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Come as you Are: Plantain Series Book Two

Page 15

by Amelia Oliver

  “I’m gonna be a dad?” I say to myself.

  “I guess you should probably stop and get flowers on your way home.”

  Now a whole new thought process begins in my head, Skye is pregnant with my baby. We’re having a baby. Fuck, I asked if she was going to keep it. I seriously am a fucking dick. I stand from my seat and head for the steps.

  “Thanks, man,” I say.

  “Anytime,” Dornan replies with a smirk.

  The boys don’t see me leaving which is probably good since they will want to play, and I need to get home and apologize my ass off for the things I said, and the way I reacted. I don’t stop for flowers because I don’t want to waste time. I need to get to Skye. But when I pull up the driveway, the truck is gone. I head into the house calling her name and even though I know she’s not there, I still go upstairs and look. I even head up to her place above the barn, knocking a few times before letting myself in with the spare key. She’s not there either, and I worry for a moment that she’s left and I’ll never see her again.

  Until I see her purse sitting on the kitchen counter, her cellphone right beside it. I don’t know why, but I lift up her purse to see if she left a note, because that’s exactly not what she would’ve done. When I set the purse down, I see a pill bottle inside labeled, prenatal vitamins, and my heart sinks. Obviously, she’s keeping our baby, and the fact that I asked her if she was going to have an abortion, again taunts me.

  My nerves are shot, and I know Skye is out there somewhere, but I don’t think she wants me to come after her. So, I decide to just wait, and wait, and wait. It’s near eleven p.m. and I begin to wonder if she’s coming back, or if I’ve just blown the only chance I have with the girl I love. I head back to the main house and grab my cell phone, hoping there’s a call from Skye, but know there won’t be since she left her phone. There is a message from Missy though, and I immediately open it.

  Missy: Just wanted you to know Skye is staying the night here, she didn’t want me to tell you, but I think you should know, even if I think you’re a total ass hat.

  Relief causes me to sigh deeply, and don’t know what to do with myself. I’m not tired and even if I were, my mind wouldn’t shut off long enough for me to sleep. I pull my shirt off, grab the sledge hammer, and begin taking my thoughts out on the drywall. The words I said to Skye replaying in my head, even just thinking about how this day began with me on top of her, as I experienced one of the most intimate encounters of my life.

  Yes, we dry humped, which I haven’t done since high school. Even though it seems dumb, the fact that it was with Skye is what made it meaningful. To now knowing we’re having a baby, I want to know all the things she’s been going through with the pregnancy. How she feels, if she gets sick every morning, is she craving anything. To think she was going through this and I was there, but not knowing, and every time I think that my frustration only grows. I know I wasn’t right in what I did, but she should have told me sooner.

  Before I know it the sun’s risen and I’ve not stopped in my work until now, it’s six a.m. and I need to get to work soon. It’s also only then that my body feels the fatigue from working for hours on end. I wonder if Skye slept at all or was she up all night replaying the evening’s events like I had. Hoping she’d be at work, I hurry and shower and head to the kitchen to make something to eat.

  It takes me a moment as I fill the coffee maker to realize my truck is in the driveway, causing me to practically run up the steps to her door and bang on it. No answer. Maybe she’s showering, so I stand there for minutes but hear nothing inside. Again, I let myself in, but she’s not there, her purse and phone gone. My hands clench in fists because my frustration level is at a thousand and all I want to do is make things right with her. Quickly I head to work, but Skye isn’t there. As I begin to work my eyes scan the clock and the parking lot for any sign of her. My phone buzzes and I pull it from my pocket on the first ring, but it’s not Skye.

  “Brother,” a gruff voice on the other end greets me.

  “Chilly, what you got man?”

  Chilly ran deep surveillance for the club before we were legit, we still used him for some things, and I had called him a few days ago with a job.

  “I ran every search for a Tyler Hawkins, and nothing’s come up. He hasn’t used a credit card or his social security number for five months. He’s either dead, or-”

  “Has another identity,” we say in unison.

