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Hell's Cartel Page 55

by Diarmuid Jeffreys

  Four-Year Plan Office


  chemical industry and

  conscripted labor from

  Rhineland and

  Versailles Treaty and post–WW I period


  WW I and

  WW II and

  Franco, Francisco

  Francolor (Compagnie des Matières Colorantes et Produits Chimiques)

  Franco-Prussian War

  Frank, Hans

  Frankfurt am Main plant and headquarters

  Frankfurter Nachrichten (newspaper)

  Frankfurter Zeitung (newspaper)

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke

  Frauenblock (brothel)

  freedom of speech



  Fremdarbeiter (foreign laborers). See also labor, conscripted or foreign

  French, John

  French air force

  French army

  Frick, Wilhelm

  Fritsch, Werner von

  Froese, Herr

  From Works to Works (journal)

  Frossard, Joseph

  fuel, synthetic. See also oil and petrochemicals

  fuel additives

  Fulda manifesto

  Funk, Walter

  Fürstengrube mine

  Fürth DAG plant

  Gajewski, Fritz

  Gallus Vertrag

  Gapel plant

  Garvan, Francis

  gas chambers. See also Birkenau camp; Zyklon B

  Gattineau, Heinrich

  Gaus, Wilhelm

  Gaus report (1932)

  Gendorf plant

  General Government (occupied Poland)

  General Motors

  General Patrick (ship)

  generic drugs

  Geneva Convention

  Genschow & Co.

  Gerhardt, Charles

  German Air Ministry

  German Aviation Ministry

  German Center Party (Deutsche Zentrumspartei, Zentrum). See also Catholic Center Party

  “German Chemical Industry and Its Desires during the Peace Negotiations, The” (Bosch)

  German chemical industry. See also IG Farben; and specific companies, individuals, and products

  defeat in WW I as disaster for

  dominance of, in early twentieth century

  labor and, pre–WW I

  national strike of 1920 and

  occupation of Ruhr and reparations and

  Oppau explosion and

  pre–WW I rivalries of

  scientists lost by, post–WW I

  UK patent laws and

  unification of, proposed

  U.S. patents and assets

  Versailles Treaty and

  World Exposition in Paris of 1900

  WW I and

  German Corporation Law (1937)

  German Democratic Party (Deutsche Demokratische Partei, DPP)

  German Economics Ministry

  German Field Munitions Service

  German Foreign Office

  “German Fuel Economy, The” (Krauch and Bosch)

  German imperial army. See also Reichswehr; Wehrmacht

  German imperial navy

  mutiny of 1918


  German Labor Front

  German Ministry of Interior

  German Ministry of Justice

  German Ministry of Occupied Eastern Territories

  German National Assembly

  German National People’s Party (Deutschnationale Volkspartei, DVNP)

  German Nitrogen Syndicate

  German People’s Party (Deutsche Volkspartei, DVP)

  “Grand Coalition” with SPD

  German scientists

  post–WW I

  post–WW II

  German Sixth Army

  German spies

  German War Ministry


  Geuther, Anton

  Gewerkschaft Auguste-Victoria

  Globocknik, Hans

  Glücks, Richard

  Gnaschwitz DAG plant

  Goebbels, Joseph

  gold reserves

  Goldschmidt (Th.) AG

  Göring, Emma

  Göring, Hermann

  Göttingen University

  government bonds

  Graebe, Carl

  “Grand Coalition” (1923–24)

  Great Britain

  chemicals and

  denazification and

  IG Farben and

  Nazi scientists and

  post–WW I

  WW I and

  WW II and

  Great Phenol Plot


  Greenham, Arthur

  Greifelt, Ulrich

  Griesheim Elektron

  Groener, Wilhelm

  Gross-Rosen camp

  Gruhn, Ernest


  Guernica, Spain


  Gutsche, Herr


  Haber, Fritz

  Haber, Clara (Immerwahr)

  Haber-Bosch-Bergius processes

  Haber-Bosch process

  Hachenburg DAG plant

  Haefliger, Paul

  Hague Convention (1907)

  Hahn, Otto

  Haislip, Wade

  Haldane, J. B. S.

  Hamburg, Allied bombing of

  Hamm DAG plant

  Hanneken, Hermann von

  Harteck, Paul

  Haslock DAG plant

  Haushofer, Karl

  Hayes, Peter

  Hebert, Paul

  Hebrew University (Palestine)

  Heidebroek, Hans

  Hemmen, Hans

  Henlein, Konrad

  Hermann, Ludwig

  Hermann Göring Werke


  Hess, Rudolf


  Heyde, Erich von der

  Heydebreck plant

  Heydrich, Reinhard

  high-pressure chemistry

  Hill, Charles

  Himmler, Heinrich

  Hindenburg, Paul von

  Hindenburg Line

  Hinsberg, Oskar

  Hitler, Adolf

  assassination attempt on

  Bosch and

  IG Farben enables

  Jews and

  Nuremberg tribunals and

  raw materials and rearmament and

  rise of

  U.S. subsidiaries and

  WW II and

  Hitler-Stalin pact

  Hitler Youth

  Hoechst-Cassella-Kalle confederation

  Hoechst plants

  Hoffmann, Felix

  Hofmann, Wilhelm von

  Hofmann’s violet

  Hörlein, Heinrich

  Höss, Rudolf

  Hossbach, Friedrich

  “Hossbach Memorandum” (1937)

  Hoven, Waldemar

  Howard, Frank A.

