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Playing For Forever_An Erotic Love Story

Page 40

by J. C. Grant

  cheat on me? Your ass isn’t going anywhere.

  Why do you think Fergus is there?

  8:26 PM

  Austin: Fuck off.

  8:27 PM

  There was a flutter in my chest as a smug grin took over my face. No angry caps or punctuation; her defiance was waning.

  Fuck, it felt good that she responded to my aggression even through texts.

  David: You’re angry because you miss me.

  Hurt because you love me. Cranky because

  I didn’t fuck you last night. Me too. Let’s

  both stay mad so we can fuck fight it out.

  In Denver. All weekend. At your mom’s house.

  Hit me while you ride my dick. Come all

  over me when I call you a bitch.

  8:29 PM

  My phone rang seconds later.


  It didn’t seem real; how was this my life. A private jet? Who owns a private jet? It was a none too subtle reminder I didn’t fully grasp the reality of my life with David.

  Yes, David gave me a jet for my birthday. It was ridiculous. The day itself had been uneventful—as far as birthday’s go. But he had approached it with a whimsical boyish charm; a thick Belgian waffle cover in whipped cream with a big pink candle in the middle. And his excited whisper, make a wish. It was childish. Adorable. And sweet as hell. It was hands down my best birthday ever.

  I would give anything to go back there, back before he was traveling.

  Goddamn, I missed him. It was killing me. The constant emotional roller coaster I lived on was driving me insane. I was lashing out rather than tell him the truth. But the truth was too selfish to admit.

  His possessive, demanding, dirty texts the night before had been sweet relief, it was what I’d been craving for weeks.

  “Do you have everything you need?” Fergus asked, settling in the seat across from me. It was a little late to ask that question. We were already on the plane.

  “No, can you run to the store real quick?” I deadpanned.

  “No.” He was trying to act annoyed, but failing miserably. The amusement in his eyes and the smirk on his face gave him away.

  I was thankful for the break from my turbulent thoughts—grateful for a reset. I just wanted to enjoy our weekend.

  David had arrived at my mother's house earlier in the day. No telling what they'd been up to, but that was where he wanted to stay—at Mom's.

  It was perfect for me, because Mom would no doubt take care of Chance while I spent real time with David. I needed it.

  I craved him.

  Emotionally, physically... I was addicted. I just wanted to be happy. And so far, being with David was the only way that ever happened. A man emerged from the cockpit. “Mrs. Taylor, I'm Dennis. I'll be your pilot today,” he said eloquently.

  Dennis was a bit of a silver fox with an expressive face.

  “Hi, Dennis.”

  “You have a beautiful aircraft here. As soon as you're ready, I'll be more than happy to get us on our way.”

  “We're ready,” I said, the excitement obvious in my voice. I hadn't seen David in three and a half days.

  While Dennis secured the hatch, I got comfortable, as did Fergus and Chance.

  Unable to help myself, I texted David.

  Austin: The jet is amazing! Hope you saved

  some of your energy.

  4:35 PM

  Then I attached a pic I'd taken a couple of hours before, me fresh out of the shower making the most of my curves in a sexy, full-frontal pose.

  We'd had sort of a competition going on all day, who could send the hottest pics. The first one was after our phone sex session the night before. His chest and abs glistening with spatters of his cum.

  It was hot.

  Just thinking about it got me wet.

  In my opinion, he was winning our little sexy game.

  Tucking my phone back in my purse, I pulled out my iPod, popping my earbuds in, and lay back, relaxing into the opulent leather seat.



  I stared at the nude pic of my wife. My eyes devouring every pixel of her heart-shaped face down to those big tits, narrow waist, and rounded hips.

  My girl was smoking hot.

  All it took was a little aggression to get her nice and pliant again. She’d been sweet and sexy all day.

  When I zoomed in on her pussy, I felt my cock hardening.


  “Taylor!” Coach yelled, killing my growing erection. Which was a good thing. I didn't need a hard-on around these guys.

