Burner's Absolution (Devil's Riot MC Book 8)

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Burner's Absolution (Devil's Riot MC Book 8) Page 3

by E. C. Land

  The only time I ever begged for anything was when it came to my brother and my plan to get him out of that hell hole.

  No, that day wasn’t merely begging. It was me trading myself for his punishments. I endured the men and what they did to me along with the cuts sliced into my skin. The way they placed their mouths on the open wounds in order to lick at my blood.

  The women were just as nuts when it came to that part. One in particular enjoyed sitting back and watching each time I was tied up and at the mercy of the men. She reaped the benefits of it all. The crazy bitch constantly tried to get me in trouble when she could and that last time, I was lucky to have escaped the binds holding me in order to get Hades out of there.

  Sheer luck is what got us out of there that day.

  Leaving the salon, I head down the street toward my home. I lucked out finding this house. I’m able to walk everywhere instead of driving.

  As I make it to my house, I don’t pay attention to anything or anyone while pulling the key out of my pocket. Which is something I usually am constantly doing, watching those around me. Unlocking the door, I barely step inside when I feel him before setting eyes on him.

  “Hey, Firefly, you have something you wanna tell me?” Burner growls, holding the letter I’d haphazardly left on the kitchen counter.

  Shit, now what do I do?

  Chapter Four


  Five days, that’s how long I lasted before I broke down and finally decided to talk to Ally. I’d intended to pull her into my office at Devil’s Ink, however, she’d been gone by the time I was able to come in. I’d been late due to church running over so, of course, it would be the only day she decided to leave on time.

  Over the past few days, she acted like her normal self around the customers who came in. When she had a client, Ally did her thing and tuned everyone out while working on the masterpiece at the time.

  I figured since Ally left the shop, she’d have gone home, and I’d simply catch her there. The same house I’ve sat outside of in the middle of the night several times contemplating over knocking on the door or not.

  Today, I figured I best get this over with and finally confront the woman who has taken over every thought I seem to have.

  As I pulled into her driveway and parked behind her car, I walked up to the front door and knocked only to realize she wasn’t even at home.

  Fuck this shit, I’m not leaving until the two of us have a talk.

  Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the key Hades made sure to hand me the other day while saying, “I don’t know what the fuck’s going on with you two, but just know this— you hurt my sister, brother or not, I’ll bury you. Ally’s been hurt enough in her life.” I’d taken the key without hesitation, however, I hadn’t planned on using it so soon, wanting to be invited in.

  Unlocking the door, I’d walked into the house only to stare in shock at the bareness of the place. I don’t know why I’m shocked by the emptiness. Ally had been living in the same room of the clubhouse since the day she stepped through the entrance helping her brother inside.

  Shaking my head, I wander into the open kitchen area to find it the same as the rest, only she at least has a coffee pot with her cup sitting by it. My mouth lifts a little at the quirk I’ve noticed she has— if Ally doesn’t already have a cup in hand at the shop, she always has it sitting by the pot ready to go when she wants it.

  Glancing around, I notice a letter on the counter. Picking it up, I scan through it only to read it again. Fury consumes me at what it says. Quickly, I pull out my phone and snap a picture of it to send to Gadget and Twister. I don’t know what this shit is, but I’m gonna be getting some answers.

  Why the fuck wouldn’t she bring this to me or at least her brother?

  I’ve barely picked the letter back up to read it once more when the front door opens. Glancing in that direction, I’m shocked at the beautiful creature standing there. Ally hasn’t noticed me yet and I take a second to take in the new look she’s sporting. Gone are the long locks she used to wear in a simple ponytail and in their place is a shoulder-length color of perfection, one which seems to suit her and highlights her complexion.

  Fuck, if I wasn’t a goner for her already, I’d be now. She’s stunning.

  As she finally glances up and notices me standing there, I hold the letter up. “Hey, Firefly, you have something you wanna tell me?” I ask her, doing my best to hold the anger at bay.

  The fear in Ally’s eyes is almost my undoing, almost, that is because I’m not about to let her hide something this big from me or her brother. I’m sure by now he’s on his way over here along with half the damn club, if not all of them.

  We dealt with enough shit from this cult bullshit and Ally not coming to us about this letter more than pisses me off. Right now, I’m barely holding myself back from wringing her fucking neck for her stupidity. Yet at the same time, I want to pull her into my arms and hold her to me.

  “You gonna answer me, Firefly?” I growl, taking slow, purposeful steps in her direction.

  Ally at least has the right idea in backing away from me as I pursue her, landing directly where I wanted her. With her back against the wall, I cage her in with my arms.

  “I asked you a question, Ally. I suggest you answer me,” I mutter a hair's breadth from her lips as I lean down to get in her face.

  “It’s not your problem or anyone else’s,” Ally whispers, diverting her eyes away from me.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, babe, and you know it. Now, you wanna try again,” I growl, fisting my hands against the wall.

  “What are you doing here anyway, Burner?” she asks instead of giving me the answers I’m demanding.

