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The Quest for Mary Magdalene

Page 28

by Michael Haag

  Corinth 172, 175

  1 Corinthians 168

  hidden wisdom 195

  Jesus 162–3, 167

  resurrection 72, 157, 168–9

  women 47, 166

  2 Corinthians 168

  Correggio, Antonio 146, 278

  Counter-Reformation 284

  crucifixion 1, 5–6, 44, 81, 110–12, 113–19, 114, 117, 120, 197

  Cybele 175


  Da Vinci Code, The (Brown) xi, 100, 213, 293–6

  Dance of the Seven Veils 30

  Dante 213, 265, 271, 275

  David, King 15, 16, 139

  Dead Sea 24, 31

  Deborah 50

  Demeter 172, 175, 178

  Demetrius 228, 231

  Denis, St 245

  devils 66–9, 233–5

  Dialogue of the Saviour 192, 202, 211

  Dionysius the Great 223, 231

  Dionysus 172

  Dioscuri 169, 171–2

  disciples 151

  after ascension 160

  in Gospel of Thomas 204

  Great Commission 126, 201–2

  Jesus washing feet 101

  Last Supper 96–101, 97, 99, 100, 102

  resurrection 169, 181

  see also apostles; individual disciples

  Dominic, St see Guzmán

  Dominicans 247, 249–50, 255, 257, 258, 260–2, 263–4

  Domitian 175, 218

  Donatello 272, 273

  Doré, Gustave 117, 160

  Doubting Thomas see Thomas

  dualism 215, 250, 251–2

  Dulcis Amica Dei (Petrarch) 269

  Durrell, Lawrence 259


  Egypt 34

  ankhs 230, 231

  Christianity 181–2, 184–94, 185, 197–202, 226–32

  Flight into Egypt 21

  gnosticism 190–4, 197–202, 232

  Hellenism 172

  Isis 227, 229, 232

  Jews 54–5, 59

  Nag Hammadi Library 190–2, 191, 193

  Ramses III 230

  Ramses VI 196

  Sub Tuum Praesidium 223

  Ehrman, Bart 213

  Elliman, Yvonne x Ephesus 172, 243

  Ephrem the Syrian 235

  Epiphanius 200

  epistles 164, 181, 184, 192

  Essenes 24

  Eucharist 97, 97, 98

  Eusebius 13, 184, 228

  Evangelikon 179–81

  evil 197–8

  Exodus 69

  Ezekiel 135


  Ficino, Marsilio 273, 275, 276

  Fires (Yourcenar) 36

  Flight into Egypt 21

  Florence 273–4, 276–8

  Fludd, Robert 198

  Fournier, Jacques 253, 260, 263

  see also Benedict XII

  Fowles, John 287

  France 241–3

  Cathars 250–4, 255, 257–62

  Mary Magdalene 241–4, 246, 248–9, 254–5, 261–5, 268–9

  Francis, Pope 12

  Francke, Meister 127

  French Lieutenant’s Woman, The (Fowles) 287


  Galatians (epistle) 168

  Jesus 167

  Paul and disciples 166

  Paul’s conversion 162

  Paul’s missionary journeys 183

  resurrection 195

  Galilee 10, 33–4

  Herod Antipas 23

  Jesus’ birth 4

  Jesus’ ministry 1, 3, 4, 6, 8–9, 34, 38–42, 46–8, 63–4, 65

  Jewish Revolt 19

  Mary Magdalene 137

  Nicodemus 106

