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The Return of Constantine (The Blackest Knight Series, Book 2)

Page 6

by Michael S. Melendez

  “GIVE ME THAT LOCKET!” Kristy screamed but didn’t allow the words to leave her mouth. If Piña were to see what’s inside that locket it can undo everything and Kristy may be forced to kill her. So this is what it is like to be caught between a rock and a hard place, she thought.

  The carriage finally exited the desert and entered a jungle-like forest. Bugs poked at any exposed skin they could find, monkeys swung overhead from vine to vine, the sound of a bustling creek was a very refreshing sound. No doubt taking a drink of it would be even more so.

  After about two hours, the carriage finally stopped at a village in the heart of this massive jungle. It was clear that anyone without knowledge of the area would easily get lost.

  “Is it just me, or is it hotter here than it was in the desert?” Piña said.

  “It's the humidity. Don’t worry we aren’t staying long. I need to go find this man.”

  “You want me to come with?”

  “No!” Kristy snapped. “Um, you…find us an inn. I won’t be long.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I’m sure. This is something I have to do alone.”

  Navigating through the village took some getting use to. While most villages have their homes built on the ground, this village had them built in the trees. A series of wooden elevator decorated the area. They were used to get from one level to another. Kristy found out soon enough that she doesn’t do well with heights. Especially crossing a wooden bridge with vines used for rope.

  After twenty or so minutes of asking around, Kristy was finally given directions to the orphanage. Although, even without proper guidance she could’ve made an educated guess.

  Outside the mansion-like house was a series of toys. Rubber swords, dolls, a kickball, and some sort of makeshift jungle gym made out of rusty iron that seems to have been recently polished. Although it may appear to be in bad shape, but it was in fact built very sturdy.

  Kristy went inside to see the children playing tag and laughing. They had the look of a common peasant. They were poor, that much was clear, but they were happy. To be so innocent again…one can only dream. They have yet to know the hardships of adulthood.

  Some stopped and looked at Kristy as she walked in. Some even appeared to be frightened of her. Did they know what she was? Doubtful, seeing as witches have long faded into the backdrop of the world. So why were they so scared?

  Kristy tried to approach them but they just ran away.

  Across the room, a door opened. A man stepped out wearing tattered robes and walked with a cane. He was an old man. The very man Kristy was looking for.

  “Children!” he yelled. “Is this any way to treat our guest? I apologize for them. They are very fearful around strangers.”

  “It’s quite alright. I am sure their fear isn’t unfounded.”

  “Quite right. Anyway, I assume you are here with a purpose. What might that be?”

  “Yes, you are quite right. Might we speak somewhere more private?”

  “Yes, yes. Follow me.”

  The old man led Kristy into the backroom. There was an odor of tea leaves and lavender in the air. “Might you care for some tea?” he asked.

  “No. I’m quite alright,” Kristy replied as she sat down on a nearby chair.

  “My name is Bolton by the way. Not many people come here. Well, not many adults. I’ve raised…hmmm…about eight generations of children to adulthood. So, I am quite curious as to what bring you here.”

  “I’m looking for someone. Two people actually. Twin sisters. They go by the name Cirilla and Evie. Chances are they came this way a few years back.”

  “Ah, yes. I know the two you speak off. Cirilla, I believe it was, was carrying her sister on her back through the desert. They both were apparently very injured. No doubt inflicted by those brutes over in Anders. I found them half dead floating on top a pond. At first, I assumed them to be dead, but I was very wrong. Evie was passed out but Cirilla…that girl had some fight left in here.

  They didn’t trust me. Understandable given their current situation, but every day I came to see them. Brought them warm food, some clean clothes, gave them medicine and bandages for their wounds, and even offered them a place to sleep.” Bolton paused and chuckled. He then pointed to a scar on his face. “Evie gave me this scar when I got too close. She was bruised around certain…private areas. When they finally went to see a doctor for their more severe injuries I found out that they were not victims of rape. Small miracles, I suppose.”

