Come as you Are: Plantain Series Book Two

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Come as you Are: Plantain Series Book Two Page 6

by Amelia Oliver

  “It’s okay, even though it was terrible, it pushed me and Dornan together really, so I don’t wish things would’ve happened differently.”

  I nod but really, this woman’s strength blows me away.

  “Tell me what happened with Drag?” she asks.

  I sigh but tell her the whole story, retelling the story as if it’s just happened the other day. I’ve thought about it so much over time that it feels like it was yesterday. She says nothing as I spill the details of how I still think about him but don’t ask if he’s with someone because I don’t think I can handle that right now especially after the message from Tyler. My ego can’t handle another blow at the moment.

  But her eyes aren’t looking at me with sadness and maybe it’s the optimist inside me that thinks I see hope in them. When I’m all done, she gives me a reassuring pat on the arm and then takes my hand leading me back out to the bar. No one mentions us being gone for a while and all talk turns back to dick size. I am relieved that Maven didn’t ask me about my message from Tyler and it’s pushed from my mind for the time being, I don’t plan to call him this entire weekend and hopefully he will be far from my mind the entire time.

  It’s after two a.m. when we get back to Missy’s and I am whipped, I haven’t stayed up this late in a long time and after my drive today I barely get my clothes off before passing out on the bed. The next day I wake late which is also odd for me since Tyler makes me get up when he does and cook breakfast for him while he works out in the mornings.

  When I head downstairs Sven is in the kitchen and there is a plate of bacon and eggs sitting waiting for me. He hands me the plate and I set it on the breakfast bar while taking a seat. For whatever reason, I want to ask him how last night went in hopes of hearing Drag’s name, but I don’t.

  “Missy went to get her hair done, she said if you wanted yours done call her and she can get Katie to squeeze you in or some shit,” he says.

  I nod and take a bite of bacon as Sven sets a cup of coffee in front of me and I take a small sip testing the temperature. We don’t talk as he leans against the counter eating a piece of toast and I wonder if he’s hungover. I finish my plate and head back upstairs to take a long shower, I know we’re leaving for the wedding at two to get there early and help with anything and its already quarter after one when I emerge from the bathroom.

  As I get ready, I turn my iPod on to The Juliana Hatfield Three “Spin the Bottle,” and begin to let myself feel excited for tonight. I put on a little make up before blow drying my hair. Thankfully Missy’s provided toiletries and hair products since I forgot to stop and get any of those things. I let my hair finish air drying as I lotion my body and slide a G-string up my legs before pulling my dress down into place. I look at myself in the mirror and decide to add some more blush since I feel I look slightly better today than I have in a while, but think the extra makeup might help just a little more.

  My dress fits me well and gives the illusion that I’m not so rail thin under the material, however my exposed shoulders and collarbones still stick out but hopefully no one will notice. Pulling my hair back to the nape of my neck I create a messy bun, then slip the silver cuff I bought yesterday onto my bruised wrist and a long silver necklace with an owl pendant over my head before sliding two of the chunky rings I bought onto my index and middle fingers.

  When I drop my shoes at the foot of the steps, Sven and Missy are already there all decked out in a suit and beautiful plum dress. Missy smiles at me and pushes some of my baby hairs away from my forehead and back along my temple, she assesses me like a mom would before tapping her pointer finger on my nose.

  “Beautiful.” She smiles.

  Her compliment leaves me feeling confident going into the unknown, but still nervous as hell. I sit in the back of Missy’s Cadillac as Sven drives us the short distance to Maven and Dornan’s, they literally live six blocks from one another. I am relieved when we arrive to the house there aren’t many vehicles and I don’t see Drag’s bike for sure. We park on the grass leading up to the house and as we walk up the long driveway Dornan is outside playing with two small boys as Bagheera runs around the yard chasing them. They’re already dressed for the wedding and Dornan looks better than ever, he gives me a chin tip as his father joins them and immediately the boys are all over their grandpa.