  Reluctantly, I tore my gaze away from Austin’s nude form, looking over at him. Coach gestured to my phone. There wasn't a specific rule about cell phones in the dugout, but it was frowned upon.

  “My wife, Coach,” I said simply.

  He waved me off with a muttered, “Keep it out of sight.”

  Unable to stop myself, I turned my attention back to Austin, back to her smooth cunt.

  “That's your wife?” one of the rookies asked, leaning in.

  In the next second, I was up, my hand on his neck, shoving him back.

  “Hey, whoa!” Coach yelled.

  “Taylor, man, chill!” someone yelled.

  Taking a deep breath, I let go, taking half a step back.

  “What the fuck did you do?” Dwight demanded quietly, looking at the kid.

  Dwight and Martinez had flanked us, ready to stop me.

  Like they could.

  They didn't have a clue what I was actually capable of.

  “I was… I was just—” he stuttered, pointing toward my phone with a wide-eyed, shocked expression.

  My jaw clenched, my muscles taut as I stared him down.

  “Fuck, dude, is Austin sending you nude pics?” Dwight turned to me. “No wonder you're always on it.”

  Ignoring him, I tried to get myself under control, taking slow, deep breaths. This was what Fergus had been worried about. I knew it had become a problem since I met Austin, my aggression.

  I'd been denying it, downplaying it. Mostly because, with Austin around, I could control it. With her around, my need for violence shifted, turning into a strong, overwhelming protective instinct—the need to keep her safe, happy, and well fucked.

  Maybe it was also because she'd seen me at my worst. She'd seen the monster inside me, and she embraced it, took comfort in it, loved me more for it.

  But giving her space, letting her do her show, letting her have a life without me, my need for violence was getting stronger.

  All the emotions she stirred up in me...

  “Shit, are you for real? Fuck, I wouldn't need a side bitches if my wife sent me shit like that,” Martinez chimed in. “Enjoy it while it lasts.”

  My teeth ground together and my nostrils flared. I was so fucking tired of Martinez constantly comparing his wife to mine, but I ignored him and stayed focus on the rookie.

  “See me on my phone, you stay the fuck away from me, kid,” I warned quietly.

  If it'd been any of the other guys, I'd have laid 'em out, no second thoughts. But this kid was immature, naïve, and small; I had at least six inches on him and sixty pounds. I wasn't into beating on a little guy, no matter how stupid he was.

  “Sorry, I thought—”

  Turning my back on him, I returned to my spot in the corner, stretching my legs out along the bench.

  Nobody’s getting close to me this time.

  “Rookie, that's his wife,” Dwight added.

  “I know, but—”

  “But nothing. Stay away from him before he knocks you through a wall,” Coach finished the discussion.

  Wasn't so sure I could knock him through a wall.


  It was the middle of the seventh inning when I finally got a text from Austin letting me know that they'd arrived at the stadium.

  They being her, Fergus, and Evelyn.

  I'd spent the morning with Evelyn, hitting the gym, grabbing brunch. Austin
had warned me she was unpredictable, and I'd already known that from the holidays, so I didn't think much of it. But it seemed Evelyn was more unpredictable and brazen the better she got to know you.

  As soon as we had sat down she asked, “Does Austin like sex? I mean, is it good, like, is she into it, is she creative? Are you guys having it often?”

  I froze, just staring at her.

  “I know Austin is having problems with the sex scenes, I’m just worried this role is picking open old wounds, stirring up her issues.”

  At her clarification, I relaxed.

  “I, uh...” I hesitated. “I’ve been doing the nude scenes with her.”

  We had already done five; three more to go.

  “Oh, good. So she’s not having any problems?”

  “Well...” I scanned the room, making sure we didn’t have an audience. “The auditions are what caused the problem, but the doctor has been helping her.”

  “She’s seeing a psychiatrist again?”