  Romans 25

  see also Cana; Capernaum; Magdala; Sea of Galilee


  Adam and Eve 206, 212

  circumcision 28

  creation 67

  Migdal Eder 14, 15

  Gethsemane 101–3, 106, 111, 134, 145, 146, 146–8, 150

  Giampietrino 279

  Gibson, Mel xi

  Gill, Eric 89, 114, 125, 131

  Giotto 27, 84, 92, 155, 270

  Giovanni da San Gimignano 261–2

  Glastonbury 245

  gnosticism 188–90, 194–5, 224, 226, 232, 238, 297–8

  battle for authority 226–32, 297

  Cathars 250–4, 255, 257–62

  and Celsus 219

  Dialogue of the Saviour 211

  Gospel of Mary Magdalene 207–10, 209

  Gospel of Philip 212–14

  Gospel of Thomas 203–7

  gospels 190–4, 202, 232

  knowledge, mystery and evil 195–202

  Mary Magdalene xi, 202, 204–16, 236

  Pistis Sophia 211–12

  Golden Legend (Voragine) 239, 240–1, 243–4, 248

  Golgotha 111, 115, 120

  Gospel of Jesus’ Wife 298–9

  Gospel of Mary Magdalene 190, 192, 202, 206, 207–10, 209

  Gospel of Philip 192, 202, 212–14

  Gospel of the Egyptians 193, 199

  Gospel of Thomas 191, 192, 195, 202, 203–7

  gospels 3, 165–6, 181, 192, 197, 215

  authority 282–3, 290

  in Egypt 219

  infancy narratives 4, 219–20, 224

  language 22

  Mary Magdalene 164, 167

  resurrection 181

  see also John; Luke; Mark; Matthew

  Gratus, Valerius 104

  Great Commission 126, 201–2

  Great Questions of Mary 200


  gnosticism 232

  Jews 59

  Greek language 9–10, 21–2, 54, 55

  Greeks 10, 34, 58, 59, 76

  see also Hellenism

  Gregory I, Pope, the Great x, 232–5, 236, 237, 238, 282

  Gregory of Nyssa 294

  Gurion family 95, 136, 137, 150

  Guzmán, Dominic de 255, 257, 260

  gypsies 242, 245


  Hadrian 187–8, 189, 217

  Hanway, James 286

  Hasmoneans 10–11, 34, 57, 58, 76

  Hebrew 21–2, 54

  Helena 14, 244

  Heliopolis 186

  Hellenism 21

  Egypt 171, 172, 187

  Herod the Great 22–3, 171

  Herod Antipas 23, 76, 77–8

  Jews 23–6, 38, 42, 53–7, 59, 76, 77–8, 139

  and Renaissance 276

  Tarsus 159

  and women 44–5

  Heraclas 231

  Herod the Great 21, 22, 58

  Caesarea 22, 171

  and Jews 77

  Magdala 11

  massacre of the innocents 20–1

  Temple 22–73

  Herod Antipas 20, 24, 25

  and brother’s wife 29–30, 65, 69

  court 69–72

  first wife 69

  and Jesus 42, 63, 78–9, 109–10

  and Jews 77–8

  and John the Baptist 28–31, 29, 42, 70, 77, 78

  Sepphoris 71, 76

  Tiberias 23, 34, 60–2, 65–6, 76, 77

  Herodians 24, 33, 34

  Herodias 29, 30

  Herodotus 172

  Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, The (Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln) 295–6

