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Envisioned (The Elemental Prophecy)

Page 4

by Narvaez, Nikki

  “Yeah, and I don't like it, either.”

  In the distance, I could hear the sound of speedboats, at least three of them. Kimber sped up as she yelled, “I think you should drive, Jace. This is my territory, after all, and I can defend us better.”

  “Does the Oracle's protection spread into the water?” I asked, rising with Brielle's hand in mine to walk to the front of the boat.

  “I'm not sure. I think so because her dad would take her out in the boat, but not this far. Maybe about a mile outside the harbor, so that may be where it ends,” she answered.

  “How much farther until we reach it?” I asked, anxious to reach the harbor before the approaching boats reached us.

  “A few more miles, at least,” she answered. Damn, we weren't going to make it in time!

  “Fuck! Brielle, stay by me!” I yelled. She nodded, and the fear in her eyes pained me. I didn't want her to fear anything now that we had found each other. I wanted her to know that I would always protect her, and that I would never let anything happen to her.

  “I'll go to the back and watch for them. I'll try to keep them back, but it depends on how many there are,” she stated.

  I felt them closing in, and anger started coursing through my veins. They would not take Brielle from me again. The speedboat engines got increasingly louder as they caught up to us, and without looking I knew there were about twelve Elementals spread between four boats.

  Kimber was creating huge waves, crashing them into the enemy boats, but the other Water Elementals quickly compensated by calming the waters before sending their own waves back to us. Three huge waves were about to crash into us, but they hit some sort of invisible barrier, and streamed over top of us and off to the sides instead. I looked to Kimber to see if she was erecting the protective shield around us, but she shook her head. We both looked to Brielle, whose eyes were shining a brilliant platinum. She had her arms extended over her head, supporting the invisible armor around the boat. I could see different Elementals throwing various attacks at us, but they all bounced harmlessly off.

  I stared in awe as Brielle shoved her arms forward forcefully, causing an enormous wave to form that was at least sixty feet high. Sweat creased her brow as she pushed the wave until it overcame the boats, capsizing them and creating a vortex in the water, which sucked all the Elementals in until they were no longer visible. Then, her eyes rolled back in her head as she collapsed.

  My head was pounding as I started to stir from my sleep. I could feel a tingling sensation along the edge of my forehead as someone caressed my hair, and I heard a panicked voice pleading, “Please, please, mi amante, wake up. I just found you. I can't lose you. Not now, not ever.”

  It was all coming back to me: the club, Jace, the Elementals in the alley, that touch, those kisses, and the boat. Oh my God, the boat! I had done some crazy shit on the boat to save us, and then blackness.

  “Jace?” I hoarsely whispered, wondering how long I'd been out for my voice to sound like that.

  “Yes, baby, I'm right here. Oh God, you don't know how happy I am that you're awake,” he said, relief flooding his voice.

  I opened my eyes, surprised that I was in my bedroom, and alone with Jace for that matter. I looked to him as I asked “What happened?”

  Jace chuckled, a sound I was already falling in love with. “You collapsed after your stunt with the wave. Nothing we did would wake you, Brie. You have been passed out for nine hours—I have never been so scared in my life.”

  “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,” I quietly said. “Why did I pass out?”

  “I don't know for sure, but I think the exertion of using so much of your powers for the first time overwhelmed you. How did you do all that anyway? I've never seen an Elemental do that before,” he stated.

  “I should be asking you that question—I don't even know what Elementals are capable of. I have no idea what's going on,” I answered.

  “True. Maybe your instincts kicked in and took over. Let's get your dad and Kimber in here—they have been dying for you to wake up,” he said as he rose to open the door. I instantly ached for him once his touch vanished from my skin. How could I be feeling so strong for him after only a short time?

  Seconds later, I heard the pounding of footsteps as Dad and Kimber rushed into my bedroom, relief relaxing their faces as they saw me. Jace followed behind them, his eyes finding mine and locking on them, like he was afraid I would blackout again if his gaze left me.

