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The Rock Star Next Door, A Modern Fairytale

Page 11

by Lily Silver

  He could take her right now, like this, hidden beneath the pier, lost in the frantic sway of sunset, rolling waves and brusque winds, lost in the lush appeal of immortal beauty clutching him tight against her with all four limbs.

  As if reading his thoughts, she gazed determinedly into his eyes and arched her hips against him, making Lex groan as his cock nearly exploded beneath the tight sheath of denim. He closed his eyes, blocking out that sweet face as he searched for his center of calm. He hadn’t shot his gun into his pants since he was in middle school. He wouldn’t do it now. Christ, this woman was half angel and half siren. If she started singing like the mermaids in that pirate movie he’d be a doomed man; his soul would be enslaved to her for eternity.

  Hell, perhaps he was already doomed.

  Lex lowered his lips to her lush, full breasts. He kissed the pale flesh that had been lovingly sheltered from the harsh rays of the California sun. His hand pulled the strap from her shoulder and the bra cup sagged slightly, giving him access to the perk pink jewel hidden beneath the fabric. It was hard, already aroused from their fluid kisses or by the heady mix of wine, sun and surf. He took the pink bud into his mouth, rolling it with his tongue, nibbling lightly with his teeth.

  Jessie moaned with pleasure and his already taut, heavy cock surged tighter beneath her seductive thrall.

  Distant laughter and the high pitched voices of youth startled his senses and brought him back to himself. He raised his head from her tits and turned to survey their surroundings and locate the intruders. A gaggle of young lads were climbing down from the platform, their backs to him and Jessie as they struggled to maneuver beneath the guard railings and step carefully down the embankment. Their struggle, more pronounced then his had been due to their shortened legs, told him they couldn’t be more than twelve or thirteen, and yet to realize the heady growth spurt of burgeoning manhood. He released Jessie, letting her legs slide down the outside of his thighs until she stood against the pier. He smoothed her bra over her exposed breast and took her hand, quickly leading her to where he’d left his shirt. She followed him playfully, as carefree as a filly released from the paddock in early spring. Either she didn’t realize they were no longer alone or she didn’t care.

  Lex dropped her hand and sprinted up to where his shirt and his shoes rested on the rock. He snatched them up and returned to Jessie’s side. She stood giggling at him, obviously more than a little drunk from wine and kisses. With quick movements, he pulled his T-shirt over her head and she quickly came to life, shrugging her arms into it as she eyed the approaching munchkins near the first pylons and the stairs leading to the pier above them. Her sly smile as her head emerged was almost worth the risk of being seen--or photographed--doing the nasty with her under the pier.

  The boys ran quickly toward the white caps, shedding their shoes and their outer clothing as they went. Apparently they thought they were alone, too.

  The shouts of youthful dares and jubilant triumph as they entered the water was carried away by the thundering roar of the sea and the steady winds. Lex drew Jessie close, wrapped his arm about her and led her up and around the discarded piles of baggy cargo shorts and tank tops to retrieve her shoes. He knew the brand, and he doubted she intended to surrender the expensive slingbacks to the rising waves or to the homeless who would no doubt scour the area come morning for lost items.

  “Sorry to ruin your fun, dude.” A long faced youth with an excessive explosion of freckles on his body mumbled as he raced past them in his tidy-whiteys, the last of the lost boys making for the sunlit waves. “Hey.” The kid stopped short and stared long and hard at Lex and Jessie. Lex endeavored to keep his face down and shielded it with a the classic Sherlock Holmes pose of elbow before his face to block the kid’s view of his profile. “Don’t I know you from somewhere?” The kid’s high pitched voice followed them as they hurried past him.

  “Naw, just a couple of tourists.” Lex shouted, pulling a giggling, drunk Jessie along behind him. Her feet were kicking up sand, and it was soon apparent she was struggling to keep up with him in her inebriated state. He turned, careful to keep his back to the kid as he lifted Jessie by the waist and flung her torso over his shoulder.

  “I’m from Wisconsin.” Jessie added with a slurred shout, raising her fist in triumph, as if her place of origin were a cause of celebration.

  “Hey . . . dudes.” The kid shouted, waving his arms to his comrades who were already frolicking in the sea. “Dudes, do you know who that is?”

