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Remembering Earth Mission

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by Sharon Riegie Maynard

  Remembering Earth Mission

  From The Ancient Ones: Keepers of Galactic Secrets

  Sharon Riegie Maynard

  Copyright 2018 by Lemon Tree Press

  and Sharon Riegie Maynard

  Seattle, WA

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the publisher or author. Exception are brief quotations embedded in critical articles and reviews. The author is available for questions and clarifications. For additional information, please contact, subject: copyright questions

  Historic Table



  Crippling the Sons

  35,000 years ago Homo Sapiens


  Before Time

  The Plan

  600,000 years ago -Neanderthals


  50,000 years ago -Cro-Magnon

  CHAPTER 1: To Awake the Mission - 35,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens

  CHAPTER 2: Parasitic Outsiders Made Visible


  The Signal: 50,000 years ago -Cro-Magnon

  CHAPTER 4: Preparing for Birthing - 35,000 years ago

  CHAPTER 5: Crippling the Sons

  The Encounter - 50,000 years ago -Cro-Magnon

  CHAPTER 6: Current Day

  CHAPTER 7: Undercurrents

  CHAPTER 8: We Need You There

  CHAPTER 9: The Past Made Real

  CHAPTER 10: I’ll Be There for You

  CHAPTER 11: The Message in the Pain

  CHAPTER 12: Out of the Shadows

  CHAPTER 13: The Mission Unfolds

  OUTSIDER DOMINATION - 50,000 years ago -Cro-Magnon

  CHAPTER 14: Making Changes

  CHAPTER 15: Building a Life

  CHAPTER 16: Synergy

  CHAPTER 17: I Am Ready

  CHAPTER 18: Power in the Unseen

  CHAPTER 19: The Journey Begins

  CHAPTER 20: Gaia Calls

  The Fall - 50,000 years ago -Cro-Magnon

  CHAPTER 21: Greater Capacity to Heal


  For my children, my treasures and most wonderful teachers: Elizabeth, Teresa, Jennifer, Michelle, Aondrea, Diana, Donald, Carolyn, and David. And Noel, Keith, Matt, Josh. And my grandchildren who have revealed the joy of life: Sara, Alex, Alyssa, Anais, and Lief.

  My most sincere thanks to Connie, who saw the mission of this book and made its initial publication possible.

  Gratitude to my many students over the years, who caused questions to emerge. Though that quest, my unfoldment occurred which made this publication necessary.

  I dedicate the trilogy to come to those who have lost so much in the patterns of global greed and violence. I speak of those, lost in the World Trade Center and to the families who are forced into refugee camps. From those martyred for their stand to those gunned down in public places. Those living as victims of the most depraved are showing the rest of humanity that the seeds still exist among us, within our energy fields. May we remember that we are all One with a common intent to take back our planet and lives.

  And much appreciation for those who stepped up to be my beta-readers. What great ideas you all had! Your input has made this story richer than it was before your read.

  "A bird does not sing because it has an answer, It sings because it has a song."

  Maya Angelou


  Before birth, many of us accepted a mission to return knowledge of Divine Identity and Earth Mission. My gift for this task? Telepathy; the ability to hear teachers beyond Earth with clarity. At first, I used their guidance to raise my children. After a time I realized my childhood beliefs were limited. I wanted more, and it was to these teachers I turned.

  After years of deep Spiritual conversations, I asked a question that turned my life on its head. "Where can I go to learn the cause of Humanity's ongoing pain and remove it?" The answer, “That information is not on the planet. If that is what you want, we will have to teach you."

  For over twenty years, Spiritual teachers took me to unseen worlds and into long-buried situations. The purpose? To identify the beginning seed that prevented peace and to remove it. I got far more.

  We live forward and understand backward. I was given one small piece of information at a time. Many concepts were contrary to what was being taught, and some made no sense. Like Pam in this book, I found that applying the concepts proved their value.

  Reading this book, you will be exposed to ideas through timelines piece by piece, like I was. Some may make no sense until you are further in the book. Be patient. One idea at a time is how I am directed to share with you.

  In my work as a Mystic Healer, I have the assistance of incredible Spiritual guides and teams. All intentions are to assist individuals to identify and remove the cause of their fear, and sabotage. We do what we do to restore individuals to their Soul's Harmonics and Earth to her Divine Mission.

  Crippling the Sons

  35,000 years ago Homo Sapiens

  Driva stormed into the nursery. His velvet robes spread out behind him like the wings of an enormous bird. The click of his heavy boots shook the room. He bellowed and those in the women's quarters trembled and cowered.

  Three-year-old Behra's eyes flew open in fright. He cowered behind his mother's skirt. As his mother tried to stand guard, Driva slapped her face and pushed her aside. Swooped up in his father's large, rough, hands, Behra hung in mid-air. Hearing the cries of his mother begging to hold him, Behra was frozen, not daring to breathe. As quickly as throwing off a piece of clothing, Driva dropped Behra into the arms of his manservant.

