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Lovely Lillian (Sisters Before Misters Book 1)

Page 4

by S Cinders

  Oliver looked outraged, “I am not in the least bit ashamed of who I am!”

  Ian huffed and then threw back the remainder of his brandy, “I think I shall call it a night. These two idiots could be at it for hours yet.”

  Ryan and Jacob nodded.

  Ian turned to Ryan, “I just want you to know, that the next time you expect me to dance with someone that apparently does not want to dance, I am demanding cold hard cash. That was damned uncomfortable.”

  Ryan let out a laugh of reassurance. It would seem that at least one of his brothers hadn’t fallen under Lillian’s spell.

  “Fair enough,” Ryan agreed, “Same for you, Jacob?”

  Jacob, third born and a peacemaker at heart, smiled kindly, “I am a great deal smarter than I look. I escorted Lady Lillian on a short walk around the ballroom. I gave her a choice between that and dance, and she jumped at it. I was pleasantly surprised at how engaging her conversation and intelligence is. Usually with young ladies, I feel like they have no opinions at all and only agree with everything I say. Lady Lillian was well spoken. I liked her very much.”

  Ryan growled.

  Jacob laughed holding up his hands as a sign of surrender, “Obviously not quite as much as Ryan, but I did find the young lady pleasing.”

  Ian glanced at his older brother, “Are we to know what brought this sudden infatuation on?”

  Ryan frowned, “Not yet. I am not certain I can put it into words.”

  Ian’s eyes widened, “I see.”

  Jacob cocked his head, “Can you tell us why you wanted all of us to dance with her?”

  Ryan nodded, “I met her in the hallway. She was standing there all alone. It was very unusual, but then it would seem that I am always coming across her in particular circumstances. I asked for a dance, and when I saw the card, I could not understand why it was empty. She said it was because she was so terrible at it.”

  Jacob looked askance, as a gentleman he really couldn’t agree, but Lady Lillian was a deplorable dancer.

  Ian had no such scruples, “She is the worst dancer I have ever danced with.”

  “I know,” Ryan agreed, “I told her that it shouldn’t matter. Gentleman should be lining up just to hold her in his arms for the space of a dance.”

  His brothers were silent. What they had thought was calf-love was quickly looking to be so much more severe.

  Ian shook his head to clear it, “You are right of course. Her dance card should be full. She is a delightful girl.”

  Jacob nodded, “I know that I will be sure to seek her out again, if that is what you would like me to do. I am not ready to set up house or anything, but I did like speaking with her.”

  Ryan suddenly laughed, “I don’t think that any of us are ready to set up house yet, Jacob.”

  The boys all laughed and went to their separate bedrooms but not before Ian and Jacob exchanged a long knowing look. Their older brother may not think he was ready for something more, but his actions were certainly proving otherwise.

  Meanwhile, the eldest and the youngest were still arguing in the library with the expensive smuggled French brandy.


  Juliana’s eyes danced as she watched her younger sister Lillian squirm under their mother’s watchful eye at the breakfast table the following morning after the Meecham’s ball.

  “I just cannot seem to understand why Lady Genevieve would be asking me such personal questions about my household staff. Are you quite certain that you did not imply anything, Lillian?”

  Lillian was aghast, “Mother! I would never!”

  Their elder brother and his wife Eden had long since escaped. They both claimed that their toddler needed them in the nursery. Juliana wouldn’t have missed this for the world.

  The Dowager sniffed, “I just find it troubling that I leave my two daughters with one of my oldest friends and she comes back knowing things that she should never know.”

  Lillian gritted her teeth, “Mother, we never discussed you. Why are you not aggrieved with Juliana?”

  The Dowager’s eyes narrowed, “You think that I didn’t notice your influx of dancing partners last evening?”

  A delicate flush washed over Lillian’s face, but her gaze didn't waver.

  “Very well, miss, we shall discuss it. First, there was the new Duke and every single one of his brothers. I believe there are four of them?”

  “Five!” Juliana supplied helpfully.

  If looks could kill, Lillian would be down one sister.

  The Dowager nodded, “Thank you, Juliana. Second, there was the new French Comte. Third, there was Baron Hollingsworth. He hasn’t a feather to fly with Lillian. Honestly, I really wish you wouldn’t have. And last, Mr. Harris, that acquaintance of your brother’s. You have never, in all the time you have been out, danced so many dances. What is the meaning of all this? I demand an explanation!”

  Lillian knew that there were several ways she could respond to her mother. What was expected, most likely—in her estimation, would be a calm, reasonable explanation. And for that reason alone, Lillian did something that she had never done before.

  “I cannot believe that my mother does not find me beautiful enough to attract multiple suitors. What do you see when you look at me? Am I that hideous?” Choking back a sob Lillian threw her napkin at her plate and raced from the breakfast room much to the shock of her mother and sister.