  Holy Spirit 158–9

  Horus 171, 172, 227, 228

  humanism 274, 275, 276


  ‘I Don’t Know How to Love Him’ x

  ieros gamos 176, 177

  Ignatius of Antioch 144

  Innocent III, Pope 257

  Innocent IV, Pope 258, 260

  Innocents Abroad (Twain) 10

  Irenaeus 180, 181, 187, 190, 250

  Isaiah 99, 169

  Isis 169–72, 169, 173, 174–5, 174, 176, 177, 201, 227, 229, 232, 295

  and Mary, mother of Jesus 227, 229, 231–2

  Istanbul, Chora Church 180


  Jairus 151

  James, brother of Jesus 159, 166, 169
/>   James, son of Alphaeus 47

  James, son of Zebedee 47, 171

  in garden of Gethsemane 150

  and Paul 166

  relics 245

  resurrection 157

  James, Henry 52

  Jeremiah 107, 186

  Jericho 147

  Jerome, St 13, 36, 126, 282


  David 16

  Helena’s visit 14

  and Herod Antipas 77

  Jesus’ entry into 1, 6, 64, 79–80, 81, 82–5, 84, 149–50

  Jesus movement 159–60, 164

  Last Supper 96–101

  and Mary Magdalene 138

  as pagan city 179, 189

  Pool of Siloam 94, 96–7

  population 57

  siege and fall 164, 165

  Via Dolorosa 111

  water supply 94, 96–7, 136

  see also Temple


  anointing at Bethany 88–92, 89, 102, 113, 138, 153, 177, 233

  anointing at Capernaum 89–90, 112, 233

  anointing of body 91–2, 131, 132–3

  arrest 101–2, 103, 145, 146, 150

  baptising 31

  baptism of 26, 27

  birth and childhood 4, 21, 74, 219

  brought before Pontius Pilate 108–10, 109

  burial 1, 3, 6, 76, 112, 113, 119–23, 121, 138, 145

  as carpenter 73–4

  crucifixion 1, 5–6, 44, 81, 110–12, 113–19, 114, 117, 120, 197

  and disciples 16–17, 47, 48, 66–7, 126, 201–2

  driving out devils 66–7, 67, 68

  entry into Jerusalem 1, 6, 81, 82–5, 84, 149–50

  family 148, 213, 226

  Flight into Egypt 21

  followers 140

  and gentiles 38–9

  in Gethsemane 101, 150

  in gnosticism 195

  as Good Shepherd 15–16, 17, 75

  in Gospel of Thomas 203–4

  Great Commission 126, 201–2

  and Herod Antipas 78–9

  illegitimacy 220–1

  in Jericho 147

  and Jews 38–9, 41

  and John the Baptist 26, 31, 42, 82, 88

  and Joseph of Arimathea 76, 79, 95, 104, 138–9

  Last Supper 96–101, 102

  and Lazarus 91, 92–3, 92, 152–4

  loaves and fishes 31–2, 63

  marriage at Cana 4–5, 34–7, 35, 74, 76, 138

  and Mary Magdalene xi, 3–4, 36–8, 113, 212–14, 291, 298

  ministry in Galilee 1, 3, 4, 6, 8–9, 38–42, 40, 46–8, 63–4, 64, 65, 122

  and mother 3, 4–5, 6, 122

  name 55

  and Nicodemus 76, 79, 95, 104–6, 134–6, 135, 138–9

  parable of the profligate son 40–1, 119

  in Paul’s epistles 167

  and Pharisees 24, 78, 79, 93, 95

  plot against 33, 93, 101–2, 103

  as rabbi 74

  raising from the dead 91, 92–3, 92, 151–4

  resurrection 2–3, 2, 6, 37, 44, 64, 81, 124, 125, 126–34, 127, 128, 154–7, 155, 168–9, 177–9, 180, 181, 197

  and Sadducees 78

  and Sanhedrin 104

  and Sea of Galilee 34

  in Secret Gospel of Mark 141, 143

  Sermon on the Mount 41, 42, 119

  social status 74, 76, 138–9

  and Temple 74, 85–8, 87

  and Tiberias 65

  tomb in Jerusalem 264

  trial 103, 105, 106–8, 150–1

  washing disciples’ feet 101

  and women 43–6, 45

  Jesus Christ Superstar x

  Jewish-Roman War 19, 26, 136–7

  Jews 59

  AD 6 uprising 25

  baptism 26–8

  Bar Kokhba revolt 179, 218

  burial customs 119–20, 122

  circumcision 28

  Egypt 54–5, 59, 186, 187

  Galilee 34

  Hellenism 23, 25–6, 38, 42, 53–7, 59, 76, 139

  and Herod Antipas 77

  Jerusalem 85

  Jerusalem sect 159–60

  and Jesus 38–9, 41

  Jewish-Roman War 19, 26, 136–7

  messiah 178

  Palestine 23–4, 58, 59

  and Romans 25

  and Tiberias 65, 66

  visiting family tombs 132

  women 44–5, 49–51, 53, 206

  see also Herodians; Pharisees; Sadducees; Sanhedrin

  Joanna, wife of Chuza 8, 9, 20, 51, 60, 66, 69–70, 139

  devils 68

  Jesus’ resurrection 132

  and John the Baptist 30, 31, 33

  subsequent life 72, 73

  John 47, 100, 101, 171

  in garden of Gethsemane 150

  Last Supper 96

  and Paul 166

  John the Baptist, St 4, 20, 26, 27, 76, 78–9

  baptism rite 26–8, 31, 33

  death 28–31, 29, 42, 77, 78

  and Essenes 24

  family 73, 139

  and Herod Antipas 65, 70

  and Jesus 82, 88

  and Mary Magdalene 39

  mission 46

  John the Evangelist 99, 101

  in Golden Legend 239, 241

  Jesus’ trial 106

  and Mary Magdalene 36, 37, 241

  see also John (gospel)