  “What happened to them? Where did they go?”

  “Well, they began working odd jobs. They were saving up gold. Anything with cooking or tailoring. Those girls were a natural at it. After about a year or so they chartered a ship. They were going north. That’s all I know. I haven’t seen them since.”

  “North…? The Dividing Line?”

  “Perhaps even further than that. I could not say. Might I inquire why you are looking for them?”

  Kristy tossed some sort of white powder in Bolton’s face. He collapsed to the ground immediately. She reached into her satchel and pulled out a parchment and placed it on the table with a strange looking stone on top of it. She then proceeded to whisper into Bolton’s ear. “There is a parchment on the table. Memorize it and then destroy it and give him the stone. A man will find you. He is wearing all black. Has silver white hair and a banged right arm. You will tell him where he can find his sisters, Evie and Cirilla Valentine.”

  “Who is this man?”

  “The most important man in the world. His name is Vincent Valentine.”

  With those words Kristy left.

  As Kristy was walking back to the main square she felt the use of magic. It was coming from her satchel. She pulled out what appeared to be a small mirror the initials LS inscribed on the back. Kristy found a dark alley and tapped on the glass.

  “Kristy. Status report.”

  “The council of six had me manipulate a man by the name of Bolton. He was one of the last few people to see the Valentine twins. They are trying to get Vincent to Samantha’s tomb. Apparently, he is the key to opening it.”

  “The boy truly is the eye of the storm. Rumor always did say Samantha survived the fall of Constantine. If so then Yennefer’s staff is locked away with her. The council cannot get their hands on it. In their hands that staff will be an instrument of destruction and a brand new Inquisition will commence. Where is the tomb?”

  “I sent a raven with the location to all senior member of the lodge. It should have arrived by now.”

  “Hm. So it has.”

  “What will we do with the staff?” Kristy asked. “The power that thing holds rivals that of Vincent’s arm and arguably even more so.”

  “We will hide it.”

  “Wouldn’t it just be easier to make sure Vincent doesn’t open the door? I mean for something to actually need Vincent’s arm to unlock it must be a very powerful barrier in itself.”

  “We can’t take the chance that the council isn’t looking for the ‘other brother.’ At that point, they won’t need Vincent to do so and we would have lost the staff.”

  “The other brother…” Kristy repeated. “Do we know the whereabouts of him?”

  “No. And twilight will dawn in less than a year’s time. Something isn’t right that the brother of light hasn’t shown himself.”

  “Could it have all been a lie?”

  “I don’t know. The Old Religion have never printed anything that was false. ‘The brother of light and the brother of dark shall fight. One will live and one will die. The land shall shake, the sea will recede, and the god-killer shall once again make himself be known. All you have to do is look up. For the god-killer is always watching.’ I don’t know if it’s true or not but I’m not taking any chance. Meet the senior members at the Dividing Line, Kristy. Make sure Mama Murphy suspects nothing. For once we have the element of surprise on our side.”

  “I will. See you soon.”

  “One more th
ing before you go. It’s best you know this now. Levi is dead. I know that she and you were once close friends so I…”

  “Levi was a fool.” Kristy interrupted. “She broke away from the lodge because she believed our ways were not aggressive enough. She was hotheaded and ignorant and got what she deserved. So who killed her? Vincent?”

  “No. Emilia Blackfire. She took back her home. And has even…”

  Kristy heard footsteps coming her way and put away the mirror. From around the corner came Piña. “There you are! I’ve been looking all over the place for you. Guess what, there’s a festival tonight honoring some harvest thing or what not. We should so stay and have some fun while we are here.”

  “Piña, we…you know what. Yeah. Let's have some fun for one night.”

  It was a night of laughter, music, and dancing. Kristy can hardly recall the last time she laughed so hard. It was nice to get away from it all even if it was only for one night. She’d be lying to herself if she denied the thought of her and Piña settling down here didn’t cross her mind. They could get use to the humidity and everyone was so nice and polite. It was if it wanted her to forget about her mission.