  She really wasn’t interested in going back to her bedroom, so she went to the back of the house where they had a lovely sewing room that had lots of light in the morning hours.

  Lillian settled onto the window seat and awaited her sister.

  Juliana burst in, “That was bloody brilliant! I had no clue you had it in you Lilly! You could positively tread the boards! You are fantastic! Mother just sat there with her jaw flapping. I almost felt sorry for her, but she had been a trifle bit rude.”

  Lillian grimaced, “I didn’t wish to offend. I just needed to stop that line of questioning. Do you suppose that mother will ask about it again?”

  Juliana giggled before flinging her arm out, “You—my own mother—thinks I’m ugly!”

  Lillian’s lips twitched, “It wasn’t that bad!”

  Juliana laughed, “Pretty close.”

  “Do you really think I could make it as an actress?”

  Jules grinned, “Without a doubt! I wanted to give you a standing ovation, but it would have defeated your purpose. Quickly, before I forget, did you learn anything when dancing with the Comte?”

  Lilly straightened, “He was interesting.”

  “In what way?”

  “The Comte is very self-assured. He was smooth to the point of oily.”

  Jules wrinkled her nose.

  “I would like to somehow meet the new Countess. I am interested to see if she is similar in personality to the Comte.”

  “I wonder if she will be at Lady Wells brunch this Thursday?” Jules asked.

  Lilly’s eyes lit, “I would expect so! Lady Wells invites almost everyone who is anyone. Our goal will be to speak with her. I think there is something there Jules, I am just not sure what.”

  Jules wrinkled her nose, “Did you think that the Comte was the traitor?”

  Lilly shrugged, “It is hard to say during one dance. Especially when you are purposefully smashing the poor man’s feet.”

  Jules laughed, “I cannot believe you are still employing that trick. You are not that bad of a dancer.”

  Lilly smiled softly, “It is easier for me to put up a distance. I need that space so that I do not feel as if I am drowning.”

  Jules shook her head, “Lilly, you are one of a kind.”

  Lilly’s smile was sad.

  Jules frowned, “What is it?”

  Lilly shook her head, “Nothing, dearest. Did you enjoy the ball last evening? I noticed that you danced with the Duke.”

  Jules brushed it off dismissively, “Oh, I am no longer interested in the Duke.”

raised a brow, “Is there someone else that has caught your fancy then?”

  Jules folded her hands into her lap. She didn’t meet her sister’s eyes for a moment as if she were thinking of the right thing to say. And then she raised her head.

  “I have decided that I am not going to set my cap for any man at present.”

  Lilly was stunned, “You have?”

  “Yes,” Jules was resolute. “It was something that you said actually. I have spent so much time chasing that I haven’t really been enjoying my time during the season.”

  “I hope that I didn’t offend you, Jules,” Lilly was quick to say, “I do apologize.”

  Jules smiled, “No, quite the opposite. I feel liberated in a way. I am thrilled to be working on this case with you.”

  Lilly felt a surge of love for her sister, “And I with you, thank you, Jules.”


  Ryan rounded the corner in Hyde park and noted two familiar young misses accompanied by their maids out for a morning constitutional stroll.

  He bit back a smile and made a mental note to thank James. His youngest brother was a rackety blighter in the best of times, but his suggestion to have James’ valet bribe Lillian Moberly’s maid to find out her schedule—evil genius.

  He would have paid a thousand times the sum for the information. There was just something about the woman he found mesmerizing.

  Schooling his features into a surprised look, he greeted the Moberly sisters.

  “Lady Juliana, Lady Lillian, how very nice to see you this fine morning. Do you often take the air in the park?”

  Lillian frowned, before opening her reticule and fishing for something. Pulling out a few coins she extended them to him, “June alerted us that your valet wanted our schedule, Mr. Stanford. For future reference, we would prefer that you ask us directly. We will pay our staff. And, by the by, the schedule you have been provided is purely fictional.”

  A slow smile spread across Ryan’s face, “Why is it Darlin’, that every time we meet you do something that makes you that more interesting to me?”

  Juliana, who hadn’t spoken until this moment, was completely flabbergasted. Her sister Lillian certainly acted like this around her and in the company of her family, but never in front of company.

  “Mr. Stanford, how do you do?” Juliana grinned.

  Lillian rolled her eyes, “Oh, for goodness sake, Jules, don’t encourage him!”

  Jules’ eyes widened, “Goodness, Mr. Stanford, how did you get into Lilly’s black books?”

  Mr. Stanford’s bright white teeth flashed in the morning sunlight, “Lady Juliana, I am not certain as to what my sins are against your fair sister.”

  Lillian huffed, “Just take your money!”

  They ignored her.

  Lady Juliana leaned in as if to impart a secret, “She is a bit shy, Mr. Stanford, perhaps she just needs a little more time to get to know one?”

