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Come as you Are: Plantain Series Book Two

Page 3

by Amelia Oliver

  “Damn,” he growls, walking us further into the room.

  Somehow he untangles me and playfully tosses me onto a bed, landing on my back and causing me to bounce on the mattress before settling. Our chests heave, the sound of our breathing fills the room, along with the sound of blood rushing in my ears. His jacket falls from his arms before he bends back one arm to pull his t-shirt off over his head then down his broad shoulders to show me the sexiest torso I have ever seen. He’s got the perfect amount of chest hair, and abs that look like bars of soap. A happy trail of hair in the center of his narrow hips leads down between his defined V cut, before disappearing into his jeans.

  “Are you drunk?” he asks.

  There’s something in his voice, he sounds unsure, vulnerable even.

  “No, not at all,” I sit up and furrow my brows, confused as why it would matter, maybe he’ll only fuck me if I’m drunk?

  “I want you to remember everything I’m about to do to you.”

  My breath catches and words escape me. Oh, yes please. I lift my arms and reach underneath my hair to undo the bow holding my top up, letting the two dainty pieces of fabric fall, before my hands pull it the rest of the way down to expose my breasts. I feel self-conscious for a second, hey, if he didn’t know until this moment I was flat chested, that’s his problem. But the hesitation and doubt flee when he groans and crawls up the bed towards me, moving my necklaces aside before latching onto one of my nipples.

  His thumb and fingers plump my small mound as his freakishly long tongue laps at the hardened and sensitive flesh of my nipple, my eyes flutter shut as I fall back onto the bed. I groan and run my hands through his hair, pulling the elastic band free. His wavy chin length hair falls around his face, it’s soft and slides through my fingers easily just how I imagined. His tongue and hands are warm and rough against me, the perfect juxtaposition to his soft and gentle lips. Drag groans and growls but I’m not doing anything to him, he’s having this reaction to pleasing me, and fuck, it causes my pussy to spasm every time he makes a sound.

  “I’m obsessed with your little titties.”

  My eyes pop open, and I look down to watch him teasing and playing with the little titties he’s referring to. Does that mean he’s thought about them before? Thought about me before? He appears fascinated and can’t seem to decide which one he wants to play with more, finally he sucks one nipple into his mouth along with the majority of my breast, while massaging the other with his rough palm. He’s lying on his side next to me, and I can feel his erection against my hip.

  I want to touch him, but his sounds, his hands and tongue, my hands in his hair, it’s all consuming. On top of all that, the feeling of being on the verge of coming already is slightly embarrassing, and I bend my legs and begin to rub my thighs together to relieve the ache. Even though he seems fully engrossed in my tits and only my tits, he must sense what I’m doing because he moves a hand down my center. His fingertips trail over my trembling torso to my belly button piercing, before his lips pop off me so he can look there, touching it again with revelry.

  “This is fucking hot,” he moans, looking back up at me.

  I didn’t think guys were still into those, but I like mine and never really had any desire to take it out. His mouth returns to my nipples and all thoughts of anything other than getting off, evades me. Finally, he undoes the button of my jeans, then the zipper. With a lift of my hips and some jerking of fabric on his part, my jeans and cotton thong are pushed down under my butt. I can feel by the cool air, that I’m soaking wet. I can smell myself and I arch my hips up in search of his hand, but he’s moved it back up to my breasts. He resumes sucking, pinching, and nipping my skin harder there now and I know I can’t take anymore.

  “Oh God, fuck I’m coming,” I moan as my eyes roll back before closing. My back arches, then suddenly the sucking’s gone, his hand gone.

  I reach down in an orgasmic haze and begin to rub my fingers in small tight circles over my clit, my body tensing and spasming as I see stars. I’ve never come this intensely before, let alone from someone barely touching me. When I fall back onto the bed in an exhausted heap, it takes a minute for me to finally open my eyes. Drag’s looking down at me, his lips parted as he breathes hard, his eyes searching my face. I lick my dry lips, with the need to almost apologize perched on my tongue.

