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The Omega Team: His Pryze to Claim (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Aliyah Burke

  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Desiree Holt. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original The Omega Team remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Desiree Holt, or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds:

  His Pryze to Claim


  Aliyah Burke

  Blurb for His Pryze to Claim

  A wedding, a car crash, and more heat than they know what to do with.

  Liz Pryze is attending her cousin’s wedding where she meets the handsome best man. Sparks fly immediately but she’s determined to be on her best behavior and not proposition him. Not an easy task, especially with the looks he’s been giving her all night.

  Cullen O’Rourke is enamored by the bride’s cousin. Determined to get her alone, he offers to drive her when she’s recalled to work. The trip doesn’t go as planned when they’re rammed off the road and hunted. After she gets out of the hospital, together they figure out who’s after one of them and why. Being locked up with her in a cabin is the perfect time for him to claim his prize.


  My heartfelt thanks to the lovely and talented Desiree Holt for allowing me once again to play in her world. To my readers, thanks for all the support and the lovely notes, I do love hearing from you. To DH, I love you. And again, last but never least to the men and women who are prepared to give up the ultimate sacrifice for those of us they may never meet. Thank you and God Bless.

  Table of Contents

  About the Omega Team

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  About the Author

  Additional Books by Aliyah Burke

  Other Books in The Omega Team Kindleworlds Series

  The Omega Team

  Grey Holden was raised to believe in honor and duty and the dedication of men to fighting evil. Both his father and grandfather taught him the tradition of the Omega Male, men who carry a resourcefulness, cunning and strength to get a job done with their own skill. They take great pride in what they do without it manifesting as "ego." They differ from the typical Alpha Male who MUST absolutely be perceived by his peers as the toughest, most popular, and smartest. An Omega Male cares little for this recognition...but knows that he is all those things and more. It’s what made him a good soldier and what makes him a good security and covert agent. Athena Madero fits perfectly into his world. They meet when separately they are trying to prove that a wealthy and high profile political figure is actually The Snake, a shadowy arms dealer whose weapons armed the insurgents that Grey was fighting in Afghanistan.

  They form The Omega Team, an agency that takes on even the most dangerous cases. They draw as members of the team former military such as Delta Force, SEALs, Force Recon Marines, Coast Guard, Night Stalkers and others, law enforcement and private security who have the same code of conduct and dedication they do. They will also work with similar agencies on some joint ventures. Headquartered in Tampa, Florida, they accept assignments all over the world, no matter how dangerous.

  Chapter One

  “You may kiss the bride.”

  The church erupted with cheers and whistles as the groom did just that.

  Liz smiled and clapped politely as the new couple swapped spit. This truly wasn’t her scene. God, I would love to be at a bar sucking on a longneck.

  When Sheri broke free and looked back at her, Liz passed back the large bouquet.

  “Thank you,” Sheri said with a smile that rivaled the entire city’s output of electricity. “Don’t forget pictures.”

  She smiled at her cousin. “I’ll be right behind you.”

  Sheri sent her one final look before heading off.

  Okay, so she may not be an out and out fan of having her picture taken but this was her cousin’s wedding. Not to mention they were more like sisters given how close they were. Liz wouldn’t miss it, she would be there for the soul stealing picture taking event.

  Yep, she sure would. Right after she got a drink. Sidetracking through the hall, she went to her own bag, withdrew the flask and took a swig. Hell yeah, that hit the spot. She slid it in her garter and hefted the hem of her dress to hustle her way to the back of the church for pictures. While they were doing this, everyone else, except for the bridal party, would be trekking reception hall.

  “Where’s mine?”

  Liz blinked and gazed at her cousin. “Huh?”

  “Bitch,” she sort of whispered. “I know you have your flask. Share.”

  She tsked. “I thought Bridezilla wasn’t supposed to happen up until the wedding actually occurred.”

  Sheri smiled for the photographer but talked out of the corner of her mouth as she pinched a grip on Liz’s arm. “If you think I won’t go up under your dress for that flask I know is in your garter, you’ve got another thing coming.”

  Liz snorted.

  Hearing this, the new husband, Mat, glanced over from where he stood with his groomsmen.

  Liz smiled at them all. Her and Mat may have gotten acquainted with her tazer up to his balls but she liked him now and held no grudges for his behavior. She was easygoing and forgiving like that. Some may say magnanimous. Okay, so that was most likely in her own mind but it worked and she was going to stick with that. “I’m sure Mat would love that.”

  “All the groomsmen and hell, quite possibly some of the bridesmaids.”

  “I’m not sharing,” she insisted.

  “Elizabeth!” Sheri screeched, garnering everyone’s attention.

  “Nope.” A wide grin. “You have a man to warm your bed. I have my drink.”

  “It’s my day.”

  “Christ, you sound like a pouting child, thank god Mat’s here.” She gestured to the new husband. “Get your wife, Mat.”

  “Should I be worried?” He drew Sheri close and kissed her until her protests fell silent.