  “Oh my God, sweetheart, how are you feeling? I was so worried about you!” my dad exclaimed.

  “I'm fine, Dad, but I think I could've been better prepared if you had told me about the Elementals and our history. How could you keep something so monumental from me?!”

  “I was going to tell you everything today. How was I supposed to know that you would sneak off the island and run into a bunch of Elementals?” he replied, sending a perturbed look at Kimber, who just looked down at my bedroom floor.

  “That's not an excuse! I have no idea what's going on—this is all overwhelming, and I'm still not entirely sure that this isn't some twisted nightmare. I feel like I'm losing my mind!” I retorted. Now that my adrenaline wasn't in full force, all my other emotions were hitting me like a ton of bricks.

  “You're not losing your mind, Brie. We may have kept this from you, but we would never deliberately lie to you—all that you have seen, and everything we have told you is the truth,” Kimber replied.

  “How can I trust you guys?! The only one I feel that I can trust is Jace, and I'm probably crazy for feeling that way since I just met him last night!” I yelled. My eyes went to Jace, and I immediately regretted what I said when I saw his pained expression. This wasn't his fault, and I didn't want him to feel like I was blaming him when the blame belonged on my dad and Kimber. The two people closest to me had been lying to me my whole life, and that thought caused my heart to clench in hurt. Tears sprang from the betrayal I felt as I said, “Look, you guys, I'm just scared. I wish you would have told me all of this a long time ago. You have basically lied to me my entire life, and that really hurts. You two mean so much to me, and just the fact that you could do that to me is like a knife to the heart.”

  “We just wanted to protect you. I, for one, didn't want the Prophecy to come true. I thought that, maybe, if I hid you and kept everything from you, you would be forgotten. I didn't want this life for you,” Dad sadly admitted.

  “Well, that's not your choice. I can make my own decisions now, and I want to know everything, especially about the twin flame thing,” I firmly stated. I needed my answers. I felt that if I didn't get them, I was going to break down from the rising fear, anger, and doubt welling inside me. The somewhat calm demeanor I was portraying was a defense, masking the madness coursing inside me, ready to rip me apart from the inside out.

  “I just can't believe all this—you supposedly meet your twin flame on the same day you receive your Elemental powers, and then you use two of them like no Elemental has ever done before,” he said.

  “I am her twin flame - there is no denying it. I felt our souls recognizing each other, and I know she did, too,” Jace interjected. I blushed at the memory of Jace and I kissing, the warmth and electricity running though my veins was so arousing…focus, Brielle, focus!

  “I saw it Mr. De Luca. Trust me, they are twin flames,” Kimber added.

  Dad sighed, obviously not liking the idea of me meeting my twin flame, “I don't know where to start…” he trailed off.

  “How about the Prophecy, and how you knew it was me,” I suggested.

  He nodded, saying, “When your mother was pregnant with you, the Oracle appeared to us, reciting the Prophecy:

  'A child will be born, who, within,

  the blood of Air, Earth, Fire and Water dwell,

  The Sky will fall to reclaim the Earth,

  and bring forth the depths of Hell,

  Five will journey to the mountains cast from Medusa's gaze,

bsp; To halt what Evil has been sent to raze.'

  She told your mother and I that you were the child in the Prophecy, and that she would place a protection spell around the island until you were 19 to order to protect you while you learned to use your powers,” Dad said.

  “Do you know what it all means?” I asked.

  “No, honey, I'm sorry. I was too afraid to research it for fear it would lead others to you through me. Technology can be traced so easily nowadays.”

  “Okay, so what are Elementals? And what makes me the One from the Prophecy?” I asked.

  “Elementals are descendants of the Greek Gods that are able to control one of the elements—Earth, Fire, Air, or Water. You can tell what element someone controls by the glow of their eyes. Air Elementals' eyes glow white, Water Elementals' glow turquoise, Fire Elementals' glow orange, and Earth Elementals' glow green. Our eyes glow whenever we use our powers or when we get extremely emotional,” Dad answered.

  “So, Kimber is Water, and Jace is Fire. What are you, Daddy?”

