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Captain's Captive

Page 10

by C. F. Harris

  I was rewarded with a shiver. I saw goose bumps rising on her body. Another similarity between all of the various flavors of humans that had grown up around the galaxy since that ancient collapse.

  "Were you maybe thinking about how it's just the two of us in here?" I asked.

  She closed her eyes and very nearly purred. God I loved that sound coming from her. There was something about hearing it coming from her in particular that drove me wild in a way that it hadn't with other women in a good long while.

  "Maybe?" And then she shook her head. Looked at me. Looked me up and down.

  Yeah, she wanted this, but she was afraid.

  I leaned in and tried to give her a kiss. This was the moment when our lips would brush together. When I would make first contact with an offshoot of ancient humanity in the most personal and intimate way possible.

  She pulled away.

  I continued moving forward since I expected her body to be waiting there for me to put a stop to my forward momentum.

  They weren’t. Instead I fell forward. Fell onto the relatively soft comfortable comforter. I turned and looked up at her as she stood. She started pacing around the room. I grinned.

  Okay then. She wanted to play hard to get? We could play hard to get. The pursuit only made the prize that much more enjoyable.

  "I'm sorry," she said. "This is all just so crazy. I'm having trouble…"

  I stood. Adjusted my clothes as best I could. I was starting to get comfortable in these local clothes even if they did feel a bit odd. I moved in close and wrapped my arms around her. She tensed for a moment but then she leaned back into me with a sigh.

  Oh yeah. This was going about as well as could be expected.

  "This might be crazy for you," I said. "But it's just as crazy for me."

  I took a moment to inhale her scent. It was some perfume that was obviously manufactured. It reminded me of the girls back home. It had been so long since I'd been on a world where they manufactured perfumes in labs rather than taking it from nature like the gods intended.

  Damn it was nice to be back on a technologically active world. Even if it was on the more primitive side of technologically active.

  She turned to me and her eyes glistened with moisture. Huh. Not good.

  "Is it really going to be okay though?" she asked. "All my friends are missing. They've been taken captive by a space pirate!"

  She laughed and pulled away from me to resume her pacing. Not that there was much room for her to pace in the first place.

  She laughed again, and it was a mirthless laugh. "Listen to me! Talking about a space pirate as though that's something completely normal and not something out of a bad TV show or video game!"

  "We're going to find your friends," I said. "I promise you that."

  She wheeled around to face me. That moisture still gathered in her eyes, but there was a fierceness there now.

  "Can you really promise that though?"

  "Well I have a pretty good track record against the guy we're facing down," I said.

  "A pretty good track record?" she asked. "What does that even mean? Have you beat him every time you've gone against him?"

  I thought about our most recent encounter. A strange alien world where I'd almost got the girl, but the girl decided at the last moment to run off with the bad guy because he had better PR on that planet.

  I still smarted from that loss, and it was a stark and recent reminder that I didn't always come out on top when I was going against this guy.

  I held out my hand and wiggled it back and forth. "I'd say most of the time I win?"

  She growled and rolled her eyes. Moved over and flopped down on the bed. "Are you serious? You win most of the time? My friends’ lives are hanging in the balance and the best I can rely on is ‘most of the time?’ Ugh!”

  Now I was starting to feel insulted. It was bad enough that she didn't have confidence in me. Now she was directly insulting my professional ability by saying I couldn't pull off a rescue that I damn well knew I could.


  "Hey," I said. "Trust me. When this all comes together…"

  She locked eyes with me. "Is it all going to come together?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "How can I trust that everything is going to come together?" she asked. "You're just one guy down here all alone. You’ve lost all your crew and equipment. You’re rummaging in pawnshops to try and get the equipment you need to beat this guy and meanwhile he's got an entire army of people! You're a space captain without a ship. Why should I think you can do anything you promised?"

  Okay. That was the last straw. Insulting me? I let out a growl of my own. Took her by the arm and pulled her up. Whirled her around and into a dip.

  She let out a yelp of surprise, but when she was done twirling and we were at the bottom of the dip she was looking up at me with her her lips parted. Her chest rose and fell rapidly. As though she was excited.

  Okay then. That was a heck of a lot better than her being annoyed with me.

  "Look, I know things look bad right now, but I can promise you they’re going to be fine," I said.

  She licked her lips. "How can you make that promise?"

  "Simple," I said as I brushed an errant strand of hair away from her forehead. “I’m Captain Flin, I'm the best in the fleet, and I'm going to kick some ass on this primitive planet."

  Oh yeah. That was more like it. Her eyes searched my own as I leaned in for a kiss. And this time around there was no hesitation. This time she didn't pull away.

  No, instead of trying to push me away she wrapped her arms around me and her mouth opened to mine.

  Oh yeah. Either earth girls were really good kissers or she was particularly talented. Whatever the reason, I found my toes curling as that kiss continued.

  I pulled away from the kiss and she gasped. She stood there swaying back and forth. It seemed I wasn't the only one who had my toes curling from that kiss. She put a hand to her chest and looked up at me. Locked eyes with me.