  Hudson River Aniline and Color Works

  Hugenberg, Alfred

  Hüls plants

  Hummel, Hermann


  hydochloric acid

  hydrogenation process


  IFC Mertens

  IG Chemie (Basel holding company)

  IG Farben in Liquidation company

  IG Farben (Interessen Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, Community of Interests of Dye-Making Companies). See also specific divisions; foreign companies and partners; individuals; plants; predecessor and successor companies; and products

  Allies capture plants of, at end of WW II

  animal experiments and

  Auschwitz and

  Austrian invasion and

  aviation fuel purchase and

  British chemical industry and

  buna or synthetic rubber developed by

  chemical weapons and

  civilian workers and, during WW II

  creation, organization, and exec
utives of

  Czechoslovakia invasion and

  death of Bosch and

  death of Duisberg and

  Depression and

  dissolution of, in 2003

  documents of, at end of WW II

  Dreibund as precursor of

  Duisberg chairs

  Dulles and

  early predecessor IGDT, created during WW I

  early roots of, and artificial dye industry

  executives of, and Nazi party

  executives of, at end of WW II and

  finances of, and Auschwitz

  finances of, and Nazi takeover

  finances of, tracked by U.S.

  foreign assets of, camouflaged before start of WW II

  foreign intelligence and, in WW II

  foreign partnerships and

  foreign partnerships and, Nazis and

  French occupation and

  “German firm” certificate

  government subsidies for synthetic fuel and

  Himmler and

  Hitler meeting of 1933 and

  Holocaust survivors and

  internal newspapers

  Jewish mass murders and

  Jews and, at Nazi takeover

  Jews purged from

  Krauch and Nazi arms production and

  labor relations and

  labor shortages and conscripts and

  Latin American interests and

  lessons of rise and fall of

  Low Countries and, in WW II

  Mann letter of 1933 on Nazi takeover

  meeting of 1924 paves way for

  Nazi collaboration by

  Nazi party donations and takeover and

  Nazi party rise, and attacks on Jews on board in

  Nazi propaganda spread by

  Nazi rearmament drive and

  Night of Long Knives and Gattineau arrest and

  Nuremberg tribunal on

  Polish invasion and

  post–WW II careers of executives of

  post–WW II successors of

  pre–WW II zenith and products of

  Schmitz leads

  Soviet POWs and

  Spanish civil war and

  Standard Oil and

  Sterling and

  successors of, post–WW II

  Swiss holding company and

  synthetic fuel project of, in 1920s

  synthetic projects of, and Nazis

  U.S. assets and subsidaries and

  U.S. public relations and

  Weimar politics and

  women employees of

  work council elections of 1929 and

  WW II and Soviet advance and

  WW II bombing and

  Ilgner, Max

  Illustrated London News

  Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI)

  Independent Social Democratic Party (German)


  indigo, synthetic

  indigo trade

  Industrie Klub



  Interessen Gemeinschaft (community of interests), Hoechst and Cassella create early

  Interessen Gemeinschaft der Deutschen Teefarbenindustrie (IGDT, Community of Interest of the German Dye Industry)


  IG Farben created from

  interest rates

  International Exposition at Paris (1937)


  iron and steel production

  isobutyl oil


  Jackson, Robert

  Jaehne, Friedrich

  Jaehne, Norbert

  Janina mine


  Jasco (Joint American Study Company)

  Java rubber plantations

  Jawiszowitz mine

  Jena, University of


  annihilation of, begun

  Anschluss and

  Auschwitz and Jews

  Birkenau and murder of

  deportation of

  early chemical industry and

  Holocaust survivors

  IG Farben and, pre–WW II

  IG Farben Nuremberg trial and

  labor, conscripted

  Nazi occupation of Europe and

  Nazi repression of

  Poland and

  Soviet Union and

  U.S. aid for

  WW I and

  J. H. Stein bank

  Jodl, Alfred

  Joham, Josef

  Jones, Elwyn

  Jordan, Heinrich

  Joyce, Justice

  Jung, Edgar

  Kahr, Gustav von

  Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes

  Kalle, William

  Kalle and Company

  Kalle family

  Kaltenbrunner, Ernst

  Kammler, Hans

  Kanev, battle of

  Kapp putsch

  Kehrl, Hans

  Keitel, Wilhelm

  Kennedy, Joseph

  Keppler, Wilhelm

  Klemperer, Victor

  Knieriem, August von

  Knoll AG


  Kohn, Salomon

  Köln-Rottweil AG

  Koppe, Wilhelm


  Körner, Paul

  Kraków mining districts

  Krankenbau (Monowitz hospital)

  Krauch, Carl

  Krauch Plan

  Krefeld Food Inspection Office

  Krekeler, Karl

  Kripo (criminal police)

  Krüger, Kurt

  Krupp, Alfred

  Krupp, Gustav von

  Krupp company

  Kugler, Hans

  Kuhlmann company

  Kühne, Hans

  Kumer DAG plant

  Kunze, E. C.