  Lex immediately knew what was coming. He hurried to grab her shoes before the kids turned in hot pursuit of him. He didn’t want to be waylaid by the middle school brigade, not with a very drunk and very famous redhead hoisted over his bare shoulder.

  “. . . look, it’s Jessica Kelly from Heartless.”

  Lex stopped, almost insulted by the fact that they would recognize her first. Then he recalled her signature red hair, flying loose and free like a halo about her head in the setting sun. He turned about to face the kids with Jessie, who was happily waving at the adoring boys from his shoulder suddenly turned away from them toward the dock.

  “Who’s that with her?” One boy shouted back from the golden orange water, his black figure outlined in silhouette as he quit splashing to gaze up at them.

  The freckle spattered brat shrugged, “Some old dude, didn’t recognize him.”

  Jessie’s carefree giggles bubbled forth, bringing him back to the moment at hand, and the sudden need to get her into the car and out of the parking lot before her adoring fans recovered their clothing and gave hot pursuit. Sure enough, the little shits were all running from the sea and scurrying to gather up their scattered clothing.

  * * *

  “Oh, my God.” Jessie squealed as they entered his home. “That was so awesome. Did you see those boys? They were chasing us in their frigging underwear.”

  Yeah, it was a sight he’d never forget, half a dozen ‘tween-age’ boys pursuing his El Dorado as he drove for the parking lot exit, all clutching their cast off clothing in their hands, screaming Jessica’s name as they ran hell bent for leather after the girl of their dreams. It was funny, scary, and somewhat galling.

  “Who’s she with . . . I don’t know, some old dude.”

  Okay, old dude, let’s quit pouting, his inner adult chided. They were chasing after her but you had her in the car, and now you have her in your home and you’re going to take her to bed.

  Jessie was still giggling. And it was turning him hard, again. She had removed her jeans and was standing now in only his black T-shirt at the bar, having just rinsed the sand from her feet in the downstairs bathroom. Long, luxurious legs took up half of her body. Bare legs and his T-shirt barely covering the curve leading to her sweet ass. She stood with her back to him, raking her hand through her tangled hair, happy and giddy from the adulation.

  Well, that would get old, soon. He hoped. It had for him.

  One thing he knew would never get old; making love to this bewitching beauty.

  Lex moved to the bar, wrapped his arm about her waist, and hugged her against him. When she smiled up at him, he let his hand drop several inches until he was in firm possession of that tight, curvaceous piece of booty. “Shall we go upstairs?”

  His suggestion, and his gesture were met with an approving smile. “Let’s take a bath.” She answered. “The salt from the sea is so sticky on my legs.”

  “I have a hot tub.”

  “Who doesn’t?” She shrugged, giving him a deadpan look. “It’s Malibu.” With that, she giggled and leaned close to kiss him. “I don’t want to boil like a Maine lobster. I want a bubble bath. I’ve never done it in a bubble bath before. Have you?”

  Her hand cupped his ass. As she gazed sweetly at him after asking him to fuck her in a bubble bath, Lex knew he was doomed; those damned mermaids from the pirate movie were singing in his head.

  Chapter Twelve

  Slick, soapy heaven in a bath tub.

  It sounde
d like the title of women’s network television movie of the week.

  It could be the name of a hot new song, sort of like Meat Loaf’s Paradise by the Dashboard Light.

  Jessie hovered over Lex’s body, her thighs bracing his, her arms about his shoulders, every nerve in her body singing with pure, unrivaled pleasure. Damn, the man was good with his hands . . . stroking, sliding, and gliding smoothly over her secret places with languorous torment.

  She was moaning. Squeaking. Son-of-a-bitch. He was making her . . . sing.

  Jessie’s pleasure rose to a dizzying crescendo, as her patient lover strummed her taut body in just the right places, at just the right rhythm to make a grown woman shriek in ecstasy. She shuddered and whimpered as his fingers brought her expertly to release.

  She opened her eyes slowly. The world about her was blanketed in roses and soft light. Symphony music and the exhilarating scent of chocolate embraced her senses as she slowly returned to a rational plane of existence.

  The man before her was a god. Where did he learn to do that?

