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Come as you Are: Plantain Series Book Two

Page 10

by Amelia Oliver

  “When did you get in?” he asks, letting his hand fall to his side.

  “This morning, I went by the shop, I didn’t see you.”

  “I just got back from some business on the east coast, been gone three months, I was in Wyoming before that.”

  Remembering that’s where Missy said he was during my hospital stay, makes my stomach do a flip. I rub a hand over my face trying to clear the memory.

  “So I take it, you’re here for good?”

  He lowers his head so my eyes will connect with his. I’m fighting the urge to fling my arms around him. Because I know one touch from him would lift all my troubles, I want to crawl into bed with him and feel his strong body against mine, and there would be no nightmares and no fucking Tyler. But I don’t, so we just stand there.

  “I also take it you left your fiancé,” he says.

  My body shivers slightly and I just nod, I can’t go into details right now with him. I notice his body react as he lets out a huge lungful of air at my simple movement. My eyes meet his, and the electricity that always runs between us is there and I feel…human, alive, not the dead shell of a person I’ve been feeling all these months.

  “Are you going to be working at the shop again?” he asks.

  “Yes, so actually, I really need to get some sleep You can go back to whatever you were doing, really it’s not a problem,” I shrug.

  He smiles and his dimples come out and fuck, yup he’s beautiful.

  “That’s why you came in here, dressed like that?” He eyes my body again. “Guns blazing because-it’s not a problem?” he teases.

  I smile a genuine smile, which feels almost foreign to me.

  “Okay, maybe it was a bit much for this time of the morning.”

  “Well, I apologize and I guess I should be getting some sleep myself, I lost track of time.”

  I turn to exit the way I came when I feel a soft touch to my hand, it doesn’t startle me or scare me at all as I look down to see his massive hand slip his fingers through mine. He moves up behind me, and I close my eyes as the warmth of his body presses against my back. I hear him inhale the back of my head, and the gesture is so sweet I want to cry.

  “Sleep good, sunshine,” he whispers before letting my hand free and disappearing into the house.

  It feels like it’s been thirty seconds that I slept before the alarm on my phone is squawking, and I blindly stop the dreadful noise, my eyes are heavy and it takes me long moments to clear them. The sun is still low in the sky but the loft is filled with light, I hear the birds chirping outside and remember my encounter with Nathan last night. What are the odds that he would be the owner of the house? I’ve always believed in signs and things happen for a reason, but this, I’m not sure if I should really get into how much I feel like I was meant to be here.

  My thoughts are suddenly halted as a rush of bile comes creeping up my throat, I roll over and grab the waste paper basket beside the bed and bring it to my lap, where I dry heave for what feels like twenty minutes. With stomach muscles sore and a raw throat, I manage to get up from bed, grab a change of clothes and head downstairs. I turn the coffee maker on and drop a slice of bread into the toaster, grabbing my iPod, before heading to the bathroom to shower.

  Washing all the nightmares that cling to me off in the warm water where another vision enters my head, Nathan, sweaty with muscles bulging from physical labor. I assume his hair is longer now, and I just want to see it. Okay, I want to touch it also but, baby steps. Thoughts of Nathan always turn me on, but pregnancy has made me-I’m horny as hell. I have to stop my hands several times from lingering too long at my breasts and between my thighs as I wash.

  Everclear’s “Santa Monica” plays as I brush out my hair and put on a tank top and jean shorts. These aren’t as restrictive as my pair of jeans, and hopefully by the end of the day I won’t feel like I will burst the button off. I grab my coffee and toast before putting on my makeup, eating and drinking slowly, and the shower helping with my nausea. It’s six forty-five when I head down the steps and it’s already a beautiful day but I stop suddenly when I realize my car isn’t here, and I didn’t arrange a way to get into work.

  “Shit,” I groan as I pull my cellphone from my purse.

  I don’t know who to call, Maven is probably busy getting the kids ready for school, and Missy is probably, no I know, she’s still asleep.

