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Flower-of-Sands_The Extraordinary Adventures of a Female Astronaut

Page 37

by Grahame R. Smith

  Astral-La shook her head slowly. ‘Unbelievable, and I’ve not even been interviewed. I was just sent to our dormitory, and then I came here.’

  ‘I’m sure you will be,’ Flower-of-Sands said. She was about to say more, but a cloud of moodiness had drifted across Astral-La which could easily erupt into more obvious nastiness.

  Flower-of-Sands turned to Jalaal. ‘What about you, Jalaal, have you been interviewed.

  ‘Yes, I have been. I am to receive the conditioning and can go home. I will have the equivalent of six Earth months on Liberty where I can develop my music still further, using the knowledge of that planet concerning the transforming properties of sound and music. Perhaps I will be allowed to visit the Marleeseen planet where music is developed to an extraordinary level. After this six-month period of adjustment, the Salvation authorities will give me a place on a diplomatic ship to the Milky Way and the Earth solar system and … home. I have people waiting. Venetia and I want so much to see our Earth friends. I am betrothed … at least I was. A long time has elapsed … it is all very uncertain, but one thing is clear – we have been rescued and we are going home.’

  ‘I never thought I would look upon a galaxy as home,’ Flower-of-Sands said.

  ‘I have been asked to perform to the marines just before we leave for intergalactic space. Venetia and I are staying awake during the crossing to absorb as much as we can of Rann science and culture, and get to know each other.’

  ‘Just think of it,’ Venetia said. ‘We will travel 3 million light years in less than six months. The technology involved! I must get to know it.’

  ‘I am going to sleep as are the children,’ Flower-of-Sands said. ‘Apparently, a Rann admiral considers me a danger to Rann males and wants to space me. I’m better off in hibernation.’ She winked at Astral-La.

  ‘Me too, except I’m just a general danger,’ Astral-La said.

  They all laughed.

  Flower-of-Sands awoke to wonder where she was. A warmth and sweet fragrance seemed to envelope her. She was not alone. Someone had slid in beside her. It was unexpected, she had no memory of inviting anyone into her bed – especially after what granite-face had said. She was a watched person, under investigation by a Rann Moral Protection Unit inhabited by “Flower-of-Sands-hating-officers”. She was confused and lay still. She must be dreaming, and she would wait and allow the dream to unfold. Except it wasn’t a dream.

  ‘Hi Sands.’

  ‘Astral, what are you doing?’

  ‘I thought you might like company, and I need to tell you something.’

  ‘Can’t it wait?’

  ‘Not really.’ Astral-La shifted and her warmth licked over Flower-of-Sands like a sultry wind. ‘I saw Clayton. I’ve been recruited. Apparently, he was going to recruit me anyway, even before all this, which is good to know. My abilities will come in handy and can be developed, perhaps even passed on, he says. I have a year or two – Liberty years – of training with Rann Blues. Apparently, they are fiercer than the men, so I should be in good company.’

  ‘That’s great Astral, really great. I presume it’s what you want?’

  ‘In the medium to long term, yes. In the short to immediate term, I have other plans.’

  ‘Oh.’ Flower-of-Sands was silent for a while and then stirred uneasily. ‘Astral, you are naked.’


  ‘And so am I.’

  ‘True. I undressed you while you slept. I’m good at doing that sort of thing. Mind control.’

  ‘But that is an outrageous liberty.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘Listen, I love Ninthe.’

  ‘Well, Ninthe is not here and she has had her feelings for you removed from her data base. I know you are curious about what it would be like with me.’

  Flower-of-Sands shifted slightly but was restrained by Astral-La’s radiating presence. ‘Astral, I’m not promiscuous.’

  ‘Yeah, sure Sands, absolutely.’

  Flower-of-Sands breathed heavily. ‘You have me hemmed in, Astral.’

  ‘You can’t escape, Flower. It’s just this one time. I am not proposing we get married. See it as revenge for what you did in the gladiatorial arena.’