  John of Patmos 101

  John (gospel) 81, 165, 166, 192

  anointing at Bethany 90–1, 92, 102, 113, 138, 233

  cleansing the Temple 86

  crucifixion 5–6, 113, 115, 118–19, 120, 122, 139

  disciples 151

  in Egypt 219

  entry into Jerusalem 149–50

  fishermen 16

  Jesus’ baptism 4

  Jesus’ birth 4

  Jesus’ burial 120, 122, 123

  Jesus’ illegitimacy 221

  Jesus as rabbi 74

  Jesus’ trial 107, 108, 150–1

  Jesus washing disciples’ feet 101

  John the Baptist 26, 32

  Joseph of Arimathea 76

  Last Supper 98, 100

  Lazarus 148, 149, 152–3, 154

  marriage at Cana 34–7, 74, 76

  Mary, mother of Jesus 3, 5–6, 224

  Mary Magdalene ix–x, 6, 10, 113, 137

  Nicodemus 95, 104, 105–6, 134

  plot against Jesus 93, 95

  Pontius Pilate 110

  raising of Lazarus 91, 92

  resurrection 6, 128, 132, 133, 154–6

  Tiberias 62

  John VIII Paleologus 274

  Joseph (father of Jesus) 73, 74, 221, 226

  Joseph of Arimathea 76, 79, 95, 104, 106, 133–4, 138–9

  Jesus’ burial 79, 120, 122, 145

  relics 245

  Josephus, Flavius 19, 32

  crucifixions 115

  Galilee 33–4

  high priest of Israel 139

  Jerusalem 164, 165

  John the Baptist 26, 28, 30, 31

  Navigium Isidis 175

  Pharisees 23–4, 129

  Pontius Pilate 86

  Sepphoris 76

  Tarichaea 19

  Tiberias 65–6

  women 50–1

  Joshua 14

  Judaism see Jews

  Judas/Jude 47

  Judas Iscariot 47, 90, 100, 102

  Judea 23, 25, 222

  Bar Kokhba revolt 179, 218

  Jewish-Roman War 19, 26, 136–7

  Junia 72, 73, 166

  see also Joanna, wife of Chuza

  Justin Martyr 180, 181

  Justinian 232


  King, Karen xi, 207, 296, 298, 298–9


  Lacordaire, Henri 249

  Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy 253–4

  Landino, Cristoforo 275

  Languedoc 250–4, 255, 257–62

  Last Supper 96–101, 97, 99, 100, 102

  Last Supper (Leonardo) 99–101, 99, 100, 279, 2

  Last Temptation of Christ, The x–xi

  Laura de Noves 265, 266, 267, 269–71

  Lazarus 90, 91, 99, 101, 102, 141, 148–51

  in France 242, 243

  in Golden Legend 240–1

  at Jesus’ trial 107

  raising from dead 92–3, 92, 148, 151, 152–4

  in Secret Gospel of Mark 141

  tomb 149, 152

  Lebanon 232

  Leda and the Swan (Leonardo) 279

  Lefebvre, Jules Joseph 285

  Lefèvre d’Etaples, Jacques 282, 290

  Leigh, Richard 295–6

  Leonardo Da Vinci

  Last Supper 99–101, 99, 100, 279, 295

  and Mary Magdalene 279, 280, 281

  Levi see Matthew (evangelist)

  Leviticus 29

  lighthouses 16, 17, 170–1, 170, 240

  Lincoln, Henry 295–6

  London 285–9

  Lourdes 290

  Luke (evangelist, St Luke) 72, 286

  Luke (gospel) 81, 165, 192

  anointing at Capernaum 89–90, 112, 132, 233, 235

  cleansing the Temple 87–8

  crucifixion 44, 113, 115

  devils 66, 67, 234–5

  disciples 37, 160

  in Egypt 219, 220, 231

  entry into Jerusalem 80, 82–3

  Gethsemane 101

  Herod Antipas 63, 72

  infancy narrative 4, 21, 219–20, 224

  Jesus 37

  Jesus’ arrest 101–2

  Jesus’ burial 120–1

  Jesus and the centurion 25

  Jesus’ childhood 74, 82

  Jesus’ illegitimacy 220–1

  Jesus as messiah 63

  Jesus’ ministry in Galilee 40–1

  Jesus’ trial 107

  Jesus and women 43, 44, 45

  Joanna 9, 20, 51

  John the Baptist 26, 73, 139

  Joseph of Arimathea 76, 104

  Last Supper 96, 97, 98

  loaves and fishes 63

  Martha and Mary 91

  Mary, mother of Jesus 4, 224

  Mary Magdalene 6, 8–9, 10, 20, 66, 81, 112–13, 137, 206

  ministry in Galilee 6, 8–9, 32–3, 40–1, 48

  parable of the profligate son 40–1, 119

  Peter’s denial of Jesus 106

  Pharisees 79

  Pontius Pilate 108–9, 110

  resurrection 6, 44, 128, 131–2

  sinner woman ix, 89–90, 112, 132, 235, 240, 262, 282

  Luther, Martin 282–3, 283, 284, 290


  Machaerus 31

  madelines 288

  Magadan 13, 16, 57

  Magdala 10–14, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 34, 57, 76

  Magdalene House for the Reception of Penitent Prostitutes 285–6

  Manaen 70–2

  Manetho 172

  Mar Saba 141, 142

  Marcion 179–81

  Mark (evangelist, St Mark)

  and Egypt 184, 185, 186, 187

  relics 245

  Mark (gospel) 81, 126–7, 165–6, 192

  anointing at Bethany 88, 89, 90–1, 92, 112

  crucifixion 6, 113, 115, 116–17

  devils 68, 233, 234

  disciples 17, 37

  in Egypt 219

  entry into Jerusalem 82

  Gethsemane 150

  Great Commission 126, 201–2

  Jericho 147


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