  “Hey,” I hear come from in front of me.

  My head shoots up to see Nathan. He’s dressed for work. His hair wet and down and, yes it’s longer, shoulder length now. He’s sitting on his bike, helmet resting in his hands on his lap, and that beard is doing something to me inside.

  “Hey,” I reply a little breathily.

  “You uh, you need a ride?” he asks.

  “Yeah I do, but I can call someone…”

  I don’t know why I’m saying this, we’re both going to the same place so it’s not like I’m inconveniencing him.

  “Skye,” he says over my rambling, “get on the bike,” he states.

  I walk over and look down at my shoes as he gets up from the bike and stands before me.

  “Are these okay?” I ask.

  Nodding, his hands reach out to take the strap of my purse from across my body and I cringe after realizing I’ve flinched. But he doesn’t seem to notice, or maybe he does but ignores my reaction. I watch as he opens a bag near the back of the bike, and tucks my purse inside. Then grabs a helmet from the other side, placing it on my head and clipping the straps together under my chin.

  He smells like shampoo, soap, and mint and I inhale. Trying not to be creepy about it, as his rough fingertips run over the strap to make sure it’s secure. Throwing a leg over the bike, he stands it up straight and looks over at me to get on I assume, so I do. I put my feet up on some peg things that are sticking out and have to open my knees as he sits. Reaching his hands back to my thighs, he presses my legs tight against his hips, and I feel a throb begin.

  “Ever been on a bike before?” he asks.


  The roar of the engine startles me, as do his hands moving from my legs to my hands braced on my thighs, taking them and pulling my hands around his waist, my body leaning forward so I can reach all the way around him. He puts his helmet on which is similar to the one I’m wearing, along with a pair of black Ray Ban sunglasses.

  “Lean into the turns, okay?” he yells over the sound of the bike.

  I give his body a little squeeze in acknowledgement that I heard him, and he begins to turn the bike around. Holding onto this man, the warmth from his back pressing against the bare skin of my chest above the neckline of my top. His muscles tight as he steers the machine, on top of the vibration, I swear to God I’m going to come. There’s nothing like this feeling sitting here on the back of his bike, the speed and the air rushing past.

  Holding onto his body tightly, I can’t seem to wipe the smile from my face. Not to mention that when we stop at a red light and Nathan sits up, he rests his hand on my bare knee, shooting my libido into hyper drive. This is a thrill I haven’t felt in so long, and little by little I feel my wall slowly being chipped away, even if it’s only been one day of freedom. All too soon we pull up to the shop, and as usual we are some of the first to arrive. Nathan parks his bike and I hand him my helmet as he slowly gets up and removes his.

  “How was that?” he asks.

  “Amazing. Will you take me out sometime where we can go really fast?” I ask giddily like a child on Santa’s lap.

  His dimples make an appearance as he smiles down at me.

  “I mean, if you wouldn’t mind or if you have time,” I add quickly, regaining my cool.

  Nathan chuckles softly as he swaps the helmet for my purse, handing it to me.

  “Yeah, we can do that.”

  I take my purse and head for the already open garage doors.

  “Okay, bye,” I turn and give him a small wave.
/>   All my normal bravado and calm leaves me with this man, I curse myself for looking like an idiot. I seriously said bye to him, he’s going to be ten feet from me the entire day. He gives me a sweet smile, like he’s enjoying my fumbling behavior. Chain, Rocket, and Smokey are looking under the hood of my car as I approach, relieved they didn’t notice us.

  “How’s it going?” I ask them.

  Smokey rubs his chin and looks up at me.

  “I think you need a new engine,” he sighs.

  “No, it’s just the fuel line,” Chain corrects.

  “No, it’s the carburetor,” Rocket says.

  I groan, and then jump slightly as a warm rough hand is placed on my bicep.

  “Don’t listen to these jokers, I’ll have a look at it for you,” Nathan says into my ear, my entire body shivering with the proximity and the intimacy.

  “Thanks,” I reply and turn to head to my office.