  “Gather his clothes, his bedding, “ boomed his father. “He will be staying with the men from now on. Get him away from these soft, weak women!”

  Behra watched in terror and confusion as his mother pleaded and wept. The servants scurried to gather his things and quickly tie them into bundles. Driva bellowed, commanded, and stomped. His father's actions shook the walls of Behra's heart.


  Before Time

  Earth whirled; a blue-green sphere in the spectrum of space, a planet that was central to a plan created from desperation.

  In a space before time and form, before Earth, greed and desperation, a land of movement, colors, creativity existed. Beings of great intelligence called this space, Home. There were no boundaries, no voice of "should," "fear," or "not enough." Harmonics were of all good. It was only as the intelligent beings of the collective, aware of more possibilities, set out to explore that they encountered the others, the Outsiders. At first the Collective family of Good embraced the others who postured in commonality. One by one, these soul families recognized that Outsiders were concealing their true agenda and devices of attachment. Taken by surprise and ill-prepared for the controlling agendas of the Outsiders, the family of Good became unbalanced by their presence. Domination and control allowed all types of exploitation. Eventually, the Outsiders invaded more families of intelligence and Good and became more threatening and violent. These parasitic forces were taking over, sucking the life from every family member. In the worlds before Earth, the Divine families of Good took many actions. However, the space, energy, and creativity of the Family of Good continued to slip away. Unless more was done, the Original Family would die.

  Another plan, a plan of desperation, was formed. Members of the Collective Families met in secret to discuss possibilities. This Council knew a new home was needed, a new world that would have the components for removing the Parasitic Outsiders. Several criteria had to be in place: unseen harmonics would have to become solid to identify
that which had hidden. Knowing that agendas of controlling power swirled in their midst was the first step. Although individuals would face the hardened forms of evil forms of domination, that knowledge was necessary. For an individual to act quickly, the plan included independent agency. Waiting for group consensus would allow Parasitic Outsiders to slip away. As one family member became aware, a command for the removal of the deceptive, life-threatening forces could be given. The possibility of breaking free restored a glimmer of hope to the Collective families.

  Millions of intelligent beings, a portion of the entire family's number, thrilled at the opportunity to lift the family, had volunteered to participate in the Earth mission. The first assignment was to make the planet inhabitable; the second was to create systems to assure a thriving culture for the new home and mission force. Once those two assignments were in place, the primary element would be activated. This element would be the voice of authority that could remove and break free of the evil of the Parasitic Outsiders.

  The Plan

  600,000 years ago -Neanderthals

  Energy swirled as songs, dances, and prayers broadcast codes of the vision, a plan for a new home, a home that could set the Divine Families free. Through the mists, just as the Law decreed, a beautiful new planet came forth. The planning council watched, held the vision, and made adjustment until it was declared that the world was ready to sustain life.

  Once the planet was stabilized, those who had been chosen for this momentous mission, a portion of the Divine Families, were sent to the planet. Those Original member's high-frequency Soul bodies would slip into physical suits; vehicles prepared for this planet. Two separate types of bodysuits, eventually named Male and Female, were vital for the successful removal of the Outsiders. Each suit held the evolutionary codes reflecting the assignments of that body as well as the evolutionary way back to home. In addition, circuitries for off-planet communication systems were programmed in the blueprint of each bodysuit.

  The dream of glorious creations became real soon after the planet's manifestation. The Original mission force, the Ancient Ones, explored the surface of their new home, made contact with the Earth’s stored resources and brought forth abundant food, lush gardens, fragrant flowers, diverse animal life. Systems for stability and thriving were designed. The plan was moving along very well.

  But, shortly after initiation of the element of the mission stage which identified the Outsiders, one slip occurred. A misstep and the Parasitics discovered the plan that was afoot. The Outsiders immediately accessed the Male bodysuit, re-engineered the circuitry. And like a virus introduced into an electrical circuitry of a present-day computer; their re-engineering crashed the evolutionary path. Then they rerouted the bodysuit's communication pathways to the Outsider's command center. This action crippled that glorious bodysuit. This crippling allowed partial control which satisfied the Outsiders for a time. However, after using the Male suit to damage the Female suit, eventually, they replaced the entire original suits blueprints with others that supported survival, control through sexual appetites, and extensive birthing. All of these changes increased subjugation, dulled the senses and created great fear within the Mission Force. Their energy fields became heavier, cycled in limits the Outsider's set and memory of their original purpose faded. In the place of the Mission's cultures of thriving for the entire web of life, false systems of domination emerged. The great hope of the Divine families dimmed in the shadows of survival. There was only a vague memory of what had been possible.


  50,000 years ago -Cro-Magnon

  The Judeo-Christian myth of The Garden is a slice of the Ancient One's story. Although forgotten, their experiences are a critical part of our energetic history.

  Eve wandered down the sandy path toward the home she shared with Adam. Eve smiled as she watched her songs add color to the garden and observed as her dance called to birds flying through the trees. Amazing adventure.

