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ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Jaylin: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Pregnancy Romance (Blue Planet Warriors)

Page 6

by Maia Starr

  When she was done annihilating the target, she stood up from her belly and left the gun on the ground. Her dress was dirty. Her face was dirty. She looked absolutely ravishing as the adrenaline and pride flowed out of her and her breathing was heavy while her breasts heaved up-and-down. She was excited about the moment. She was excited that she had proven herself.

  She looked around and made eye contact with every single warrior as she walked in a circle, making sure they knew that she had done that. The warriors clapped. It was the most impressive and hot as shit sight I had ever seen. We had found our long-distance shooter. But would she do it? Why would she help the alien warrior race that had killed her crew and taken her prisoner? No I could not risk it.

  "You have proven your skill, Serena. You will teach us what you know," I said to her.

  "Why would I do that?" she said putting her hands on her hips again. I heard a few warriors chuckle at her defiance.

  "You do not have to. However, you can come here every day and teach us what you know, or you can stay locked away in the living quarters. It is up to you," I said, crossing my arms in front of my chest. Her shoulders dropped and she knew that I had her. She did not think long about it and went straight into shouting.

  "The first thing you must learn is to stabilize the gun and your aim by lying on your belly. I will show you!" she said, walking around and addressing the warriors.

  I watched her work closely. She was impressive. She was demanding. She was my match. I wanted her more than ever.

  Over the next three days, this is how I spent my time with her. She seemed to be a happier female now that I had given her a task. It was a task that gave her authority and let her show her skills. The warriors were getting better. There was one in particular that was showing promise, but none of them were yet able to reach the target.

  "Tomorrow, you will teach me," I said to her as we walked back to the living quarters after spending all day in target practice.

  She stopped and looked at me surprised and said, "I am surprised that your pride would let you do such a thing."

  I gave her a stern look, but then I laughed.

  She was startled by my outburst of laughter and then she began to laugh as well. It was the first moment of friendly conversation that we had exchanged since I met her. It aroused and pleased me.

  The next day, it was just the two of us on the cliffside as she showed me how to shoot the long distance target. It was a very dangerous position for me to be in. I had done a lot to this human female and she would want her revenge. Now she had a gun in her hand, and we were alone.

  "You are not doing that right," she said to me as she sat down beside me in the dirt. I was laying on my belly with a gun aimed at the target. She put her hand on top of my hand and moved my hand to how I should aim.

  "You probably can't see with all that hair in your face, Commander," she laughed as she pulled hair away from my face. Her fingers grazed my skin and I found it even harder to concentrate. She stopped and looked at me; I pulled my face away from the gun and stared at her. There was a moment, but we said nothing. She cleared her throat and said, "Don't try too hard. If you over think it, you will miss."

  I turned to the target and shot. Boom! I hit it. She squealed in delight and clapped her hands. It was the first moment of soft femininity that I had seen in her. It was delightful, and I knew that I was seeing a different side of her that she had not let out before in front of me. There was a playful female hiding in there. I wanted to get to know that female.

  Chapter 6


  I felt somewhat like myself again. Teaching the warriors about long-distance shooting was giving me something to look forward to. I was in my element. This is what I was trying to do and it made me feel good. The way I showed them that I could shoot that target over and over after they had laughed at me was a big boost to my confidence and my ego.

  I knew that I was owned by a Kalazaron warrior and had no free will. However, this helped make me feel like I had some control over my own destiny—this and sneaking off with Prana when I could. Though we were only able to get in a quick make out session here and there and not nearly enough time to do what we had done before, it still made me feel good and I enjoyed his company.

  But then something else began to happen. The more time that I spent with my Kalazaron owner, Commander Jaylin Brakin, the more I started to see a different side of him. I was beginning to find myself attracted to him. As soon as I found myself desiring his tall body, I began to hate myself.

  I had to remember that this was the warrior that had taken my Mason from me right in front of my eyes. He was the warrior that had destroyed an entire Earth ship full of soldiers. He was the enemy. He owned me. He was awful. He was mean. He was damn hot.

  The torment of this ruled my mind for many days. The more time I spent with him, the more the hate began to lessen and I found myself becoming attracted and aroused whenever he was close by. It was different than what I felt when I was with Prana. Being with Prana was purely sexual and an act of defiance against the commander. Sure, Prana was extremely hot. But there was something about the constant arguing and passionate anger that I shared with the commander that was bonding me to him. I could not explain it any other way.

  When I found myself pushing his hair out of his face when we were shooting long distance targets alone, I had lost myself. In that moment, I thought I was with a friend and a love interest. Just for that moment, I felt those feelings. It shocked me to the core.

