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The Forgotten Eight

Page 2

by Kaitlyn O'Connor

  She heard the tearing sound of the closures of her suit as he tugged them apart, felt brushes of cool air and then warm skin against her own with his movements as he worked to rid her of the impediment. A shiver of anticipation washed through her, no thought of protesting, but her coordination had fled with her equilibrium. It was all she could manage to pull in counter to his tugging at her suit.

  It worked, regardless. He stripped the suit from her shoulders and pushed it from her hips. It was still tangled around her ankles when he began waltzing her backwards, but he caught her even as she lost her balance.

  Lifting his lips from hers, Kiel picked her up, carrying her to the bed. He followed even as he settled her there, allowing little more than a breath of cool air to caress her skin before she felt the brush of his. His weight felt good. Impatience fluttered through her but so, too, did the sudden, burning desire to explore him, to draw out the pleasure.

  The exploration with her hands made her more conscious of his size than ever before and in an entirely different way than before. Even when she'd first encountered him and realized how unnervingly big he was, she hadn't been aware of him as she was now; when she had to spread her arms wide to cup the rounded ball of his shoulders with her hands, when she had splay her fingers fully even to feel the size and curvature of the muscles of his upper arms. They felt like steel wrapped in silk.

  It made her want to feel more of him, to feel the flesh of his chest directly against her breasts. She broke from his lips to explore his throat and neck, released her grip on his upper arms and pushed her hands between them. He lifted away slightly, allowing her the room she needed to pull her undershirt up. Delightful tingles went through her breasts as her distended nipples brushed his male breasts. She undulated beneath him, enjoying the light brushing of skin to heated skin.

  The desire to feel his mouth on her breasts filled her. She struggled for a few moments with the urge to demand it and the reluctance to vocalize her needs when it might break the spell.

  Deciding finally that she didn't actually need the stimulation, even though she wanted it, she opted to simply explore him with her lips and see if he would return the favor.

  Discovering fairly quickly that he was reluctant to move off of her even when she pushed at him, she decided on a new tact and slipped her hands along his sides and then wedged them between the two of them to massage his cock. Disappointed when she discovered his torso was too long for her to reach him like she wanted to, she contented herself for a few moments with rubbing the head.

  A shudder went through him. He lifted away slightly and shifted upward to allow her better access. Smiling inwardly, she pushed one hand beneath his loincloth and gripped his cock more firmly, stroking up and down along his length.

  Dragging in a sharp breath after only a moment, he rolled away long enough to tear the loincloth off and flung it toward the wall. She used the distance between them to lift up to kiss his chest, but she didn't have more than a moment. As soon as he'd discarded his loincloth, he grasped her panties and yanked them down. They joined her flight suit around her ankles. She was still trying to dislodge the binding when he grasped the lower edge of her undershirt and yanked it over her head.

  Despite the roughness, maybe even because of the impatience in conveyed, she felt her own anticipation leap upward several notches. Discarding the notion of exploring more, she grasped his arms the moment he'd freed hers and tried to pull him back. It was like trying to move a wall. Instead of yielding to her silent demand, he rolled over her and pressed his face between her breasts, nuzzling them. It drove her up the wall. She twisted, trying to present him with a breast to suckle. At first it seemed he was completely oblivious. Just as disappointment began to flood her, though, he found the nugget and latched on to it with so much enthusiasm that it knocked the breath from her lungs.

  She was still trying to decide whether it felt excruciatingly wonderful or if she was more inclined to try to detach him when he ceased to tease the first nipple and caught the second in his mouth. She thought she would blackout for several moments. She'd barely managed to catch her breath when he sought her lips again.

  She'd had enough foreplay, however. She was climbing so fast toward climax the anxiety began to take hold that he wouldn't be inside her when she came. Thankfully, she'd managed to free one leg from the tangle of her clothing. Wiggling it free of his weight, she curled it around him, bumping her pubic bone against his belly in silent demand.

