hand began to lift with the static caused by her emotions starting electricity along her skin. To his surprise, the wilder reach over taking his hand. A shock as their skin touched didn't even cause the mage to flinch. He was used to Ashleen's control shifting with her emotions and not just when she was uneasy.

  "You can make fun of me if you want, Tremara; but it doesn't matter what you think of my relationship with Sebastian. I'm a wizard, but I will do what I think is right and not listen to others that just want to make stupid rules for someone else's life when they have no right to do so.

  "I am lucky that he loves me and was nice enough to bring me this far; but if you are just going to be rude perhaps we will have to leave," Ashleen said managing to control her voice, but Sebastian could feel the electricity flowing into him betraying some of that brazenness.

  Her father's face changed slightly and his attention to Sebastian wasn't nearly as polite. "Well, you are a wizard. It isn't like we could marry you off as a political arrangement, though I wouldn't have necessarily pushed for that anyway. Still, there are things that are proper and those that are not, young lady. I won't have you doing something that disparages our house either, no matter what you believe is right as you say."

  Elzen whispered behind him, "Maybe you'll want to make another portal, Bas. This isn't looking too good."

  He doubted that the younger mage was even joking this time. Elzen had been a practical joker as a youth and his instincts told him when to run.

  "She is a grown woman, even if she is still young," Sebastian began. "While I agree that there are rules to follow, not everything a lord or lady might want..."

  He was cut off by the duke as he raised his hand and interrupted, "At this point, I hardly know you, boy. Don't start citing what rules you think can be bent and what can't because you aren't a lord. This conversation should be between Ashleen and us.

  "Your opinion is..."

  Ashleen's electricity continued to increase even though she felt comfort from Sebastian's touch. She interrupted her father finishing his thought, "His opinion is just as important as yours, daddy. Sebastian is already a great man and will likely be remembered in Southwall's history, if not in other countries also. He might have started as a battle mage, but he is so much more.

  "I saw that even before he dared join a wizard's tournament and nearly won. I didn't throw myself at him because of his magic though. I fell in love with him practically from the moment we met."

  Turning red with anger, her parents were not happy with her choice of words. Duke Cerrus exclaimed, "You threw yourself at him! You were raised to be a lady, Ashleen. How could you debase yourself like that?"

  Her mother stepped forward placing her hand on her husband's shoulder as if her touch could calm the man. He looked ready to throttle Sebastian, though the mage wondered if the expression of anger would be limited to him.

  "So what are you two planning to do then? They say relationships in the army are transitory at best. Sebastian serves Southwall. Will you renounce your home for this man and join him there following him from one post to another from now on, Ashleen?" the duchess asked sounding like such an idea would be a great disappointment to her.

  It was a question that they hadn't addressed and it had likely worried Ashleen as well. Such a thought lessened her anger and the electricity seemed to disappear almost instantly. Sounding meeker, the girl replied, "We haven't decided anything yet, but I would go wherever he goes; if that is needed."

Before more could be said, the door behind him opened. They turned to see a taller man who was more muscular looking than Ferland, but the resemblance to her brother told them the story of the last missing sibling.

  "Our wizards and soldiers have returned father. Nothing else seems to have followed your visitors through the gate," he stated before realizing that all the eyes in the room were on him. "What? Did I miss something?"

  Ferland covered his face with a slap as he shook his head at his younger brother's timing. Elzen couldn't help shaking as he held in his laughter with his hand.

  Ashleen gestured to the tallest of her family and said, "This is Daerdan, my other brother. Daerdan, this is my boyfriend, Sebastian."

  While Daerdan's disruption was temporary, the worst of the heat left the room at least. Still Sebastian could tell that what remained to be said was likely something that included him and her family. Not wanting to put the others through what was likely to remain an awkward discussion, the mage opened a gate to White Hall in the room.

  As Elzen moved to the gate, he asked, "Are you sure that you don't want me or Serrena to stay for support?"

  "This isn't your fight. We'll meet you in White Hall later. If you want something to do, keep working with Xander and Shaylene on their spells."

  The younger mage looked past him to where Ashleen was already passionately talking with her parents on the other side of the room. "Good luck, Bas."

  After the golden glow winked out of sight, he noticed the last to arrive watching the mage.

  Daerdan was both taller and heavier than his older brother. He was muscular and powerful looking. Where Ferland appeared to be a fencer type, Sebastian guessed that the younger brother was more of a brawler who might use heavier swords or maces.

  "How far did you send them?" Daerdan asked simply in a quest for knowledge. Unlike the rest of his family, the second son seemed more interested in magic even if he had none of his own.

  Moving to a small table, Sebastian produced his map from the oval on his forearm. He felt the noble's second question would be for the rune, but the mage unrolled the parchment pointing at the mark just outside of Interus. "We are here."

  Sliding his finger knowing that exact miles had never been measured by his people for such things, he stopped over the mark for White Hall. Both cities had their names written on the map also. He wondered if the map makers had been able to draw the land exactly, though magic was likely part of how it had been created so the mage guessed that it was close.

  "This is White Hall over here." Moving his finger to Hala where the map displayed the water of North Sea, the mage added, "Ashleen and I have been staying in an inn in Hala, so after we pick up our friends we'll return there for the night.

  "I have promised others that I will return to Kardor and bring this magic to Velius. I will probably start from Fort Delial tomorrow, unless I am needed here again."

  Daerdan glanced over to the rest of his family and the young lord shook his head, "Well, that could be for different reasons. I don't know what all was said, but the duke is not happy with you."

  "You call your father 'duke'?"

  "When he's like this, yes," Daerdan answered with a chuckle. "When we were children, everyone called him daddy; but only Ashleen really does that anymore. They've always had a different kind of relationship from the rest of us, even Tremara. Maybe it is because she is the baby of the family. She almost wasn't though."