  When I glance back, Nathan is shaking his head slightly as he pulls his hair back into a bun. Which nearly causes me to walk right into the doorframe, thankfully no one saw that, and I go to my desk. It takes me a few hours to sort through the fucking disaster from whoever had been sitting here while I was gone, but slowly I begin to realize that it seems as if my desk was mainly a dumping ground for shit. No one respected my filing system apparently, so I spend the bulk of my time separating trash from actual paperwork.

  During that time, I vaguely recall Maven getting here, Dornan following a little later to ‘visit’ her, and while customers come in and out I take a peek at Nathan who’s diligently working on my Subaru. He hasn’t worked on any of the cars that have come in, and although the gesture is nice, I don’t think I can pay for all the work he’s putting in.

  “Did you need me to get you something for lunch?”

  My head pops up as I file some of the last of the papers from my desk, and see him standing at the counter of my desk.

  “What?” I ask.

  “You didn’t bring a lunch, and it’s already one…did you want me to get you something?”

  Almost on cue, my stomach begins to get that pre-vomit feeling, and I almost panic because the last thing I want is to be sick in front of him.

  “Oh,” I casually say, looking up at the clock. “No, I-” and I don’t know what to say because yes, I need food.

  “Hey man,” I hear and turn to see the prospect from the wedding who was behind the bar. “Here you go,” he says, handing a bag to Nathan.

  Nathan takes the bag with a nod and as the guy turns to leave, he’s looking at me.

  “Don’t I know you?” he asks through squinted eyes, stopping just before turning for the door.

  “I think we met at the wedding.”

  He snaps his fingers as his eyes roam over my body.

  “That’s it, how ya doin? My name’s Ace,” he reaches a hand over the counter.

  Nathan’s voice comes out like the crack of a whip, causing both mine and Ace’s heads to snap over towards him.

  “Ace, you can go.”

  I look between the two men, Nathan is standing at full height, his frame strong and dominant as Ace, who is slightly shorter seems to defy for only a moment, before he nods and looks back at me.

  “Nice meeting you, again,” as he puts his head down and exits the shop.

  “Why did you do that?” I ask, looking at Nathan. “He was just introducing himself.”

  “No, he was eye fucking the shit out of you, and he’s a prospect. He needs to learn manners and do what I say,” his voice firm.


  “He was disrespecting you, and until he can have a conversation with you without looking at your tits, he won’t be talking to you.”

  “Oh,” is all I say.

  I bite the inside of my cheek trying not to smile at the alpha I just saw in Nathan, like I just witnessed him marking his territory.

  “Here,” he says, handing me the brown paper bag. “I ordered you those tacos from Lima’s that you always used to get.”

  He remembered what I used to order?

  “Unless you want something else,” he shrugs, pulling the bag back since I didn’t make a move to take it from him.

  “No, no, that’s perfect, thank you. Share with me?” I ask.

  “It’s okay, I already ate.” He taps his knuckles on the counter before turning away and back into the garage.

  The gesture of him getting me something to eat, remembering what I ordered, and shit, just being so attentive. I can’t download it all. I knew he was sweet, especially since our talk in the laundry room so many months ago. But I felt, cherished, like I was something very important to him. It seems like no time at all before he’s back again, and asking me if I’m ready to leave for the day.

  “Unless you’re not I can wait,” he says.

  “Is my car not ready?” I ask in confusion.

  “No, not even close, I have to order a few parts.”

  “How much is that gonna be and all the labor?” I ask.

  He looks at me like I’ve lost my mind before replying, “Nothin’.”

  “Hell no, you’ve just spent all day on that, and then installing new parts. Let me do something, I can pay for the parts maybe?” I ask.

  He looks at me a long moment.

  “Let me take you to dinner and we’re even,” he smiles.

  I scoff.

  “That’s just another thing you’re doing for me, that’s not me paying you back.”

  “I’m serious, let me take you to dinner, that’s all I want.”

  Our eyes meet and I can’t resist, how did I ever think I could.

