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Jericho (The Strong Pack)

Page 14

by Crystal Dawn

  “Anything?” I asked delighted at the possibilities.

  “You only have to asked me.”

  “We have some time right now and I’m asking.” He raised his eyebrow at me not quite sure what I meant.

  “I’m all yours.”

  “You have no idea how true that’s about to be.” I said as I took his hand and led him upstairs to our bedroom.

  “Now that we’re up here I’ll tell you the rules. You do exactly as I say. I’m completely in control and you’re my love slave, understand?” I saw the first signs of worry as he realized the enormity of what he had agreed to.

  “Alright.” He said hesitantly.

  “Strip!” I instructed even as I undressed too. My slave had his clothes off in no time. “I want you on the bed with your legs spread and your arms above your head. Clasp your hands together. Just like that. Very nice.” I said as I instructed then praised him. He looked mouth watering.

  “Your not going to tie me up are you?”

  “No, a strong wolf like you would just break anything I could use. I want you to keep yourself still. That’s a much bigger challenge. You’re going to lay just like that and let me do whatever I want without trying to touch me or stop me. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything too kinky and you’ll like everything I plan to do.” He didn’t seem too sure of that but he lay still awaiting my pleasure. It was exciting to feel in control like this. He was mine to do with as I would.

  I got on the bed at the bottom and started crawling up between his legs. I stopped to lick and nip lightly as I went. It didn’t take much to have him arching and writhing on the bed. That was okay because he didn’t try to touch me or interfere with what I was doing and that was all I had asked of him. I had moved up to where my face was at his groin. I smelled his sweet, musky, and masculine scent. It was all I could do not to drool. I took my hands and cupped his balls and squeezed them gently. He moaned and arched begging for more. I moved my mouth down to cover one of his balls and I sucked it gently into my mouth then I sucked a little harder as he made soft groaning noises. I moved to the other and did the same as I rubbed on the spot right behind them. Oh, yeah. He liked that a lot. I slid my tongue up and down the underside of his long, thick shaft and when I noticed the shiny drop of pre cum on the end I couldn’t resist and licked it off before sinking him right down my throat. He jerked up off the bed as if he’d been zapped by electricity but he managed to keep his hands clasp and over his head. Good boy.

  I let his cock go with a loud pop. I moved up to straddle his hips but sat just below his cock and leaned forward to lick and tease his nipples until they were rock hard. I moved up and kissed him passionately before I lifted myself and slowly slid down the length of his shaft until I was completely impaled. Oh, that feels so good! I started to rock back and forth slowly. I changed angles until I found what he liked best then I sped up a little at a time until I was rocking against him hard and fast completely out of control. I moaned with pleasure seeking that ultimate release. I could sense he was near it too. It was closer and closer until I froze as pleasure surged through me then I jerked against him as I screamed his name. Moments later he followed me but still held his hands clap above his head. I was impressed in more ways than one. Since my mate was basically restraining himself I thought of all kinds of ways to test his control. It was going to be a wonderful night.

  The next morning dawned bright and my mate was cheerful. I, on the other hand, ached in places I was sure had never ached before. I could barely keep my eyes open and his cheerfulness was not appreciated. I wanted to just go back to sleep but he refused to let me. “Now, now, honey don’t be that a way. You agreed to go to Dad’s and we need to go this morning. We have to pack what you need and make any arrangements necessary. I also want to make sure you’re fed especially after all that energy you burned last night. I have to admit you convinced me that sometimes just lying there and being pleasured can be amazing.” Jer said with enthusiasm. It wasn’t that I minded, the whole point had been to tease him then please him. I just needed some rest now and he wouldn’t let me have it.

  “I wanna go back to bed.” I know I was whining a bit but I just needed a little more sleep.

  “Seymour’s father is already here. We need to get you out of here. You can take a nap after we settle in my room.” There he started being reasonable again. I wasn’t feeling reasonable. Maybe it was from the change I had recently gone through, maybe it was hormones from pregnancy, or maybe it was because of my recent experience. I really didn’t know why I felt so bitchy. I knew he just wanted us safe and protected. I decided to drag my ass out of bed and see if a shower would wake me up.