  “Yeah,” I drew the word out as I considered why Austin wouldn’t have told Evelyn about Vaughn. “It became a regular thing after the incident in Phoenix...”

  “She hadn’t had an incident in years, I thought she had grown out of it... I should have warned you about that,” she whispered apologetically. “She’s used to getting away with murder—not literally—but you know.

  At my confused expression she continued. “Her grandfather, the one that took care of the guys that raped her, he was Chief of Police—for over a decade. That’s why he handled those guys the way he did,” she whispered conspiratorially. “But when Austin would... lash out at guys, my dad would... make it go away.”

  Instantly, so many things made sense. Austin's temper, her fear of me getting arrested, her utter lack of horror at seeing me savagely beat Zach, the sex in Aspen, and her words from so long ago...

  Anger’s the only emotion I’ve ever been comfortable expressing.

  She had the same rage simmering inside her that was inside me. Lingering right below the surface, waiting for it’s chance to take over.

  “Has she.” Evelyn's hesitant voice interrupted my new insight into my marriage. “Has she hit you?”

  “Once,” I hedged. “That I didn’t ask for.”

  “You ask her to hit you?” Evelyn’s voice was soft and full of disbelief.

  Deciding to match her brazenness, I answered honestly, “It’s a sex thing, a way to let go, release.”

  “Really? How?” There was no judgment, just curiosity.

  We'd had a nice, candid conversation about it. By the time we left the restaurant, I realized her mother was my best ally in keeping Austin.


  I couldn't wait to see my girl and sink my dick into her sweet cunt.

  “Taylor, you're up!” Coach called.

  Exiting the dugout, I grabbed my bat, heading up to the plate, scanning the stands, looking for Austin.

  Just as I was about to give up, I heard a loud cheer over the rest of the crowd. It only took me a second to find the overzealous fan.

  She was in the front row above the dugout. Evelyn was standing up, clapping and cheering as loud as she could. Then my eyes landed on Austin; she was standing next to her mother with a huge smile on her face, gesturing for me to break the bat.

  Austin was a violent little thing.

  She couldn't have been more perfect for me if she tried.

  I hadn't realized until I received it—Evelyn's support. Having a maternal figure in the crowd cheering her heart out for me, I couldn't even describe how fucking good it felt. It was nothing like the fans, and nothing like what I'd received from my own mother.

  Evelyn's support was ferocious and loud. It was as if she was supporting my success, not the game, but me personally. She had my back, just like Austin did.

  My chest was swollen with pride and profound gratefulness for the rest of the game.


  Exiting the locker room without a word, I headed out of the stadium. As I approached the gate, I easily found them in the sea of fans. My full attention was immediately on Austin, my gaze slowly raking over her.

  Her gray, deep V-neck tee teased me with what lie beneath. Hips and thighs that I wanted to be buried in were hugged tight in her black jeans. Those black boots were my favorite, a feminine version of mine.

  But what struck me most, she was wearing a black Dodgers hat—one she hadn't owned a few weeks before.

  My girl looked sexy as hell.

  “You were amazing!” Evelyn gushed as I exited through the gate. She gave me a hard hug, and I felt that swell of pride again.

  Soon as Evelyn let go, Austin jumped up, wrapping herself around me. The stark relief I felt at having her with me, on me... I hadn't truly understood how much I missed her. My arms closed around her, squeezing her tight. A low groan rumbled through me at the feel of her soft curves pressed against me. When her lips met mine, my hunger took over. My tongue pushed in, taking long deep pulls, tasting her, devouring her like a starving man. She moaned into my mouth and sucked my tongue, making my cock jump in approval.

  “I missed you,” Austin whispered, pulling back far too soon.

  “I missed you more. You have no idea,” I rasped quietly. We studied each other for a moment. Then I smirked. “I like the hat. You a fan now? Got a crush on someone?”

  “I do,” she answered shyly. “But he's married.”

  “Is he now?” I asked through a growing grin.