  He got that signal quickly. Breaking the kiss, he sucked in a harsh breath, shoved her legs wide and plowed his cock along her cleft in a blind search for the sweet spot. They connected briefly, just long enough to get her hopes up, and then he slipped away. Gritting her teeth, she wedged her hand between them, grasped his cock, shoved it back down her cleft until she felt the head of his cock against her opening, and pulled, trying to wiggle down over it at the same time.

  She'd forgotten the trials of plugging his member into her channel. As wet she was, as desperate as she was to achieve full penetration, they were both slick with sweat and panting for breath with the shoving match that ensued before they managed to overcome resistance. A moan of both relief and pleasure escaped her when she finally felt him sliding home, plunging deeply. Her channel convulsed with pleasure as he filled her.

  Kiel uttered a choked sound when her muscles tightened around him, paused as if trying to gather himself, and then began to move rhythmically. It felt divine! For a few moments the determination to simply enjoy the feel of his flesh gliding in and out of her gripped her. Deliberately focusing her mind away from the ripples of pleasure that cascaded along her channel with each caress of his flesh, she expanded her senses to encompass all of him.

  His sheer massiveness should have worried her, or made her too uncomfortable to enjoy the feeling of being beneath him. Instead, the sense of being surrounded by him added to her pleasurable excitement. The fine tremors she could feel running through him, either from his own excitement or the effort of supporting most of his weight off of her, or maybe both, thrilled her. The sound of his labored breaths made her heart surge.

  Abruptly, her focus leapt of its own accord to their deep connection, closed off everything else, and she felt herself soar off the top into sheer rapture. Her entire body tensed with the convulsion. She groaned, gripped him more tightly, and rode the waves of bliss that began at her core and flowed through her entire body.

  He shuddered when her muscles began to milk his cock, sucked in a choked breath and began to pump harder and faster as his seed erupted. She felt the heat of it as it bathed her channel and womb and a profound sense of rightness swept through her, a pleasure entirely different than her climax but perhaps even more intense.

  He shifted to curl tightly around her as his own body ceased to convulse with pleasure. A smile seemed to fill her, utter contentment. She shivered as the air cooled the dampness on her skin, snuggling closer, satisfied to allow her mind to wander aimlessly … until it settled on the argument.

  Well, it hadn't been an argument! He'd informed her that she was his mate and then proceeded to prove it to her while she turned into putty and encouraged him!

  Honestly, she thought in disgust!

  He nuzzled his face against her hair and she felt warmth, an almost instant mellowing of her resolve. "You are mine," he murmured in a husky whisper. "Whether you have accepted in your mind or not, your body responds as it would not if there was a question."

  The instant mellowing vanished as quickly as it had stolen over her. Men! They were such egotistical assholes! So she'd enjoyed it, thoroughly! It wasn't as if they couldn't thoroughly enjoy themselves and feel no commitment whatsoever!

  On the other hand, she felt too good at the moment to feel up to fighting with him about it. "We'll talk about it later."

  "We will not," he said, his voice abruptly as steely as the arms around her. "You welcomed me. I planted my seed. That cannot be undone."

  Danielle's heart
skipped several beats. He sounded so sure of himself that it aroused a flicker of doubt in her mind, but she was on birth control! Nanny, nanny, boo, boo! "You might have tried to plant your seed, but I've got news for you! I'm on birth control!"

  The 'discussion' might have escalated to a real argument at that point if Baen hadn't made his presence known. "Then you are done and it is my turn!" he growled.

  Danielle struggled to sit up and discovered Kiel wasn't merely 'cuddling'. He had her firmly pinned both to him and the bed. She turned her head to glare at him. He narrowed his eyes back at her and she discovered he was a lot more intimidating when he did that than she was, obviously.

  "Not until I am certain that mine has claimed its mark," he said grimly.