  “I’ve never seen someone come like that before,” he says with awe in his voice.

  I don’t know what to say, it’s not like I haven’t been with anyone in a while so I can’t use that excuse. Wanting to shift the attention and get back to what we’re doing, I run the back of my hand over the erection still confined in his jeans. But he seems oblivious as he lifts my hand, the one I used to rub myself, and presses my fingers against his lips to inhale them deeply while closing his eyes.

  “I want to taste you there,” he says as he opens his eyes. “And next time I make you come, I want you to say my name, Nathan.”

  “Nathan,” I let the name play on my lips. “I like that,” giving him a small smile.

  Just then I hear a commotion outside the door.

  “I’ll fucking kill you, you motherfucker!”

  “Shit! That’s Dornan.”

  Drag stands quickly, adjusting his dick as I sit up and pull my top back up, zipping my pants as I follow him towards the door, he makes sure I’m behind him before opening it a crack. I can’t see over Drag as he assesses what’s going on, so I step to his side and see Maven shaking as Dornan picks her up off the floor, cradling her in his arms. Joey’s there, looking down at some guy nearly dead beside the apartment door. What the hell?

  “What happened?” I ask, stepping into the hallway and moving towards Maven.

  Drag grabs my elbow but I easily pull free. Her eyes are closed and I can see she’s been roughed up as she holds onto Dornan for dear life. I run my hand over her hairline and she moans, burying her face into the crook of his neck. The three men talk but my focus is on this woman who I’ve never seen in any other way than strong and powerful, but here she is, broken and hurt.

  “We’ll take care of it,” Drag says as he pulls my arm again to let Dornan and Maven pass.

  “Does she need to go to the hospital?” I ask.

  Dornan shakes his head once and starts towards a door only a few feet from us. I break from Drag once more and hurry to open the door for them, outside is the back parking lot and I see Dornan’s Charger there.

  “Skye, can you?”

  Dornan asks and I move around them to the Charger, lifting the handle to the backdoor of the car. Dornan tucks her inside, making sure her head is comfortably propped up on a balled-up sweatshirt before closing the door. I wait until they pull out of the lot before turning back and seeing Drag standing by the exit, holding the door open for me.

  “I have to take care of this,” he says nodding down to the unconscious man on the floor as we enter back into the clubhouse. There’s blood all over, the guys face looks terrible and I look away quickly.


  I don’t know what to do, I was just in orgasm la-la land two minutes ago and now I’m in some other world I’ve never witnessed before.

  “Do you want to stay in my apartment ‘til I’m done?” he asks.

  I can see by the expression on his face and the look in his eyes, that he wants me to stay.

  “Yeah, I can…do you need me to do anything?” I ask.

  “No, the prospects can clean this up, just gotta get the dude and his club out.”

  I nod, looking down at the man again and the blood all over the floor. Drag takes my hand as he ushers me back to his apartment, I stand just inside but he doesn’t enter.

  “I’ll be a little while, lock the door, even though I don’t think anything will go down over this, but I still don’t want to worry about you back here.”

  I nod, oh great now I have to worry about a possible MC brawl.

  “If anyone comes to the d
oor don’t let them in, I have a key so it won’t be me. Don’t worry, I’ll come back as soon as I can.”

  I nod again because apparently, words are escaping me. Drag lifts a hand and runs his fingertips down the side of my face, I look up into his eyes and they’re soft and intimate. I don’t want him to look at me like this and I don’t want to feel excited that he’s trying to be back to see me ASAP. I smile a little and inhale deeply, savoring this moment. He leans forward and smells the top of my head, running his nose along my forehead.

  “You smell like sunshine,” he whispers.