  “Only if she tries to go under my dress.”

  Mat cocked an eyebrow and shared a glance with his best man, Cullen O’Rourke. Both men flicked gazes between them.

  “This is an interesting development. I had no idea about your woman, Mat or her beautiful maid of honor.”

  Cullen’s deep voice did things to her no amount of drinking every could. Liz ran an approving stare over him. Rich chocolate brown hair and lean hips created one hell of a silhouette. Scruff lined his chiseled features.

  “See, Cullen gets it,” Liz quipped

  His gaze heated as he raked it over her.

  “I have no doubt,” Sheri sassed. “You’ll probably also share some liquor with him.”

  Liz refused to respond. She’d sure as hell share some with him. More even if he were so inclined.

  After the pictures, they all went to the reception where they had dances, toasting, and good times. Liz cried off and headed right outside the hall. The night had gotten cold as they were up in the mountains. She had no doubt snow would begin later. Rubbing her bare arms, she moved off to the right using the shadows to keep herself alone.

  This was a lot for her. Large crowds were hard for her, even if it was mostly family and friends. She enjoyed her solitude which is why she loved her job in the State Patrol. Out on the road alone.

  Everything would be different now. She and Sherri had been the holdouts for getting hitched. Now I’m by myself for t
hat. All eyes and focus would be on her and her lack of marital status. Something I’m so not looking forward to experiencing.

  His presence was around her before he actually appeared in view.

  Cullen O’Rourke.

  She’d had one dance with the man and nearly left a wet spot on the floor from it. He was in an entirely different league than any other man she’d dealt with.

  “Wondered where you ran off to.”

  A hint of a southern accent tinged his words. He had thick black hair and light sea-green eyes that turned her on even as they saw more than she wanted. His body was hot as fuck and she would be willing to climb all over him and see what he could do for and to her, without a second’s hesitation. She’d always been easy with her sexuality and went after who or what she wanted. If she wasn’t at her cousin’s wedding she would have already approached him. She was trying to behave and not be an embarrassment to anyone.

  “Why?” I will not ask him if I can suck his dick.

  Before he could answer, her phone vibrated against her leg through her clutch.

  “Excuse me.” She stared at the highlighted screen and read the name there. “Captain?”

  Her captain, Roger Limerack.

  “I know you’re at a wedding, Pryze, and I hate to call you but we’re all hands right now. Since you’re not all that far out of the way, we need you.”

  Liz had tons of questions about his statement, however duty overrode curiosity. “On my way.”

  “Headquarters.” He hung up.

  She headed to the door only to pause, gaze back and waved at him. Then she hurried in to where she found Sherri and Mat in their seats. Dodging the wedding guests, she walked up beside Sheri and bent down. “I have to go to work. I’m sorry hon. Congrats.”

  Sheri put dark grey eyes on her. “Everything okay?”

  “Don’t think so, we’re all hands.”

  Sheri hugged her. “Be safe. How are you getting out there?”

  “I’m driving her.”

  Cullen’s deep voice gave her a start, then chills of a most pleasant kind.

  “Be careful,” Sheri said, taking it as Liz had already given her permission.


  With a farewell to Mat and her family members, she walked out beside Cullen. “I have to stop off to grab my bag.”

  “Sure thing.” He opened the door to a Chevy Camaro for her and she slid over the leather seat.

  At the hotel, she ran for her bag and tossed it in the backseat. “I’m about seventy-five minutes out.”

  “Not a problem.”

  It would be even longer if she went home first to change. She worried her lower lip. Cullen got them on the road as the first flakes of snow fell from the sky. Liz gazed to the backseat before unhooking herself and shoving into the back, her dress riding up over her ass.

  “Wh-What are you doing?” he asked.

  She grinned. “Getting naked.” Liz laughed as she fell sideways when he jerked the wheel hard at her statement.


  Cullen gulped hard as he struggled to correct his sudden directional change. Those were two words, he hadn’t been expecting from her. Changing, sure. Getting naked?

  Christ, that created amazing images in his mind. And with those then came his unruly cock as it nearly punched free from his tuxedo pants with the visual the words provided to him. Her laughter wasn’t helping, low sultry, and sexy beyond anything he’d heard in a long time.

  Wheels firmly where they belonged between the white lines, he focused on the road ahead. “Where am I going?”

  “State Patrol Headquarters.”

  He grunted and stole a look in his rearview just in time to see her shove the top portion of her dress down to her waist. His throat went dry at her breasts in their lacy rose bra were exposed.

  Eyes on the road.

  “What do you do for them?” His voice was low and graveled.

  She snapped upright and stared at him in the mirror.

  He shifted on the seat as she held to the straps low on her arms. Yanking his gaze away yet again, he continued on down the road.

  Behind him, she shimmed and shook until the dress had been removed and she was in his backseat with only a bra and some kind of panties on.

  Lucky damn seat.

  He couldn’t keep his eyes off her and on the road, her dusky skin glowed in the lights from passing vehicles. His palms burned with the need to touch, feel, explore.