  “I am also Water. The Oracle thought staying on the island would aid in my protection of you given that I am a Water Elemental,” he replied.

  “What was Mom?”

  “Mom was an Earth Elemental, which is why we were outcast from the Elemental community here,” Dad said dejectedly.

  “Why does that matter?” I interrupted.

  “Well, mixing of the Elements is forbidden. The Elders fear an Elemental, like you, would become too powerful by having the ability to manipulate multiple elements. There has never been an Elemental able to control more than one Element, even if their parents are different Elementals. Well, until you, sweetheart.”

  “So, how did it happen with me?” I asked.

  “Now, that is complicated. The Oracle told us that each of your grandparents was a child of the God that is associated with each element: Zeus, Hera, Hades, and Persephone are the Originating Gods of the Four Elements. Zeus is the God of Air, Hera is the Goddess of Earth, Hades is the God of Fire, and Persephone is the Goddess of Water. Nonno was Zeus' son, Nonni was Persephone's daughter, Grandpa was Hades' son, and Nana was Hera's daughter. You have all the elements in your blood, and since you are a descendent of each of the Originating Gods, the power within you is strong, even passed down through two generations,” Dad explained.

  “Wait, so you're saying that my grandparents are Gods?” I asked skeptically. All of this was overwhelming, and slightly confusing.

  “No, they're demigods, Brie. Geez, with all those Greek mythology books you read, I'm surprised you didn't know that,” Kimber teased.

  “They are categorized as paranormal fiction, not reality. It is kinda hard to believe that the books I read are true. Oh my God, so the creatures in the books and my dreams are…” I trailed off.

  “Real? Yes, they are, unfortunately,” Jace said, completing my train of thought.

  “Wow. This is all so...crazy! There's nothing special about me—I can't believe I'm this One from the Prophecy,” I said, shocked by all the information I was receiving.

  “I can. I witnessed it last night—I have never seen anyone able to do the shit you did last night, Brie, and you don't even know what you're doing,” Kimber said.

  Reality was starting to sink in. I was important, but I had no idea what I was doing. I was scared that I would let everyone down, and that was something I had no desire of doing. I tried to steer the conversation towards something a little lighter, “What about this twin flame business?” I asked.

  Dad cleared his throat. “Well, um…that's a delicate matter, Brie,” he said, obviously uncomfortable.

  “Do you mind if I explain it to her? In private?” Jace asked.

  My dad looked like his emotions were warring between relief and concern. He obviously wasn't comfortable explaining the twin flame connection, but I doubt he liked the idea of Jace telling me alone, in my bedroom, about all the details of our bond.

  “I don't think that is such a good idea since you have already heard so much information. I don't want you to get overwhelmed, honey,” Dad said, trying to avoid the situation.

  “I want to know, Daddy. I'm feeling fine so don't worry. Don't you think I deserve to know the whole truth?” I asked, giving him my best “Daddy's Girl” face.

  “Fine, but I don't want anything that would strengthen your bond happening in here, got it?” Dad declared more than asked, looking directly at Jace.

  “Yes, sir,” he respectfully replied, which caused me to giggle.

  “I mean it, Brielle,” he said seriously, locking onto my eyes with his.

  “I know, Daddy, I'll behave. I don't think I'm in any condition to be doing anything anyway,” I told him.

  “Stop right there. I don't want to hear anymore,” he said, waving his hands in front of him in surrender.

  “Sorry, Daddy,” I chuckled as he left the room.

  “Before I leave, I want to make sure you're okay,” Kimber said as she inspected my eyes, turning my head from side to side, and even feeling my forehead. I felt like a little kid again.

  “I'm fine, Kimber, really, just a little tired,” I told her honestly.

  “I don't know how you can be tired—you slept for half the day,” she teased.

  “Being badass takes a lot out of you, you know? Oh, wait, you wouldn't,” I joked.

  “Ha ha, very funny. I guess you are fine since you're back to your smart ass self,” she laughed.

