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Battle Mage Bonds (Tales of Alus Book 13)

Page 29

by Donald Wigboldy

  "You saw that?" he questioned realizing that his friend must have caught the wizard being drawn by her partner into the hall beyond the doors.

  A grin crossed his face and the young mage retorted, "She was barely even trying to hide it. Of course, the way she was acting this afternoon made it pretty easy to see that Haylee liked him."

  Ashleen shook her head and said, "Don't make a big deal about it. If they want us to know it, I am sure something will be said by them, Elzen."

  Raising his hands as if to show he had no weapons, Elzen answered, "I can keep a secret, but it will spread around the school pretty quickly if they aren't more discreet. I'm sure that we aren't the only ones who noticed."

  The mage looked for the junior members of their current team and added, "I don't think Shaylene or Xander saw them though. They've been trying to stay out of Haylee's line of sight as much as possible."

  Sighing, Sebastian said, "We should go."

  Three sets of eyes looked to him judging the comment, he thought. Sebastian could read Ashleen's mind. Her eyes told him that he was changing the subject again. "It's not so late here, but it will feel like a couple hours later in Hala. All these changes of time from jump to jump have already begun to throw off my ability to wake up, though going to sleep has been easier since the days have all been long by the time we've been going to bed."

  "Maybe you're getting old, Bas," Elzen joked, but he felt Ashleen tense slightly.

  Darius had warned him not to abuse the power of the earth, but no one knew what the rune wells might do to a mage or wizard using them for destruction. The mage rarely caused destruction or killed anyway, but the concern of premature aging of his body was enough of a thought to make her worry even so.

  "Well since I am still supposed to be recovering from my wounds, maybe we can chalk it up to that. Besides wind walking takes a lot of energy also. I've been doing it faster than normal, so that is bound to be a factor.

  "Anyway old age or just being tired, I think it is time to call it a night."

  Though the younger mage has teased him, Elzen was the one who yawned shortly after as they went to let Xander and Shaylene know. The youngest couple of their group was close to the hallway leading to the gate courtyard, which was part of the reason they had likely not seen Haylee on the other side of the room. They didn't want to interrupt whatever was going on with the last two, so a quick jump through to his gate in the upstairs room in the Black Smith Inn brought them to the place he considered home now.

  It was quiet in the inn. The musicians had already left as they walked downstairs. Being the middle of the week, less of the regular patrons were willing to stay late. Since this was also an inn and people used it for sleep, Hilda made sure that the bar cleared out early enough that most visitors wouldn't complain about the noise.

  Even though it was getting late, her oldest son sat behind the counter just in case anyone had any problems. He also likely would serve as a bouncer if anyone returned drunk. Since the room was already empty, Sebastian guessed that it must be reasonably late. He had no idea what hour for certain though.

  "Oh, Sebastian, mom was hoping you would show up." He lifted a handful of sealed envelopes. "They've come by messenger since early this morning. Someone must want your attention, since they know we will give you your messages and they don't have to keep sending more messengers."

  Elzen and Serrena had gone to their room. After returning from White Hall's hospital and starting the journey to Interus, the two had finally returned to the room they had shared off and on for months. Only Ashleen had followed him downstairs.

  The two moved to one of the tables where he placed all but the one marked with the earliest time on it on the table. Using his finger, the mage tore open the seal to pull out a small message. "They want me to come to the castle for a meeting," he said with a sigh.

  To his surprise, each successive note said little more, but he noticed that they came from different men. Two were from ravens. Another came from the white wizard, Culmore. The last came from Falconi Ralto and it was the most blunt as it told him to come to the ravens' meeting room immediately rather than 'as soon as possible' as the others had requested.

  "I guess you will likely need to discuss bringing portal magic to Kardor after all," Ashleen replied with a pout. "I can't imagine it would be about anything than to find out how you have been spending your time."

  Shaking his head, Sebastian countered, "There is nothing from the king or his generals. Even the white wizards request that I come to the castle, though not to the raven's tower.

  "Maybe something new has happened in reference to New Harbor. They said that they would take care of it now. I'm not supposed to try going there until I am recovered, if even then."

  Giving him a sigh similar to the one he had just released earlier, Ashleen said, "I hope they aren't about to end your recovery time because we have been leaving every day. Maybe they have guessed that you've recovered about as much as you ever will."

  A little twinge from where he had been stabbed surfaced now and again, but the owl would say that he was well enough for almost anything now.

  "Well, I guess King Vardal will have to wait a little bit, if they delay me more than I expect."

  Uncertain of their tomorrow, the two returned to their room for some rest; though a little time was spent having fun before they slept.

  Chapter 22- Escaping the Cage

  Sebastian walked through the cold looking towards the outer wall surrounding the dark stone of Grimnal Castle. Home to the king and many of the offices of King Alain's most important officers and lords, it was the center of Southwall's decision making for politics, military and magic. Feeling all of that made the mage take a deep breath before approaching the guards at the gate.

  "Owl Sebastian," the gate guard greeted the young man who was already well known at the castle. "You will need to wait for an escort to the ravens' meeting room, but come in where it is a little warmer."