  She met his gaze in the rearview and hiked up a perfectly arched eyebrow.

  His desire didn’t cool, not even when she tugged on a tank top then covered that with the blocky unattractive bullet proof vest.

  This woman was still hot as she buttoned up her shirt with the badge on the chest. A bit more wriggling and temptation before she chucked a pair of heavy boots up between the seats to land on the floorboard of the passenger seat.

  She followed, brushing her breasts against him. At least that’s how he imagined it instead of her vest. Liz reclaimed the seat with a huff.

  She smelled like a temptation to sin. And he was more than willing to indulge in that temptation. Cullen ran his gaze over her as she put her boots on. “Cop?” He couldn’t explain why it shocked him.

  “State Patrol. What about you?”

  “Just separated from the Army. Getting re-acclimated to civilian life.” Even he heard the bitterness in his own tone.

  “Thank you for your service. How’s the transition going?” She laced up her other boot and tugged her pant legs down over both.

  “Better,” he replied honestly. “Mat got me hooked up with Gray of The Omega Team. That’s helped. Still doing what I trained for while I learn to be a normal person once more.”

  “Babe,” she said in a light tone. “Ain’t nothing normal about civilians. So don’t even think you have to find a normal civilian life. You need to find a normal for you. You find your pace, your normal. Not based on anyone else.”

  He felt so grateful to hear those words from someone else other than Mat. His best friend was a strong support system but it was rough. He wouldn’t deny that for a second. This wedding was a huge thing for him to attend. Also, part of the reason he agreed to drive Liz was to get away from the people gathered for the joyous occasion. Mostly however, because this woman had mesmerized him from the jump.

  The sassy attitude combined with the way the deep rose dress fit, highlighting amazing curves. He’d gotten a chance to see the hint of a tattoo on one breast as she’d waltzed by in another man’s arms.

  Now he had her in his car, he wanted to keep her there and take her home to his bed. Hell, or go to hers.

  “Are you liking being with The Omega Team?”

  “I love feeling like I’m doing something worthwhile.” Cullen frowned and stole another glance back.

  “Doesn’t look like it with that scowl.”

  The hair on the back of his neck stood up. Every protective instance he’d homed being in the Army screamed at him. “Someone is tailing us and doing a piss poor job at it.”

  She tensed but didn’t look behind like many people would have. Instead, she used the side mirror. “Any particular reason someone would be after you?”

  Plenty, however none he would be able to tell her about. He responded with a noncommittal grunt. He tried to call Mat but couldn’t get any reception.

  She laughed even as she slid the seat back. Liz angled to reach behind him and yanked her bag up to her lap. As she withdrew her service pistol, he watched the vehicle behind them. The fewer cars there were the easier it became for him to tell it was trailing them. When he accelerated, they did same when he slowed down.

  Liz passed him the gun, a Glock 21.

  “What about you?” he asked, grateful to have a weapon in hand.

  “I have my backup, my HK VP9sk. It’s better suited to my hand. Yours is much bigger.”

  “That’s completely true,” he deadpanned. “But I’ve never had any complaints.”

p; “Sheep and goats don’t talk. I’m sure you thought the bleating was agreement. I don’t think it was.”

  He whipped around an older RV and smiled in her direction. Cullen very much approved of her comeback.

  The road grew very curvy and the snow had picked up making the thinner roads even more dangerous. Eventually, it was just his Camaro and the following SUV. “This is going to get ugly.”

  “Let’s do it. Did you try OnStar?”

  Damn, he’d forgotten about them, it had been so long since he’d been in this vehicle. He was thrilled by her calm, levelheaded behavior. Cool under pressure. Yes, his epitome of a keeper. The vehicle behind them barreled closer. There were a few jarring hits as he did his best to avoid them.

  “There,” he said pointing ahead to where an SUV sat in the median. “Law.”

  “No, it’s not,” she said. “Our vehicles aren’t like that.”

  After the words left her mouth, the SUV facing them shot out from its spot, gravel flying from beneath the wheels. He punched the accelerator and sped off.

  The SUV handled better than he thought it would and caught up to them right at a corner. He zigged, they zagged and the moment the crunch hit his ears, they were already going over the edge.

  “Fuck,” she cried out.

  Cullen was in complete agreement.

  Chapter Two

  Holy fucking shit, I hurt.

  Liz remembered flashes. Being hit by the larger SUV and crashing over the guardrail and eventually, the edge. The bumping and being tossed about, windows shattering and the cold, darkness that enveloped her.

  While the pain lingered, the cold had vanished. She flexed her fingers and froze again. Warm skin beneath her fingers that didn’t belong to her. While it took a bit longer, she put a name to the man with her. Cullen O’Rourke.

  Snow on the ground numbed the injuries on the backs of her legs and neck. And while the cold sucked, it was tolerable.


  “Yeah, I’m alive.” A brief pause. “I think. You okay?”


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