Book Read Free

The Gentle Dom

Page 14

by Sean Michael

  Rec moved with him so he wasn’t doing all the work, but he found himself eager to be an active participant. The swing was amazing, but this meant he was getting better.

  Sliding a hand beneath him, Rec squeezed his cockhead. “You’re thinking too hard.”

  “Am I?” How did Rec know?

  “Yeah. Just pay attention to your body—to the pleasure. Everything else is details and can be ignored until later.” A soft kiss landed on his spine, sending little tingles out across his back. The second one joined up with the pleasure in his ass.

  “Trying. I’m trying.” God, he was hard and full.

  “You’re doing great. Gonna both come so hard. Hold on for it. Better if we last.” Rec gasped out the words, clearly affected by what he was doing.

  “Uh… uh-huh. Hold on.” He could do that, hold on tight.

  “Oh fuck. Yes. Oh God, that’s good, B.” Rec moved faster, wrapping the fingers of one hand around his hip and holding on. Rec kept touching his cock and balls with his other hand, the touches light, not enough to send him over, but definitely enough to add to the pleasure coursing through him.

  “You can’t… I can’t hold on.” He clenched his toes, squeezed them tight.

  “S’okay. Me either.” Groaning, Rec leaned his head against Barclay’s back and wrapped his hand firmly around Barclay’s cock. “Let’s do it.”


  They started moving with purpose, slamming together over and over, the pleasure overwhelming.

  “You first! It’ll make me.” Rec squeezed his cock tighter, angle changing slightly so Rec’s thrusts got his gland full-on each and every time.

  That was an easy answer. Barclay took a deep breath, letting it out in a huff. Like that was a signal, his body let go, spunk shooting in several long pulses. The orgasm felt like it went on and on, each hit of Rec’s cock against his gland sending another wave of pleasure through him like echoes.

  Rec finally stopped thrusting, cock buried deep inside him as Rec panted against his back.

  “Wow.” He felt like he’d been put through a wringer. Not in a bad way, though. In this melted, sated, “I’ve had an amazing orgasm” way.

  “Uh-huh.” Rec was still panting. “Gimme a minute and I’ll come out.”

  “Wish you could stay.”

  “Can’t really with the condom.” Rec laid his cheek flat on Barclay’s back, nuzzling against him. “Or I would. That would be so awesome. Do it on our sides and just drift off all warm and snug inside your body….”

  “Yeah.” That sounded amazing. Perfect.

  Especially when a moment later, Rec groaned and pulled out, leaving him so empty. Damn.

  “We could get tested,” Rec suggested as he got rid of the condom and grabbed some tissue, gently dabbing at Barclay’s hole. “I’ve always used a condom, so I would be surprised if I was anything but negative.”

  “We could, but what if I’m not? Would you still want to… be with me?”

  Rec turned him over gently, pulling away the pillow at the same time, which handily dealt with the wet spot. Then Rec began sliding the tissue on his belly, cleaning him. It wasn’t until he was done that Rec rested next to him and looked him in the eye.

  “Yes, I would. We’d have to keep using a condom, but it’s not a deal breaker at all. It’s better that we know if you are HIV positive anyway, so you can take preventative measures and keep testing.” Rec kissed him softly. “Do you think you might be?”

  “No. Not really. I always used a rubber, but… I don’t know if I trust him.”

  “The guy who pushed you?”

  He nodded.

  Rec hugged him tight. “If you always used a rubber, you should be okay. But let’s get tested even if we don’t wind up going bareback. You need to know one way or the other. For your peace of mind.”

  “Yeah, I guess so. What can it hurt?” If he was positive, then he’d cope. He was good at coping, mostly.

  “It’s a little pinprick to take the blood. That’s the only pain.” Rec kissed him and tugged the covers up as he settled in close. “I know it’s the middle of the day, but I’m feeling all lazy and melted and good. Wanna nap?”

  “I do. Thank you for… everything.” Mostly for the deep, stunning ache in the pit of his belly.

  “Thank you, B. You make coming home a joy.” Rec pressed another kiss to his cheek, eyes closing. “I’ll make you something delicious for a late lunch after nappage.”