  "I'm going to save your friends. I'm going to take care of everything on this world. And that's that," I said.

  There was steel in my voice. That was the promise of the best damn captain in the fleet. I wasn't bragging when I said that.

  "I might be down and out right now, but that doesn't mean anything. That's when I'm at my best."

  She stared at me for a long moment and grinned. "So do all space men kiss as well as you do?"

  My mouth quirked up in a half grin in response. "Let's just say that I’m the best in the galaxy at some other things as well," I said.

  She stepped towards me. Her hips swayed back and forth in a seductive dance that I'd come to recognize from countless worlds. And I let her do that dance as she moved in closer. Closer.

  "You're certainly full of yourself," she said.

  "Maybe I am, or maybe I have reason to be," I said with another shrug.

  She seemed to be enjoying the whole egotistical intrepid space captain thing, and I was more than happy to give her the experience.

  It was the same on all worlds. You come down from the heavens and suddenly all the locals were ready to throw themselves at you.

  Though to be fair that seemed to be an experience that was unique to me. There were other captains who grumbled about how the only thing they ever got when they beamed down to local worlds were crazy things like angry superpowerful aliens masquerading as gods trying to destroy their ship or strange creatures from alternate dimensions turning into giant cats and trying to hunt them down.

  Some of the stuff those guys talked about out there in the galaxy were downright crazy. It made you wonder if they were making half of the stuff in their logs up.

  "So we have to lay low for awhile, right?" she asked.

  She moved closer. I put an arm around her. Nestled my hand in the small of her back.

  "It’d probably be best," I said. "They're out there looking for us right now. They know we
’re out here somewhere. You wouldn't want to give yourself up that easily, would you?"

  "Of I wouldn't want to give myself up too easily," she muttered.

  I used that hand nestled in the small of her back to it pull her closer. To press my hardness against her stomach.

  Her body was so soft and so enticing in all the right places. I squeezed my eyes shut and inhaled her scent. There was something about that smell that was intoxicating. There was something about the way her body felt pressed against mine that drove me wild.

  She looked up at me and cocked an eyebrow. "So if we’re going to lay low for awhile then what do you want to do to pass the time? We could watch TV, or I could show you some games on my phone or something…"

  And here we were. The cue I'd been waiting for. Since the first time I laid eyes on her.

  "I can think of far better things we could do to pass the time my dear," I said.

  I moved my hands up to her face. Chased another strand of hair away. Leaned in, and this time when I pressed my lips against hers there was no doubt this was something she desperately needed.

  She closed her eyes and sighed. She pressed against my body and the hardness pulsing there. I was beside myself. She was more beautiful than any of the other girls I'd ever met on one of these worlds.

  Maybe it was because they were so close to breaking out into the wider galaxy. Maybe that was why she attracted me. She reminded me of the girls back home.

  Or maybe it was simply the strength she'd exhibited the entire time we’d been chased by the bad guys.

  Whatever it was, I had to have this woman, and I had to have her now. So I focused on the feelings. Focused on the moment as I pulled her down on the bed next to me. As we prepared to have a close encounter of the intimate kind.



  He was powerful and insistent as he pulled himself on top of me. As I felt his hardness pressing against me.

  I'd felt that monster pressing against my stomach every time he pulled me close and it had been everything I could do not to push him down on the bed and jump on top of him.

  There was a part of me that wondered if any of this could possibly be happening. If I was really getting with a man from another planet. It sounded like he was a type of human, not strictly a space alien, but still.

  Close enough, right?

  "Oh God," I gasped as he continued pressing against me.

  I hadn’t had this much fun dry humping someone since high school, and even then it had ended far too soon.

  Only now it was so much more. Bolts of pleasure surged my core. I felt moisture gathered between my legs and I wanted more. So much more.

  I threw my head back and gasped, and he took the invitation to move his lips down to my neck and pressed his hot lips against the burning flesh there.

  Goosebumps covered my body. I was on fire. Pure pleasure exploded wherever his lips brushed my body.

  And still through it all there was that insistent pleasure in my core. Building inside me. We’d barely gotten past making and some heavy petting as one of his hands moved to cup of my breast and already I could feel something huge building.

  His exploration was slow. Almost frustratingly so since I wanted more and I wanted it now. He was deliberate. It made me wonder if women on his world even had breasts considering how fascinated he seemed by mine.

  Then again I suppose it shouldn't be entirely surprising. After all, men everywhere on this world seemed fascinated with breasts, so why would it be any different with men from another world?

  I licked my lips and he continued moving lower. Lower. I was already dressed up pretty slutty for a night out on the town, and he had no problem getting into my top. It was really just a glorified halter top, but it was barely even that. More like some strips of cloth that barely managed to preserve my modesty.

  Okay, so maybe I'd had some idea of a hot stripper ripping that off when I put it on, but this was so much better than any of those hot strippers.