  I took a warm shower and washed my hair. I made it quick so I wouldn’t get too relaxed. Jer went downstairs to fix breakfast while I dressed and then packed a couple of bags. I was so tired of being hunted. If this threat was dealt with maybe we could get back to a normal life. As normal a life as a newly changed white wolf can have. I took one of the bags down with me because Jer wouldn’t want me carrying two. He came out as I reached the bottom step and apparently he didn’t want me carrying any. It looked like pregnant was the same as helpless to my mate. I could already see some disagreements ahead. I would not sit on my ass doing nothing for months at a time. We hadn’t really discussed it, but I was sure we would have more babies in time. I needed to set some ground rules or I might have years of doing nothing.

  We sat and ate breakfast, both of us lost in thought. I thought about how to reason with my mate about his restricting attitude and he thought about whatever pushy overprotective males thought about. I helped him clean up after we ate even though he told me to just sit down and relax. Once we were ready to go he went to get my other bag then he carried both to his truck to load them. He wouldn’t let me carry a thing. We headed down the road and I looked back at my bar. I wondered how long my exile would last. I was certain I wouldn’t be back until this threat was completely neutralized. Would he try to take me from pack lands? He’d have to be a fool to try.

  We got to the pack house and Jer took my bags to his room. He came back and led me to his dad’s office so we could talk to him. I was glad to get a chance to find out what was going on. Some packs like Alpha James’s were backward and nothing of importance was discussed with females. Our pack wasn’t like that so I hoped Ari would tell me what I wanted to know. Jer knocked on the door and we were told to enter. Ari had a commanding voice which wasn’t surprising for an alpha. We went in and sat across the desk from him. “I’m glad you decided to stay with us for a while. It’s much safer for you here. I suppose you want to know what’s going on?” He asked looking at me.

  “I have been worried about all of this. I can’t believe he won’t just quit. The council seems to have no power at all.”

  “I’ll agree they haven’t done much. I don’t understand what’s going on with them. I did have a letter sent asking them to handle the situation or give me leave to handle it for them. I haven’t heard back yet. I’m not sure when or even if I will. I also have some wolves on Alpha James watching him and those who work for him. I don’t think your magic user will be back. I’ve heard from Blake and he says Evan has run into trouble of his own and he is fighting to retain his position. The question is will another take his place. There’s no way to know.”

  I felt a little better knowing that the alpha was looking out for me. Maybe we would make it through this situation. Now I would just have to become familiar with the pack and the house I was staying in. I didn’t foresee any problems but that didn’t mean there wouldn’t be any. Jer took me back to his room and I took a nap. He wasn’t tired so he left. I didn’t know what he was doing and right then I felt so tired I didn’t care.


  Alpha James

  I decided to go to that little spot on the map that Alpha Strong considered his territory. I had never liked that wolf. We were polar opposites. I always felt like he tried to make me look bad. He was one of thos
e ‘sensitive’ alphas always doing things for his wolves, giving them rights they didn’t have the sense to know how to use. He gave the she wolves equal standing which was crazy. He was a bit of a lunatic and more alphas were following his ways. He was dangerous because many listened to him and followed his lead. Even with my supporters on the council I couldn’t stem the tide of change sweeping through our world. I wasn’t even having any luck getting a white wolf bitch for my worthless son. Even if the boy wasn’t very smart or tough, the bitch should appreciate becoming part of my family.

  He had probably not impressed upon her how good his bloodlines were. Her child would be alpha of a real pack. He would take his place in a long line of mostly distinguished pack alphas. My pack was loyal and did what they were told. They were here to serve the alpha and not for me to serve them. That was the way it had always been among wolves and the way it should always be. It wasn’t like these weak alphas that gave everything to their packs and took nothing for themselves. Why would a bitch want a fool like that? Maybe it was a human thing or just a white wolf thing. I would see her broken from that idealism and mated to my son. I needed a grandson to mold in my image. He would be a real male not like Seymour. He was a terrible disappointment and I didn’t care that he knew it. I should have mated a better bitch. I wanted to but his mother was my true mate. Fate played quite the joke on me, didn’t it? Stuck with a helpless wife and a hopeless son.