  Lex had the power to enslave her with a mere touch of his finger. She was panting a little, as if she’d jogged down the beach on her daily run. He was gazing up at her with a sly, sexy smile that made her insides melt a little more. As if it were possible to melt anymore beneath his staggering sensuality.

  The old saying came to her from somewhere in the recesses of her mind. A genius in bed? A God among men?

  Whoa, girl. Don’t. Reel your heart back in, as well as your soul.

  “So, my sweet.” Lex said in a slow, sort of lazy drawl, “Are you on the pill?”

  “Yeah.” She replied, a little confused and taken aback by his query. “Why?”

  He didn’t answer. He just smiled that scintillating, cat ate the canary kind of smile.

  Jessie blinked and gulped a little. “Oh.” She mumbled, glancing down to hide her inexperience in such matters. She must seem very inept to the man. And there, arching up from the white foam of the bubble bath was the unfinished business between them. The tip of his arousal rose proudly like an arrow pointing directly at her heart.

  She rolled her lips inward, feeling a little uncertain and very embarrassed by her simplicity in the bedroom. She hadn’t been with a guy sexually since high school. Eight years. That was a third of her life, a long time to be out of the game sexually.

  Lex shifted beneath her, adjusting himself so his rigid head was poised and pressed against her opening. “Are you comfortable like this, on top?”

  A nod was all she could manage. Jessie draped her arms over his shoulders, hugging him close and leaning her head down so she could kiss him. He reached up with one hand to cup her face, guiding her down to his lips and kissed her with passionate abandon. Jessie forgot her embarrassment as their kiss deepened. She forgot her inexperience, and just surrendered to his sensual kiss.

  With a quick, sure thrust, he was inside her. Jessie gasped and withdrew her lips from his. It was a shock; he was so big she felt as if she were being split in two for a second, and then her body relaxed around him. She moved with him, meeting his slow, erotic thrusts with her own. His hand snaked up to cradle the back of her head, directing her back to his lips for a compelling kiss. Jessie’s moans echoed in the large tiled chamber as they arched and writhed together in the frenzied quest to reach paradise.

  * * *

  The heavy metal guitar intro to Ozzy Osbourne’s Crazy Train echoed in Jessie’s brain. Her new cell was ringing from somewhere in the distance.

  She gasped and sat up in the bed with the sheets clutched about her naked body. The bedroom was dark as a tomb, and it was a strange bedroom at that. No Duncan lying at her feet, no soft glow of the security lights outside her window. No muted blare of Metallica coming from the bedroom down the hall to comfort her.

  There was no damn light at all in this place.

  “What is it?” A husky male voice whispered behind her, as that familiar hand caressed her bare back. Lex. He was lying next to her. The legendary Rock icon was lying beside Jessie wearing nothing but his skin. Oh, wouldn’t the tabloids love to steal a snapshot of this moment.

  “My cell is ringing. Damn it, where is it?” Jessie replied in a groggy haze. She groped about the nightstand for the light.

  The room suddenly was illuminated in a low, movie theater subdued glow. Lex had a remote in his hand, she noticed, glancing at her bedmate. She glanced at the windows, noting for the first time the dark, heavy panels that covered them. Remote panels to block out not only the bright Malibu sun, but also the rogue cameraman hoping to get a shot of Lex and his fictional fuck buddy of the week for the tabloids.

  Smart man, her rock legend. Very smart. He cranked the lightening up slowly, the better to let her wine marinated eyeballs adjust to the change.

  The Crazy Train serenade ended. Jessie stood and tugged at the sheets so she might pull the classic girl wrapped in the bed sheet ploy and thus not have to strut in front of him butt naked. Really, Jess, you had to roll with him and not put any clothing nearby with which to cover up with later? Well, they’d gone directly from the tub to the bed for a second coupling and then fallen asleep deliciously sated in each other’s arms.

  Her distracted mind caught upon a new problem as the sheets refused to budge from the bed. She yanked but they held firm in their resolve to ignore her attempt to flee the room with them swathed about her nekked form. Damn it.