  Kursk, battle of

  Kutroff and Pickhardt importers


  Auschwitz and

  conscripted or foreign


  trade unions and

  Weimar and

  WW I and

  WW II and

  Labor Front

  La Critica (newspaper)

  Lammers, Clemens

  Landsberg Fortress

  La Razon (newspaper)

  Latin America See also specific countries

  Lausanne Conference (1932)

  Lautenschläger, Carl

  Lawnicki, Jan

  Law No. 8 (1945)

  League of Nations

  Lee, Ivy

  Leningrad, siege of

  Le Queux, William

  LeRossignol, Robert

  Leuna plant

  Leverkusen, Duisberg home at

  Leverkusen plant

  Levi, Primo

  Ley, Robert


  Liebemann, Carl

  Liebig, Justus von


  Lloyd George, David

  Löb, Fritz

  Lobkowicz, Princess Charlotte

  Locarno Pact

  Lodz ghetto

  London Times


  Lower Rhine work group

  Lubbe, Marinus van der

  lubricating oil and greases

  Lucius, Eugen

  Ludendorff, Erich von

  Ludwigshafen plant

  Ludwigshafen Werkzeitung (newspaper)


  Lusitania (transatlantic liner)

  madder red

  magenta dye

  Maginot Line


  Main Trusteeship Office East

  Mallinckdrodt, Lily von


  Manchester brown

  Mann, Rudolf

  Mann, Wilhelm R.

  Mannesmann firm

  Mannheim DAG plant

  March on Berlin (putsch of 1923)

  March on Rome (1922)

  mark, collapse of

  Marne, Battle of the

  Martin, James

  Martius, Ca

  Martius yellow

  Marxism See also Communism

  Maurer, Gerhard

  Maurice, Emile

  Mauthausen camp

  mauvine dye

  Mayer, Belle

  McClintock, Earl

  McCloy, John

  mechanized units

  medical experiments

  Meer, Fritz ter

  Mein Kampf (Hitler)

  Meisel, Yankel

  Meister family

  Meister (Lucius) and Bruning company

  Mendelssohn, Felix

  Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Otto von

  Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Paul

  Mengele, Josef

  Merrell, Clarence F.

  Mersey Chemical Works

  Merton, Alfred

  Merton, Richard

  Merton, William

  Metallgesellschaft firm




  Middle East

  Milch, Erhard

  mineral acids

  Mineralölbau GmbH firm

  Minskoff, Duke

  Mittasch, Alywin

  Mob-Kalendar (mobilization planning document)

  Moldenhauer, Paul

  Moll, Alfredo

  Möller, Ernst

  Monowitz (Auschwitz III)

  Montecatini company

  Morris, James

  “Most Important Chemical Plants in Poland, The” (Ilgner)

  Mozes, Eva

  Mozes, Miriam

  Mullen, Friedrich

  Müller, Hermann

  Müller-Cunradi, Martin

  Munde DAG plant

  Munich conference (1938)

  munitions crisis

  Mussolini, Benito

  mustard gas

  Napoleon III, emperor of France


  Nationalist Party (German)

  National Liberal Party (German)

  National Socialist Factory Cell Organization

  National Socialist Party (NSDAP, Nazis). See also Hitler, Adolf; World War II; and other leaders

  Austria and Czechoslovakia annexed by

  Bosch and

  code of, broken

  early rule of

  elections of 1933 and

  female factory labor and

  France occupied by

  IG Farben executives join

  IG Farben foreign interests and

  IG Farben Jews and

  IG Farben plants and

  IG Farben responsibility for

  IGF subsidies and

  Jews purged from businesses by

  Night of Long knives and

  Nuremberg IG Farben trial and

  Nuremberg IMT and

  poison gases and

  Poland invaded by

  post–WW II employment and

  propaganda and

  rally of September 1936

  raw materials and rearmament drive of

  rise of

  takeover of 1933 and purging of Jews by

  WW II started with invasion of Poland



  Neurath, Konstanin von

  “New Order for the Greater Chemical Industries of Austria, A” (Ilgner)


  New York Chemical Society

  New York Herald Tribune

  New York Times

  New York World

  Nicholas, George

  Nicholson’s blue


  Night of the Long Knives (Röhm purge)

  nitrogen and nitrates, synthetic


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