  Lillian cursed, “Bloody hell, this is ridiculous! I am keeping your money. Enjoy your visit! June, we are leaving,” she turned and motioned for her maid to leave.

  “I can certainly see some of that reserved nature that you speak of,” Ryan commented.

  Jules snorted with laughter, “Yes, well. It was lovely to see you, Mr. Stanford. I am sorry, but I must run now. Quite literally, as she is leaving me.”

  Ryan called out loudly, “I am so delighted to have seen you this morning, Lilly. I cannot wait to check the schedule and see when I am to meet the Moberly sisters again.”

  Now, it was rather early in the morning, and Hyde Park was almost empty, so the announcement that Ryan Stanford made went unnoticed by everyone in London besides Lillian Moberly, Juliana Moberly and of course, himself.

  If it had ended there, life could have keep going as it should have, but someone had a bit of a temper.

  “That’s it! I am tired of you watching me with your wicked eyes!”

  Ryan’s wicked eyes flew open in surprise, “My what?”

  “I cannot think when you are near. You have my stomach all tied up in knots. Do you have any idea how very uncomfortable that is? I feel shaky and unlike myself. And I want to wipe that damn smile off your face every time I see you.”

  With every word, Lilly had taken another step closer until she was almost upon him. It wasn’t until she was within breathing distance that she realized that she had just screamed at a man in the middle of Hyde park.

  She raised confused and scared eyes at him, “I am sorry. I don’t know what got into me.”

  “Lilly?” Jules called out hesitantly.

  Ryan blinked. He had almost grabbed Lillian Moberly and kissed her for all he was worth in front of God, her sister, and their maids. Not only would she have been ruined, but she would have hated that he had been the one who had taken all of her choices from her.

  “Think nothing of it,” he said gruffly. His body was aroused to a terrible state. Did she not realize what she was describing? She couldn’t think when he was near?

  She was getting off easy.

  He couldn’t bloody breathe when she was in the room!

  His eyes must feel hot on her. He hadn’t known that she had noticed his gaze. He couldn’t help but follow her. She was perfection to him. He was aware that she didn’t see herself as such, but that just made her all the more perfect to him.

  Juliana took her sister’s hand, “We had best go.”

  Ryan nodded, not trusting his voice. He wondered if the schedule was false. He craved spending time with her and knew that this was his only hope, so he was aware that, fictional or not, he was going to try it.

  As Juliana and Lillian walked away, Lillian clutched her older sister’s hand tightly. Never could she have imagined that she would have exploded in such a manner. Lilly was the calm sister, the rational sister.

  “I’ve made a mess of things,” Lilly whispered once they made it back to the Moberly townhome.

  Jules sighed, “You most likely shouldn’t have tried to meet him this morning when you caught the maids boasting about the money.”

  Lilly groaned, “Do you suppose that he now believes he has a false schedule?”

  Jules shrugged one shoulder infinitesimally, “I don’t know, Lilly. Perhaps? I have never seen you behave that way before in company.”

  Lilly closed her eyes in embarrassment, “I am horrified.”

  “Oh, Lilly, I thought he might kiss you!”

  Lilly’s eyes popped open, “You did?”

  “Certainly! He looked so dark and angry, and he kept clenching his fists. He almost reached for you once, Lilly. I think he cares for you. He called you Lilly! I heard him! I don’t even know if he realizes it or not. He is handsome and a bit scary.”

  “I know that. Do you not think I know that?” Lilly looked like she wanted to pull her hair out. “But what if he wants things but not marriage? You know what father was like. What if he is like father?”

  Jules face fell, “You think he is not honorable?”

  “I don’t know, Jules. I don’t know him at all. He is an American! I am so uncertain about everything.”

  Jules sighed, “Let’s put it out of our minds for now. We have to focus on meeting the Countess tomorrow at Lady Wells brunch. All will come to rights, Lilly.”

  Lilly tried to smile, “You are right, we will focus on the Countess.”


  “Explain to me again why I am not only awake at this ungodly hour, but I am out of doors with pink and white frothy creatures that I do believe one might call ladies.”

  Jacob yawned before answering Ian, “Some of the attendees are not yet out.”

  Ian frowned, “Out of what—puberty? —that is apparent. They should not be allowed in public until their unfortunate,” he made a circular motion with his hands near his face, “complexion issues, resolve.”

  Ryan sighed, “We haven’t hidden you away. Much to my sad regret.”

  “I have a perfect countenance!” Ian was indignant.
br />   Ryan glanced his brother’s way, “Pity your personality isn’t a matched set.”

  Jacob raised his finger to mark and invisible scoreboard.

  This action from Jacob seemed to cause Ian even greater alarm, for he turned to Jacob and complained, “You are giving him a point for that? It wasn’t even that good a quip!”


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