  Even after becoming a regular visitor to the castle, there were protocols like this which were used to maintain the security of the king and those who lived within his castle. Sebastian knew his next words would bring greater scrutiny, but he had been thinking of his next move ever since reading the several summons from the men running the mage corps.

  "I actually need an audience with the king before I go to see the ravens. It is a matter of national security," he stated wanting to wince at the drama in those words. It seemed like too much, but what he planned to do in Kardor did come under the blanket of such things.

  The guards looked skeptical; but before anyone could react, one of the king's many assistants walked into the guard tower saying, "Owl Sebastian, the king is expecting you. Follow me."

  He had seen the man before, usually in the background though the mage couldn't dredge up his name. Perhaps he had never heard it, but Sebastian didn't have the memory of a wizard so it was just as likely that he had forgotten someone that he had little contact with over the last few months in Hala.

  Following the man, a chamberlain perhaps; Sebastian asked, "The king is expecting me? I only decided to come to him last night."

  "I can't answer why he expects you, if that is what you are trying to ask. I was merely told to go to the front gate tower and check if you had arrived. If you were there and asked for the king's audience, I was told to bring you to the king," the man answered with just a glance to the mage. Unlike most people associated with magic in the city, this servant of the king was apparently not overwhelmed by his reputation as a mage. He was polite enough, but there were no questions in his eyes as to what new spell or reason might bring the owl to see the ravens or king.

  While the mage wanted to know more, it was obvious that he would only find answers with the one who had sent this servant. The king knew that he would be here. Had he known that an order from his ravens and falconi would bring the mage today? It wasn't like anyone could know that he would arrive so early or even if he would come
at all. Sebastian could have ignored the messages, even with the tone of some telling him to come as soon as possible, and arrived later. He was on medical leave after all and hadn't been cleared for work; though walking to a meeting was likely not something that the healers would deem strenuous.

  The pressure he felt inside might dispute the level of strain, the mage thought as he followed the man through the halls of the castle.

  Entering a room through a single door, Sebastian knew that this wasn't the king's main audience hall. Such a hall would have at least a double door for a lord to make a grand entrance. A single door meant that this was more private and intimate; a place a mere battle mage would likely never see to visit the king of all people.

  Looking forward as he entered the room, Sebastian spotted the king beside a table pouring from a silver pitcher. A silver cover sat on a plate beside the king with a few empty plates and cups on either side. At a guess, Sebastian would say that he was interrupting the king's breakfast.

  The door opening brought the king's eyes up for a quick glance, though his attention returned to the cup in his hand as if the arrival of the mage was a common enough thing in his mind.

  "Good morning, Sebastian. Don't mind me if I don't use your title, I keep forgetting what bird they have assigned you. It seems like it changes almost every time that we meet," King Alain said with a slight smirk. Though Sebastian was only ranked as a falcon for many of those meetings, and a falcon meeting the king was likely quite rare among his peers, the king had always treated him like someone more important and even dear to him.

  Bowing as well as he could, though such gestures were less common among the mages, Sebastian returned the greeting, "Good morning, your majesty, I am sorry to bother you so early in the morning."

  Alain waved off the apology and replied, "You weren't even the first person I have met today. No need to apologize. It is part of being a king, I suppose. No rest for the weary, I believe they say. Being king, I can ignore early requests if I am tired though, so I suppose that I am not quite as weary as some," the king finished with a chuckle.

  Changing the subject, King Alain asked, "And what brings you to my breakfast this morning? Feel free to pour yourself a drink and take a pastry if you are hungry. I am afraid that I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so morning pastries are all that you will find under there for now."

  It was an odd offer, Sebastian thought. A king bothering to offer him breakfast and a drink like any other guest that might arrive on his doorstep, what had his life become? "I ate before I came here. Thank you anyway, sire."

  Alain lifted the cover and took a flaky looking pastry stuffed with jelly. White frosting drizzled over it in a simple back and forth pattern made the food look more elegant. It wasn't something that the mage had typically seen growing up. As a farmer's son, eggs and vegetables were more likely to be the staple for their table. Meat like bacon or ham might be found on special occasions, but his mother didn't make sweets for breakfast. Going to White Hall opened up his menu a bit, but the school fed children. Healthy meals to feed mage bodies and fuel wizard minds were more important. Sweets could be found for the evening meal every night, if they wanted; but even for lunch it was rather rare.

  A small smile crossed Alain's face as he glanced to the mage before sitting down. A table beside an elegant chair with wood arms held the king's cup on a saucer before Alain took a bite from the pastry. "Mmm, you are missing out. These are fresh from the kitchen, but if you have already eaten, then it is best that you don't make yourself sick just to be polite."

  Seeming comfortable in spite of the reason for meeting, King Alain's eyes searched the mage questioningly. "Well? You came here to speak to me for a reason. What made you come to me when there are ravens above you here? We have more than one right now besides as they have yet to come to a decision on whom will serve me here."

  The last statement made Sebastian ask something off topic. "Couldn't you just decide that for them? You are the king, so having the right men immediately beneath you here would seem like something that you would prefer to decide."