  As the evening died down, Kristy helped Piña back to their room in the inn. She was, to say the least, drunk off her ass. Still, even in her inebriated state, Piña managed to find Kristy’s lips. Perhaps it was alcohol, but something about that night made the sex more amazing. It didn’t take Kristy long to figure out why. It was because she herself had forgotten that Piña’s love for her isn’t real.

  Chapter 10

  How long have I been asleep? Vincent wondered as he opened his eyes.

  He was wrapped in bandages from head to toe. It was starting to all come back to him as to how he ended up in this state. He remembers fighting himself. Was it a dream? No. He knows that it wasn’t.

  As he tried to get up, Vincent noticed that someone was clenching his hand. His vision was still coming together, but he would recognize Emilia’s silver-blonde hair from a hundred feet in the air. She was sound asleep. Vincent poked her in the face softly.

  “Hey…Emily. Wake up.” He whispered.

  Emilia groaned. “I told you if you ever called me that again I would kill you.”

  “You would kill an injured man?”

  “I don’t know. Let's ask the dagger I currently have pressing into your spine.”

  “Oh, so that what that is. I thought I broke something.”

  Emilia put the dagger away and sat her head up. “You did, you jerk!” she yelled. “A fractured forearm, twelve broken ribs, a broken nose, and don’t even get me started with all the internal bleeding!”

  As she spoke Emilia was wiping away her tears. “You died…four times during surgery. Your heart just stopped. Do you…do you have any idea what you put me through? Do you…”

  Vincent embraced her. As he did she wept like a child into his chest. “I’m sorry.” He muttered. “I’m so sorry I put you through that. Can you ever forgive me?”

  She looked up at him and stared into his eyes and smiled. “No!”

  Not the answer he was expecting.

  “After putting me through all of that, you think I’m just going to let you off the hook that easily? Oh, no, no, no. You are going to have to earn my forgiveness.”

  “Okay. And how would I do that?”

  Her face turned bright red and she turned her back to him. “Marry me.”

  Silence filled the room. “Huh?” Vincent said with a puzzled look.

  “Don’t make me repeat myself!”

  “Oh, I am going to make you.” He said with a smirk.

  Emilia began to pout. She turned around and took a deep breath. “Marry me, you jerk!”

  Vincent pretended to be asleep as Emilia said that. He, of course, woke back up the second he felt at least half a dozen daggers trying to drill their way into his chest.

  “I’m sorry! Was I boring you?!”

  Vincent could do nothing but apologize and laugh. He knows how to get under Emilia’s skin and vise versa.

  “You know what, forget I said anything! Now I wish you did die!”

  As Emilia was storming off, Vincent grabbed her arm. “Emilia. My answer is yes.”

  Happiness engulfed Emilia. The feeling was almost indescribable. Her heart was a flutter, tears rolled down her face, and she began naming her kids in her head all in a span of thirty-second. For that’s how long that moment lasted.

  “But I can’t.” Vincent continued. “At least not now. Emilia, I would love nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you in this castle. Maybe have a kid or two. A boy and a girl, but I…just can’t. Not until I find my sisters.”

  It was almost heartbreaking to hear that, but it wasn’t as if he said no. She understood. Vincent was on a quest and not even she could stop him.

  “Spring.” She said. “I want a spring wedding. That’s how long I’m giving you. I want to be married at sunset underneath a cherry blossom tree. You got that?”

  “I’ll remember. Otherwise, you’ll kill me.”

  “You better believe it.”

  The two of them laughed. Despite Emilia’s personality and rather abusive behavior, Vincent couldn’t see himself with another woman other than Emilia. Perhaps he truly is a masochist.

  “So, tell me something, how long was I asleep?” he asked.

  “Just a little over a fortnight.”

  “So, what happened?”

  “Oh, not much. Levi’s dead, you were in another coma, the entire capital and it’s citizen unfroze, and I’m now Queen of Blackfire.”