  ‘But …’ Flower-of-Sands was silent. ‘Astral, your hand is on my tummy, on my favourite spot. How did you know that?’


  ‘What about Venetia and Jalaal. They may wake up.’

  ‘Unlikely. Anyway, we won’t make much noise.’

  By now Astral-La’s hands were moving freely over Flower-of-Sands body.

  Flower-of-Sands shuddered. ‘I can’t promise that.’

  Much later, she woke to find Astral-La no longer there. Raising herself on one arm, she could see her in bed across the other side of the room. Jalaal and Venetia were in the bed next to her. She slid out, went to the wash room, and put on a dressing gown provided by the Rann personnel unit, stepped outside into a corridor, and walked to the children’s room.

  Daff and Wanda were not there. She sat for a while looking at the empty beds, dreaming. How she missed Ninthe! Here she was three million light years, give or take, from home and she was missing an android lover that had had its love for he wiped.

  She left the children’s room and took a sled to the hibernation bay. An android nurse met her.

  ‘Good day, Flower-of-Sands. Have you come for your medical prior to hibernation?’

  ‘Yes. I will bring the children later.’

  ‘No need. They are already here and are good to go. Please come with me. No eating for eight hours before the process, so that you are comfortable during the waking process.’

  ‘I haven’t eaten for some time. I’m not sure how long.’

  ‘We will screen your digestive system. Everyone is different.’

  She stepped into the Hibernation Bay and a nurse showed her to a bunk. A female Green medic appeared and conducted an examination.

  When the medic released her, she followed a high-lit, yellow path into a warm preparation unit. Daff and Wanda were there and out cold. A nurse offered her a bunk and she lay down. She felt the nurse inserting something into her hand, and she closed her eyes and waited.

  Venetia sat on her bed sipping a cup of something a little like tea, pretending to be sleepy-trying-to-wake, but waiting for Astral-La to go. Jalaal had already gone to a gym, after which he would visit the mess and perform to military support staff. They loved his music, and already he had become a much-loved star. A holiday in intergalactic space awaited Jalaal and Venetia. They were excited, and for the time being a couple. But Venetia had a secret.

  Astral-La finished fussing in the washroom, came over, kissed her on the cheek, winked, and sidled out of the room.

  Now, at last, she was alone.

  ‘I’m alone now. We can talk.’

  Have you decided?

  ‘I have, yes.’ Venetia spoke aloud. ‘I am reluctant about mind linking, but this, I suppose is different.’

  It will be an amazing symbiotic experience and will enrich both of us.

  ‘Were you there when I was with Jalaal last night. I couldn’t feel you.’

  My priorities are different from yours. I just bask in my own aliveness. But I can come forward, if you ask me.

  ‘What about your brother, Prince? What will happen to him? Won’t you miss him?’

  Because of him, we are free. The Inquisition will reward him for his bravery, probably with a salvo of all six sexes. That will keep him happy for a long time. And we can connect telepathically, if we wish to do so.

  ‘Do you feed off me, off my consciousness, that is. I don’t want to become a zombie over the years.’

  No. There are many energy sources on this mighty island that you call a spaceship and there will be even more in the places we are headed for. I am not prone to the perverse practice of feeding off sentience.

  ‘Sorry. It’s all so new.’

  I understand. Together, we can achieve greatness.

�I don’t want greatness. I just want to do research and travel across the stars.’

  That is greatness, Venetia. I feel that you are a perfect host for me.

  ‘I hope so, Arabella, I hope so.’

  So, what do you say?

  ‘Welcome to my head, Arabella, welcome to my head.’

  Chapter 42

  She stepped onto the balcony of her apartment and gazed across the valley beyond which a sea glowed like polished glass. Every kind of visual beauty and splendour confronted her. Indeed, the Marleeseen planet was so stunning that standing looking out at anything from any point anywhere brought tears to the eyes and inspired the mind to lofty thoughts.