  Once I had my grandson I’d toughen him up. I’d start once he was weaned. It was never a good idea to leave them with a mother too long. That’s what I did wrong with Seymour. It was the first of many mistakes I made with him. Seymour hates me but he doesn’t have the guts to challenge me and he never will. Soft, just like his mother. The sad thing is he tried to please me and couldn’t manage even the simplest thing. He looks like me but that is where the resemblance ends.

  I had a plan, but that worthless witch fucked it up. He got in trouble with his own people and now he’s as worthless to me as my son was. You just can’t find decent help these days. Now I’m reduced to pack warriors and a tracker from another pack. I don’t trust the tracker. He asked too many questions. All he needed to do was track her and tell me where she was. How hard is that? I know she’s not at the bar. If I have to take her from pack lands it’s going to be difficult. Difficult but not impossible. I can do anything. All you have to do is believe in yourself and force others to believe too. It always worked with my pack. I’ll get some sleep tonight and tomorrow I’ll figure this problem out. One of the stupid bitches my wolves brought along to service them thinks she’s going to bed with me. I’m a mated wolf, doesn’t that mean anything to this generation? I don’t cheat on my mate regardless of what I think of her. Don’t these wolves have any character? I pushed her out the door telling her not to come back.

  The house Seymour chose isn’t as nice as our house back home but few are. It was still a good choice. At least he can do something right. Maybe he should sell real estate or handle rentals. One thing’s for sure and that was he’d never be pack alpha. The room is neutral even though it was the master bedroom. I threw Seymour out of it so I could have it. The walls were grey blue and it had a chair rail running around the room. It had a nice bath attached with a jetted tub where I could relax. I liked the bed too. The mattress wasn’t too soft as it often was in human hotels. It made me wonder if Seymour had ordered it specially for himself. It made me smile to think that he had and I’d taken it from him. It was a life lesson for the boy although it was probably too late to teach him anything. He was already ruined. There were lots of pillows and they were goose down. Very nice for me and I would sleep well. I stripped since I slept au naturale and got in my comfortable bed. I arranged the pillows around me in a protective formation. It gave me the illusion of protection. As they say ‘whatever helps you sleep better’ or something like that. I went to sleep knowing that in the morning I would have my plan and soon, I would have the mate I wanted for my disappointing son. I slept the sleep of a satisfied wolf.

  Seymour! I could hear that damnable boy even in my sleep. “Alpha, wake up it’s morning.” He yelled from the other side of the door. I got up and unlocked the door. I always slept with the door locked. It wouldn’t stop anyone but it would alert me giving me the needed time to escape or get my gun. It had saved me a time or two.

  “Breakfast better be ready.” I threatened as I opened the door. There he stood with my coffee in his hand and a newspaper. He would have made a fine butler. Why couldn’t he be someone else’s son. At least I could breed him and get what I needed. That reminded me that I needed a plan to get the other half of that equation. “Gather my guards and that damn tracker.” I ordered then I sipped some coffee. Perfect!

  “Already waiting downstairs for you.” He answered as he led the way. A damned good butler! I followed him downstairs to start my planning.

  I walked into the formal dining room of the house. Again my son had anticipated my needs. I liked formality. When you got too friendly with the help they lost their fear and respect. The seats at the head and foot of the table were empty. Seymour and I sat and a server rushed in with our plates. I glanced at mine. Perfect! The boy had them fix my favorite breakfast, steak and eggs. He took care of everything just as his mother did when I was home. Except for her warm body in bed, I didn’t miss her presence at all with the boy here handling everything.

  “It’s time to find a way to get that human female.”