  She turned to the bed, and found the reason she couldn’t move any further from it than a foot. Lex was holding the edge of the covers in his hand, his muscles flexed as he held her in place. Oh, the nerve of this man. Lying on his back in all his glory, one leg bent in a casual pose, he was holding her by the sheet so she couldn’t run down the stairs to retrieve her phone.

  “Going somewhere?” He smiled in that lazy, self-assured way he had. “I was just about to start round three.”

  “Yeah, my phone is ringing. Was. Jack is probably frantic.” Jessie informed him, realizing too late the truth of her words. “What time is it?” Her eyes darted about the room with panic. “Shit. I should have told him I was here.”

  “It’s two-thirty.” Lex released the sheets and Jessie nearly lost her balance with the release of tension she’d been bracing against. “And, if I’m not mistaken, I think he knows you’re here.”

  Jessie was about to argue the point when the heavy pounding on the front door reached her groggy ears. “Crap.” She mumbled and hurried into the bathroom. She closed the door and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

  “Whoa.” She stared at the woman with wild hair and very wide eyes, a woman who looked like her twin, but who also looked the part of a vixen or a pin-up girl in an old Playboy spread. Her lips were swollen and red. Hell, yes. Being kissed so thoroughly would do that to a girl, wouldn’t it? The black silk sheet, clutched provocatively about her breasts, just low enough to reveal all but her nipples added to the strange seductiveness of her startling image.

  A knock on the bathroom door brought her back to herself. Jessie opened it. Lex, now wearing a pair of jeans, handed her his bathrobe. “We have a visitor.” He explained.

  “Jack.” Jessie acknowledged. Lex nodded, and closed the door again. She dropped the sheet, slipped into his luxurious polished steel silk robe. She raked her fingers through her hair, and then snatched up a tortoise shell brush and began trying to tame her disheveled mane. The remnants of their earlier interlude lingered behind her in the mirror’s reflection; chocolate scented candles and a deep, warm rose hue on the walls surrounding the old claw foot Victorian bathtub. And speakers in the ceiling. Mozart, chocolate, and roses. Those were the images she remembered bracketing Lex’s lovemaking, the images she returned to from that wild precipice of sexual climax.

  Jessie whirled around and approached the tub. The lovely bathtub was raised up on a platform like a sacred altar, requiring her to step up twice to reach the bathing space and the stand beside it. The scent of roses lingered in the h
umid room. She checked the bottle of bubble bath; sure enough, it was rose scented.

  The guy sure knew how to set the scene for a seduction. She’d been drunk at the time. Jessie was sober now and she didn’t regret a moment of being in his arms.

  * * *

  “Why didn’t you call me?” Jack insisted, moments later, as Jessie entered the living room on the ground floor. “Damn it, I was worried, you can’t just not come home.”

  “Why not.” Jessie returned, annoyed that her brother would choose to go all medieval on her tonight and spoil the magic of the evening. “It’s what you do all the time, you, Darrell and Steve. What, I can’t have a life but you can?”

  Jack’s body relaxed at her taunt. “No, but you could call or text me. Let me know you’re spending the night here.”

  “Would you like a drink?” Lex asked her brother, appearing casual, matter of fact as he waited for her brother to answer. “Scotch on the rocks, Jack Daniels?”

  “No--don’t encourage his bad behavior.” Jessie replied for him, giving Lex a perturbed look. Damn, did he have to look so sexy wearing only those loose denim jeans and nothing else? The faded blue of his jeans brought out the pale blue of his eyes.

  “Yes, thank you. Jack Daniels, a double shot, straight up.”

  “Why are you here?” Jessie demanded, putting her hand on her hip. “Why are you spoiling this evening for me by intruding on my boyfriend’s home in the middle of the night like a caveman? Duh, I went out with Lex for dinner, we had a few drinks, walked along the pier and then came here. It’s not 1950 and I’m not Doris Day, so stick it.”

  Jack laughed. Lex handed him a double shot of the amber liquid and then sat down on the sofa between them as they stood at opposite ends of the room.

  She crossed her arms about her chest, attempting to puff herself out a little and display her anger so Jack wouldn’t pick up on the fact that neither she nor Lex were fully dressed. “I don’t come storming over to your date’s house in the middle of the night, demanding to know why you didn’t come home. Maybe I should.”


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