  This commander was not who I thought he was in the beginning. Perhaps I did not see this side of him because I failed to look. I did not want to admit to myself that what he did to the Earth ship was exactly what we were going to do on our mission to take over the corporate invasion that we had been sent out to defeat. It was an act of war. It was what soldiers and warriors did. I had no reason to blame the commander for what he did, yet I wanted to hate him for it. We were the same. We were a match. I realized that I found myself trading the hate I felt for him for desire, lust, and something else…passion?

  After a few more days of training, the commander and one other warrior were the best shots. It was just the three of us up there, shooting the target. The warrior looked at the commander and said, "I will have to get this. You will be leading the speed racing pods towards the fence. I will be the only one that can shoot the electrical control panel from the cliffside to bring down the fence. It must be me. There is no one else."

  "What control panel?" I asked.

  They both looked at each other and the warrior looked at the commander, startled. Perhaps he had said something he was not supposed to in my presence.

  "What control panel? How far is the target?" I asked. They continued to be silent and I said, "Look, the more I know the more I can help. I could be the one on that cliffside shooting the control panel if you will tell me what this is all about."

  "No, it's not possible," the commander said. Then he turned to the warrior and said, "Keep practicing. You will get it."


  "You are dismissed. Go eat your meal in the hall."

  Once again, we were arguing and he was being defiant. Why couldn't I shoot that target for them? Was it a matter of trust? I stomped off away from the cliffside down into the village to eat. I was very angry when I ran into Prana. I knew exactly how to distract myself from that anger.

  Chapter 7


  I knew that there was a new session of long-distance target practice on the other side of the mountain, but I did not know why it was needed. It was part of the planned raid on the Belvenreed outpost. But I did not know exactly the details of how it was planned to take place.

  I had to find out all the information that I could. It was vital for me. I knew that I could get information from someone that spent a lot of time with the commander, and that someone was Serena. It was mixing business with pleasure as I took every opportunity that I could to see her. After
she had let me fuck her in the escape pod, I thought about little else. I wanted her again and again. The fact that I could also get important information out of her while I did things with her only made it better.

  "I've been missing you," I said as I ran into her in the forum of the village.

  She smiled at me and said, "Well I'm here now."

  "Want to take a walk with me?" I smiled at her.

  “I would love to. Lead the way," she said as she followed me. I led her to the outside of the mountain and up a cliffside ledge. We were completely on the opposite side of the target practice and no one really went up there.

  "The commander has been keeping you busy. I hope he is treating you better," I said to her, softening her up. This was how I did it. I knew how she wanted to be treated and spoken to, so I spoke to her in that way to get what I wanted from her. She ate it right up. It was exactly the same type of tone and wording I had used to get her into the escape pod so that I could fuck her. All along she thought she was in control of the situation, but she had just fallen straight into my trap. It was too easy with her.

  "Yes, he has been treating me a little bit better. And yes, he has been keeping me busy with target practice. I have been teaching the warriors how to shoot long-range. Though none of them are as good as I am."

  "Did he say why he needed this skill for our warriors?" I asked her, knowing that I could get information from her if she had it as she just thought this was pleasant conversation.

  "I am not entirely sure. He has not been completely open about it. Though today the warrior in training said something about an electrical control panel on a fence. That was the target. That is what we are practicing for. But he would not say much else after the commander told him to stop talking. I don't think they trust me even though I am the one that could shoot that control panel if they really needed me too."

  I smiled at her, knowing that I had gotten exactly what I needed from her. That was very vital information and I was going to use it. But now that I had received what I wanted in the form of information, I could give my body what it wanted. I played along with her flirtatiously and said, "Oh, is that so? You are that good with your hands."

  She smiled and moved her body against mine and said, "I am very skilled."

  She laughed and I leaned down and kissed her. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me and I pushed her against the rock wall of the cliffside. Within seconds, I was inside of her. It had been too long since the escape pod and since then we had only had a few stolen kisses here and there. Now I was finally able to enjoy her the way I wanted to. I pushed my cock inside of her as she slid down onto it. We both moaned in ecstasy as I moved in and out of her. She moaned louder and louder, "Oh yes, Prana! Fuck me!"

  I liked hearing the slave of the commander shout my name in such a filthy way. In a way, I was doing this to him out of punishment. I was punishing all of them at the base over and over, and none of them knew it.

  I kissed Serena's lips. I kissed her neck. I held her up against the wall as I moved my hips back-and-forth, fucking her hard. She spread her thighs open around me as she clung onto my shoulders, holding herself up. She was very strong and very wet. In seconds, we were both releasing in ecstasy as my juices flowed into her. It was just as good as the first time, only we could not take as much time as we did before.