  Then he’s gone, and I close the door and lock it before sitting on the edge of the bed to wait. It smells like sex in here, or maybe it’s just clinging to my skin. I can’t help but run my fingertips over my lips, smiling at the replay of what happened in here a short time ago. My eyes survey the room, landing on several pictures of him and another man and a woman, they must be siblings because there are photos from very young to more recent. There’s a map of the United States with thumbtacks stuck in various locations, a poster of a motorcycle, and a series of black and white doodles of random things framed and hanging on the wall.

  For some reason, I feel my heart pang. I’m feeling something I don’t want. All he did was make me come one time and I feel like I want more and more…this isn’t what I wanted. I wanted to hook up with him once to allow the raw attraction for him to stop, but I know if we have sex, I will only have more feelings for him…and that scares the shit out of me.

  For the first time in my life I know I can’t just keep this as a no strings attached fling. He’s a player, a whore, and I know if we sleep together and if I see him hitting on a girl at the shop, it will fucking crush me. I can’t do this; I can’t allow this disaster to even start. I grab my purse from the dresser, unlock the door and head for the back door I’d held open for Dornan and Maven, and without another thought, rush around the back of the clubhouse to my car at the shop and leave.


  When I get home I can’t sleep, the night’s events rushing through me along with the adrenaline that I just left like I had. Then the guilt takes over and now I feel like shit over not leaving a note that I’m gone, or even that I was okay. But I try to convince myself that Drag, well Nathan, will come back to his room, see I’m gone and find someone else to occupy his bed for the night. My nipples are still sensitive from his mouth, my breasts tingly and between my legs is still wet from what he did and thinking about what he could’ve done to me if I hadn’t left.

  As I get to work the next morning, I know he’ll be there shortly after me, he’s always one of the first to get to the shop. I try to calm my nerves and am relieved that when I get there I don’t see him yet, instead Chain and Rocket are standing just under the open bay doors. When I turn the corner into the front of the shop to my desk, Nathan is leaning with his back against the counter.

  “Shit,” I gasp in shock.

  He says nothing but has his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes narrowed. I take a deep breath and walk past him to drop my bag into the desk drawer. Slowly, he turns to face me. God, what do I say?

  “What happened to you last night?” he asks, his voice low and it reminds me of how he spoke to me in his apartment.

  “I…I…thought I left my oven on.”

  Did I really just say that?

  “Hmm,” he mumbles.

  I begin arranging papers on my desk like it’s a matter of top priority, but knowing he’s watching me and the nerves inside me, are causing my hands to tremble slightly.

  “So this is what we’re gonna do now?” he says. “Pretend last night was nothing?”

  My head shoots up, implying that I think it was nothing means he thought it was something.

  “No, I just-”

  “I knew you were gonna do this,” he growls running a hand through his hair. “I always knew you were too good for me, then you proposition me last night and I thought maybe, just maybe, you didn’t only want me for sex. Like you felt the way I do-” he stops, running a hand down his face like he hadn’t meant to say all that.

  “Too good for you?” I ask like that’s the important part of what he’s just said. “Nathan-”

  “Don’t,” he furrows his brows and looks down. “Don’t call me that,” his voice is full of pain and it fucking guts me.

  “Drag,” I begin again with a deep breath. “It’s not like that, you have to understand.”

  Our eyes meet and the fire is still there, but the feelings, the pull is stronger than before. I know I’m doing the right thing to stop this, I can’t let it go further and possibly self-destruct over him. But I don’t get anything out before he’s shaking his head.

  “No, no, I get it,” raising his arms up to his sides, “you wanted to be a little dangerous and have a one nighter with the bad boy, wouldn’t be the first time for me so no I understand.”

  For whatever reason, maybe because his assessment is so wrong, I get defensive.

  “Well, I’m sure you didn’t have a hard time filling my place last night.”

  A visible tick begins in his jaw and I apparently hit a nerve with that comment.

  “Really?” he asks moving quickly around the desk to stand right in front of me. “I just fuck whoever, whenever, right?” He doesn’t say it as a question but as a fact.