  Danielle gaped at him. "Now, wait just a damned …!" She stopped abruptly, feeling the beginnings of relief filter through her anger as it occurred to her that he hadn't even argued with Baen wanting to screw her. Some damned mating! It was just as she'd thought all along, and wasn't that a hell of a relief?

  Marginally. She actually didn't feel a great deal of relief after she considered it. She was more pissed off.

  This is good, she told herself grimly. So they weren't on the same page and she'd gotten the idea that he really meant it? She was relieved that it wasn't going to be a problem, right?

  "Who the fuck said that you were next, gods damn it?" Jalen demanded, making it clear that they'd had the entire available audience … quite possibly an audience back on Marchet if they managed to get a vid feed.

  They would, she realized, once they could get a feed even if they hadn't already.

  She discovered she couldn't really focus on how she felt about that at the moment, however. She had enough to deal with. Despite the fact that she was 'done' as far as she was concerned and didn't feel any particular interest at the moment in 'playing' with the others, she didn't want to get caught up in a dangerous, possibly physical, dispute over who was 'next'! "If you start fighting about it, I'm not going to 'do' either one of you," she threatened, not with a lot of hope that it would hold much weight, then added a little hopefully, "We can do a threesome."

  Not that she was especially keen on the idea, but she also wasn't thrilled with the idea of them having a brawl on the damned ship! Especially when she was way too close to the action and couldn't really escape it. The ship was larger than it had been before they'd redesigned it, but it wasn't that damned much bigger!

  "What is a threesome?" all three men asked in chorus.

  "Exactly what it sounds like," she retorted tartly before it occurred to her that she might ought to put some effort into at least pretending she was interested. She added brightly, "The three of us have sex together, at the same time, and everybody's happy."

  Kiel released her and rolled off the bunk. The three of them, she discovered, were looking her over skeptically.

  "Look, three holes," she said, pointing them out. "Your cock won't know the difference … believe me."

  "You cannot swallow the seed and become pregnant," Kiel said firmly, but with just enough doubt threading his voice that she realized they really weren't certain about any of it.

  "Ok, so two," she said with determination, more because she didn't want Jalen and Baen to settle who went next than because she really wanted to make like a sandwich-particularly considering the poles they were carrying.

  "It will work with either of those?" Jalen asked, beginning to look glassy eyed.

  Danielle considered all of two seconds. "One will work as well as the other," she lied without guilt, particularly since it was true in this case. She didn't think it was a good idea to bring up the fact, at the moment, that it was true because neither would work. They could cross that bridge later.

  Baen still didn't look completely happy with the suggestion but the moment Jalen discarded his loincloth and dove for the bed, he ripped his own off and followed.

  "No warm up?" Danielle complained unwisely as the two of them began wrestling to get into position, or more accurately, her into a position that would work for them.

  Both men paused in their battle over which direction she should be facing, staring at her in confusion.

  "Never mind. I'm sure I'm already well lubricated."


  Chapter Sixteen

  "It arouses her to passion to be kissed and touched," Kiel said. "She particularly likes to have her breasts suckled."

  At the sound of his voice, Danielle discovered that Kiel had positioned himself to observe with the air of a spectator invited to watch a scientific experiment. Discomfort wafted through her, but she wasn't sure if it was because Kiel was sharing intimate details about her, because he seemed damned detached about the entire thing, or merely because he'd apparently decided to stay to direct. It was disconcerting to say the very least, disturbing on too many levels to count. She was tempted to inform him that she was going to have a hard time focusing if he intended to stay to watch. Even as she opened her mouth to protest, though, Baen swooped in to capture her mouth beneath his. For a few moments she wavered between enjoying the kiss and her awareness of Kiel. As Baen's essence invaded her, though, he stirred up the embers from her spent passion, and she felt herself sinking into a heated morass of sensation, enhanced exponentially by the glide of two large, rough hands over her.