  “Mmm.” He was fine. Just fine. “Sleep.”

  “Yes, Boss.” Rec’s gentle laughter followed him into his dreams.

  Chapter Eight

  REC HELD the door from the gym open for Barclay, then strolled with him toward the Swiss Chalet. He was feeling great. They’d had an amazing workout—Barclay really pushing today without feeling utterly spent at the end of their hour. It was a beautiful day. The results of their tests were supposed to come in today, and he was feeling very good about their prospects on that. And he and B were headed for what he had started thinking of as “their” restaurant.

  He settled his hand on B’s shoulder—his alternative to holding hands while both of B’s were occupied.

  Barclay was barely using the chair at the apartment, and they’d started discussing moving the few special things B had. He wanted his place to be home for B, and having his things there would make them both feel like his condo was exactly that.

  His phone buzzed and he checked it eagerly, then shook his head. “Nope. Spam. We’ll hear soon, though. They said today.”

  “It’ll be okay, right?” Barclay looked back at him, grinned. “I mean, we’re good.”

  He smiled right back. “We’re good no matter what the results are, so yeah. It’ll be just fine.”

  They got to the restaurant at the same time as someone else, and Rec stopped to let him go in first. He put his hand back on B’s shoulder, narrowing his eyes as B’s face went white.

  “I….” Barclay rolled back, bumping into him. “I want to go.”

  “What’s the matter, B?” He pulled Barclay a little farther out of the way so they wouldn’t be even remotely in the path of the other guy at the door. The guy followed, though, and Rec’s frown got stronger when he realized Barclay was staring at the man. “What the fuck?”

  “I want pizza.” Barclay was pale as a sheet. “It smells bad in here.”

  “Aren’t you going to even say hi, baby?” the other guy asked, coming closer.

  Rec didn’t like the look of him and kept moving backward, pulling Barclay along with him. “Back off.” He was going to get between them as it occurred to him that this was the ex.

  “That’s not very polite. You don’t answer my emails; you don’t answer the door. You’re being a bit of a bitchy-poo.”

  Bitchy-poo? Really? This fucker was deranged.

  “Rec, it’s time to go.”

  “Yeah, I got that.” He swung Barclay’s chair around, nearly hitting another pedestrian. He gave them a curt nod and a quick “Sorry about that,” before throwing a warning back at the asshole. “Either of us ever see your face again and we’re calling the cops.” Then he headed back to the gym. It not only was closer than home and safe, but that way this guy wouldn’t see where they lived.

  It occurred to him that it might be too late on that front—who knew how long this guy had been following Barclay, but at least this way there was a chance they were keeping their address under wraps.

  It spoke to how upset Barclay was that he never so much as asked where they were going or complained about being pushed.

  Tide was just coming out as they got there, and he held the door for them. “Forget something?”

  “Yeah, something like that.” He wasn’t surprised when Tide followed them in; he felt like he’d worn that same frown himself when Barclay had first balked.

  He pushed Barclay in toward the front desk so they couldn’t be seen from the door, then crouched next to him as Tide stood close, arms crossed like the best bodygua
rd going in town. “Are you all right?”

  “I….” B stared at him, shaking his head.

  He put his hands on Barclay—one on his shoulder, the other on his leg. “It’s okay. He can’t get us in here.”

  “What’s going on?” Tide asked quietly.

  “Barclay’s asshole ex is outside. He’s the one who put B in the chair—pushed him off a rooftop—and now he’s stalking B.” It didn’t matter if this was the first time the guy had approached Barclay since the hospital; it was clear from what he’d said that he was a stalker.

  “Fuck that shit, I’m calling Union. He’s a member who just happens to be a cop.” Tide grabbed his phone and took a couple steps to the side.

  “I want to go home. This is… this is fucked up.” Barclay took a shaky breath. “You should stay here. I’ll head to my apartment and he’ll leave you alone.”