  “How can I think otherwise when I see how you act towards the women you get as customers,” my voice raising.

  He shakes his head, stepping back from me a little.

  “You know, for once, last night I thought someone actually saw me, understood who I am and that I’m not like what everyone thinks. But I guess I was wrong.” His green eyes penetrate into me, almost like they know the truth and my fears and are begging me to just put all my thoughts out there.

  For a moment, I want to, feeling like just maybe if I do voice my fears that he’ll understand. For whatever reason that scares me too, I just know even if he convinces me that we could work a way out to be together, he’ll hurt me in the end. The words catch in my throat because I know I can’t let this continue, that I can’t let him think I think otherwise about him being a player.

  “Yeah, I guess you were.”

  He looks at me a moment longer before shaking his head and turning away from me, heading towards the garage. If I didn’t feel like shit before we talked, I certainly do now, and I have to blink rapidly to stop my eyes from burning, but I can’t stop the pain in my chest. Thank God my desk phone begins to ring and knocks me back into the real world, it’s Dornan telling me Maven’s okay but won’t be in today. I know this means I’ll be swamped and I can’t be happier, anything to take my mind off Drag and what just happened.

  No matter how busy I am today though, I can’t stop thinking of his words. Was he telling me had feelings for me? That he wanted more? Was my manwhore idea of him completely wrong? I want to so badly take him into Maven’s office and talk with him, but I can’t, I can’t just lay all my feelings out there in hopes he might feel something for me.

  He’s quiet all day, which is odd for him, he’s not laughing or joking with the guys, he doesn’t even flirt with any of the female customers that come in. Thankfully all the guys head to the clubhouse around five and I finish my work before they come back. I consider leaving Drag a note with my phone number because I really deep down want to talk to him, but I tell myself to let it go, just let it the fuck go.


  Weeks go by like this, me avoiding Drag. Even when he comes to my desk for work purposes he’s very professional and only says what he needs from me. A little bit of me dies every time because the feelings I have for him haven’t gone away, they’ve only grown and I want to know the man who I saw the night at the party. The man who loved my little tits, the man who looked at me like I was something he wanted to devour.

  Although he’s being normal with his brothers, ever since our ‘night’ together, he doesn’t acknowledge the women who
hit on him at the shop and I wish he would. It’s like part of me thinks he’s trying to prove a point to me, like, ‘see I don’t hit on everything.’ But the other half of me thinks why should I care? I don’t want to care, I don’t want to notice him anymore, because noticing him sets me into day dreaming about where we would be now if we let something more happen between us. I wish he would do something to piss me off and prove to me that he is the pig I always thought he was instead.

  “Skye, are you all set for Lancaster?” Maven asks from her office.

  “Yeah, Smokey’s just gotta check my fuel pump then I’m headed out.”

  She joins me, leaning over the counter of my desk. We never talked about that night at the club when she was assaulted, which is what I found out happened and the guy Dornan beat the shit out of was her ex. I don’t think she knows I was even there.

  “What are you going to do there?” she asks.

  “Oh,” I sigh. “Just visit my sister and her family, my niece’s second birthday is Saturday.”

  “Aww,” Maven says.

  “Probably the beach,” I add.

  I see Drag and a female customer heading towards us, and I put my head down to organize my paperwork.

  “Maybe you’ll go out to a club or something? Meet a hot beach boy.”

  Maven teases with suggestion in her voice, I don’t know if she’s saying this because she’s noticed that something’s shifted between Drag and I since she notices everything, or she’s just trying to make sure I get a man before I’m dead.


  I mean to add ‘probably not,’ but the customer sets her paperwork on the counter and turns towards Drag.

  “So, are we going to see that movie tonight?” she asks.

  I swallow hard, I don’t want him to say yes…but I do, I want him to, no I don’t, YES I DO. Drag hesitates so long I think maybe he didn’t hear her, I look up and our eyes meet, sending a rush of heat through me.


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