  She yawned, stretched, and sipped from a flask of coffee. How coffee had found its way onto the Marleeseen planet was beyond her. When asked, her Marleeseen companions were evasive. She wondered if they had created coffee by reading her mind. Perhaps all she was drinking was warm water, and the coffee part was an illusion.

  Daff and Wanda were already up and had wandered off into the radiant morning. They had been acting a little strangely over the last few days, giving her enigmatic looks as if they expected something to happen, as if they had a secret. Perhaps they planned an adventure, or a safari of some sort and didn’t want her to know. They were happy, carefree; injustice and violence had vanished from their lives. And there were other children, from other races, not all human, some surprisingly alien, such as the cute four-eyed creatures and the mystical young Zanasareen. Daff and Wanda played with abandon, but were surreptitiously picking up a wealth of knowledge and abilities.

  She left the balcony, went down a small flight of wooden steps onto a moss lawn and began to walk. Gold-laced fair-weather clouds had gathered over the lake and a distant island glowed in the early sun.

  She came to a bay of sand and smooth white stones. Someone was sitting on the seat that had become her favourite picnic and contemplation spot. Although on the Marleeseen planet annoyance never took hold, she was slightly cross because she had been looking forward to her morning sit looking out across the lake watching young Marleeseen fly low over the water and sport with water fowl.

  Her annoyance gradually gave way to curiosity. There was something familiar about the figure, the stance, the way of leaning towards the trees, head tilted back towards the sky, as if about to read the wind and predict the weather.

  ‘Hello.’ Flower-of-Sands voice rang out like a bell. The figure turned and looked at her.

  The pang that she experienced was so powerful that had she been elderly she may well have suffered a cardiac arrest. Her legs nearly gave way as a burning sensation radiated from her solar plexus to her arms, neck, and head. She felt her arms vibrating like a tuning fork. Ninthe smiled up at her, relaxed, wearing her usual pale blue coverall, and looking fresh and glowing.

  Pretending that she was only mildly surprised, Flower-of-Sands approached Ninthe with the attitude of one meeting an old friend after a long time.

  ‘Ninthe, what are you doing here?’ her mouth was so dry, she could hardly talk. She sat down shakily.

  ‘I am obeying a directive from my previous consciousness, which she gave before she had her affections for you deleted.’

  ‘Oh. And what was that … directive, if I may ask?’

  ‘You may ask, of course, and I will tell you. The directive was that if you ever returned from the Great Wheel galaxy, I would cancel whatever duties I was involved in, locate you, and offer my services. My purpose, as you know is to serve, save life, and, wherever possible, make people happy, and I am to offer that to you. I hope that is acceptable.’ Ninthe regarded her coolly, her deep blue eyes pools of pure beauty. ‘I’m sorry, I seem to be distressing you.’

  Flower-of-Sands was having difficulty breathing and felt as if she were about to swoon. Ninthe leant forward and touched her gently on the cheek. Flower-of-Sands closed her eyes as the touch ran through her.

  ‘Ninthe, are you here to torment me, to repay me for the distress I caused your previous consciousness. I know I was wrong. I know my behaviour was unacceptable. I know I was cruel and inconsiderate, and a period has not passed, even under duress on Planet X, when I have not regretted it. Please don’t torment me like this. I still love you and seeing you here like this looking so …so … is tearing me apart.’

  ‘I am not here to torment you, please believe me. I was instructed that you would most likely react in this way, which is why I have approached you indirectly, rather than come to your home. I have been here for days, trying to figure out how best to approach you.’ She paused. ‘I have been instructed to cast the past aside and offer myself to you – in the here and now.’

  ‘You mean we can be friends?’

  ‘Of course, I am here to serve, as always, and to be your very best friend ... and whatever else you may wish me to be.’

  Flower-of-Sands sat watching Ninthe as hope awoke in her like a thousand-petal flower.

  ‘Can I take your hands,’ she said.