  "Almost wasn't the baby of the family?" Sebastian asked trying to ascertain his meaning.

  Nodding, the slightly larger man replied, "Our mother had a couple miscarriages even before Ferland was born. She had one more after Ashleen that actually required the wizard healers to save her. It went further along than just a couple months, I think. I was still young enough that I can't recall everything, just that everyone was worried over mother."

  Ferland saw the two speaking and walked over to join them. "So you and Ashleen...," he started uncertain of what needed to be said in the situation. "You two aren't married, but I almost feel like I am supposed to congratulate you as a brother-in-law," Ferland said with a chuckle and extended his hand.

  Sebastian felt the older man try to squeeze his hand hard. It was enough to make the runes glimmer slightly, though neither lord appeared to notice. "Ashleen was hard to resist once she decided that we should be in a relationship," the mage replied ignoring Ferland's attempt to exert dominance in his grip. "She only told a little of what has happened to us over the last year since we met. I was actually in a relationship with a different wizard back then, but it didn't work out."

  Ferland nodded and the mage thought that he saw sweat starting to bead on the man's forehead. He had yet to release his grip and a vein in his neck was more noticeable than before. Ferland's face was beginning to redden a bit as well if one was being observant.

  "Ashleen caused you to break up?" he asked through teeth that were held tightly together as the lord continued to try and squeeze harder.

  Shaking his head, Sebastian answered, "No, she might have contributed to it a little, but technically she wasn't trying to win me over back then."

  Daerdan frowned looking a bit confused. "So you knew Ashleen for quite awhile and never thought of her like that?"

  Letting out a small laugh, the mage was forced to shake his head slightly again. "Well, I can't say that exactly. Ashleen is a beautiful woman and... sexy, I guess you could say."

  Remembering that he was speaking with her brothers and doubted that they would want to see her as he did being that close as family, the young man amended, "Maybe I should say that she is attractive and good at making men look her way, even when she isn't trying."

  He looked Ferland in the face. The older man was definitely sweating, though his grip was beginning to lessen in strength as the lord began to comprehend that he wasn't winning this challenge. "You can stop trying to break my hand. You never had a chance. One of the types of magic I discovered in the last year is a type of protection magic that doesn't even require magic to use."

  Releasing his hand, Ferland shook his head and complained, "Nothing?"

  Shifting his magic, the runes appeared like blue ink. Though the mage mainly had the defensive runes on his left hand, those for strength amplification ran along both arms. His hand had more of the defense runes running to the oval on his forearm in case a sword might be aimed to severe his hand and weapon with a single lucky blow. "I've never tested the limit of them, but the runes offer strength and protection from harm. I doubt even a troll could do too much if I focused my energy there."

  Chuckling at his brother's expense, Daerdan said, "He's a battle mage, Ferland, even I know better than to test a man's sword hand. You can't break mine either, so you're lucky he didn't try to squeeze back."

  Sebastian pointed at a sheathed long knife on Daerdan's right hip. His sword was on the left to be drawn crossways making it easier for his right hand. The smaller blade could be drawn with either hand and the man pulled the weapon with his right passing it to the battle mage.

  Pushing his magic into the protection runes, Sebastian gripped the metal blade in his hand. Tightening his grip, he offered it to Ferland who frowned.

  "Go ahead," the mage said. "Squeeze as hard as you want or use two hands."

  "Are you insane?" Ferland questioned.

  Daerdan laughed and reached out to grasp the hand. "He's using magic. If he loses his fingers, then it is his own fault."

  The bigger lord squeezed and even used his other hand, but no matter how hard he pushed, no blood started from a wound. Sebastian let him squeeze and finally drew the knife from his still closed hand. Such a move would have cut off a man's fingers and left a deep cut in the palm; but opening his hand again, the mage revealed no other marks than the glowing runes. He took no harm even as a crease in the skin.

  "Impressive," Daerdan nodded taking back his knife and sheathing it. "This is new magic, you said?'

  "New to us," Sebastian clarified. He couldn'
t reveal everything about the Grimnal's people. Merfolk were still a myth and no one needed to know the truth. They would become hunted by those seeking rare creatures, though they were actually people changed through magic and not completely natural. It wouldn't matter to those kinds of greedy men, so he and those with him had sworn to never say a thing about their secret. "Runes have been known for as long as magic has been around, I think; but Southwall never used them in this way or knew that it could be done.

  "I didn't discover it exactly, but I learned much about it and know dozens of runes now."

  He could have shared that men without magic could make use of the runes as well, but sharing portal magic was already pushing what he had a feeling his nation would allow. While it was his discovery and magic to do with as he would, even sharing with their allies so soon was too much for now.

  Daerdan looked thoughtful before he said, "Ashleen says your title is owl. I have some knowledge of Southwall's mages, but falcon and raven are the only true bird designations. When was owl made a rank of mage?"

  "With me," Sebastian admitted. "It started off as one of the nicknames I acquired. Raven Leros decided that I was something more than a falcon, but couldn't make me a falcondi at my age, I guess. I think that more owls will be added for those that can heal at least."

  "You can heal too?"

  He nodded. "That was one of the first things I learned after I left White Hall. It's come in handy a lot and helped inspire other kinds of magic, though almost no one understands the others yet. Of course if it was all easy, I guess that there would be more owls... or none."

  The last was said with a self deprecating smile.

  Ferland glanced over at Ashleen still arguing with her parents on the other side of the room, "So she has you as her master too? Ashleen has learned these spells that you have discovered or created?"

  "She jokingly calls herself my apprentice. It was mainly when we had to wait for the rest of my team to return to Hala after being stranded in the silver void last summer. She wanted to be close by, even though I was still technically in a relationship with the other wizard."


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