  “I am, now get out!” I playfully ordered.

  “Your wish is my command, oh powerful One of the Prophecy,” she said mockingly, exiting and closing the door behind her.

  “Finally! I thought they would never leave,” I laughed, turning my gaze to Jace.

  He smiled, and my heart, no, my whole body warmed at the sight of it. I still didn't understand how I could feel the way I did for him since we just met last night. But, I guess we hadn't just met if you count all of the nights I dreamed about him over the years. I felt like I already knew him.

  “We have a lot of catching up to do,” he said, taking my hand in his.

  “Tell me everything,” she requested.

  “Where would you like me to start?” I asked her.

  “Start with our souls recognizing each other,” she suggested.

  That was something I would never forget. “Well, when two Elementals who are twin flames touch, what you felt is what happens to tell them that they are soul mates,” I replied.

  She looked like she was remembering the moment, which caused me to get slightly turned on. The look on her face at the moment we first touched was so seductive and innocent at the same time.

  “So why do we have twin flames, and what happens next?” she asked.

  “To answer your first question, in the beginning, Zeus created man and woman as one, literally. We were one soul, one body, one mind, one everything. Zeus cut us in half, separating us for fear of our combined power. Our souls search for their other half, their twin flame, their twin soul, for all their life, some never finding it,” I answered.

  “That's terrible,” she said, tears in her eyes.

  “Hey, we found each other. It's okay, don't cry, please,” I pleaded. The sight of her crying struck a cord in me that I didn't understand. I still couldn't believe my feelings for her after only meeting last night, but the crushing fear at the sight of her collapsing revealed how intense I felt about her. My soul obviously remembered its twin, and these strong emotions were trying to convince the rest of me.

  “I'm sorry. I'm very emotional. The thought of other people not finding their twin flame is so sad,” she sniffled.

  “I know it is, mi amante. I'm sorry,” I said as I caressed her cheek. God, touching her felt so good.

  “What does mi amante mean?” she asked.

  “It means my lover or my flame in Spanish,” I admitted, slightly embarrassed, a feeling I was definitely not accustomed to. I never used pet names, but everything was different when it came to Brielle

  She blushed, simply saying, “Oh, well, I like it.” She pulled me down to her, gently kissing my lips before smiling sweetly as she pulled away.

  “I'm glad you like it. Now, to answer your second question—there are stages to the completion of the bond, which are trust, love, and…” I trailed off, not wanting her to get the wrong idea when I mentioned the other stage. I was definitely thinking about it, but it wasn't the only thing I wanted from her, which was definitely a first for me.

  “And?” she questioned eagerly.

  I cleared my throat. “Sex,” I mumbled.

  She smirked, blushing slightly, as she asked, “What happens when those three steps are completed?”

  “Many things. For one, we can read each others' minds, and sense where the other is if we get separated. We will be able to feel the other's pain and emotions, as well. Once we began the bonding process, we will get a tattoo on the back of our necks of the other's Elemental symbol. Mine is an orange triangle, so that is what you will get. I don't know what I will be getting since you can control all of the Elements. We will also be essentially immortal. We will no longer age, and cannot die as long as the other lives,” I answered. “There are some drawbacks, however,” I paused, waiting for her confirmation to continue.

  “Such as?” she inquired.

  “Well, like I told you last night, we cannot be apart for long without getting extremely sick. Most can't go for longer than a few hours without feeling some kind of pain when away from their twin flame. Our powers would be weakened, also. We will die if apart for too long, and if one of us dies, the other will, as well,” I somberly told her.

  Her eyes welled with tears again, which I hated. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, but you should know what we are getting in to,” I told her, pulling her to me and wrapping my arms around her. My need to protect her was so fierce, I knew I would never let anything happen to her.

  “I know, and I'm thankful that you're telling me since everything has been kept from me for so long, but the thought of losing you is devastating. I've had to relive you being taken from me over and over again in my nightmares. Every night, I would wake up, sobbing uncontrollably at my loss of you. It's like my soul already knew you were mine,” she confessed.


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