  “Alright brother, keep looking and call me as soon as you get anything,” I say before ending the call.

  I swear to God I will find that fucker and gut him like a pig. Chilly asked me if I wanted him to send me a copy of the police report and medical records from when he attacked Skye, but the thought makes me sick. It’s bad enough what I have in my head as to what he did to her, what causes her to wake up in the middle of the night screaming. I never want her to have to worry about that fucker coming for her.

  Just then, I hear the sound of Missy’s Cadillac coming up the long drive, noticing long blonde hair through the passenger side window causes me to stop moving. I stand there behind the hood of her Subaru as Skye gets out of the car, her hair’s still wet from a shower, she leans back into the door to say something to Missy. She walks with her head down towards the front part of the shop, dropping her purse in the bottom drawer before tying her hair back with an elastic band. She looks tired and pale, maybe it’s from the baby or maybe it’s because I basically chewed her ass out yesterday.

  “Drag-you creepy motherfucker,” Smokey says, standing beside me.

  I lower my head and pretend I wasn’t lurking behind a car to watch her. Trying to keep myself busy, but also keep an eye on Skye. Letting her get settled before I approach, figuring this is the best time before customers start arriving. She keeps her head down, typing on her computer keyboard as I lean onto the counter above her. She takes a few deep breaths but doesn’t look at me.

  “Skye-” I begin and she doesn’t stop me or stop typing. “Can we talk?” I ask.

  Still there’s no recognition on her end, so I just continue.

  “I know sorry can’t even begin to make what I said last night right, I fucked up and I didn’t mean the things I said. I know that even if the baby was Tyler’s,” I say with a lowered voice. “And you wanted to be with me, I would raise the baby as my own, with you.”

  “Stop.” Skye raises her head, her eyes glassy but her voice is firm. “We are not talking about this here, and certainly you aren’t the one that gets to do the talking when we do.”

  The fact she’s even speaking to me gives me a sliver of hope, so she was saying that we were going to talk. That’s a good sign, right? Just then the front door opens and the bell chimes, Skye’s head turns towards whoever has entered, but I can’t take my eyes off her.

  “Morning,” Maven says. “Skye, can I have a word with you in my office?” she says and Skye stands.

  I watch the two women as they enter Maven’s office, and before she can close the door, Maven shoots me a glare. I don’t give a fuck if Missy and Maven know what happened between us, because all I care about is mending my relationship with Skye at this point, I can deal with the rest later.

  I shake my head and go back into the garage, it seems like the two are gone forever when Skye finally returns to her desk. I can see by her red rimmed eyes and blotchy cheeks, that she’s been crying and my heart cracks. The shop is busy all day but no matter what I’m doing, I manage to always pay attention to the front desk. I get busy working on a busted fuel line before I realize that most everyone has gone for the day, including Skye. I wonder if she’s walking home or if Missy is giving her a ride, but I waste no time jumping on my bike and heading towards home.

  Dornan stops me before I pull out of the driveway and he asks me if I can head out to New York in a week for work, but I tell him until further notice I can’t leave Plantain, he tells me it’s not a big deal and he’ll just ask Ace to do it.
As I head through downtown I know that if Skye walked she’s probably already home. I stop at a red light and sit up on my bike, my eyes scanning the area. It’s busy this time of evening with people out for dinner or window shopping, but somehow my eyes land on the yoga studio, and I see Skye in the window.

  She’s changed into skin tight pants and top that I just want to peel off her, she’s free from her chunky bracelets and necklaces she always wears, and I’ve never seen her look so bare. I park my bike outside in one of the only spots left where I can see inside the studio. I watch as her and about ten other women bend themselves into unimaginable positions, and note that if Skye ever does want to be with me, that I want to try these with her naked. I notice she has a small pouch to her stomach which wouldn’t seem as obvious if she wasn’t so thin, I can’t take my eyes off it, knowing that my baby is in there.

  The class ends and Skye checks her cellphone before rolling up the mat she was using and placing it in a cubby. She converses with a few of the other class members while zipping up her hoodie and slinging her bag across her chest. Standing from my bike, I walk towards the building and lean against the wall just beside the large windows, and watch as she exits and starts down the sidewalk. When she sees me she startles and stops for a moment, before taking a step closer as people pass by us.