  Missy and I enter the house from the back door and I’m blown away with how huge their property is but also how beautiful the grounds and house is. There are a few women in the kitchen along with prospects that are being told what to do by those women. One prospect walks past and obviously checks me out before winking at me. This shocks me and I almost laugh, but instead I smile to myself and keep following Missy up a huge staircase, Maven meets us at the top and she looks beautiful but still in a white fluffy bathrobe.

  “Oh good you two are here, I need you guys to finish getting the mint bags together for the plate settings, do you mind? I had the boys doing it but of course they made a big mess if it,” she says.

  I smile and agree as I head back down the stairs.

  “They’re in the dining room,” Maven says and I wave my hand.

  There are three boxes sitting on the dining table and I see half of one is full of bags already done, the other two still needing to be. Pulling out a chair I begin to pack the small draw string baggies with mints one by one and as I get to the last few, Missy finally joins me.

  “Sorry, I had to check on the prospects, brought you a beer,” she says handing me a can.

  I smile and accept it as I drop the last few treats in the bag, setting them into the boxes to transport. We head outside and walk towards the rows of chairs set up at the side of the house. Rows of white wood folding chairs fill the space leading to a wooden arch decorated with filigree and wild flowers, the area looks simply beautiful and the weather is perfect for an outdoor wedding. I guess I should be thinking about my wedding, but I’m not.

  In fact, it’s the furthest thing from my mind as I hear the roar of bikes come down the street and up the driveway. Trying not to look, I busy myself with making sure the mints are exactly center on the plates. But as the bikes begin to park and the engines shut off, I hear male voices greeting Dornan and Sven I can’t resist any longer. Like I’ve switched my radar on, my eyes flit up and land directly on a brown haired man with the perfect amount of stubble…who’s looking right back at me.


  I swear to God it takes me a full minute to catch my breath, I didn’t know she would be here, Skye. The name that has haunted my mind, body, and soul for six years; six fucking long ass years. I never thought she would ever come back to Plantain. I wonder if she’s brought her husband even though since I’ve been back in town myself, I haven’t heard anyone mention a wedding, but it could’ve happened when I was gone.

  The feelings of seeing her show off her engagement ring, plague me to this day and hit me deep inside at the thought that another man was touching her and tasting her the way I had that one night, fucking her the way I dreamed of ever since.

  She looks amazing standing there, skinny as fuck but still jaw dropping beautiful. I can see the bones under her skin but skip past them to see her little tits and my mouth waters, my dick stirring in my jeans and fuck, I still want her. Even though she wants nothing to do with me, she left me that night I thought we shared something amazing between us, something I’d never shared with anyone before. Then the next day and weeks after she didn’t even want to acknowledge my presence, and that fucking stung.

  Did she know I never had a girl back to my apartment before? Did she know that I never had been so intimate with someone like that in my entire life? I hated her when she brushed me off like what happened was no big deal to her, but meant everything to me. But I couldn’t hate her; not really, she was too special, too perfect.

  To this day and the years between, even this morning I jerked off in the shower remembering the sounds she made when I made her come just from sucking o
n her perfect little nipples. Watching her rub herself off during her climax, smelling her fingers afterward and wishing I could’ve bottled it up to remember always, but I did still remember. I had never made someone come like that before, and had never seen someone look so fucking sexy that I had to pull back and stop touching her just to watch.

  In my dreams, we continue that night as if we weren’t interrupted and I fuck her in all manner of ways, wanting to hear her call my name, Nathan. When I picture that I always come, I very rarely ever tell anyone my real name, but I told her. When she used it the next day, like it was nothing of importance, I had to stop her, hearing the word roll from her perfect lips ripped my heart out.

  I wanted to believe she saw me differently and no matter her words I knew there was a deeper reason as to why she didn’t want to continue anything with me. Then when I saw her and that God awful diamond ring on her finger, I was done. I couldn’t take knowing some other man had given her whatever she wanted and clearly it was something that I couldn’t give her.