  Waving off the thought with one hand while the other held the pastry cut to nearly half, Alain replied, "I let the mages and wizards pick their desired leaders. If I find that I can't work with them over time or simply dislike them, I can always force them to change; though I have never overruled their decisions so far though my father did a couple times.

  "It is important to have men that you can work with, women too if that was the decision," he added with a smile. "You haven't answered my question though and this is my third time asking, Sebastian."

  Admonished for procrastinating, the mage nodded and answered quickly, "I was wounded recently trying to enter New Harbor through the magic gates..."

  "I had heard," the king nodded.

  "Anyway, the healers made me rest; but using most of my spells doesn't risk my health so I have been using my magic making new gates... in Kardor. They are about the only close ally that we aren't connect to in that way, but before I offer to give them that magic I thought that I should make certain that it is something your majesty would approve.

  "It might be my spells, but I have made sure to use magic stones for the connection that don't tie to anything we use so far."

  The king's eyes remained surprisingly unconcerned and he replied, "Though I suppose keeping your gate magic limited to Southwall and those we choose might be preferred, I think it unrealistic. It isn't like we have to fear that the Dark One's warlocks will steal the magic, since you stole it from them in the first place.

  "High Wizard Darius also essentially shared what he discovered with us, which makes it even less ours to guard, doesn't it?"

  Sebastian nodded though the question seemed rhetorical. Alain continued, "Have you gone to Velius to speak with King Vardal yet? It would be his decision to make if he even wants this kind of magic in his kingdom, though I would think that he would. Still this kind of magic has its dangers as well, from what I have been told."

  "Yes, your majesty that is why I came up with the secured gates. Even if New Harbor decided to send men through one of our gates, they wouldn't be able to escape before our guards could deal with them. The same would go for the Dark One's warlocks... though I suppose we should call them something else now that he is gone."

  "So is that the only reason that you are here? If it is, then I approve of the decision to include our ally. I will send you with a message that I would love to visit with my friend and ally any time that he wishes as well."

  Looking at the floor in indecision a moment, Sebastian returned his gaze to the blond haired king. The man had a light beard as well, though Alain tended to be clean shaven when it was warmer. Rumors were that Queen Alyanna disliked the beard, though most would say that he appeared regal enough and perhaps appeared slightly older because of it. Since he was just thirty years old, dealing with others might lend weight to anything he said if he appeared a little older and wiser.

  Letting such irrelevant thoughts go, the mage decided to discuss the other reason that he wanted to speak with the king. "I know that you tend to let the mages govern themselves, like their decision to pick the raven for Hala; but I wanted to ask if there was a different way that I could serve the kingdom. Being the owl has been fine, but I find that working as a mere battle mage is too confining."

  This raised the king's eyebrows questioningly. "From what I hear, you don't seem to be that confined by their rules. You go to other cities using portal magic regularly and apparently rarely use the wizards' gate that you secured. You've dabbled in magic and spells without authorization too. Asking for forgiveness after the fact essentially, Raven Leros has kept me up to date on everything that you have told him.

  "This foray into Kardor would seem to be another decision that is solely yours, Sebastian. Why do you need to have this new concession?"

  "Raven Leros and I had a good relationship and he gave me some leniency, of course. Unfortunately, the elder raven is go
ing to retire. I have met the candidates and some might be as agreeable, but the likely successor to Leros I doubt will see things the same way."

  "If they simply go by age, then Raven Daleyr will be chosen," King Alain stated as he set the empty dish on the table beside him. He took the cup in hand as he continued, "Daleyr has a solid reputation as a leader, though all things said he is considered quite stern and decisive in his thinking.

  "Raven Kracis from Falcon's Keep, you know would be the next oldest and has an equally solid reputation. He has perhaps a little more combat glory, but the two are fairly equal in that regard.

  "Raven Stallis would be next in age, but the recent events that have happened in Windmeer might tarnish his reputation a bit. The castle was invaded twice, by the same man, the one they call the Betrayer."

  "I am quite familiar with Palose and what he has done," Sebastian answered with a nod. The mage would dispute that Stallis should be blamed for magic that they only recently decoded for Southwall. "On the other hand, some might say that Raven Stallis managed to hold the city and even contained the damage to the castle. He was also the one that helped Darius discover the magic behind the Dark One's gates since they held the new gates in check until the high wizard could use them to make the new spell."

  King Alain lowered the cup from his lips and said, "Some might argue that you were one of the reasons that Windmeer held as well. A mere falcon, you helped save the army north of the wall so that it could return to reinforce a losing cause. Only receiving the reinforcements, which Stallis sent north of the wall in the first place, helped stop the Dark One from taking Windmeer and possibly moving out into the rest of Southwall.

  "Also Darius might have beaten you to the punch, but you discovered how to use portal magic about the same time without having an assassination attempt to give you those portals."

  Uncertain if he should argue with his king, Sebastian added, "To be honest, Palose was behind all of those problems. His new ability to use this magic led him to New Harbor where I fought him. We don't know what all he was up to there, though he likely brought the men that have sown the seeds of rebellion in that city that we are dealing with now.


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