  “Fine, but let me make you dinner next week.”

  He outstretches his hand and we shake, both saying “deal.” I grab my purse and see Dornan walk into the shop, nodding at Nathan.

  “Skye, can you work at the car lot Sunday?” he asks.

  “Yeah of course- oh wait, my car, um.”

  “I can take you,” Nathan states.

  I look between the two men. I already feel like I’m taking advantage with him fixing my car in the first place, now for him to cart me all around town. There’s a look in Nathan’s eyes, like he doesn’t want me to deny him.

  “Ok,” I relent. “What time?” I ask Dornan.

  “Whenever you want, I just need you to input some shit into the computer for the week, should only be a few hours.”

  I nod, and Dornan and Nathan bump knuckles before Dornan heads to his wife’s office.

  “Bye Maven,” I say quickly before Dornan closes the door and I hear her muffled, “Bye,” in response.

  Nathan opens the front shop door and extends an arm for me to go before him, when we’re both through the door I feel his hand at the small of my back, and I don’t flinch, instead I feel heat on my skin and tingles in my panties.

  “Where do you want to eat?” he asks.

  “Ummm, how about Plantain Diner? I’ve been craving their burger and fried pickles for years,” I smile.

  He smiles at me and again he secures my helmet, I place my hand on his forearm as I straddle the bike. When I get my ass adjusted, he once again pulls my legs tightly against his body, and I once again melt into his back. The drive is so short and I curse the smallness of this town, but I’m hungry and need to eat before I get sick soon. We walk into the diner, Nathan holding the door open for me I excuse myself to use the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror as I pull my hair into a low bun, lifting my shirt to see the red marks my shorts have left on my tummy. Shit, I guess I’ll have to clothes shop sooner than I expected.

  Then I get a bizarre thought, should I tell Nathan right here and now? Do it somewhere public to limit his possible freak out? I have no clue what his reaction will be, but think better of it. I can at least allow him the respect of him finding out when we’re alone. I see him sitting at a booth, a young waitress has a knee propped on the other side where I’ll be sitting
. She is very pretty with a uniform that is barely containing her ample boobs. She’s smiling as I notice Nathan looking down at the menu, his expression. When I approach, and stop beside her, she doesn’t seem to notice me until Nathan looks up and says, “I ordered you a water, do you want something else?”

  The waitress looks at me, blinking a few times, before straightening and popping her gum.

  “No, water is fine, thank you,” I answer, giving her my brightest smile.

  “Coming up,” she replies with a small sneer before walking off.

  “Are you ok?” he asks.

  “Yeah, why?” I ask, sitting down and letting out a long breath.

  “Just checking.”

  I don’t know if he’s insinuating I was in the bathroom for a long time or what.

  “I was fixing my hair.”

  He nods, still looking at the menu. I look around since I already know what I want. The diner hasn’t changed and I wonder if Missy still came here while I was gone, because I always forced her here against her will for the fried pickles. The waitress comes back with eyes only for Nathan, and sets our waters down.

  He doesn’t even look at her when we order, and I feel slightly bad for her as she seems disappointed in the rejection. She takes our menus and Nathan leans forward with his forearms on the table, his hands dirty from working on my car, and he seems to notice when I do.

  “I’ll be right back,” he says, getting up and heading to the bathroom.

  I check my phone as I wait and see a text from Missy.

  Missy: Hey doll, sorry I didn’t get to the shop to see you today, did you need a ride home?

  Me: Nope, Drag drove me there and now we’re at the diner.

  Missy: Like on his bike?

  Me: Yeah, why?

  It takes a minute for her to reply.

  Missy: I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone on his bike with him before.

  Surely she’s mistaken. I would bet my left leg that dropping the, ‘wanna go for a ride on my bike?’ line has come out of his mouth to a number of willing chicks. Nathan sitting down across the table, alerts me to his presence and I begin to slip my cellphone back into my bag.

  Missy: Lunch tomorrow?


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