  I asked Sven if there was any way I could go do some work anywhere out of state, he knew I was having issues with my family so he agreed with little persuasion. I did a few runs around the coast and returned when the MC thought we had a snitch, which Sven initially thought was me since he didn’t understand my wanting to distance myself from the club all of a sudden.

  I went on the run with Dornan and Joey not knowing they would confront me on the matter, but turned out we finished the day chasing down the people who abducted Maven, ending with a shoot-out in the desert. Although what we did there, that we saved Maven, the whole situation left a sour taste in my mouth and a feeling of guilt on my shoulders I’d never known before. I knew I had to leave and although Sven had to deal with the absence of Maven and Dornan from the club, I needed to get the fuck out of town for a while. He agreed and I became a nomad.

  Telling my older brother Rob was the hard part, he’d just got home from his latest stay at the hospital, but I spoke with my sister who said she would check on him, and Rob himself assured me that he would be fine and tell our sister if he was having any thoughts again. The man was nearly twenty-seven then and I convinced myself for once to be selfish and that my sanity needed this. Although I worried about my brother being in our house at the outskirts of town, I knew I couldn’t go another day seeing Skye’s happy face because of some asshole she was marrying and not because of me.

  But here she is, we locked eyes for a moment before she turned away and went back to whatever she was doing. I try to keep track of her as the guests begin to show up and crowd around. At one point, I see Missy hand her some flowers and she quickly went inside. Once Gwen corralled everyone to the seating area, I sit in the front on Dornan’s side by Joey and his wife.

  I turn as we all stand for Maven to start down the aisle but all I see directly across from me is Skye, she’s looking at me, fuck, I instantly go hard as my heart nearly explodes in my chest. My reaction to her has always been insane and intense. I used to ignore her because I always knew she was out of my league. Which was hard because all my brothers liked her, and she was cool and always doing some crazy dare devil shit. She was everything I wanted to be. Carefree and happy, always smiling and doing what she wanted. Yes, I am part of an MC and have done some pretty crazy shit. But nothing in civilian life that was exciting due to issues with my family and having to be an adult before it was time.

  Maven looks beautiful in her dress and happier then I have ever seen with a smile like she’s living the best life possible and knowing Dornan, she is. Since they’ve come back to Plantain I’ve been spending a lot of time at this house and with them, sometimes it’s hard for me to be at the house I shared with my brother, and their two sons Wyatt and Nolan help distract me. But it’s also hard to be around the happy couple because I fear I won’t ever have what they have, that I won’t make anyone smile just by entering a room or kiss someone just because I can. I thought for a fleeting moment that night six years ago that I might have that with Skye, but she ditched me.

  I can barely even concentrate on the wedding because my eyes keep drifting over to her, her blonde hair catching the sunlight, her skin glowing and I just want to taste it, to touch her. Occasionally her eyes meet mine but she looks away and it’s not until the wedding is almost over that I notice she isn’t sitting with a man, besides Smokey. I don’t see a ring on her finger and shit, maybe she’s not with him anymore. I can’t let my heart or mind go there because the let down when I find out she is still with him will fucking send me into a tail spin.

  “You clean up nicely,” Missy says approaching me as I stand by the bar after the ceremony, I look down at myself in black jeans and black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I shrug and look back up at her, I guess I look okay.

  “I thought people weren’t supposed to upstage the bride but I guess they made an exception for you.” I wink and lean forward as she kisses my cheek.

  She laughs slightly and smacks my chest playfully. I see Skye over by one of the tables talking to Gwen and Chain and she’s smiling and looking totally devastatingly gorgeous. Missy is saying something but I can’t focus, it takes Wyatt running up and grabbing my leg to get my attention.

  “Drag help me! Nolan and I are playing dragon.”