  Right up until the moment that the hand on her right applied enough pressure to encourage her to roll onto her back, she'd thought both hands belonged to Baen. Confusion flickered through her, adding to the dizziness already making her mind reel. She flinched in surprise as she felt the heated moistness of a mouth closing on her nipple, but the nipple reacted instantaneously to the stimulus. Blood surged into it to make it stand erect even as he sucked on it lightly. Jalen?

  Her belly clenched. For several moments, she struggled to assimilate two points of extreme stimulation at once and then she simply abandoned herself to the sensations pelting her from every direction. The rise from warm interest to desperation was a swift one. She'd begun to feel like she was covered in stinging ants before Baen decided he'd explored her mouth long enough and dove for her other breast. It knocked the breath from her as his mouth closed over the pulsing bud. For several moments, Jalen and Baen both teased her breasts, pouring liquid lava through her and then Jalen abandoned her breast for her lips and she was torn between the desire to simply luxuriate in the feel of their hands and mouths forever and an equal need to feel them penetrating her.

  She hadn't actually considered the logistics of it when she'd suggested a three way. She was well aware that it was practiced. She'd had both male and female friends eager to share their experiences. She'd never tried dual penetration herself before, though and she'd had a dim idea that she would allow one to penetrate her and give the other her mouth. Yet the moment she considered which she most wanted inside of her, she discovered she was eager to have both.

  Could she handle it, though, when both were well above the 'average' she was accustomed to?

  She discovered that she was not only not currently in any condition to figure it out, she was in a condition to want ignore potential problems and try it.

  The moment Jalen broke the kiss, she twisted her hips to give him access and reached to grasp his cock to guide him. He shifted eagerly to accommodate her. He felt bigger than she'd expected and yet she was so eager there was little discomfort when he penetrated her rectum and drove deep. She gasped as she felt him fill her, felt a heated, dizzying wave of pleasure. For a few moments, she allowed her body to adjust while he pumped in and out of her and then she reached blindly for Baen and guided his cock to the mouth of her sex.

  They shifted into an awkward tangle of bodies, struggled briefly to find a position that allowed them to fit together as a threesome and then Baen and Jalen began to drive into her with the same desperation she was feeling. She came within moments, a brief convulsing that almost disappointed her until she felt the rise to a higher level, realized her body was gathering itself to exp
lode again.

  The second climax wasn't as unexpected save for the fact that it was harder than the first. She'd hardly touched down when she felt her body tensing again, climbing toward a third. Both anticipation and a touch of uneasiness filled her then. Just as she felt herself quivering on the brink of the third climax, she felt Jalen stiffen suddenly. Almost at the same moment, Baen's cock jerked inside of her.

  She teetered, hovering on the edge and then, as both of them began to thrust more vigorously to pump their seed into her, she hit her peak. It was like the grandfather of earthquakes, tearing through her in such hard convulsions it snatched her breath away. She caught it in sharp, keening cries as her mind and body exploded with such force that she descended when it finally stopped rocking her into a state near comatose.

  She was barely aware of the moment when they withdrew, only vaguely conscious of the sense that they were watching her.


  Baen's voice, she realized, hoarse, sounding strained. "Mmm?"

  "Are you alright?"

  The question confused her. Why the hell wouldn't she be? Actually, she was much, much better than alright. She struggled to tell him as much and finally settled for , "Mmmhmm."

  "Get up."

  That was Kiel, she thought dimly, wondering if he was talking to her. Well, if he was, he could go fuck himself! She wasn't able to move at the moment. To her consternation, however, she felt both Jalen and Baen move away. She struggled to lift her hands to grab them and make them stay and keep her warm, but discovered she didn't have the strength. A shiver traveled through her, though, when they'd left and the cool air washed over her. The bed dipped again and somebody pried one of her eyelids up. She struggled to focus and Kiel's face swam into view. His expression was hard. "What?" she demanded irritably.


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