  Especially considering they'd all been mind controlled automatons controlled by an alien pirate from another world who was trying to steal girls for some sort of interstellar trafficking ring.

  "Right there," I gasped as he continued with his kisses.

  I moved my hands up and ran it through his hair. It felt the same as a man from earth. Though again, if he was just a human it from another world as he said then that shouldn't be surprising.

  One of his hands reached up and undid the knot holding my halter top in place, and the rest of it fell to the side with ease. He looked down at my breasts like a starving man. I wondered how long it had been since he'd been with a woman.

  "Has it been awhile?" I asked, biting my lip.

  He looked up and fixed me with a cocky half grin that caused that caused a thrill to run through me.

  "Something like that," he said. "At least since the last time I visited a planet."

  It didn't occur to me until after his tongue was swirling around my nipple that he hadn't said how long it had been since he'd visited a planet. Only that it was the last time he'd done something like this.

  I didn't care. I grabbed his hair and pulled him closer. Moaned as he pulled my nipple into his mouth and sucked on it.

  God I loved it when guys did that, and he knew exactly what I liked. Exactly what I wanted.

  He wasn't wasting any time either. His other hand continued its exploration down my body. My stomach jumped as his fingers brushed my belly button. That tickled and I giggled, but he didn't stop his attention on my breasts. No, he moved to the other one and started working his magic there, and it was all I could do to keep myself under control.

  Of course that was nothing compared to the feeling as his hand moved down into my jeans. As he deftly unsnapped and unzipped my shorts. As he pressed a hand down between my legs, and then his finger was pressing into my panties and before I knew it he was inside me.

  The man was a master. The man knew exactly what he was doing. His finger curled up inside my wetness and it was like he knew every spot to hit for maximum pleasure.

  Again I had to wonder what kind of experience he had on other worlds that he was doing this to me so easily, but I quickly pushed those aside.

  I didn't care what his experience was. All I cared about was how damn good it felt. All I cared about was how much more of it I needed!

  We continued like that for a moment that stretched as I lost track of time. His mouth on my chest. His fingers probing down below.

  I giggled again at a stray thought. When people talked about being probed by aliens I was pretty sure they weren’t talking about something like this, but damn was this a kind of alien probing that I could get used to!

  Every time his finger moved inside me it pushed at something in my core. I felt something big building. I knew it was only a matter of moments and…

  An explosion bloomed between my legs. It bloomed and spread to every part of my body. It was as though every goosebump that rose as he explored me suddenly exploded with the pleasure potential that had been building since he first started his exploration.

  I threw my head back. I cried out quietly, and then I figured what the hell.

  We were in the middle of a seedy motel in the bad part of town, after all, so why not throw my head back and let loose a little? Or throw my head back and let loose a lot, for that matter?

  So I threw my head back and did exactly that. I let the waves of pure orgasmic bliss wash over me as his fingers worked their magic. As I screamed at the top of my lungs.

  Next to the sounds of drug deals and the occasional gun shot off in the distance it really wasn't any worse than anything else happening around here, after all.

  And so I screamed. I sang out. Over and over I threw my head from side to side as I was rocked with one of the best feelings of my life.

  And again I was struck with a single idea. This guy was good. Damn good. So good that it made me wonder how he got so good, and it made me want more.
So much more.

  I came down from that impossible high and I looked at him. Licked my lips.

  "That was fun," I said with a nervous giggle.

  It was nervous because I still had trouble believing I'd actually done this. This wasn't the sort of thing I usually did at all. I'd just gotten over whatever that feeling was with my boss, and now here I was with a strange man from another world.

  To say that my love life had been convoluted and just a little fucked up in recent months would be one hell of an understatement!

  "And we’re only getting started," he said.

  I arched an eyebrow. "Are we? You're awfully sure of yourself."

  Only the fact that he was so sure of himself was exactly why I knew this was only the beginning. It was exactly why I knew he was going to get everything he wanted from me and then some. I nearly hyperventilated as he moved up.

  He took my hand. Moved it down to his cock. A dizzying wave of euphoria washed over me as I touched it. The thing felt big, and I knew I was going to be a pretty happy girl soon.

  As I looked down at that bulge I licked my lips. Wondered how it tasted.

  "You know I've never tasted a man from another planet," I said. I looked up and locked eyes with him. "Do they do that sort of thing on your world?"

  This time it was his turn to laugh. Though it was more of a full-bodied laugh than the nervous giggles I'd been letting out.

  "They do that all over the galaxy Melissa,” he said.

  I shrugged and grinned. "Well if they do it all over the galaxy…"

  It was my turn to do some exploring. It was my turn to get a little more insistent. To take control of this, whatever this was.

  I kissed down his abs and luxuriated in pulling up his shirt and revealing them in all their glory. I licked my lips. Those things felt good through his shirt, but there was nothing like the experience of seeing them up close and in person. I nearly went cross eyed. Damn!

  I couldn't help myself. I stuck my tongue out and ran it between his abs. Swirled my tongue around as I enjoyed my own exploration.


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