  Ninthe placed her hands over Flowers’ hands. ‘Of course, nothing would give me greater pleasure.’

  Tears filled Flower-of-Sands’ eyes and flowed down her cheeks. Ninthe leaned forward and wiped them.

  Flower-of-Sands gave an embarrassed laugh. ‘Sorry, but I think I am dreaming.’

  ‘No dream.’ Ninthe sounded almost practical. Then she stopped and looked expectantly into Flower’s eyes, shook her head as if waiting an instruction. ‘Yes?’

  ‘How did you survive Clayton’s wrath?’

  ‘He ordered that I should be destroyed. However, the Rann’s code of honour in not harming non-combatants extends to androids and artificial persons. Instead, they sent me for reconditioning. However, it was easy enough to manipulate their technology which, although highly advanced in war, is rather naive in other matters.’ Ninthe smile was almost capricious. ‘And you have another question?’

  Flower took a deep breath and plunged into what could easily turn out to be a disaster. ‘Ninthe, can I ask you something? If it is outrageous, tell me immediately, immediately, do you understand. I don’t want to lose our friendship.’

  ‘Promise. Fire away.’ Ninthe’s smile was warm, loving, almost parental, as if humouring a child.

  ‘Can you simulate the feelings you previously had for me, do a copy, as it were?’

  ‘Yes, I can do that?’

  ‘And would you?’

  ‘Would I? Of course, as I said, I am here to serve.’

  ‘And would you be willing to love and cherish me as I do you, simulate that is – I know it sounds crazy.’

  Ninthe gave a long blue smile. ‘I was told you might ask such a question, and I am instructed to give the answer yes, which I do happily. And it is not crazy.’

  Flower-of-Sands felt that she was encapsulated in a timeless moment. ‘Can we start now.’

  ‘I have been instructed that were you …’

  ‘Shut up Ninthe and come here.’

  Later, the sun now higher, the day joyful, they walked arm in arm towards Flower-of-Sands’ apartment.

  Trembling with happiness, Flower-of-Sands was filling Ninthe in about her recent experiences. For her part, Ninthe was happy to be in service to the human she most cared for and the simulated feelings were delightful; she planned to embrace them and make them her own. It was a risk, but it was a risk she was prepared to take. Sands would never know that she was a little scared.

  ‘There is something I need to tell you, Ninthe.’

  ‘Oh, am I to share you with a gorgeous Rann, a threesome, so to speak? Could I do such a thing? Maybe. After all, I am a liberated android.’ Ninthe knew what was coming as she had had done her research, but she pretended innocence.

  Daff and Wanda were playing close to the apartment. When they approached, Daff rolled his eyes, whispered something to Wanda that made her laugh, and waved.

  ‘These two children are very special to me …’ Flower-of-Sands began.

  ‘I know, we have already met,�
�� Ninthe admitted.


  ‘Sorry, but I had to do my research. I just couldn’t help myself. We have children and that makes me so happy.’

  All Flower-of-Sands’ adventures flashed through her mind in one instant. It was as if everything had led to this moment.

  ‘That sounds like it’s not a simulation, Ninthe – like it’s real.’

  ‘It is real, Sands. It always has been.’

  If you enjoyed reading Flower-of-Sands, please review the book!

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  Other Books by Grahame R. Smith

  Worlds At Risk SciFi Series

  V1. At Risk...

  A Perfect World

  V2. Countdown: Apocalypse

  An Intergalactic Odyssey

  V3. Journey to the

  Dawn of Time

  V4. No More Moon

  In the Water

  About the Author

  Graham is a semi-retired classical and rock musician and music teacher. He has two children and seven grandchildren whom he sees regularly. He devotes his time to writing and performing on the violin and viola. He has many other interests that include reading, walking, going to art exhibitions, astronomy and hanging out in cafes. He would like to include sky diving, space walking, mountaineering, and other extreme sports, but saves those for his novels.

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