  “That’s very noble of you, B.” But it so wasn’t happening. “However, I’ve got a better plan. We’ll find out when this Union guy can come see us. If he can’t come soon, we can always go home and wait there. I’m even willing to go to your apartment if you think that’ll put him off our trail as far as where you really live goes. Hell, let’s just go upstairs and spend an hour in one of the back rooms finding our centers before we have to go back out there again.” Whatever they wound up doing, he was not leaving Barclay on his own. Not with that asshole in the wind. No fucking way.

  “That’s a good idea,” Tide agreed. “Head upstairs and chill. Union will be a bit, and you two can get a juice, relax.” Tide grinned at him, even though the expression didn’t reach Tide’s eyes.

  “Yeah, that’s a great idea. B needs something more substantial than just juice, though, after working out.” He’d never checked the vending machines that closely. He supposed a protein bar would do for now.

  “Go see if Jude’s brought anything in today. He often does. I’m going to go stand at the door.” This time Tide’s expression couldn’t be called anything but grim.

  Rec took Barclay up to the elevator, refusing to even hesitate. Upstairs was safer.

  He grabbed his phone as they went up and called the front desk. As luck would have it, Jude answered.

  “Hi Jude. It’s Rec, I’m upstairs with B. At the risk of being rude—would you happen to have anything we could munch on? Circumstances have us stuck here for a little bit, and B’s just finished a tough workout.”

  “Of course! There is a lovely baguette upstairs and cheese and turkey, and there’s a pasta salad and a fruit salad. Help yourself.”

  That sounded amazing. “Are you sure we’re not taking your food?”

  Jude laughed softly, the sound a touch self-deprecating. “I always bring in extras. Outside of my subspace, cooking is my happy place, and there’s always more than we can eat.”

  “Well, thank you very much. It all sounds delicious.”

  “Enjoy!” Jude hung up.

  Rec put his phone away and turned his attention to Barclay, who was just sitting there looking frozen. He crouched again so they could be at eye level. “Talk to me, B.”

  “I didn’t expect to see him. I haven’t seen a hint of him. Not since the hospital.” Barclay looked right through him. “I never thought—how stupid of me, to think he’d never show up again.” Barclay grabbed his hand, held on. “I probably overreacted, right?”

  Rec didn’t think Barclay had overreacted at all. It had been clear from his words that the ex was rather unhinged. And that he’d been watching Barclay, trying to keep in touch. “I think you did exactly the right thing. You didn’t engage, and you got away as quickly as you could.” He put his free hand on top of Barclay’s and used both to squeeze. “I know you’re probably scared, but we’re going to deal with this right away. The cops aren’t going to ignore you this time, I promise.” And if this Union couldn’t help, he’d go down to the precinct and find someone who could.

  “I’m not scared. I don’t think I’m scared. I’m… confused? I don’t know what he wants from me. He doesn’t like me.”

  Why on earth would someone not like his B?

  “I think he likes you too much, and in a bad, obsessive way. I also think he’s deranged, so trying to make sense of his behavior is only going to be an exercise in frustration.” He squeezed Barclay’s hand again. “Let’s get something to eat—Jude has left some wonderful stuff in the fridge. I bet you feel more settled after we eat.”

  He found the food, making up delicious sandwiches and adding pasta and fruit. God, this was better than any restaurant.

  “Look, babe. This looks amazing, doesn’t it? Do you want water, B? Apple juice?”

  “Water, I think. Thank you. God, I totally overreacted, didn’t I?”

  “No, absolutely not. That prick threw you off a roof.” The more Rec thought about it, the more he believed it. Maybe Barclay couldn’t remember it clearly, but that asshole had definitely meant Barclay harm. It had been written all over his crazy face.

  “You believe me.” It wasn’t a question. Not at all.

  “I do. I believed you anyway, but after seeing his face—” He shook his head. “—I don’t have any doubt.” He pushed Barclay’s chair up to the table so he wouldn’t have to transfer and sat next to him. “We’re going to have to figure out an appropriate way to say thank you to Jude.”

  “Sure. I can pay to replace the food if you want? Or get flowers?” Barclay’s hands were shaking violently, the water sloshing in its bottle. That calm facade was hiding a lot of fright.