  She nodded with a sexy smile on her face.

  “Let's get going,” Fergus interrupted, reminding me we were not alone.

  “Lead the way.” I hitched Austin up a little higher, getting a better grip on her ass and thighs, before I followed.

  “You hungry?” Evelyn asked as we headed out to the car.

  “Hell yes.” When Austin rested her head on my shoulder, cuddling into me, I amended, “Something we can take back to the house.”

  I wanted my time with Austin, every single second.

  When we climbed in the back of another Mercedes truck, Austin’s phone started going off with multiple text alerts in a row, then started ringing.

  “What the fuck?” I muttered as she dug it out of her purse.

  I read over her shoulder as she checked her texts.

  Alec: Did you know we have promo shoots

  this weekend? I thought you were going to


  10:49 PM

  Jeff: Don’t forget. PROMO SHOOTS this weekend.

  10:48 PM

  Elaine: Did you forget about your promo shoots

  this weekend? All day Saturday and half day

  Sunday. It’s not optional.

  10:48 PM

  Elaine: You have to come back. You didn’t tell me

  you were leaving for the weekend!!!!

  10:49 PM

  “Fuck,” she sighed, turning to look at me.

  “No, you’re not going,” I refused.

  “David, I have too.” Her voice was soft and remorseful. “I’m sorry—”

  “No.” I shook my head, not willing to give up my weekend with her. “You can do it another time.”

  She let out a resigned sigh. I noticed that Evelyn and Fergus were being eerily quiet. It hit me then; I wasn’t winning this particular argument.

  “I’m so sorry. I completely forgot.” Her words were soft, but they landed like a hammer.

  This was what I’d been afraid of. What I’d been dreading. Her career was taking her away from me. I was losing her. Even if it was just for the weekend, she was choosing her career over me. Again.

  I watched as she quickly responded to their texts.

  After she was done, I asked, “When are you leaving?”

  “In the morning, at nine.” Her voice was soft and apologetic.

  My disappointment was palpable in the truck.

  “Angel,” Austin whispered, pressing her breasts into my bicep as she leaned into me. Her calling me that wasn’t
fair, in that moment it felt cruel. “Please don’t be mad.”

  My gaze cut to her, taking her in.

  “We’ve got tonight, babe,” she implored with a straight face.

  I couldn’t tell if she was joking or not.

  “You know that’s a Bob Seger song, right?” I checked, skeptically.

  “Really?” she asked innocently. “Does it apply?”

  I still couldn’t tell if she was fucking with me.

  “Please don’t be mad, please don’t be mad,” she begged in a soft, hurried cadence, as she crawled into my lap, clinging to my shoulders as she awkwardly straddled my spread thighs. Our faces were level, and only inches apart as she whispered, “I need your cock so bad. You’re gonna give it me right? You’re gonna give it to me.” Her rushed words were cute and sexy and amusing as hell, as she held my gaze with wide hopeful eyes.

  “Yeah,” I laughed softly, running my hands up her thighs, and over her ass. “I’m gonna give it to you.”

  I would have given her anything she wanted, but nothing was going to keep her in Denver with me.



  I heard the door open, then the distinct sound of David's heavy boots. I turned, looking over my shoulder at him, surprised to see him standing there.

  We’d only spoken twice since I left him with my mom in Denver. But we’d texted several times. I knew he was still mad about the mix-up. About me leaving.

  “Austin!” he called before he met my eyes. "Oh shit. Sorry. I didn't realize anybody was gonna be here.”

  “Very funny.”

  He stopped short, halfway between the kitchen and the living area. I watch as his expression slowly shifted from confusion to anger.

  “What the fuck, Austin! What the fuck did you do to yourself?”

  I expected him to be surprised. I didn't expect him to be angry.


  “I don't see you for two fucking days and this is what happens? You have pink fucking hair?”

  It hadn’t been two full days, it’d been a day and a half.


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