  Someone cleared their throat. “Boss, she’s a wolf now.” One of his guards, he didn’t know his name, had spoken.

  He knew that but had forgotten. “I don’t give a damn is she’s a goddess, I want her now.”

  The tracker I’d hired stepped up. “She’s been staying on Strong pack lands. It won’t be easy to get her.”

  Damn! It wasn’t really a surprise. She was mated to the alpha’s son so they would protect her with everything they had. “Any suggestions?” I looked at the tracker. This is what he should be good at.

  “Find a way to lure her away. It doesn’t even have to be far.” My mind filled with possibilities. What would make her give up the safety of her mate’s people?

  “I want her watched closely. Find a pattern in her activities. We need a weak spot to use. Does she run? That would be the best place and time to attack.” I felt relaxed now. I had given them their orders. Now they just had to carry them out. “One more thing. Someone warned her. I think it was the wolf that fucked her friend. He was suppose to get information not give it. I want him taken out.” I looked up checking out my guards. I saw one that looked like a fighter. He was tall and broad with a hard look in his eyes. “You take care of it.” He nodded then took off. I liked a wolf of action. One less problem to worry about.

  I finished my meal feeling very satisfied. I motioned to Seymour who followed me to the library. It was a comfortable room designed to also be an office. It had a huge antique desk with a heavy chair that had wheels. I sat in it and relaxed into it finding it both solid and comforting. Seymour went small bar area and poured us each a shot of whiskey. The boy knew me too well in some ways. Seymour handed me mine and picked up the other one staring into its golden color as if it had the answers to life’s mysteries. It made me wonder what he was thinking. Then I realized the boy had never had a worthwhile thought the whole time I had known him which was from birth. I did have to admit that since this mission of mating him to a white wolf had started he had seemed to mature. He was becoming the wolf he had always intended to be. It was a shame that it would always be too little too late.

  Chapter 8

  Pack Life



  I was settling in without any problems. I had met a few of the she wolves and for the most part I liked them. Joy was Kaleb’s only sister. She was older than he was and much in demand among the pack males. She was fun to watch because she flirted and danced back out of reach never giving any male more favor than the others. It was a dangerou
s game she played. The males fought each other just to catch her eye but she never seemed interested until Sledge came around. No one else seemed to notice the way Joy lit up whenever the hunter was around. She would cast sidewise glances in his direction though it was hard to tell if he noticed her or not. The dangerous look on his face discouraged anyone from looking at him for long. I felt for her because it was obvious, to me at least, that her heart was his. Sledge was the head hunter’s oldest son. Head hunter might not be the best way to describe his father. He was the third in pack hierarchy and in charge of all the hunters. Someday Sledge would take his place.

  I enjoyed being around Joy more when Sledge was nowhere to be seen. He always made her so sad. Joy and me had some things in common. She and I would spar sometimes alone and sometimes with Sandy. It was all the exercise I was getting except for a quick run once in a while. Joy had started self defense courses recently because her father, the judge, had insisted she take them now that she was going to college. Joy went to college three days a week all day and worked three days a week for the pack working wherever they needed her. I had asked to be able to do similar work but Jericho and his father refused to let me. I was so bored during the day I went crazy and the only time I had anything to do was once Joy came home from school or was done with her tasks. Sandy only had time the three days during the week that she didn’t work nights.

  I tried to do crafts but they didn’t hold my attention. I tried helping my cousin Marissa with her website. It sold lingerie and sex toys. It helped a little but I didn’t have her ability in that area and she didn’t really need my help. She suggested I open my own internet store and she promised she would help me but what kind of store could I open? I wasn’t talented at art and I didn’t have a hobby that could make me money like many of my cousins did. I decided I would go online and do some research. I wanted to find a niche that was in demand that I knew something about. The details of setting up a website and finding a supplier wouldn’t be a problem with my cousins helping me. I just wanted something that would keep me busy an hour or two everyday and give me a sense of purpose. I just had no idea what that would be right now.


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