  “Do you have a ride home?” I ask.

  Her eyes are looking down and I move closer, I know I can’t get the emotional closeness back with her just yet, but I can try to stop the physical distance. She inhales as I stand close to her, tentatively I reach up and run my hand over her hair and I’m surprised when she doesn’t flinch. But the excitement dies when she turns her head, causing me to drop my hand to my side.

  “Are you coming home tonight?”

  “Missy told me to text her for a ride, I was just gonna stay there again,” she shrugs.

  “Please Skye,” I ask, again lifting my hands to cup her face and bring her eyes to mine. “We need to talk, I can’t see you looking like this one minute more, I need my sunshine,” I say.

  Skye closes her eyes and I see her chin begin to quiver, before she nods her head. Excitement courses through me again as I help her onto the back of my bike, adjusting her helmet.

  “This is okay right, with the baby?” I ask.

  She nods and gives me a small smile before I pull my helmet on, but I make a note that we will be taking my truck instead of the bike from now on. We’re not a far distance from home, but I find myself driving slower and stopping at all the yellow lights. Skye’s hands around my waist is something I want to remember in case this is the last time she touches me.

  We pull up to the dark house and I follow as Skye heads towards her apartment, holding the door open for me to come inside. This relieves me not only because she wants me here, but I also hadn’t cleaned up the dinner from the night before. I want the memory of what transpired there yesterday, to be non-existent while we talk. She turns on the lights in the kitchen, which makes the rest of the house seem darker in the background.

  “Have you eaten?” I ask.

  “No, I’m not hungry,” she finally replies.

  Skye turns towards me and I take a deep breath to speak, but she stops me.

  “I get that the things you said you didn’t mean, but I want you to know,” she stops and looks at me, “that you will never speak to me like that again.”

  She inhales a sharp breath, and I can see her resolve is quickly fading as her eyes water.

  I nod.

  “This is our baby, and I’m keeping it no matter what you decide. This whole time I had a plan in mind of you taking the news terribly anyway, so I’ve prepared myself for raising this child alone-”

  “No,” my voice cutting through hers like a whip. “I was telling you at the shop that even if the baby was Tyler’s and you wanted to be with me, I would raise it like my own. I’m sorry I didn’t let you tell me yesterday that I’m the father, not to mention I was a little pissed as to why you waited to tell me, but now that I know it’s because you feared I’d react exactly like I did, I get it.”

  I step forward and her eyes are locked on mine as I sink down onto my knees, looking up at her.

  “I want you Skye, you and our baby. I’m begging you to give me another chance. The thought that you left me last night fucking ripped my soul out, the thought that I’d never see you again, that I’d never feel your sunshine. I can’t live without you.” I stop because my voice has become thick with emotion. “For the first time in my life I feel like I have a future, that with you I can have everything I only dreamed about.”

  Skye looks down at me, tears streaming down her face as she slowly reaches out to run her fingers through my hair.

  “You said you were falling in love with me,” she hiccups.

  “Skye, I’m beyond falling.” As the words leave my mouth, she bends down and presses her lips to mine.

  I lean up then stand, never breaking the kiss as she wraps her arms around my neck and tangles her hands in my hair. My heart is racing as my hands run all along her body, she’s whimpering with every swipe of my tongue against hers as she presses her body into mine.

  “Upstairs,” she gasps.

  Lifting her and guiding her legs around my waist, I walk us up the steps to her bedroom, our lips and tongues frantically fighting for more. Sitting on the bed I position her on my lap and pull the tight top she has on, off over her head and growl at seeing her bare chest. My lips find her perfect small pink nipple and suck, causing her to groan and grind her hips down on my cock.

  I can’t hold in my sounds as she rubs over my length, and it’s almost painful due to how hard I am, but I don’t want her to stop making those sounds in the back of her throat. Moonlight is pouring in from the skylights, casting a white glow on her skin. Her fingers fumble with the hem of my t-shirt and I reach down to help her yank it off, her short nails rake down over my chest before she reaches my belt buckle.