  “Decided I've given you enough time alone and it was time the two of us had a long talk. Guess from the date on that letter, it’s a well overdue talk.” The roar of bikes coming down the road grabs my attention. “Guess our conversation will be including my brothers as well. I’m sure Hades is gonna wanna have a few choice words with you,” I say, lifting a hand to her chin to get her to look up at me. When I have her eyes, I lean in to claim her mouth for a brief kiss.

  Fuck, I shouldn’t have done that. The shock that runs through me at the first touch is one I’ve never felt. One I should’ve felt for my Janey. I never realized it would be as powerful as it was. My grandma had once told me about it a long time ago, said when I felt the shock, I’d know that person was mine.

  And that’s what Ally is— mine.

  Drawing back from her, I grab hold of her hand and escort her to the kitchen where I sit her on the counter by the coffee pot and press the brew button, knowing she’d have the machine prepped and ready to go.

  Meeting her gaze again, I reach up and cup her cheek. “We’ll get to our conversation later and then there will be more of what we just did, a hell of a lot more. You and me, Firefly, we’re just beginning. Now, you have until everyone leaves to get that through your head,” I say, placing one more kiss against her lips.

  After feeling what I’ve felt and the kiss that confirmed just what I should have known all along, I refuse to let her think she has to do anything alone or hide herself from anyone, including myself.

  My woman is about to learn a very valuable lesson.

  Chapter Five


  Holy crap, Burner kissed me. It’s the only thing my brain seems to want to think about right this minute. Well, it’s either that or the fact that at this very minute my house is being swarmed by extremely pissed off bikers, my brother included.

  Yeah, I’ll take the thoughts about the kiss over anything to do with the scary parts of my life. I mean, it was technically my first kiss. Sure, I’ve had to endure the pain of several different sexual acts that involved the use of my mouth, however, I’ve never had one of those men kiss me. Casimir forbade it.

  Inwardly shaking my head, I turn to the coffee pot as it beeps, letting me know the heavenly brew is finished. Okay, so I guess you ca
n say I’m a coffee fiend, as it’s what I survive on. I barely drink anything else since I’d been introduced to the magnificent stuff.

  Grabbing the pot, I fill my cup and add my sugar I keep right next to the machine.

  “Ally, I swear to fuckin’ God, I love you, but you have pissed me off more than you did that time you took my dirt bike for a spin and wrecked it when we were kids. Now, tell me why the hell you didn’t bring this letter to me,” Hades roars. I glance up just as he steps into the kitchen, and his face says it all— he’s furious.

  I would laugh at the mention of the dirt bike comment. I did wreck it, but only because I’d wanted to learn to ride too, but Daddy and Uncle Hammer told me I couldn’t. To prove them all wrong, I’d taken it for a spin and ended up crashing it in the creek down the road from our house. I’d been lucky to only be covered in mud, though my butt ended up getting the belt for disobeying the rules.

  “More to the point, why didn’t you tell us about this Casimir fucker back when we asked you to tell us about these sons of bitches,” Uncle Hammer growls. I didn’t even know he was in town.

  Without responding to either of them, I put my coffee down on the counter. My plan was to slip off the counter and go to my room to grab the one thing that will explain everything better than I can— my journals.

  As a kid, I’d write stuff down all the time and when my uncle came to the clubhouse after the escape, he’d not only brought my old ones but he’d bought me a couple new journals to pick up where I’d left off.

  “Don’t even think about it, Firefly. Park your ass right back where I put you,” Burner grumbles as he puts a hand on my knee to stop me.

  “But I . . .” is all I was able to get out before Burner interrupts me.

  “But nothing, now start talking,” he roars.

  “Please just let me grab my journals,” I murmur nervously, twining my hands together.

  Glancing up at my uncle, I hold his stare for a brief second before turning away again.

  “Ally, sweetheart, where are the journals? I’ll go get them,” Hammer states.

  “My room,” I say barely loud enough to be heard.

  The tension filling the room can only be described along the lines of fury pouring off each and every one of the men.

  Silence falls over the room as Hades storms off toward my room only to return a moment later with the black and white floral box I keep my journals in.

  “Alright, Ally, here are your journals, now spill,” Hades demands, placing the box next to me.

  “Hades, your sister giving the journals is her way of explaining. Just grab one and start reading,” Hammer states.

  Sucking in a breath, I glance up as several members of the club each grab a journal, Burner included. Mutters of curses can be heard cutting through the quiet every so often.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Burner growls, slamming the book down on the counter. My flinch doesn’t go unnoticed as he moves in between my legs and cups my cheeks to tilt my head up to meet his gaze. “That fucker ain’t getting anywhere close to you.” Guess I know which journal he picked up.

  I’d only started writing in that one since moving into this house. It’s very in-depth of what Casimir is capable of doing when he sets his mind to it. What he has already done to me is in there as well. I’d wanted my brother to understand what I’d been keeping the others from having to endure. It even explains every one of my scars.

  Closing my eyes, I shake my head. Why did Burner have to pick up that journal? I’d rather have Hades or someone else read that one.

  “Look at me, Firefly,” Burner rasps softly as I feel his forehead press against my own.

  “I can’t,” I whisper loud enough for only him to hear.