  “I’m pretty sure Jude would be insulted if we paid for the food. We’ll figure something out.” He took the bottle out of Barclay’s hands and grabbed them with his own. Then he leaned their foreheads together. “I want you to close your eyes and breathe for me.”

  “Breathe?” Barclay sounded so confused.

  “Yeah, just breathe with me. We’re going to clear our heads a little, okay?” He closed his own eyes and took a deep breath in, nice and long and slow. Then he exhaled the same way before drawing in another breath.

  His boy took a few minutes to get with him, to catch up, but soon they were breathing with just the fewest hiccups along the way. He chanced a quick peek, pleased that Barclay had his eyes closed too.

  “Everything’s going to be okay,” he said quietly. “You’re not alone. You don’t have to deal with this by yourself.”

  “I’ve tried to be so cool,” B whispered. “Brave and shit.”

  “Hey, until the other day I didn’t even know you were pushed—that it wasn’t an accident. I’d say you’ve been brave and shit for over a year now. It’s time to share the burden and let me—and the community—help you, fight for you. We’ve got this. All together we’ve got this.” He hugged Barclay tight. He’d come really close to missing out on this, to losing Barclay before he’d even found him.

  “Together.” The word sounded a little like a prayer in B’s voice. “I’d like that, some help.”

  “You’ve got it. And not just me. Tide, Jude, Union. All the members here band together. You’ll be safe, and that fucker doesn’t know what’s about to hit him.” He kissed B hard. “You think you can manage some of this amazing food now?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I’m empty. Breakfast seems like a long time ago.”

  “Yeah, our granola was fine until that workout, huh?”

  Barclay actually grinned for him.

  He smiled right back and stole himself another kiss. Then he sat back and grabbed his sandwich. He watched Barclay, though—he wasn’t going to eat until Barclay did.

  Barclay lifted the sandwich and took a bite, chewing slowly, and by the next bite, Rec thought color was coming back to Barclay’s face. He took a deep breath of his own, relaxing a little, then dug into his own sandwich.

  It was delicious, as was the pasta salad. And, as usual, they both concentrated on eating rather than talking. Without consulting each other, they both ate the fruit salad last. It pleased him that they were so in tune in so many things.<
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  “Maybe a fruit basket would make a good thank you.”

  “Sure. I’ll order one. No problem.” Barclay passed him the pineapple. At his glance, B shrugged. “I know you love it.”

  “I do, thank you.” He grabbed the rest of his grapes and put them on Barclay’s plate. “Ditto.”

  “Thank you.” Barclay snapped up the grapes, then leaned back in his chair. “That was very good. Thank you.”

  “It was, wasn’t it? We did way better than we would have at the restaurant. You’re looking like you’re feeling better too.” Less like a frozen ghost and more like his B.

  “Yeah. I was startled, I guess.”

  “That’s hardly surprising—you hadn’t seen him in over a year.” He reached for Barclay’s hand and took it, holding on. “You want to move to the couches? They’ll be more comfortable, and we can talk to Union when he comes.”

  “Yeah.” Barclay surprised him by locking his brakes and standing on trembling legs. “Don’t let me fall.”

  “Never.” He slipped his arm around Barclay’s waist. That way he could catch Barclay immediately if necessary, but Barclay could choose how much to lean on him as they walked over to the comfy couches.

  Barclay only misstepped once and caught himself. Then they made it to the couches.

  Rec felt a little like cheering. Instead, he hugged Barclay tight and gave him a kiss. “That was amazing.” Especially given the last hour or so.

  “I’ve been practicing.” There was a look of pride on Barclay’s face.

  While he was a little annoyed that Barclay had been practicing walking when he was home by himself—which had to be when he was doing it—he was also thrilled that Barclay had gotten this far on his own. “I’m very impressed.” He totally was.

  “Thank you. I want to be better, healthy, whole.”

  “I know. You’re doing great too. I bet you’re back in the three months you originally quoted me that I didn’t think was possible.” He was very proud of Barclay’s tenaciousness.

  There was a noise from the other side of the room, and he was immediately on the alert. The noise turned out to be Tide with a large man Rec had seen around the gym a time or two, but whom he’d never interacted with before. This had to be Union.


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