  She had spent the day with an Ancient teacher who had approached her shortly after sunrise. “Come,” the Ancient teacher had invited, “We need you now.” Eve’s heart sang with the opportunity. She had not conceived sensations of joy this mission afforded.

  Very carefully, her teacher had reminded her of the composition of the energy fields around the planet. In her initial task of calling forth resources and beauty from the Earth Mother to create systems to sustain beneficial growth, Eve had put aside the fact that the Outsiders energies had been carried in with them. To the side was the truth that parasitic actions of Outsiders had begun to pollute this one. If these Outsiders remained hidden, their dominating agendas would usurp the grandeur and creativity of the Ancient Ones here.

  Because of today’s visit, Eve remembered the necessity of a physical world and the Female mission of authority. With unique abilities to discern the quality of vibrational harmonics coupled with the power to command, a Soul in a Female bodysuit, was critical. The law of manifestation would cause all energy imprint vibrations to broadcast and cause forms to appear. Manifestations included those of the destructive Parasitic Outsiders. This law made the hidden danger visible. That was just as the Council had planned. And, being seen would be moot if there were no voice of authority to remove the Outsiders and their toxic taint. Eve's soul sang with the assignment.


  To Awake the Mission - 35,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens

  Many home, villages, and cities had sprung up around the planet since the first Souls of the Divine Families of Good had incarnated into physical bodysuits. After the misstep of the Fall, Outsiders had extended and strengthened their domination. At first, the Ancient Ones of the mission were in couples, then in small groups at various places on the planet. Eventually, more gathered and larger groups formed. Couples became communities, became villages and then cities. Tyree was one such city.

  The city’s instability had brought governmental policies into question. Passionate crowds had roamed their streets during the past week. Citizens with their wide range of opinions clashed and fought. Mobs ruled the outlying districts with no thought of compassion or penance. Contrary to an average day, this afternoon was remaining moderately calm. The Rycur, the policing authorities of the city government, filled the area surrounding the Council Hall. The Greater Council had met to debate and decide possible solutions. Riots and demonstrations were expected, therefore a show of Rycur force.

  During early mission times after the Fall, there had been recurring cycles of imbalance. Within families, villages, towns, and cities periods of stable growth were followed by significant eruptions into conflict, fear, and anger. The explosions demolished much of what had been built. Each chaotic situation created energy ripples. Those energy waves caused a vulnerability that affected everyone including any off-planet societies in proximity to the Earth. Many solutions were in place to minimize the impact. The current group sent to help was a Consortium of Galactic family members. Extending from their off-planet homes, they came, in Light bodies, as a temporary force. They hoped to reach out, inspire and awaken the original mission members to their Divine Harmonic and Purpose.

  Myra was a member of this Consortium outreach group. In a bodysuit substantial enough to move her Soul in Earth's dense environment, she stood behind the grandiose columns of the great Tyrean Council Hall. Her partner, Tuma, wrapped his arm around her waist. In all of Earth's history, there had not been a more momentous time and this day was the pinnacle. She regarded the scene before her. Every particle of her Light body was alert as Myra stood silently sipping her beverage. Myra had often participated in balancing the energy fields emanating from the Earth. The agenda of the Consortium outreach was different. As guests from the region of the Seventh World, they could walk lightly among humanity, remind them of their Divinity and Original plan and could not vote or require changes.

  Today Dana, a spokesperson for the Consortium group, had proposed to the Council that they be allowed to extend their visit. The outreach group
was prepared to stay longer to begin teaching the citizens of Tyree. Those who had a vested interest in the domination agendas of the Parasitic Outsiders were outraged, inciting conflicts, and riots.

  Suddenly shouts, followed by loud, sharp clashes, came from the street a stone’s throw from the Court area. A small group at the edge of the Court’s garden hurled stones toward the crowd and then hurried into a small enclosure of trees.

  Myra moved closer to Tuma as they watched the police converge on the crowd with clubs and swords. The convergence forced the demonstrators to move to other locations or to break up and retreat. The protesting citizens fled into the alleyways.

  Emotions had even erupted amongst the Council during the discussions and anxiety filled the air of the Council grounds. Myra reacted to the disruptive energies, the whispered tones, animated gestures and solemn, angry faces by moving closer to Tuma. She closed her eyes and worked silently with their teams in the unseen worlds to transform the heaviness.

  Unlike the Tyrean’s desensitized bodies, the vibrations of the Light bodies on the mission were keen. They felt the subtlest energy disruption. The essence of their Divine home flowed through each of them. It carried information within the field of One, a sense of love that kept them connected and stable. With the uninterrupted flow between those on the mission, what one experienced, all experienced. What enriched one was enriching to all and created a strong sense of Oneness. Myra knew that it was critical to the team that each member clear any hint of the dense, negative energy quickly. Otherwise, Earth's energy density would cover the team's subtle vibrational breath and endanger them as it had the Earth's. Because of the artificial systems of the Earth cultures, the energy flow from Home had long ago become limited and disjointed. This disruption, as well as the intentional broadcastings from the Outsiders, were reasons for the recurring imbalance of the original mission force.


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