  “Yeah, you can, baby. Just open your eyes so I can tell you again this fucker won’t get to you.” I’d like nothing more than to believe Burner’s words, but I can’t let Casimir get to him or anyone else.

  Slowly, I open my eyes and steel myself for what I’m about to say. “Don’t you get it? You read it. Saw the letter. He won’t stop until he gets back what he deems is his and he doesn’t care who gets in his way. Casimir will destroy your club, the way he destroyed my momma and daddy.” I’m all but screaming as I finish.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” Hades growls as he steps toward me.

  “Did you just say Casimir?” Hammer roars at the same time.

  Glancing between the both of them, I nod my head to answer my uncle’s question.

  “Who the fuck is this Casimir?” Twister’s voice breaks through as he steps forward.

  “My question exactly, Prez,” Hades grumbles.

  “Casimir is the man who took me away the day he killed Momma and Daddy,” I mutter, turning away from all of them. They don’t need me to tell them the rest, that’s what the journals are for. I don’t think I could stand to see the look of pity on any of their faces any more than I already have. With them reading about everything, I can at least pretend the looks have stayed the same.

  “And what has this fucker got to do with you? He wasn’t the one you were with when we escaped, so explain this shit now, Ally,” Hades orders.

  Sucking in a breath, I hold Hades’ gaze as I say, “He’s my husband.”

  Chapter Six


  Husband? Why the fuck are we just now finding out about this shit? Let me rephrase that— why am I now only finding out about this bullshit?

  The long hours she and I’d stayed up talking, Ally never once uttered a word about having a husband. One who kidnapped her, to top that off.

  Already enraged at the words I read in the journal I’d pick up to read through, I’d barely gotten through the first five pages and I was ready to find the motherfucker, cut him limb from limb, and then burn every part of him. If the scars mentioned in those pages are as bad as they sound, it’s a wonder she survived all the horrendous acts she’s been through over the years.

  My heart about pounded out of my chest at her revelation.

  “What do you mean husband? How the hell did that happen? Better yet, when and why the fuck didn’t you say anything before now?” Hades asks, firing question after question as he paces the small kitchen.

  “How about you change that tone, brother,” I suggest. I may be pissed, but Ally is still my woman.

  “How about you back the fuck off, brother. This is family business!” he snaps.

  “Don’t try that bullshit with me. This isn’t just family business, it’s club business and to top it off, Ally is my woman and I’ll be fuckin’ damned if anyone else is gonna make her feel worse than she already does. I’m as pissed as you right now, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna take that shit out on her,” I inform him as I step into his space.

  “Ally is nothing to you, not until you get permission, brother,” Hammer growls, stepping between Hades and myself.

  “No offense, Hammer, but the moment Hades handed me a key to Ally’s place, that was all the permission I needed,” I say, meeting his gaze with the same hard stare he’s giving me.

  “So you all don’t get your panties in a twist, how about all three of you settle the fuck down and quit the pissing contest. Burner’s right— Ally has pretty much been his woman for a while now. Doesn’t matter if they were legitimately fuckin’ or not. All that matters right now is they had something,” Twister states sternly, gaining all of our attention before he glances to Ally. “Can you answer your brother’s question? I’m not trying to spend all day reading these journals. My stomach is already about to lurch at the little I have read.”

  Turning my attention to Ally, I notice her face pale at my Prez’s words. I bet the woman is thinking Twister’s disgusted with her instead of the acts done to her. Staring at her, I can see the wheels spinning and the fear beginning to show.

  Stepping toward Ally, I draw her focus on me. “Close your eyes, Firefly, and answer the questions. I’ll stand right here so you can feel me. No one’s gonna hu
rt you. We all may be pissed but fuck, you’re family and we only want to protect you,” I say while positioning myself directly in front of her and grabbing hold of her waist.

  Sucking in a breath, Ally does as I tell her to. “The day I was taken from our home, it was by Casimir. He’s the one who killed our parents and left Hayden for dead.” Shaking her head, a tear slides down her cheek. “My life changed dramatically after that day. I ended up married to Casimir the next day, though I don’t even know if it’s legal or not. It was a ceremonial wedding where he and four other leaders sliced into my stomach before Casimir took me in front of them while he allowed them to touch me.”

  Closing my own eyes, I do my best to hold back the rage brewing as Ally continues going over all she went through. What she says next just about kills me.

  “Only time Casimir took me was when he wanted to breed me. Usually, I was left to the others. And if I fell pregnant, I’d find a way to miscarry. It only happened twice, but I refused to bring a child into the hell that I was living in. One time, I threw myself down a flight of stairs. The other time wasn’t intentional, I didn’t even know yet. Casimir was pissed with me and I’d miscarried while chained in his playroom, the room I knew well since it saw more of my blood than anyone else’s,” she says stoically.

  Placing her hands on mine, she pulls them away from her body as she pushes me to the side, and I allow her to. Ally needs to feel some sort of power right now. Without opening her eyes, she slides off the counter and whips her shirt off, throwing it to the floor by her feet.

  “You want to know what he did to me? Look, this is what Casimir did,” Ally whispers as she slowly turns in a circle so everyone in the room can see the scars marring her body.


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