  “Wait, time out, you’ve been made Queen of Blackfire? What about your mother?”

  “She officially abdicated the throne. She is only a Blackfire by marriage. She thought it was for the best if someone with the name Blackfire and a true blood born child with the name sit on the throne.” Emilia let out a deep sigh. “Not how I expected to one day succeed my parents, but what can you do? The people know that I am the one who saved them from the icy prison and killed Levi. They want me to rule them.”

  “You don’t seem happy about it.” He said.

  “I suppose it hasn’t hit me yet is all. Don’t worry, I’ll get there.”

  Vincent glanced about the room. He saw his clothes hanging on a nearby chair. He did notice that something was missing. “My sword.” He muttered. “Where’s my sword?”

  “Yeah. Funny thing about that. Your sword is still in the throne room. We…can’t move it.”

  “What do you mean you can’t move it?”

  “It doesn’t move. In fact, the Blood Knights and various other people have sorta made a game out of it and are betting to see who can move it. I believe that pot is up to 650 gold pieces.”

  “Oh, I have got to see this.”

  Emilia helped Vincent up from the bed and helped him dressed. He was a little embarrassed by this but it couldn’t be helped. He was barely able to walk on his own let alone be able to dress himself. He limped his way to the throne room to find a line of people out the door trying to lift his sword off the floor.

  It was amazing. Most of the people there looked stronger than him, but not a single one of them could lift it off the floor. It wasn’t as if it was fused with the stone floor. It was just lying there on the floor.

  “Step right up, step right up, folks! Have a go at trying to remove the unmovable sword. Only five gold pieces! Step right up, step right up!”

  From the corner of his eye, Vincent could see Emilia smirking and drooling.

  “Emilia, you’re drooling.”

  She quickly wiped away the drool and laughed awkwardly.

  “You're making a business out of this?!” he snapped.

  “Okay, it didn’t start out that way. It was honestly just a game at first, but then other people started to hear about it and they wanted to prove their might and before I knew it I was charging five gold pieces…am I a bad person?”

  “Yes.” Vincent was quick to sa
y. “Now, excuse me, while I go put a stop to this.”

  “Wait, wait, wait, can’t we just leave it there until you’re fully healed? Please! I don’t ask you for much. And it’s so much gold!”

  Vincent let out a deep sigh. “Fine. It does seem as though I’m not leaving anytime soon with my injuries still healing, but you have to make it worth my wild.”

  Emilia put her hands on her hips. “Are you extorting sex from me?”

  “Ha! Don’t flatter yourself. I want fifty percent of the profit.”

  “Fifty!? Oh, I can go as high as thirty-five.”


  “Why did you go up?”

  “Sixty now. Every time you procrastinate I go up by five percent. It’s my sword, Emilia. I’m the only one who can pick it up and you know that. So at any minute, I can go over and pick up my sword. Ending your entire cash cow.”

  He was right. Vincent had all the power and Emilia had nothing. She was annoyed by his attitude and strangely found it attractive. Was is it the way he took charge? Who can say? But she agreed.

  Remarkably, it didn’t long for Vincent to make a full recovery. The doctor said it would take him at least half a year. He was up and about in a fortnight. His torso and legs had deep, self-inflicted scars decorating him like a Christmas tree.

  Emilia was surprised to see how quickly he had recovered. Then again, over these past few months, Vincent has been surprising her every time they see one another.

  Vincent was in his room doing push ups when Emilia walked in.

  “I guess you’re leave, huh?” she said.

  He got off the floor and looked at her. “Yeah. I’ve wasted to much time in bed. Besides, clocks ticking until our wedding day.”

  Emilia smirked and blushed. “Then I suppose you’ll need this.” On the table, she placed a satchel of gold. “Plan on going through the Black Sea again?”

  Vincent recalled what happened the first time he crossed the Black Sea. Random weather, fighting monsters and getting caught in a tsunami. He’d rather avoid going through that again.


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