  My hand grips the back of her neck as my lips find hers again, my other hand palming her ass and pushing her harder against my crotch. Suddenly, she stands and hooks her thumbs in the top of her pants, sliding them down to her ankles before stepping out of them. She’s completely naked, and my mouth waters looking at her small lips and the tiny bud of her clit peeking out between.

  I sit up and yank my jeans and boxer briefs down, before her hands follow mine and removes them the rest of the way, joining the pile of clothes on the floor. My hand encircles my dick because it’s already seeping with pre-cum and I need relief, Skye crawls on the bed towards me on all fours, straddling my lap and sitting just below my dick, her hand removing mine as she leans down to kiss my mouth.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” I whisper.

  I cup her face and sigh as she begins to rub my cock head over her wet pussy, she’s so wet and mixed with my pre-cum it allows my cock to easily glide over her. Skye’s upper body leans back as she lifts her hips up, my cock’s so hard it’s standing straight and doesn’t need the assistance of a hand to find her. The moment the warm heat from her pussy kisses my cock head, I groan and reach up to run my thumbs over her nipples, squeezing the mound of her little tits with my fingers. Slowly, so fucking slowly, she sinks down onto me. Stopping midway to readjust her angle to fit more of me in, she’s so tight and small, and even though she’s sopping wet it’s still a struggle.

  “Help me,” she whimpers.

  I sit up and kiss her furrowed brow in frustration as my hands grab both sides of her hips, and at the same time I pull her down I thrust up and shove my entire cock inside. We both make sounds of sheer ecstasy as I growl out.


  Her thighs are shaking around me as her pussy squeezes, my hands move up her back to her shoulders and pull her chest towards my face. I lick up her breast to her nipple, taking turns between the two as she begins to ride me, my hips thrusting up into her. She moves one of her hands down from my shoulder to her
clit, her fingers rubbing in tight circles. I lay back, watching my cock disappear inside her as she spreads her legs wider, using her free hand to brace herself on my thigh.

  I have never in my life, seen a more erotic sight than this beautiful woman losing herself in the feeling, losing herself in me. Her eyes are open and looking into mine as she begins to sigh my name. Her rhythm grows jerky, and I roll us over so I’m on top. Using one of my hands I gather both her thin legs by the back of her knees, lifting them up towards her chest as I sit up on my knees and feed my cock back inside. Her wetness is leaving a shine on my cock, the thickness gathering at my base, and I can feel it on my balls so when I push all the way inside, the sound that it causes makes me have to move faster because I know I’m going to come.

  “Harder Nathan, I’m so close, make me come please,” she begs.

  Her fingers are wrapped tightly around my wrists as her back begins to arch, laying over, I bring our linked fingers over her head as I drive into her with brutal force over and over.

  “Your cock’s so big-too big, shit-” she gasps repeatedly. “Fuck, I love it.”

  Eye contact never breaking as we both come, starbursts exploding behind my eyes as my body jerks and is filled with the sense of weightlessness. My lips find hers as our bodies relax and sink into the mattress, lying down beside her to place my hand over her stomach and her hand rests over mine. I kiss her nose and chin before nuzzling into the side of her neck, she sighs, kissing my forehead as her other hand gently scratches my scalp. And because I’m so bone tired from an amazing orgasm and no sleep from the night before, I fall asleep instantly.


  I wake in the morning, sun pouring in from the skylights, and a thick arm around my waist with a massive body to match curled up behind me. With a satisfied purr, I raise my arms to stretch. Feeling satisfied in all manner of ways, emotionally and physically, the weight of the baby news lifted from my soul.

  Granted Nathan reacted not so great, but I expected that. Never in all my scenarios, did I think he’d assume it was Tyler’s baby though, and I understood why he went off on me. I didn’t like the things he said, but I knew he was hurt and I could understand that too, but now knowing he wanted our baby and me made me feel like everything was clicking into place.


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