  I know this game well, it’s sort of like hide and seek but they try to find whoever the dragon is and when they do the dragon chases them around. I usually always get voted to be the dragon but I don’t mind, I like playing with them and I don’t have to think about anything but making them laugh. Wyatt puts his little hand in mine and I chug what’s left of my beer, before handing the can to Missy as he pulls me out to the massive yard. Nolan follows us which means Bagheera also comes tearing up behind as he runs all the way to the pond and back, before we make it to the center of the yard. I tell the boys to count to fifteen which usually goes something like,

  “1…2…8…15! Here we come!”

  So, I have to hide quickly, as soon as they cover their eyes I take off towards the huge barn/garage. We play until Maven announces its dinner, and thank God because I need another beer, and playing with the kids got me out of having to do any of the food preparation. After I pile my plate with food and sit down at one of the picnic tables, and of course I see Skye as she goes down the line.

  When she reaches the end and searches for any empty spot, her eyes land on me and the open seat across from me. It’s like I can see her mind working out whether she should come over here or not. She takes one step forward before Missy arrives, taking her arm and leading her to where she and Sven are sitting.

  I want to talk to her, I have to, and I need to know what she’s like now. She keeps looking at me like she wants to, or at least thinks she wants to, but I guess I have to make that move. After dinner, most all the women are dancing to classic rock since that is Maven’s favorite, while all of the guys sit at a few tables watching them dancing.

  I’m leaning with my back against the bar drinking a beer and watching the party when I turn to see Skye walking up to me. I don’t know if she knew I was here but she seems somewhat surprised when I look at her and I swear her breath catches. She blinks rapidly a few times and looks down while taking a deep breath, opening her mouth to speak as one of the prospects Ace, talks to her first.

  “What do you want beautiful?” he asks from behind the bar.

  I turn and give him a menacing look and he looks from her to me before clearing his throat.

  “What can I get you?” he corrects himself.

  “Um a beer is fine,” she says softly.

  My eyes go back to her and she’s watching Ace, I use this moment to look her over again like I have all night. After dinner, I noticed she wasn’t wearing any panties and I imagined sinking my teeth into her juicy plump ass.

  “How are you Drag?” she finally says.

  “What?” I reply, clearing my head from the thoughts of her ass.

asked, how are you?”

  I think about you every day, I can still smell you on my skin, I want to fucking kiss you. I shrug in reply setting my empty beer can on the bar top and she raises her eye brows at my response, or lack thereof.

  “Cool,” she says flatly sipping her beer.

  She begins to walk past me and I stop her with my hand on her bicep, it’s so small my fingers wrap entirely around her arm but my action causes her to flinch, and fuck, fuck no. My brows furrow as I watch her try to pretend she didn’t just have that reaction and I swallow the lump in my throat. I swear to God if that asshole hit her I will murder him. Her eyes flash up to mine and they go from timid to melty in a second, I’m still holding her arm as I step closer and inhale her. She still smells like I remember, and I want to touch her so badly.

  I reach up with my free hand and run my fingertips down from her temple to her jaw, causing her body to shiver. That heat and electricity from all those years ago is back, and she’s looking at me like she wants me to keep touching her. Her chest is rising and falling fast as her breathing picks up, and I can see her little nipples poking through the thin fabric of her dress. She licks her lips as she looks down to my mouth, then back up to my eyes. Moving my hand from her upper arm I slide it down her cool smooth skin to her hand, lacing our fingers together.

  “Come with me.” My voice is deep and rough with lust and she just nods her head once before we start towards the barn.

  Skye’s hand feels so small inside mine and her fingers are cold against my overheated skin. I don’t know where I’m taking her, as the music from the party gets further away, the kids are still playing around but closer to the party now that the grounds are dark from the setting sun. Leading her all the way to the back of the property where there is a thick section of oak trees, far from the party and from any prying neighbors. We walk back a bit before she stops which causes me to halt, we face each other, both breathing hard, and I want to rip her dress off and fuck her. I can see in the dim light that her body is shaking and I feel like my insides could burst, but part of me wants her to make the next move since I made mine when I dragged her out here. If she wants to talk or let me taste her pussy it’s her call, but I will let her make it.


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