  When we were done, we kissed for a few more minutes before we walked back down to the village. We were deep in conversation so we did not notice until he was practically on top of us and shouted, "What are you doing?!"

  The commander stood firmly in front of us. He was fuming with anger. I knew by the look on his face that he knew what we had done. I tried to hide my smile and play the dutiful warrior, but I was not successful.

  "Nothing," Serena said as she tried to move away from him.

  He stood in her way in front of her and said, "I watched the both of you come down from the mountainside. What were you doing up there?" His voice filled with anger and he knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it. He got in my face and said, "Serena is mine. How dare you touch her. What did you do to her?"

  My arrogance got away from me as it never had before as I said, "Nothing that she didn't want me to do to her. Nothing we haven't done before." I smiled out the words. I knew I was playing with fire, but there was only so much I would take from anyone, even the commander.

  Bam! He punched me in the face. I quickly came back with a punch to his ribs. It was on! Serena stumbled backwards as the commander charged at my waist and toppled me to the ground. We wrestled and rolled across the ground. Soon I could hear the shouting and cheering of the warriors surrounding us. It was customary to let the Kalazaron fight if they got into a disagreement. This is how we reached our solutions: We fought it out. It was the Kalazaron way.

  The commander was strong, but I held my own. He punched me across the face. I punched him back across the face. He kicked me in the ribs and I elbowed him to his neck. It was a long fight before a noise sliced through the air and stopped us all. We turned our attention toward the sky. An escape pod was jetting out of the mountainside toward the atmosphere. The commander quickly stood to his feet and looked around. He took off running faster than anyone I had ever seen.

  Chapter 8


  I’d had enough of this masculine bullshit. Neither of them owned me, which was something that they could not understand. I knew it was their way of life, but it was not mine. As I watched, I realized that all eyes were on them. This was my chance.

  I quickly ran to the landing port and climbed into an escape pod. I looked over the controls with shaking hands. I did not know how to chart a course. Would I be able to get back to Earth in one of these? I did not have enough time and so I began to press buttons and flip switches. Then… Woosh!

  The escape pod zoomed out of the landing port and into the atmosphere. I smiled as I realized that I had made it. I was going to get away from this place. I was no longer going to be a slave. I was nervous as I did not know where this would take me—possibly nowhere. But I had to give it a try.

  But then about five minutes later, the engine shut off as the darkness of space came into view. Was this part of the escape pod charting course? Did it go into some sort of auto pilot as it entered space? I could not tell and I tried to turn on the manual flight so that I could take control. Then I noticed that the escape pod was heading in a backwards direction, slowly but surely. How could that be?

  I turned and leaned to look at the glass behind me and saw a Kalazaron ship. It was a little larger than an escape pod. It would be a one, maybe two-man ship.

  "No!" I shouted. How could they have caught me so fast? I flipped switches and pressed buttons and panicked, but nothing would work to make the escape pod come alive again. I was caught in some sort of energy field that the ship was pulling me into. Then there was a hard shift in the escape pod that jolted me as the ship docked onto this escape pod. The doors switched open and Commander Jaylin Brakin stormed in.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing, Serena?!" he shouted at me.

  "Let me go! I do not want to be found! I do not want to be a slave! I want to go back to Earth," I said as I slammed myself into his chest and began pounding my fist against him in a crying rage. It was the first time I had cried since they had invaded the Madera. But I was to the point that I could not hold the tears and the anger in anymore.

  "Calm down! Calm down!" Jaylin said as he grabbed my shoulders and shook me. He looked down at me as I looked at him searching his eyes for something anything. I wanted to be consoled. I wanted safety. He said nothing, but he leaned down from his towering height and kissed me.

  I struggled against him, wanting to be free. I wanted to continue on my journey in the escape pod, but as he kissed me more, I gave in. I gave into the sensual tension that had been building between us the last few weeks. He kissed me hard and soon my pounding fists turned into rubbing hands all over his broad chest and should
ers. His long, black and blue hair fell on my cheek, tickling me.

  "Serena, I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose you to wandering in space until you die. Let me take you back home. You belong with me," he whispered between kisses.

  His words were shockingly comforting to me. My wild side took control and I unbuckled the belt around his waist and let the leather cloth fall to the floor. He moaned as I did so and let out a sharp breath of air as my hand clamped around his long, thick cock. His hands roamed fast and almost in a clumsy manner in his extreme haste to get the muslin dress off my body.

  It fell to the floor and I stood there naked with his cock in my hand as we kissed deeply. The way we groped at each other was in a clumsy manner, as though we had waited very long to be able to touch each other in this way. It was evident that we were both taken over by the adrenaline of the moment. We were drifting in space and he had come to recapture me and claim me.


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